
Assistant Professor and Electrical and Electronics Engineering


completed her Ph.D in Anna University, Chennai in the field of Image processing. Completed her masters in Control systems in the year of 2016 in Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal with first class (Distinction). She did her bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Excel College of Technology with first class in the year of 2010. She published more than 10 papers in various reputed journals. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of EEE in K S R Institute for Engineering and technology with 7 years of post-graduate teaching experience. Her research area focuses on control systems, image processing, Artificial intelligence, controllers for power quality correction.


Engineering, Control and Systems Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Artificial Intelligence


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Detection and classification of sugarcane billet damage using Aquila Sailfish Optimizer based deep learning
    S. Nagapavithra and S. Umamaheswari

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Fuzzy based power factor correction for BLDC motor using hybrid inverter
    S. Mahendran, S. Nagapavithra, and S. Umamaheswari

    Power factor correction (PFC) provides familiar benefits to avoid poor power factor consequence and to reduction bill value. Passive and Active power factor correction are the two methods currently using power factor correction techniques. This thesis try to develop an inverter with implemented energetic power factor correction approach for improve of the electricity issue. MATLAB software program is used to design Fuzzy common sense to control energy thing on BLDC Motor by using modern-day and voltage source inverter from single phase rectifier. The combination of current and voltage source inverter is known as Hybrid inverter. This methodology integrates the concept of fuzzy logic and hybrid inverter for controlling the output voltage of DC-AC inverter and also trying to improve an efficiency of the hybrid inverter through transient operation. In this planned model, a hybrid inverter is used for active PFC and current and voltage parameter having advantages of being physically isolated structure, can function as both step up and step down hybrid inverter and having only one step processing for current, voltage regulation and PFC. A version for strength factor Correction can be carried out the usage of the MATLAB software program.

  • Modeling and simulation of closed loop speed control for BLDC motor
    P. Suganthi, S. Nagapavithra, and S. Umamaheswari

    BLDC motors characterized as permanent magnet synchronous motors. Since it has its own unique characteristics such as long life, good efficiency, remarkable starting torque, it has gained good momentum in market hence it is widely used in leading automobile industries. These motors nowadays greatly used in industrial sectors because their construction that suitable for any safety and critical application. They have several advantages over other motors like DC motor and induction motor. BLDC motor does not need any mechanical commutation. In this proposed method, the classical PID controller and fuzzy logic controller is used to make the system stable. Among the two types of fuzzification methods viz. Sugeno and mamdani, mamdani method of tuning is well suited. An Angle value of theta is given as gate signal for BLDC motor. The feedback controllers are directly connected to the inverter to find error which is directly given as input to the BLDC motor for getting a desired output speed. The various dynamic characteristics of BLDC motor such as speed, current and back emf are analyzed using MATLAB — SIMULATION.


  • Detection and classification of sugarcane billet damage using aquila sailfish optimizer based deep learning
    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (Suppl 2), 2183-2206 2023

    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    International journal of research and development in technology 13 (2), 8 2020

    M Muthuvinayagam, N Anadhakumar, S Nagapavithra, M Sureshkumar
    Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM) 10 (1), 166-174 2019

  • Anfis controller based power factor improvement for induction motor using hybrid inverter
    S Mahendran, S Umamaheswari, S Nagapavithra
    Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences 11 (6 SI), 258-265 2017

  • Diabetes type-1 insulin level control using closed loop control of BLDC motor
    P Suganthi, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheshwari
    Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences 11 (6 SI), 728-735 2017

  • Fuzzy based power factor correction for BLDC motor using hybrid inverter
    S Mahendran, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 286-290 2017

  • Modeling and simulation of closed loop speed control for BLDC motor
    P Suganthi, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 229-233 2017

  • Zeta converter fed BLDC motor for Power Factor Correction and speed control
    SN Pavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2016 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 133-139 2016

  • Boost Integrated Flyback Converter Based PFC and Speed Control of BLDC Motor
    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari

  • Integration of Boost Flyback Rectifier and ZSI based PFC and speed control of BLDC motor
    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari

  • modeling and high power factor electrodeless fluorescent lamp using sepic converter
    S Nagapavithra
    National conference on grid and energy management 2015

    S Umamaheswari, M Muthuvinayagam, S Nagapavithra, K Parventhan


  • Modeling and simulation of closed loop speed control for BLDC motor
    P Suganthi, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 229-233 2017
    Citations: 72

  • Fuzzy based power factor correction for BLDC motor using hybrid inverter
    S Mahendran, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2017 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 286-290 2017
    Citations: 6

  • Zeta converter fed BLDC motor for Power Factor Correction and speed control
    SN Pavithra, S Umamaheswari
    2016 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), 133-139 2016
    Citations: 4

  • Detection and classification of sugarcane billet damage using aquila sailfish optimizer based deep learning
    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (Suppl 2), 2183-2206 2023
    Citations: 3

  • Diabetes type-1 insulin level control using closed loop control of BLDC motor
    P Suganthi, S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheshwari
    Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences 11 (6 SI), 728-735 2017
    Citations: 2

  • Boost Integrated Flyback Converter Based PFC and Speed Control of BLDC Motor
    S Nagapavithra, S Umamaheswari
    Citations: 1