Transportashion cargo system
Tashkent state transport university
Mechanical Engineering, Engineering
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Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Dilbar Mukhamedova, Rukhsora Kudratullaeva, Iskandarov Nurbek, and Durdona Akhmedova
Wise Academia Research Solutions
The article is devoted to the problem of gender equality in modern Uzbekistan. This article examines gender responsibility among future teachers and how much it influences to development of the individual and society as a whole. The authors characterized gender responsibility as the ability to understand the moral and immoral aspects of gender situations; reflection on the action of gender factors that determine individual behavior; the ability to make decisions taking into account moral and legal gender norms; the deep inner desire of the individual to create an ethical atmosphere of interaction with other people. Teacher attrition is a major challenge in creating and maintaining a quality teaching workforce. Male teachers typically leave the profession at higher rates than their female colleagues. During the study, the author's questionnaire was used which made it possible to identify the components of gender responsibility such as: gender tolerance, gender culture, personal maturity, moral and ethical responsibility, socio-psychological adaptability of the individual, volitional self-regulation, self-esteem of the individual, self-control in the emotional sphere, activity and behavior , reflectivity. The results obtained will allow us to work more specifically with young people to develop gender responsibility, which will lead to a more rational distribution and attraction of personnel into the education system.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Gulshan Ibragimova, Altinbek Tulayev, Shohrukh Kayumov, and Adylkhan Kibishov
EDP Sciences
Rail transport is traditionally used in the implementation of international and intercontinental piggyback transportation. Despite a significant level of computerization and informatization, the level of delays in the delivery of goods in the field of piggyback intermodal transportation is not decreasing. The unsatisfactory speed of piggyback trains is a significant factor in these delays. This situation has developed due to the lack of effective approaches to building management systems that would demonstrate a high level of efficiency in the face of uncertainty, which is a natural component of the transportation process. The article is devoted to the correlation analysis of factors affecting the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main factors affecting the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation were identified; the degree of the effect was established by statistical methods. Based on data obtained for the last ten years, a correlation matrix and a regression model of cargo turnover were built. The results obtained make it possible to build forecasts for the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation for 2–4 years with a 95% confidence interval.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova Gafurdjanovna, Sherzod Fayzibayev Sabirovich, Dilbar Mukhamedova Gafurdjanovna, Gulshan Ibragimova Ruslanovna, and Shokhrukh Kayumov Sharof Ogli
University of Zilina
Ziyoda Mukhamedova
Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.
Z. Mukhamedova and Z. Ergasheva
AIP Publishing
Sherzod Fayzibaev, Ziyoda Muxammedova, and Izzatillo Raxmiddinov
EDP Sciences
Efficient use of self-propelled rolling stock (SRS) used in the installation and repair of the contact network and track circuit, only from the use of the latest technology and installations in it, but also from an increase in the reliability of each piece of SPE - (self-propelled equipment). The development and widespread introduction of technical diagnostic systems is one of the most important factors in increasing the reliability of equipment efficiency and a sharp reduction in the cost of its operation. It is known that the annual total cost of maintenance of self-propelled rolling stock continues to increase as the network of electrified railways expands. The solution to this problem is possible by increasing the operational and structural reliability and the widespread use of modern methods and technical diagnostic tools during their operation. Currently, the mechanical and electrical parts of the SRS are actually operated without diagnostic tools, therefore, without information about their actual state.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Gulshan Ibragimova, Altinbek Tulayev, and Shohrukh Kayumov
EDP Sciences
The research in this article is aimed at finding ways to increase the competitiveness of railway transport. The results of the study will further reveal the possibilities of railway networks to ensure the delivery, in the shortest time, of large volumes of cargo to domestic and foreign markets, the uninterrupted functioning of the necessary infrastructure for placing cargo facilities on the railway network. The object of research is the state of the transport system, which plays a decisive role in commerce.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Zakhro Ergasheva, Vasilya Ergasheva, Rustam Abdullaev, and Dilbar Mukhamedova
EDP Sciences
The structure of the economic development of railway transport in Uzbekistan is analyzed and evaluated in the article. An assessment of the dynamics of freight traffic development in Uzbekistan is given on the basis of GDP data. The volume of transport services provided and the use of modes of transport in terms of the volume of products shipped is considered. According to the dynamics of the growth of cargo transportation, a decrease in growth in 2020 was revealed due to the pandemic, but in general, there is a steady growth rate. Along with the ongoing operations on the renovation and reconstruction of railway tracks, it is necessary to take measures to optimize the entire chain of organizing cargo transportation through containerization, i.e. application of block train technology.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Zakhro Ergasheva, Jamshit Barotov, Vasilya Ergasheva, and Rustam Abdullaev
EDP Sciences
Purpose: To stabilize the departure of trains on schedule, to do this, to justify the size of the factor of unevenness taken into account when normalizing the duration of the main technological operations with the compositions of container block trains for departure at the junction stations. Methods: From the existing automated systems, statistical data were collected and processed using MS Excel software, and the mathematical expectation, standard deviation, and dispersion of the duration of operations with the block train at the departure station were determined. The hypothesis about the normal law of distribution of the random variable of the duration of each of the main operations at the station was tested by the “chi-square” goodness-of-fit test. Results: The distribution of the random variable of the duration of operations at the station is described using the normal distribution law; a technological schedule for processing the composition of the container block train on the tracks of the railway junction station was built. Practical significance: Practical recommendations will reduce the technological norms for the processing time of a container block train on the tracks of a railway junction station. As a result, the processing time for block trains on departure on the station tracks will be reduced from 154 minutes to 132 minutes, which will save time by 22 minutes.
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Gulshan Ibragimova, Sakijan Khudayberganov, Alfiya Bashirova, and Shokhrukh Kayumov
EDP Sciences
The development of logistics terminals and their placement on the railway network, which involves their integration into transport and logistics clusters, will significantly reduce logistics costs, thanks to the optimal technology for the movement of goods, and also contributes to active import substitution and the level of growth in the competitiveness of goods and services. Clustering, which is being given great attention by the Government of the country today, will allow solving some issues of territorial balance of production concentration, increasing the share of high-tech industries, avoiding dependence on trade in resources, increasing the added value of goods, increasing economic growth rates. Modern Uzbekistan has huge transport potential and unique opportunities to meet the needs of the country in the movement of both goods and passengers in all directions by all possible modes of transport through the use of available transit resources. The article analyzes the sectoral structure of the industry of Uzbekistan, shows the existing clusters of the agricultural sector of the republic. The methods of assessing the level of cluster development in the context of the regions of Uzbekistan are described. Paired correlation analysis was used to determine the presence and type of relationship between the studied factors. As a result, the regions of Uzbekistan in terms of the placement of freight infrastructure on railways in order to create potential transport and logistic clusters were grouped depending on the indicators of socio-economic and infrastructural development.
Z. Mukhamedova, Z. Ergasheva, and D. Mukhamedova
AIP Publishing
Ziyoda Mukhamedova, Sherzod Fayzibaev, and Zakhro Ergasheva
AIP Publishing
Silesian University of Technology
Summary. Nowadays, the importance of maintenance and effective use of available railcars in the railway transport is growing, and researchers...