Nazam Ali

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong



Civil and Structural Engineering, Transportation, Automotive Engineering, Multidisciplinary


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Modelling the mode choice behaviour of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) users in the Solent of the UK
    Nazam Ali, Seda Sucu Sagmanli, Nima Dadashzadeh, and Djamila Ouelhadj

    Elsevier BV

  • Travelers’ Propensity to Use Intercity Railway Services in Emerging Economies: Significance of Passengers’ Satisfaction and Communication Technologies
    Izza Anwer, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Muhammad Irfan Yousuf, Muhammad Farooq, Nazam Ali, Suniti Suparp, and Qudeer Hussain

    This paper focuses on the perspectives of passengers who were railway users and how railways as a service can be uplifted with technological advancements through the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs). For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed comprised of six sections related to information on socio-economic-demographics, travel, station facilities, train facilities, customer care, and familiarity with and benefits of ICTs. A total of 800 respondents were recruited on trains and in railway stations to collect data through a random sampling technique. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, bivariate correlation analysis, and ordered logistic regression analysis. The three hypotheses tested showed that (i) there is a correlation between socio-demographic factors, train frequency, and satisfaction levels, (ii) satisfaction with station and train facilities and customer care impacts users’ travel likelihood with the train service, and (iii) users’ familiarity with perceived benefits of ICTs influences passengers’ travel likelihood with the train service. The results indicate that the users’ satisfaction with attributes of station facilities, train facilities, and customer care and perceptions about ICTs significantly influences their travel frequency with the train service. This study is useful for multiple stakeholders, especially for railway management authorities, to provide inclusive services to passengers and to plan for future transportation, which should be well-equipped with ICTs, well-integrated with other transport modes, and well-connected with optimum stops.

  • Travel Mode Choice Prediction to Pursue Sustainable Transportation and Enhance Health Parameters Using R
    Mujahid Ali, Elżbieta Macioszek, and Nazam Ali

    Travel mode choice (TMC) prediction, improving health parameters, and promoting sustainable transportation systems are crucial for urban planners and policymakers. Past studies show the influence of health on activities, while several studies use multitasking activities and physical activity intensity to study the association between time use and activity travel participation (TU and ATP) and health outcomes. Limited studies have been conducted on the use of transport modes as intermediate variables to study the influence of TU and ATP on health parameters. Therefore, the current study aims to evaluate urban dependency on different transport modes used for daily activities and its influence on health parameters to promote a greener and healthier society and a sustainable transportation system. Pearson’s Chi-squared test was used for transport mode classification, and multinominal logit models were used for regression using R programming. A total of five models were developed for motorized, non-motorized, public transport, physical, and social health to study the correlation between transport modes and health parameters. The statistical analysis results show that socio-demographic and economic variables have a strong association with TMC in which younger, male, workers and high-income households are more dependent on motorized transport. It was found that a unit rise in high-income causes a 4.5% positive increase in motorized transport, whereas it negatively influences non-motorized and public transport by 4.2% and 2.2%, respectively. These insights might be useful for formulating realistic plans to encourage individuals to use active transport that will promote sustainable transportation systems and a healthier society.

  • Investigating the Key Factors Affecting Public Transport Ridership in Developing Countries through Structural Equation Modeling
    Mudassir Ahmad, Izza Anwer, Muhammad Irfan Yousuf, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Nazam Ali, Giovanni Tesoriere, and Tiziana Campisi

    Every country requires efficient public transportation to reduce the reliance on motor vehicles, decrease harmful emissions and noise pollution, and, most importantly, provide accessible transportation for urban populations with limited resources. Yet, several challenges hinder the efficiency of the public transportation system, affecting factors like daily ridership, infrastructure, revenue, and operations. Therefore, this research investigated barriers and their impact on the daily ridership of rail transit services, especially in densely populated areas characterized by high automobile usage, inadequate pedestrian facilities, and limited connectivity to other transportation modes. To accomplish this goal, a self-administered questionnaire was developed, and a survey was conducted to collect responses from commuters at various public transport hubs. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze data gathered from a sample of 1000 participants. The findings from the SEM model indicated a positive correlation between Instrumental Attractiveness (IA) and Facility Design and Operation (FDO) with daily travel. Conversely, Service and Information (SI) along with Environmental Comfort (EC) exhibited a negative correlation with daily travel. Private sector employees without personal vehicles and a monthly income below fifty thousand exhibited a strong preference for public transport. Individuals with higher incomes who owned vehicles showed lower preferences towards public transport usage. The main contributors to low ridership in public transport included poor connectivity with metro and feeder buses, lack of availability of discount tickets, insufficient seating at stations, and inadequate route map information. Gasoline prices have a notable impact on daily ridership too, as higher fuel prices tend to attract more travelers to use public transport. The ridership data demonstrate a positive trend in response to increased gasoline prices. The findings from this study are useful for transportation engineers, practitioners, planners, and policymakers.

