Izuogu Nkechi Betsy


Professor/Crop protection
University of Ilorin




Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Plant Science


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Genetic Structure of Cucumber Mosaic Virus From Natural Hosts in Nigeria Reveals High Diversity and Occurrence of Putative Novel Recombinant Strains
    Oluropo A. Apalowo, Adedapo O. Adediji, Olusegun S. Balogun, Temitope I. Fakolujo, Joy M. Archibong, Nkechi B. Izuogu, Mohamed A. Abdelgawad, Mohammed M. Ghoneim, Suleiman Mustapha, Fadi S. I. Qashqari,et al.

    Frontiers Media SA
    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Bromoviridae: Cucummovirus), one of the most widespread plant viruses with several hosts, causes huge losses in yield quality and quantity. The occurrence of various CMV strains and high genetic diversity within the virus complicate its management. We describe the population structure of CMV in Nigeria using partial RNA1 and RNA3 gene sequences from three natural hosts: pepper (Capsicum annuum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). One hundred and six leaf samples were obtained from 16 locations across Nigeria, and specific primers were used to amplify the two gene fragments using PCR. Twenty-four samples tested positive for CMV using RNA1 primers, and amplicons were sequenced from 12 isolates, revealing 82.94–99.80% nucleotide and 85.42–100% amino acid sequence similarities within the population. The partial RNA3 fragment, corresponding to the complete coat protein (CP) gene, was sequenced from seven isolates, with 95.79–97.90% and 98.62–100% nucleotide and amino acid intrapopulation similarities, respectively. The isolates belonged to subgroup IB and formed distinct phylogenetic clusters in both gene sets, indicating putative novel strains. Recombination signals, supported by phylogenetic inferences, were detected within the RNA1 dataset (P ≤ 0.05) and identified a recombinant isolate within the Nigerian sequences. No recombination was detected within the CP genes. Population genetics parameters established high diversity within the Nigerian population compared to other isolates worldwide, while selection pressure estimates revealed the existence of negative selection in both gene sets. Although CMV subgroup IB strains were postulated to originate from Asia, this study reveals their prevalence across several hosts from different locations in Nigeria. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive description of a recombinant CMV subgroup IB isolate from West Africa, which has implications for its robust detection and overall management.

  • Control of Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Crop Using Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata) Compost Manure
    Stephen A. Abolusoro, Aruna Olasekan Adekiya, Charity Aremu, Sunday Ige, Nkechi B. Izuogu, Patricial F. Abolusoro, Avwerosuo Erere, and Samuel Obaniyi

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract A field experiment was conducted at Landmark University Omu-Aran, Nigeria from June to November 2017 and repeated at the same time in the year 2018 on a nematode infested soil to evaluate the effects of different amounts of Siam weed compost on the performance of root-knot nematode (RKN) infested tomato. The compost was applied a week before planting as soil amendment at the amount of 0.0, 0.5, 1.5, and 2.0 t·ha−1, while carbofuran was applied at the rate of 3.0 kg·ha−1. Four weeks old tomato seedlings cultivar ‘Roma VF’, which is susceptible to RKN, was transplanted to already prepared soil. Results of the experiment showed that the compost, especially in the amount 2 t·ha−1 and carbofuran at 3 kg·ha−1, brought about significant reduction of the population of RKN in soil and roots, and a significant increase in the growth and yield of tomato. The result of the experiment showed that Siam compost can be used for the managing root-knot nematodes in tomato cultivation, as an environmentally safe factor.

