Mesele Haile Onu

Crop Science
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research


Mesele Haile Onu is currently working as maize pathology researcher at Hawassa maize research center, Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute-EIAR. He has completed his B.Sc in the field of Horticulture and M.Sc in the field of Plant Pathology from Jimma University, and currently, he is Ph.D. candidate in the field of Plant pathology at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. He is a professional member of plant protection Science Society of Ethiopia (PPSE), Crop Science Society of Ethiopia (CSSE) and Ethiopian Horticultural Science Society (EHSS). His Agriculture Research experience includes working as an Assistant Researcher, Associate Researcher, and Researcher in Pathology and Breeding of maize and pulse crops.


Ph.D. student


Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Genetics, Multidisciplinary


Epidemiology and Management of Northern Leaf Blight (Exserohilum turcicum) of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Ethiopia

The frequent emergence of new races of the Exserohilum turcicum pathogen has posed a big challenge in the management of the disease. Most cultivars currently grown by farmers in Ethiopia are potentially vulnerable to this disease. Nevertheless the Despite the importance of disease and the potential for considerable production losses, no investigation has been undertaken on the factors influencing epidemics or the association of factors with disease development, and pathogen diversity, from which management strategies could be derived. Therefore, the current study will be formulated with the following objectives: To assess the spatial distribution and association of NLB severity with biophysical factors, To determine the diversity of E. turcicum isolates causing NCLB in Ethiopia and to identify promising NCLB-resistant maize inbred lines; to determine the combining ability and nature of gene action for resistance to NCLB; and to quantify the effects of host and fungicide application.

Applications Invited
Funds for training and to carry out the laboratory research

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Performance Evaluation and Stability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes for Grain Yield Using AMMI and GGE Biplot
    BB Daemo, GB Wolancho, ZA Arke, DD Wakalto, MH Onu
    International Journal of Agronomy 2024 (1), 15 2024

  • Conservation agriculture-based Zea mays (maize)-Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) cropping systems in South Central Ethiopia
    GM Mekasha, SA Seyoum, WT Mupangwa, AZ Lemma, HB Senbeta, ...
    African Journal of Plant Science 15 (6), 158-172 2021

  • Identification of best maize-legume based cropping systems under conservation agriculture practices for Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
    MHOMAT Goshime Muluneh Mekasha , Walter Tamuka Mupangwa , Solomon Admassu ...
    Full Length Research Paper 13 (2), 35-45 2021

  • Effect of N Fertilizer Level and Plant Density on Grain Yield of Newly Released Maize Variety
    MHLY Begizew Golla
    Research Article 20 (5), 001-006 2019

  • SIMLESA Ethiopia Report for End of Project External Review and Stakeholders’ Meeting
    T Bedru B., Tadesse B., Legesse H.,Mesele H., Yonas E., Berhanu A. , Yalfal
    fact sheet 2018

  • Evaluation of Resistance Reaction of Maize Inbred Lines to Major Foliar Diseases in Ethiopia
    BG Temesgen Deressa,Messele Haile, Mideksa Dida,Bitew Tilahun,Tolera Keno ...
    peer reviewed 8 (3), 30-40 2018

  • Severity of Chocolate Spot Disease on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L) and Characterization of Botrytis fabae Isolates in Southwest Ethiopia
    M Haile
    peer reviewed 8 (12), 69-79 2018

  • Prevalence, distribution and impact of maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND) in Ethiopia
    TKGA Girma Demissie, Temesgen Deressa, Mesele Haile, Gezahegn Bogale ...
    Pest Management 18, 37-49 2016

  • Reactions of improved faba bean varieties to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae Sard.) epidemics across contrasting altitudes in southwest Ethiopia
    GAFL Mesele Haile
    academic journal 11 (10), 837-848 2016

  • Research Article Performance Evaluation and Stability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes for Grain Yield Using AMMI and GGE Biplot
    BB Daemo, GB Wolancho, ZA Arke, DD Wakalto, MH Onu


  • Reactions of improved faba bean varieties to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae Sard.) epidemics across contrasting altitudes in southwest Ethiopia
    GAFL Mesele Haile
    academic journal 11 (10), 837-848 2016
    Citations: 20

  • Prevalence, distribution and impact of maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND) in Ethiopia
    TKGA Girma Demissie, Temesgen Deressa, Mesele Haile, Gezahegn Bogale ...
    Pest Management 18, 37-49 2016
    Citations: 15

  • Evaluation of Resistance Reaction of Maize Inbred Lines to Major Foliar Diseases in Ethiopia
    BG Temesgen Deressa,Messele Haile, Mideksa Dida,Bitew Tilahun,Tolera Keno ...
    peer reviewed 8 (3), 30-40 2018
    Citations: 9

  • Severity of Chocolate Spot Disease on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L) and Characterization of Botrytis fabae Isolates in Southwest Ethiopia
    M Haile
    peer reviewed 8 (12), 69-79 2018
    Citations: 5

  • Identification of best maize-legume based cropping systems under conservation agriculture practices for Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
    MHOMAT Goshime Muluneh Mekasha , Walter Tamuka Mupangwa , Solomon Admassu ...
    Full Length Research Paper 13 (2), 35-45 2021
    Citations: 3