  • Enhancing social acceptance of women's mobility for equitable transport: Behavioural theories driven approach
    Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Nazam Ali, Muhammad Abdullah, and Ryan Cheuk Pong Wong

    Elsevier BV

  • Examining drivers’ distracted driving behaviour using the extended norm activation model
    Muhammad Abdullah, Sameen Zafar, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, and Nazam Ali

    Informa UK Limited

  • Signal-Free Corridor Development and Their Impact on Pedestrians: Insights from Expert and Public Surveys
    Muhammad Abdullah, Nazam Ali, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Muhammad Waqar Aslam, and Charitha Dias

    Increasing vehicular demand has compelled decision makers to turn urban roads into signal-free corridors (SFCs) in Lahore. These corridors aim at prioritizing car flow over other modes and consist of various car-centric projects (CCPs), such as continuous flow intersections, grade separation, and continuous through movement. These projects often ignore pedestrian requirements and, thus reduce pedestrian safety. Considering the ongoing development projects in Lahore, this study aimed at evaluating the concept of SFCs. A total of 6 existing SFCs were identified in Lahore, which lacked basic pedestrian infrastructure. An expert survey was then conducted to understand the purpose of creating these SFCs, their effects on pedestrians, and the way forward. The thematic analysis regarding the purpose of creating these SFCs and their effect on pedestrians indicated the prioritization of private cars and pedestrian safety issues as the two underlying themes. A questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of pedestrians on these two themes, i.e., pedestrian safety and car priority. Principle component analysis extracted two components labeled as pedestrian safety and car priority. Component scores were computed, and the three CCPs were then compared using non-parametrical tests in terms of both these components. According to the results, continuous flow intersections were declared to be significantly safer than continuous through movement and grade separation, whereas continuous flow intersection was found to be prioritizing cars over pedestrians significantly more than continuous through movement and grade separation. Finally, policy implications were presented for practitioners.

  • Experimental Investigations of Cement Clay Interlocking Brick Masonry Structures Strengthened with CFRP and Cement-Sand Mortar
    Panuwat Joyklad, Hafiz Ahmad Waqas, Abdul Hafeez, Nazam Ali, Ali Ejaz, Qudeer Hussain, Kaffayatullah Khan, Arissaman Sangthongtong, and Panumas Saingam

    Many masonry structures are constructed with cement clay interlocking brick (CCIB) due to its added benefits. Recent research has demonstrated the vulnerability of brick masonry walls against seismic loading. Various strengthening materials and techniques are extensively used to improve the structural behavior of brick walls. Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are the most popular strengthening material due to their advantages of easy application, lightweight qualities, and superior tensile strength. The current research work aimed to explore the cost-effective solutions and feasibility of CFRP composite-based strengthening techniques to improve the load-bearing capacity of CCIB walls. Various configurations and combinations of strengthening materials were investigated to customize the cost of repair and strengthening. The experimental results indicated that CFRP composites in combination with cement-sand (CS) mortar are an efficient strengthening material to enhance the strength and ultimate deflection of CCIB walls. The ultimate load-bearing capacity and axial deformation of the strengthened CCIB wall (using two layers of CFRP strips and CS mortar of 10 mm thickness) remained 171% and 190% larger than the unstrengthened CCIB wall. The conclusions of this study are expected to enhance the seismic performance of masonry buildings in developing countries. It should be noted that due to the reduced number of tested specimens, the results to be assumed as general considerations need a wider experimental campaign and a large numbers of tests for each strengthening typology.