  • Effect of Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on the Nodulation of Some Varieties of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)
    N.B. Izuogu, T.U. Olajide, E.K. Eifediyi, and C.M. Olajide

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract Screenhouse and field trials were conducted at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria in 2013 and 2014 to investigate the effect of root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on the nodulation of five varieties of cowpea (IT89KD-288, IT82D-994, IT93K-452-1, T89K-391 and TT97 568-18). Half of the experimental plants were inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita eggs (n = 1500) while the remaining half served as uninoculated control plants. Data on growth and yield of cowpea, root gall, nodulation, and nematodes population densities in nodules were collected. Other parameters assessed included colour of dissected infected and uninfected nodules, texture of the nodules and varietal performance of the cowpeas. The results of both screenhouse and field trials were consistent in yield and visual observations of texture and colour. The yield of nematode-free varieties was significantly higher than that of M. incognita-infected ones. Infected nodules were dark brown in colour while the healthy ones were pink. For the field trials, nodulation counts in nematode inoculated plants were inversely proportional to the number of galls in their uninoculated counterparts in some varieties. Of all varieties, IT89KD-288 was most resistant to M. incognita. Due to high cost involved in the management of nematodes, especially with synthetic chemicals, variety IT89KD-288 is recommended for use in nematode endemic areas in Nigeria. Further study needs to be done on the histopathology of the infected and uninfected roots and nodules of these cowpea varieties.

  • Comparative evaluation of powdered and aqueous extract of citrus peels and carbofuran in the management of root-knot nematode on infected cowpea field

  • Control of root-knot nematode pest of okra using ocimum gratissimum compost

  • The effectiveness of dry leaf powder of phyllanthus amarus scumach and thonn. and alstonia boonei de wild, on the root knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita attacking tomato solanum lycopersicum L. var. roma VF

  • Control of nematode disease of egg plant (Solanum aethiopicum) using manure
    S.A. Abolusoro, M.O. Abe, P.F. Abolusoro, and N.B. Izuogu

    Informa UK Limited
    Pot experiment was conducted in the year 2010 and repeated in 2011 to examine the effects of organic manure (poultry, cow dung and domestic waste) and inorganic manure (NPK 15:15:15) on the yield, soil and root population of Meloidogyne incognita-infected Ethiopian egg plant Solanum aethiopicum in a greenhouse at Kabba college of agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University, Kabba, Nigeria. Each of the organic manure was applied as soil amendment at the rate of 5t/ha and the inorganic fertiliser (NPK) was applied at the rate of 200 kg/ha, while there was an untreated control that acted as standard check. The experimental design was a completely randomised design comprising of five treatments including control and each of the treatments was replicated four times. The result of the experiment showed that all the organic manures considered and NPK fertilisers were effective in suppressing the nematode’s negative effects on the plant, as shown by the improved yield, reduced soil and root population as well as reduced gall index of the organic and inorganic manure-treated plant compared with the control. The mean fruit yield of the manure-treated plant was of the range 18 ± 1 fruits and NPK fertiliser had an average of fruit number of 17, while the untreated control recorded an average fruit number of 6.5. The organic and inorganic manure-treated plants recorded bigger fruit size compared with control, and are significantly different from the control. The soil and root population as well as root gall index are reduced in all the manure treatments compared with the control and are significantly different from the control. The result of this experiment confirmed that organic manure can be utilised to manage nematode in soil endemic with root-knot nematode M. incognita.

  • Control of nematode disease of eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) using manure


    NB Izuogu, AA Anifowose, AB Adigun
    The International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development 19 2024

  • Efficacy of aqueous and powdered leaf extracts of Chromolaena odorata (Asterales: Asteraceae) and Ficus mucuso (Rosales: Moraceae) botanicals on root-knot nematode infecting
    OA Apalowo, NB Izuogu, HS Baba, IO Adepoju, CM Olajide, MA Adeyemi, ...
    Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS), Iași 2024

  • Susceptibility of sweet potato varieties to Meloidogyne incognita and use of effective microorganisms and compost manure for the disease management
    AA Anifowose, NB Izuogu, BK Sossou
    Pakistan Journal of Nematology 41 (2), 135-143 2023

  • Nematodes Associated with Citrullus lanatus in Kwara State, Nigeria
    OA Apalowo, NB Izuogu, OS Balogun
    e-Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture International Conference, 401-407 2023

  • Pathogenicity of root-knot nematode in cucumber and invitro test of poultry manure and botanical extracts as bionematicides
    H Baba, NB Izuogu
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Abuja 2023

