Olivia Munoz


UMR 8215 "Trajectoires"



I am an archaeo-anthropologist, specializing in the recent prehistory and protohistory of Arabia. I hold a PhD in Archaeology-Ethnology-Prehistory from the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a PhD in Animal Biology from the Università di Roma La Sapienza, obtained in 2014, and I have been a CNRS research fellow since 2018. My research focuses on the evolution of ancient populations in constrained environments, through the reconstruction of their lifestyles and the study of their burial practices. I am particularly interested in the mechanisms of adaptations of coastal populations between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age (6000-2000 BCE), and in the biocultural changes that accompany the development of oasis agriculture in Arabia (food, sanitary status, demography, sedentariness, social complexification,...).


2014 PhD Anthropologie-Ethnologie-Préhistoire – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2014 PhD Biologie Animale – Università di Roma La Sapienza
PhD Thesis: « Pratiques funéraires et paramètres biologiques dans la péninsule d’Oman du Néolithique à la fin de l’âge du Bronze ancien (V-IIIe millénaires avant notre ère) » │ supervisors: Serge Cleuziou, Jean-Paul Demoule, Alfredo Coppa


Archaeology, Biological anthropology, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Arabian peninsula


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Panorama de la communaut professionnelle en anthropologie biologique et archo-anthropologie en France
    F Marchal, O Munoz, F Bocquentin, Y Ardagna, C Buquet, S Kacki, ...
    Bulletins et mmoires de la Socit d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP 36 (36 (2)) 2024

  • Early Bronze Age Agriculture in the Hajjar Foothills. insights into the oral health of the Bisya population (ca. 3000-2500 BCE, Oman)
    O Munoz, K Rointru
    Seminar for Arabian Studies 2024

  • Funerary landscape, mortuary practices and bioanthropological studies in the Bisya Area ((Ad-Dākhilīyah Governorate, Sultanate of Oman). Report of the 2024 Campaign (11-26
    O Munoz
    CNRS UMR 8215; Ministry of Heritage and Tourism (Sultanate of Oman) 2024

  • Bahla historic mosque. Report on the salvage excavation (2003) and bioanthropological study of the bone pit.
    O Munoz
    CNRS UMR 8215 Trajectoires; Ministry of Heritage and Tourism (Sultanate of Oman) 2024

  • New insights on Bronze Age funerary monuments in the Ḥajar foothills: surveys and excavations at Bisya (Ad-Dākhilīyyah, Sultanate of Oman)
    O Munoz, K Rointru, M Jean, MP Pellegrino, C Renaux, M Laguardia, ...
    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 53, 173-193 2024

  • mergence de l’agriculture en Arabie du Sud-Est l’ge du Bronze ancien: apports de l’analyse des conditions bucco-dentaires d’une population de Bisya (3000-2500 avant notre
    O Munoz, K Rointru
    Bulletins et mmoires de la Socit d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP 36 (36 (S)) 2024

  • The pan-Arabian c. 3000 BC monumental funerary complex
    O Munoz
    Seminar for Arabian Studies 2023

  • Evolution of the funerary landscape and mortuary practices in the Hajar foothills during the Early Bronze Age: the case of the Bisya region (Sultanate of Oman)
    O Munoz, K Rointru, M Laguardia, M Cotty, PG Sanz, C Renaux, M Jean
    Seminar for Arabian Studies 2023

  • Premire campagne de fouille du tumulus de Saint-Blec (Leuhan, Finistre)
    C Nicolas, Y Pailler, L Aubry, TH Freiesleben, C Galinand, G Gurin, ...
    Bulletin de la Socit prhistorique franaise 120 (1), 65-69 2023

  • First excavation campaign of the Saint-Belec tumulus (Leuhan, Finistere)
    C Nicolas, Y Pailler, L Aubry, TH Freiesleben, C Galinand, G Guerin, ...
    Bulletin De La Societe Prehistorique Francaise 120 (1), 65-69 2023

  • Ra’s al-Hadd HD-7 necropolis, Ash Sharqiyah Governorate, Oman
    O Munoz, G Seguin
    Landscapes of Death. Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman 2023

  • Ra’s al-Jinz RJ-6 necropolis, Ash Sharqiyah Governorate, Oman
    O Munoz, G Santini, K Rointru
    Landscapes of Death. Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman 2023

  • Shiya necropolis, Ash Sharqiyah Governorate, Oman
    O Munoz
    Landscapes of Death. Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman 2023

  • From the oasis to the great desert. Settlement Dynamics in the Hajjar Mountains Foothill (Oman). The Bisya Oasis from the Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age. Short preliminary
    M Sauvage, M Jean, V de Casteja, A Beshkani, S Bonilauri, K Seolmin, ...
    Ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires trangres 2023

  • Paris (IVe), Alle des Justes de France (ancienne rue du Grenier‑sur‑l’eau), Mmorial de la Shoah: rapport de fouille, 384 p.
    X Peixoto, H Cabart, P Celly, S Frre, A Lefvre, L Leconte, O Munoz, ...
    Inrap-Centre le-de-France 2023