  • Prediction of Stress–Strain Curves for HFRP Composite Confined Brick Aggregate Concrete under Axial Load
    Panumas Saingam, Ali Ejaz, Nazam Ali, Adnan Nawaz, Qudeer Hussain, and Panuwat Joyklad

    Recently, hemp-fiber-reinforced polymer (HFRP) composites have been developed to enhance the strength and ductility of normal and lightweight aggregate concrete along with recycled brick aggregate concrete. In addition, both experimental and analytical investigations have been performed to assess the suitability of the existing strength and strain models. However, the theoretical and analytical expressions to predict the stress–strain curves of HFRP-confined concrete were not developed. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to develop analytical expressions to predict the stress–strain curves of HFRP-confined waste brick aggregate concrete. For this purpose, a new experimental framework was conducted to examine the effectiveness of HFRP in improving the mechanical properties of concrete constructed with recycled brick aggregates. Depending on the strength of the concrete, two groups were formed, i.e., Type-1 concrete and Type-2 concrete. A total of sixteen samples were tested. The ultimate compressive strength and strain significantly increased due to HFRP confinement. Improvements of up to 272% and 457% in the ultimate compressive strength and strain were observed due to hemp confinement, respectively. To predict the ultimate compressive strength and strain of HFRP-confined concrete, this study investigated several existing analytical stress–strain models. Some of the strength models resulted in close agreement with experimental results, but none of the models could accurately predict the ultimate confined strain. Nonlinear regression analysis was conducted to propose expressions to predict the ultimate compressive strength and strain of HFRP-confined concrete. The proposed expressions resulted in good agreement with experimental results. An analytical procedure was proposed to predict the stress–strain curves of hemp-confined concrete constructed by partial replacement of natural coarse aggregates by recycled fired-clay brick aggregates. A close agreement was found between the experimental and analytically predicted stress–strain curves.

  • Time-dependent behavior of full-scale precast post-tensioned (PCPT) girders: Experimental and finite element analysis
    Panuwat Joyklad, Nazam Ali, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Suniti Suparp, and Qudeer Hussain

    Elsevier BV

  • Promotion of e-mobility and its main share market: Some considerations about e-shared mobility
    Tiziana Campisi, Nazam Ali, Kadir Diler Alemdar, Ömer Kaya, M. Yasin Çodur, and Giovanni Tesoriere

    AIP Publishing

  • The development of electric 2 and 3-Wheelers for low carbon passenger transport: A long-term benefits assessment
    Tiziana Campisi, Nazam Ali, Nurten Akgün-Tanbay, Antonino Canale, and Giovanni Tesoriere

    AIP Publishing

  • Measuring Customers’ Satisfaction and Preferences for Ride-Hailing Services in a Developing Country
    Nazam Ali, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Tiziana Campisi, Krisada Chaiyasarn, and Panumas Saingam

    Ride-hailing services play an important role in developing countries where conventional transport systems are not enough to meet the needs of commuters because of increased populations. This form of transport has gained much popularity in developing regions because of the inclusion of motorcycles and rikshaws in ride-hailing services. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there has been little research on passengers’ behavior towards these ride-hailing services that focuses on social protection and the fare system in developing regions. Therefore, this research study is aimed at investigating the behavior of commuters towards these ride-hailing services in Lahore, which is the second largest city in Pakistan and can be considered as a case study of a developing country. A total of 531 useable valid responses were collected through face-to-face interactions, including the sociodemographics (SEDs) and behavior of commuters towards these services. The results of an explanatory factor analysis (EFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that some of the significant latent variables of these ride-hailing services are comfort, convenience, privacy and security, the fare system, social protection, and safety. The commuters’ overall evaluation of these services is positive and affects their present and future preferences. The structural coefficient between convenience and the variable of present preference is significant and negative, which shows that there are respondents who infrequently use ride-hailing services despite having high satisfaction. The riders’ satisfaction with privacy, security, social protection, safety, and comfort has a positive and direct impact on their present preferences as the structural estimates are positive, which means that the higher their views on privacy, security, and comfort, the more frequently they intend to use ride-hailing services for commuting. Increased social protection, safety, privacy, and security will improve the evaluations of the commuters and influence their present preferences for these ride-hailing services. Even though there are regulations on these ride-hailing services, some concrete policy interventions are needed for improvements in commuters’ overall evaluations of these services in order to influence their future preferences. The findings of this research study, if applied in the real world, can improve the overall evaluation of the commuters and positively influence their present and future preferences for these ride-hailing services.