  • Controlling root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita in tomatoes using modified effective microorganisms-fermented plant extract and compost manure.
    BK Sossou, NB Izuogu, AO Anifowose, HE Ahamefule
    International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 11 (4) 2022

  • Genetic structure of Cucumber mosaic virus from natural hosts in Nigeria reveals high diversity and occurrence of putative novel recombinant strains
    OA Apalowo, AO Adediji, OS Balogun, TI Fakolujo, JM Archibong, ...
    Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 753054 2022

  • Application of different doses of compost as a substitution of the commercial substrate in nursery for pepper and tomato seedlings
    ML Fiasconaro, MG Abrile, L Hintermeister, MC Antolin-Bellver, ...

  • Plant parasitic nematodes associated with selected agricultural soils in Kwara State, Nigeria
    O Ahmed, NB Izuogu, HS Baba, NA Kalejaiye
    Agrosearch 20 (2), 56-66 2021

    OE Bello, NB Izuogu, OM Bello
    FUDMA JOURNAL OF SCIENCES 5 (2), 596-620 2021

  • Control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crop.
    SA Abolusoro, AO Adekiya, C Aremu, S Ige, NB Izuogu, PF Abolusoro, ...

  • A review on Borreria verticillata: A potential bionematicide, channeling its significant antimicrobial activity against root-knot nematodes
    NB Izuogu, OE Bello, OM Bello
    Heliyon 6 (10) 2020

    AS Hinmikaiye, NB Izuogu, RA Adebayo

  • Biological Control Potential of Bridelia wild (Bridelia ferruginea) and Wild Sage (Lantana camara) against Rootknot Nematode of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.)
    HS Baba, NB Izuogu, A Oladimeji, H Olamilekan

  • Growth and yield of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) as influenced by tillage and phosphorus application.
    EK Eifediyi, HE Ahamefule, BN Izuogu, FO Ogedegbe, SU Remison

  • Comparative Effects of Neem extracts and Carbofuran on the Performance of Okra (Abelmoshus esculenntus) Infested by Root Knot Nematode in Kogi State Nigeria.
    AS Hinmikaiye, NB Izuogu, TS Babalola
    Journal of Agriculture and Human Ecology 4 (2), 46-50 2020

  • Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivars to rootknot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infection under organic manure application
    SA Abolusoro, SA Ige, CO Aremu, OTV Adebiyi, KS Obaniyi, DO Agbojo, ...
    Research on Crops 21 (3), 538-544 2020

  • Control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crop using siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) compost manure
    SA Abolusoro, AO Odekiya, C Aremu, S Ige, NB Izuogu, PF Abolusoro, ...
    Journal of Horticultural Research 28 (1) 2020

  • Effluents in irrigation water: a case study of Asa River on farmlands in Ilorin, Nigeria.
    HE Ahamefule, JO Olaniyan, EK Eifediyi, BN Izuogu, MS Amana, ...

  • Evaluation of the nematicidal and antifungal activity of aqueous extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves and seed in cucumber field
    MC Olajide, NB Izuogu, RA Apalowo, HS Baba
    " Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary 2019


  • Effects of organic and inorganic manures on the growth attributes of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infected Ethopian egg plant (Solanum aethiopicum)
    SA Abolusoro, PF Abolusoro, FO Mathew, NB Izuogu
    World Journal of Agricultural Research 1 (6), 104-107 2013
    Citations: 34

  • Efficacy of Trichoderma harzianumT22 as a biocontrol agent against root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on some soybean varieties
    NB Izuogu, TO Abiri
    Croatian journal of food science and technology 7 (2), 47-51 2015
    Citations: 24

  • Control of nematode disease of egg plant (Solanum aethiopicum) using manure
    SA Abolusoro, MO Abe, PF Abolusoro, NB Izuogu
    Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 48 (2), 188-193 2015
    Citations: 19

  • Toxicity of Aqueous and Powdered Sparrow grass, Asparagus africanus to Meloidogyne incognita on egg plant.
    NB Izuogu, O Oyedunmade, AM Usman
    The International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development 5 2010
    Citations: 13