  • Low-Cost Fiber Chopped Strand Mat Composites for Compressive Stress and Strain Enhancement of Concrete Made with Brick Waste Aggregates
    Panuwat Joyklad, Panumas Saingam, Nazam Ali, Ali Ejaz, Qudeer Hussain, Kaffayatullah Khan, and Krisada Chaiyasarn

    Given the excessive demolition of structures each year, the issues related to the generated structural waste are striking. Bricks being a major constituent in the construction industry, also hold a significant proportion of the construction waste generated annually. The reuse of this brick waste in new constructions is an optimal solution considering cost-effectiveness and sustainability. However, the problems related to the substandard peak stress and ultimate strain of concrete constructed with recycled brick aggregates (CRAs) limit its use in non-structural applications. The present study intends to improve the unsatisfactory mechanical characteristics of CRAs by utilizing low-cost glass fiber chopped strand mat (FCSM) sheets. The efficacy of FCSM sheets was assessed by wrapping them around CRA specimens constructed with different concrete strengths. A remarkable increase in the peak compressive stress and the ultimate strain of the CRA specimens were observed. For low, medium, and high strength CRAs, the ultimate strain improved by up to 320%, 308%, and 294%, respectively, as compared to the respective control specimens. Several existing analytical models were utilized to predict the peak compressive stress and ultimate strain of the CRAs strengthened using FCSM sheets. None of the considered models reproduced experimental results accurately. Therefore, equations were formulated using regression predicting the peak stress and ultimate strain of the CRAs confined with FCSM sheets. The predicted values were found to correlate well with the experimental values.

  • Improvement of stress-strain behavior of brick-waste aggregate concrete using low-cost FCSM composites
    Panuwat Joyklad, Nazam Ali, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Nakhorn Poovarodom, Ekkachai Yooprasertchai, Hassan M. Maqbool, Anat Ruangrassamee, and Qudeer Hussain

    Elsevier BV

  • Seepage and Groundwater Numerical Modelling for Managing Waterlogging in the Vicinity of the Trimmu–Sidhnai Link Canal
    Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Umer Shehzad, Ahsan Ali, Nazam Ali, Krisada Chaiyasan, Husnain Tahir, Panuwat Joyklad, and Qudeer Hussain

    The present study focused on the development and application of two computer numerical models, namely, a seepage model developed using SEEP/W software and a groundwater model developed using Visual MODFLOW software. The seepage model was applied to a 38 km length of the tail reach of the Trimmu–Sidhnai (T-S) link canal passing through a severely waterlogged area of 32,000 ha, with a water table within 0–1.5 m from the ground surface; this was to quantify the canal seepage under the present condition (without any intervention) and with the interventions of a concrete lining of the complete prism of the T-S link canal and concrete side protection of the T-S link canal, with the canal bed unlined. The groundwater model evaluated the effectiveness of three waterlogging management interventions, which included: (i) the rehabilitation of the 43 existing drainage tube wells, (ii) the rehabilitation of the existing surface drains, and (iii) a combination of the rehabilitation of the 43 existing drainage tube wells and the rehabilitation of the existing surface drains. The seepage modeling revealed that the concrete lining intervention can reduce 50% of the seepage of the T-S link canal, whereas the concrete side protection intervention can reduce only 21% of the canal seepage. The groundwater modeling revealed that the waterlogging management intervention of the rehabilitation of the 43 drainage tube wells and surface drains can lower the groundwater level from 139.2 to 138.3 m (0.9 m drop), resulting in the mitigation of waterlogging in 45% (14,400 ha) of the severely waterlogged area. The present study recommends that complete concrete lining of the T-S link canal has a huge potential to reduce seepage from the canal, and the combination of the rehabilitation of the 43 drainage tube wells and surface drains also offers a great potential for controlling waterlogging. This intervention can also be considered to mitigate waterlogging from the severely waterlogged area. Cost-effectiveness analysis of the concrete lining of the T-S link canal, the rehabilitation of the 43 existing drainage tube wells, and the rehabilitation of the existing surface drains need to be performed for decision-making and selection of the most cost-effective intervention for implementation. A study needs to be conducted for the development and evaluation of economical and socio-technically feasible and acceptable preventive waterlogging management interventions, including the improved management of irrigation systems, improved irrigation management practices at the farm, improved conjunctive management of surface and groundwater, and improved management of drainage systems at the primary, secondary, and tertiary canal command levels.

  • Hemp FRRP Confined Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LWAC) Circular Columns: Experimental and Analytical Study
    Suniti Suparp, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Nazam Ali, Chaitanya Krishna Gadagamma, Ahmed W. Al Zand, Ekkachai Yooprasertchai, Qudeer Hussain, Panuwat Joyklad, and Muhammad Ashraf Javid

    Intrinsically, lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) suffers from the low compressive strength and deformation capacity. This restricts the use of LWAC mainly to non-structural applications. Several studies have highlighted the potential of synthetic fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets for improving the substandard properties of the LWAC. However, the high costs associated with FRP jackets are generally a concern. This study identifies hemp fiber-reinforced rope polymer (FRRP) wraps as a potential alternative to the synthetic FRP jackets. The salient features of hemp FRRP include its low cost and easy availability. Therefore, the main question that needs to be answered is: can hemp FRRP strengthen LWAC as a low-cost alternative to synthetic FRP jackets? To quantitatively explain the effects of lightweight aggregates on concrete compressive strength, 24 concrete cylinders were tested in three groups. Group 1, 2, and 3 cylinders comprised 0, 50, and 100% of lightweight aggregates as natural aggregate replacements. The peak stress of the concrete was reduced by 34% and 49% in the presence of 50% and 100% lightweight aggregates, respectively. It was concluded that a single layer of hemp FRRP on Group 2 cylinders (i.e., 50% aggregate replacement) was sufficient to enhance the peak stress to the same level as that of the control cylinder in Group 1 (i.e., fabricated using natural aggregates only). At the same time, it took two layers of external FRRP on Group 3 cylinders to achieve the same strength. A positive correlation between the peak stress of the LWAC and the number of hemp FRRP layers was observed. Nonetheless, Group 1 and 3 cylinders formed the upper and lower bounds in terms of peak stress for the same level of confinement. Further to the interest, three layers of hemp FRRP shifted brittle compressive stress–strain response to a bi-linear response for all amounts of lightweight aggregates. Several existing analytical peak stress models were assessed in predicting the experimental results. From the results, it was inferred that none of these models predicted the compressive strength of all three groups of cylinders consistently.

  • Structural Behavior of LC-GFRP Confined Waste Aggregate Concrete Square Columns with Sharp and Round Corners
    Rattapoohm Parichatprecha, Kittipoom Rodsin, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Nazam Ali, Songsak Suthasupradit, Qudeer Hussain, and Kaffayatullah Khan

    Reusing construction brick waste to fabricate new concrete is an economical and sustainable solution for the ever-increasing quantity of construction waste. However, the substandard mechanical properties of the concrete made using recycled crushed brick aggregates (RBAC) have limited its use mainly to non-structural applications. Several studies have shown that the axial compressive performance of the concrete is a function of the lateral confining pressure. Therefore, this study proposes to use low-cost glass fiber-reinforced polymer (LC-GFRP) wraps to improve the substandard compressive strength and ductility of RBAC. Thirty-two rectilinear RBAC specimens were constructed in this study and tested in two groups. The specimens in Group 1 were tested without the provision of a corner radius, whereas a corner radius of 26 mm was provided in the Group 2 specimens. Specimens in both groups demonstrated improved compressive behavior. However, the premature failure of LC-GFRP wraps near the sharp corners in Group 1 specimens undermined its efficacy. On the contrary, the stress concentrations were neutralized in almost all Group 2 specimens with a 26 mm corner radius, except low-strength specimen with six layers of LC-GFRP. As a result, Group 2 specimens demonstrated a more significant improvement in peak compressive strength and ultimate strain than Group 1 specimens. An analytical investigation was carried out to assess the efficiency of existing compressive stress–strain models to predict the peak compressive stress and ultimate of LC-GFRP-confined RBAC. Existing FRP models were found unreliable in predicting the key parameters in the stress–strain curves of LC-GFRP-confined RBAC. Equations were proposed by using nonlinear regression analysis, and the predicted values of the key parameters were found in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values.

  • Sulfur concrete made with waste marble and slag powders: 100% recycled and waterless concrete
    Muhammad Faisal Rasheed, Abdur Rahim, Muhammad Irfan-ul-Hassan, Babar Ali, and Nazam Ali

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Load versus Strain Relationships of Single and Continuous Span Full-Scale Pre-cast Prestressed Concrete Girders for Monorail Systems
    Suniti Suparp, Athasit Sirisonthi, Nazam Ali, Noha Saad, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Marc Azab, Panuwat Joyklad, and Qudeer Hussain

    Full-scale testing of multiple span girders is scarce in the literature, often related to the complexity of loading setup and time constraints. The importance of full-scale tests is manifested in the fact that useful information regarding failure mechanisms can be obtained. In addition, important guidelines can be established for structural designers. Further, results from full-scale tests can help establish constitutive laws for various mechanisms involved in the response of actual structures. The structural performance of individual members can be assessed by monitoring their strains at service and ultimate loads. This study presents a comparison of experimentally monitored strains on longitudinal steel bars, stirrups, and prestressing tendons embedded in single and multi-span full-scale precast pre-tensioned girders. These girders were constructed and detailed to simulate the response of newly proposed straddle-type monorail girders. Single-span girders were tested under monotonic two-point service and ultimate loads, whereas multi-span girders were tested under both two- and four-point service and ultimate load. It was revealed that longitudinal steel and prestressing tendon strains monitored within single-span girders at service and ultimate loads were significantly higher than those recorded at corresponding locations in multi-span girders.