  • Effect of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on the nodulation of some varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp).
    NB Izuogu, TU Olajide, EK Eifediyi, CM Olajide
    Citations: 12

  • Control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crop using siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) compost manure
    SA Abolusoro, AO Odekiya, C Aremu, S Ige, NB Izuogu, PF Abolusoro, ...
    Journal of Horticultural Research 28 (1) 2020
    Citations: 11

  • Genetic structure of Cucumber mosaic virus from natural hosts in Nigeria reveals high diversity and occurrence of putative novel recombinant strains
    OA Apalowo, AO Adediji, OS Balogun, TI Fakolujo, JM Archibong, ...
    Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 753054 2022
    Citations: 10

  • A review on Borreria verticillata: A potential bionematicide, channeling its significant antimicrobial activity against root-knot nematodes
    NB Izuogu, OE Bello, OM Bello
    Heliyon 6 (10) 2020
    Citations: 10

  • Nematicidal potential of aqueous extract of Hyptis suaveolens in the management of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita of some cowpea cultivars
    NB Izuogu, SA Abolusoro, LB Yakub
    Croatian journal of food science and technology 8 (1), 15-19 2016
    Citations: 9

  • Efficacy of neem compost on root knot nematode pest of Lagos spinach, Celosia argentea
    TI Olabiyi, JJ Atungwu, B Izuogu, J Akintola, S Abolusoro
    Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 46 (18), 2253-2258 2013
    Citations: 9

  • Comparative evaluation of some botanicals and carbofuran in the control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp. on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
    LB Yakubu, NB Izuogu
    Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 2013
    Citations: 9

  • The potency of Moringa oleifera and Jatropha curcas leaf extracts as control for root-knot nematode in maize (Zea mays)
    NB Izuogu, AA Badmos, SO Raji
    International Journal of Phytofuels and Allied Sciences 2013
    Citations: 8

  • Screenhouse Assessment of reaction of Fluted Pumpkin, Telfairia occidentalis Hook F. to Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita
    NB Izuogu, EE Oyedunmade, JO Babatola
    Journal of Agricultural Science 2010
    Citations: 8

  • Field evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum T22 for the management of Meloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) Chitwood on cowpea varieties
    NB Izuogu, OV Osuwa, AO Fabiyi, TI Olabiyi, SA Abolusoro
    International Journal of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources 2014
    Citations: 7

  • Efficacy of aqueous extract of lemon grass (Andropogon citratus L.) against Root-Knot Nematode Pests of Okra.(Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)
    EEA Oyedunmade, NB Izuogu
    Agrosearch 11 (1), 31-38 2011
    Citations: 7

  • Effects of Methanolic Extracts from the Leaves of Brimstone, Cassia, Lemon Grass and Chanca Piedra on Meloidogyne Incognita in the Laboratory
    NB Izuogu, EEA Oyedunmade
    Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 7 2009
    Citations: 7

  • Comparative evaluation of powdered and aqueous extract of citrus peels and carbofuran in the management of root-knot nematode on infected cowpea field
    NB Izuogu, C Azubuike, AS Hinmikaiye, A Olarenwaju
    Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 84 (2), 173-178 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Efficacy of aqueous leaf extracts of Negro coffee (Cassia occidentalis) and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) in the management of nematode pests of okra (Abelmoschus
    NB Izuogu, LB Yakubu, SA Abolusoro, IW Nwabia
    Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal 4 (3), 67-70 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Control of nematode pest of okra Abelmoschus esculentus using two plant material and carbofuran
    NB Izuogu, EEA Oyedunmade, TI Olabiyi, II Oluwatayo, SA Abolusoro
    Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 16, 33-40 2011
    Citations: 6

  • Controlling root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita in tomatoes using modified effective microorganisms-fermented plant extract and compost manure.
    BK Sossou, NB Izuogu, AO Anifowose, HE Ahamefule
    International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 11 (4) 2022
    Citations: 5