  • Can Online Learning about UNESCO Biosphere Reserves Change the Perception on SDGs and Different Aspects of Sustainability between Japanese and International Students?
    Aida Mammadova, Nazam Ali, and Krisada Chaiyasarn

    Sustainability is one of the main global concerns to deal with and know-how about is it important for the unprecedented survival to cope with the social, political, economic, and energy scarcity issues. Higher institutions are important learning places which can play the role of transformation and create the opportunities and avenues in order to minimize the barriers towards more sustainable future. In this research study, an online training program for the understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sustainability was designed. Students from different Japanese and International Universities were invited for two weeks of training program. A Comprehensive questionnaire was designed in which students were introduced about UNESCO Biosphere reserves, SDGs, and different concepts of sustainability. The analysis of the statistical results confirm that the understanding of the students has improved after the online training program about SDGs and different aspects of sustainability. The results imply that the understanding of the international students about SDGs and sustainability is more as compared with the Japanese students. In 14 out of 17 SDGs, the familiarity of international students is more as compared with their counterparts. In this exploratory study, some of the challenges faced by the universities are also identified which impede the efforts for the implementation of goals and initiatives towards sustainable development. It has been concluded that the universities must design dedicated training programs to seize the opportunities for improving the understanding of the students and promotion of sustainable initiatives by using UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as learning platforms through innovation in teaching, research, and trainings. The possible limitations of this research study can be; (a) it involves the professionals about SDGs, which might have made the online training program as intensive one, giving some vague idea about SDGs and sustainability to the students, (b) though the personal information of the students were not gathered, however, the broader scope of the research study have provided strong international base which can be used as an adequate profile of sustainability and comprehension of SDGs currently being found in the universities. Design of practical implications is imperative for stimulating the creativity and autonomy about the comprehension of SDGs and sustainability to meet the demands of present and future challenges imposed for sustainable development.

  • Sustainable and Low-Cost Hemp FRP Composite Confinement of B-Waste Concrete
    Panuwat Joyklad, Ekkachai Yooprasertchai, Abdur Rahim, Nazam Ali, Krisada Chaiyasarn, and Qudeer Hussain

    Each year, massive amount of construction waste is generated that needs proper attention in terms of its disposal without deteriorating surrounding environment. A significant portion of this waste comprises bricks. Besides, large number of new construction works are resulting in the depletion of natural resources rapidly. Intuitively, a sustainable solution demands to consume this construction waste in the best way possible. This study targeted brick waste as a potential material to be used as a partial replacement of natural aggregates in structural concrete. It has been known that the concrete constructed with recycled brick aggregates possesses substandard mechanical properties. Traditionally, synthetic FRPs are known to strengthen recycled aggregate concrete. However, recognizing high costs associated with them, this study proposed the use of natural hemp fiber ropes to strengthen recycled aggregate concrete constructed with brick aggregates. To assess the efficacy of hemp ropes in strengthening mechanical properties of the concrete with coarse aggregates partially replaced with recycled brick aggregates (B-waste), an experimental framework was conducted. Sixteen cylindrical specimens were tested in two groups depending upon the concrete strength. Within each group, 2 specimens each were strengthened with 1, 2, and 3 layers of hemp fiber ropes. Axial monotonic compressive loading was applied to each specimen. Results revealed that hemp fiber ropes significantly improved ultimate compressive strength and the corresponding strain. A substantial improvement in axial ductility was observed. For the sake of performance-based non-linear modelling, accurate constitutive modelling at material level is necessary. For this purpose, several existing analytical stress-strain models were tested in this study to predict ultimate confined compressive strength and strain. It was found that several models predicted confined compressive strengths with reasonable accuracy. However, very few models were able to predict confined peak strain with good accuracy.


  • An analysis of factors affecting the mode choice of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) users in the Solent area, UK
    DO Nazam Ali, Seda Succu Sagmanli, Nima Dadashzadeh
    TRB 2025, Transportation Research Board 104th Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2025

  • Modelling the mode choice behaviour of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) users in the Solent of the UK
    N Ali, SS Sagmanli, N Dadashzadeh, D Ouelhadj
    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 29, 101335 2025

  • Travelers’ Propensity to Use Intercity Railway Services in Emerging Economies: Significance of Passengers’ Satisfaction and Communication Technologies
    I Anwer, MA Javid, MI Yousuf, M Farooq, N Ali, S Suparp, Q Hussain
    Sustainability 16 (20), 8921 2024

  • Travel mode choice prediction to pursue sustainable transportation and enhance health parameters using R
    M Ali, E Macioszek, N Ali
    Sustainability 16 (14), 5908 2024

  • Examining drivers’ distracted driving behaviour using the extended norm activation model
    M Abdullah, S Zafar, MA Javid, N Ali
    International Journal of Crashworthiness, 1-9 2024

  • Assessing the determinants of crash propensity using structural equation modeling: role of distractions caused by fellow drivers
    S Zafar, M Abdullah, MA Javid, N Ali
    Journal of safety research 89, 210-223 2024

  • Investigating the Key Factors Affecting Public Transport Ridership in Developing Countries through Structural Equation Modeling
    M Ahmad, I Anwer, MI Yousuf, MA Javid, N Ali, G Tesoriere, T Campisi
    Sustainability 16 (11), 4426 2024

  • Analysis of Students’ Travel Mode Choice Behaviour: A Case Study in Oman
    N Ali, MA Javid, M Abdullah, M Zeeshan
    Technical Journal 3 (ICACEE), 441-451 2024

  • Enhancing social acceptance of women’s mobility for equitable transport: Behavioural theories driven approach
    MA Javid, N Ali, M Abdullah, RCP Wong
    Journal of Public Transportation 26, 100109 2024

  • Customers' Satisfaction and Intentions with Public Transportation in Faisalabad, Pakistan: Implications for a Bus Rapid Transit Service
    NA Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Qasim Tahir, Muhammad Massab Ammar, Bilal Ahmad ...
    Transactions on Transport Sciences 15 (1), 28-39 2024

  • Learning About Biosphere Reserves (Brs) And Sustainable Development Goals (Sdgs) Through Training Programs: A Comparative Analysis Between Japanese And International Students
    A Mammadova, N Ali
    Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 38, 278-303 2023

  • Signal-Free Corridor Development and Their Impact on Pedestrians: Insights from Expert and Public Surveys
    CD Muhammad Abdullah, Nazam Ali, Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Muhammad Waqar Aslam
    Sustainability 15 (09), 14480 2023

  • Experimental investigations of cement clay interlocking brick masonry structures strengthened with CFRP and cement-sand mortar
    P Joyklad, HA Waqas, A Hafeez, N Ali, A Ejaz, Q Hussain, K Khan, ...
    Infrastructures 8 (3), 59 2023

  • Prediction of stress–strain curves for HFRP composite confined brick aggregate concrete under axial load
    P Saingam, A Ejaz, N Ali, A Nawaz, Q Hussain, P Joyklad
    Polymers 15 (4), 844 2023

  • Using the extensions of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for behavioral intentions to use public transport (PT) in Kanazawa, Japan
    N Ali, S Nakayama, H Yamaguchi
    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 17, 100742 2023

  • Awareness and knowledge levels of engineering and planning students and practitioners about the 15-minute city concept in a developing country
    M Abdullah, N Ali, MA Javid, Q Hussain
    Journal of Urban mobility 2, 100037 2022

  • Time-dependent behavior of full-scale precast post-tensioned (PCPT) girders: Experimental and finite element analysis
    P Joyklad, N Ali, K Chaiyasarn, S Suparp, Q Hussain
    Case Studies in Construction Materials 17, e01310 2022

  • The development of electric 2 and 3-Wheelers for low carbon passenger transport: A long-term benefits assessment
    T Campisi, N Ali, N Akgn-Tanbay, A Canale, G Tesoriere
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2611 (1) 2022

  • Promotion of e-mobility and its main share market: Some considerations about e-shared mobility
    T Campisi, N Ali, KD Alemdar, Kaya, MY odur, G Tesoriere
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2611 (1) 2022

  • Measuring customers’ satisfaction and preferences for ride-hailing services in a developing country
    N Ali, MA Javid, T Campisi, K Chaiyasarn, P Saingam
    Sustainability 14 (22), 15484 2022


  • Measuring changes in travel behavior pattern due to COVID-19 in a developing country: A case study of Pakistan
    M Abdullah, N Ali, SA Hussain, AB Aslam, MA Javid
    Transport policy 108, 21-33 2021
    Citations: 213

  • Public transport versus solo travel mode choices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-reported evidence from a developing country
    M Abdullah, N Ali, MA Javid, C Dias, T Campisi
    Transportation Engineering 5, 100078 2021
    Citations: 103

  • Exploring the Traveler’s Intentions to Use Public Transport during the COVID-19 Pandemic while Complying with Precautionary Measures
    MAJ Muhammad Abdullah, Nazam Ali, Charitha Dias, Tiziana Campisi
    Applied Sciences 11 2021
    Citations: 71

  • Structural Equation Modeling of Public Transport Use with COVID-19 Precautions: An Extension of the Norm Activation Model
    NACD Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Muhammad Abdullah
    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2021
    Citations: 66

  • Factors affecting the mode choice behavior before and during COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan
    M Abdullah, N Ali, AB Aslam, MA Javid, SA Hussain
    International journal of transportation science and technology 11 (1), 174-186 2022
    Citations: 63

  • Using the extensions of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for behavioral intentions to use public transport (PT) in Kanazawa, Japan
    N Ali, S Nakayama, H Yamaguchi
    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 17, 100742 2023
    Citations: 46

  • Service quality assessment of app-based demand-responsive public transit services in Lahore, Pakistan
    M Abdullah, N Ali, SAH Shah, MA Javid, T Campisi
    Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1911 2021
    Citations: 41

  • Extracting travelers’ preferences toward electric vehicles using the theory of planned behavior in Lahore, Pakistan
    MA Javid, M Abdullah, N Ali, SAH Shah, P Joyklad, Q Hussain, ...
    Sustainability 14 (3), 1909 2022
    Citations: 37

  • Travelers’ attitudes toward mobile application–based public transport services in Lahore
    MA Javid, N Ali, SA Hussain Shah, M Abdullah
    Sage Open 11 (1), 2158244020988709 2021
    Citations: 34

  • Travelers’ adoption behavior towards electric vehicles in lahore, Pakistan: An extension of norm activation model (NAM) theory
    M Ashraf Javid, N Ali, M Abdullah, T Campisi, SAH Shah
    Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (1), 7189411 2021
    Citations: 31

  • Prediction of stress–strain curves for HFRP composite confined brick aggregate concrete under axial load
    P Saingam, A Ejaz, N Ali, A Nawaz, Q Hussain, P Joyklad
    Polymers 15 (4), 844 2023
    Citations: 24

  • Low-cost fiber chopped strand mat composites for compressive stress and strain enhancement of concrete made with brick waste aggregates
    P Joyklad, P Saingam, N Ali, A Ejaz, Q Hussain, K Khan, K Chaiyasarn
    Polymers 14 (21), 4714 2022
    Citations: 23

  • Axial load enhancement of lightweight aggregate concrete (LAC) using environmentally sustainable composites
    S Suparp, N Ali, AW Al Zand, K Chaiyasarn, MU Rashid, E Yooprasertchai, ...
    Buildings 12 (6), 851 2022
    Citations: 22

  • Travellers’ perceptions about ride-hailing services in Lahore: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
    MA Javid, M Abdullah, N Ali
    Asian Transport Studies 8, 100083 2022
    Citations: 20

  • Structural behavior of large-scale hollow section RC beams and strength enhancement using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites
    A Sirisonthi, P Julphunthong, P Joyklad, S Suparp, N Ali, MA Javid, ...
    Polymers 14 (1), 158 2021
    Citations: 16

  • Finite element analysis of glass fiber-reinforced polymer-(Gfrp) reinforced continuous concrete beams
    H Ahmad, A Elnemr, N Ali, Q Hussain, K Chaiyasarn, P Joyklad
    Polymers 13 (24), 4468 2021
    Citations: 15

  • Sustainable and low-cost hemp FRP composite confinement of B-waste concrete
    P Joyklad, E Yooprasertchai, A Rahim, N Ali, K Chaiyasarn, Q Hussain
    Sustainability 14 (13), 7673 2022
    Citations: 14

  • Structural Equation Modeling of Drivers' Speeding Behavior in Lahore: Importance of Attitudes, Personality Traits, Behavioral Control and Traffic Awareness
    MA Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Nazam Ali, Syed Arif Hussain
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Integrating the Norm Activation Model (NAM) Theory in Explaining Factors Affecting Drivers’ Speeding Behavior in Lahore
    SAHS Muhammad Ashraf Javid, Nazam Ali, Muhammad Abdullah
    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Measuring customers’ satisfaction and preferences for ride-hailing services in a developing country
    N Ali, MA Javid, T Campisi, K Chaiyasarn, P Saingam
    Sustainability 14 (22), 15484 2022
    Citations: 13