  • The Early Bronze Age in the Hajar oases: new investigations of the settlement, funerary and monumental site of al-Dhabi 2 (Bisya, Oman)
    M Jean, M Sauvage, O Munoz, V de Castja, T Mespoulet, J Pinot, ...
    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 52, 189-205 2023

  • Le phnomne des tombes-tours dans la pninsule arabique et le cas de l'Arabie du Sud-Est
    O Munoz
    Symposium" Bahren et ses voisins", Muse du Louvre 2022

  • Mortuary practices and bioanthropological data in the Oman Peninsula from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6th-3rd mill. BC)
    O Munoz
    International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central 2022

  • Protohistoric cairns and tower tombs in south-eastern Arabia (end of the 4th-beginning of the 3rd millennium BCE)
    O Munoz
    Megaliths of the world 2, 905-920 2022

  • Funerary Practices in Ancient Arabia: the Necropolis of Thaj
    M Laguardia, O Munoz, J Rohmer, P Courtaud
    < bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: HAL-SHS 2022


  • Early Neolithic genomes from the eastern Fertile Crescent
    F Broushaki, MG Thomas, V Link, S Lpez, L Van Dorp, K Kirsanow, ...
    Science 353 (6298), 499-503 2016
    Citations: 347

  • The microscopic (optical and SEM) examination of dental calculus deposits (DCD). Potential interest in forensic anthropology of a bio-archaeological method
    P Charlier, I Huynh-Charlier, O Munoz, M Billard, L Brun, ...
    Legal Medicine 12 (4), 163-171 2010
    Citations: 75

  • Diet and mobility in a late Neolithic population of coastal Oman inferred from radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis
    A Zazzo, O Munoz, JF Salige
    American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153 (3), 353-364 2014
    Citations: 54

  • Transition to agriculture in South‐Eastern Arabia: Insights from oral conditions
    O Munoz
    American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164 (4), 702-719 2017
    Citations: 36

  • A revised radiocarbon chronology of the aceramic shell midden of Ra’s Al-Hamra 6 (Muscat, Sultanate of Oman): implication for occupational sequence, marine reservoir age, and
    A Zazzo, O Munoz, E Badel, I Bguier, F Genchi, LG Marcucci
    Radiocarbon 58 (2), 383-395 2016
    Citations: 35

  • Excavations at Raʾs al-Jinz RJ-1: stratigraphy without tells
    C Monchablon, R Crassard, O Munoz, H Guy, G Bruley-Chabot, ...
    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 31-47 2003
    Citations: 33

  • Life and death in prehistoric Oman: Insights from Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age funerary practices (4th-3rd mill. BC)
    E Bortolini, O Munoz
    The Archaeological Heritage of Oman, Proceedings of the symposium held at 2015
    Citations: 32

  • Variability in the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect in Muscat (Sultanate of Oman) during the 4th millennium BC: reflection of taphonomy or environment?
    A Zazzo, O Munoz, JF Salige, C Moreau
    Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (7), 2559-2567 2012
    Citations: 29

  • Settlement structures and cemetery at Wadi Shab‐GAS1, Sultanate of Oman: Report on the 2002 and 2003 field seasons
    M Gaultier, H Guy, O Munoz, M Tosi, D Usai
    Arabian archaeology and Epigraphy 16 (1), 1-20 2005
    Citations: 27

  • Marking the sacral landscape of a north Arabian oasis: a sixth-millennium BC monumental stone platform and surrounding burials
    O Munoz, M Cotty, G Charloux, C Bouchaud, H Monchot, C Marquaire, ...
    Antiquity 94 (375), 601-621 2020
    Citations: 25

  • Pratiques funraires et paramtres biologiques dans la pninsule d'Oman du Nolithique la fin de l'ge du Bronze ancien (Ve-III millnaires av. notre re)
    O Munoz
    Universit de Paris 1–Panthon-Sorbonne; Universita di Roma" La Sapienza" 2014
    Citations: 19

  • Les morts en socit: Une interprtation des spultures collectives d'Oman à l'Age du Bronze
    S Cleuziou
    Pratiques funraires et socits: Nouvelles approches en archologie et en 2007
    Citations: 19

  • New investigations at the prehistoric shell midden of Ra's al-Hamra 6 (Sultanate of Oman): results of the 2012 and 2013 excavation seasons
    LG Marcucci, Badel, F Genchi, O Munoz, A Todero, M Tosi
    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 235-255 2014
    Citations: 18

  • Use of ossuary pits during the Umm an-Nar period: New insights on the complexity of burial practices from the site of Ra’s al-Jinz (RJ-1), Oman
    O Munoz, RO Ghazal, H Guy
    J. Giraud et G. Gernez (d.), Aux marges de l’archologie. Hommage Serge 2012
    Citations: 18

  • First contribution of the excavation and chronostratigraphic study of the Ruways 1 Neolithic shell midden (Oman) in terms of Neolithisation, palaeoeconomy, social‐environmental
    JF Berger, R Guilbert‐Berger, A Marrast, O Munoz, H Guy, A Barra, ...
    Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 31 (1), 32-49 2020
    Citations: 16

  • Promoting group identity and equality by merging the dead
    O Munoz
    Mortuary and bioarchaeological perspectives on Bronze Age Arabia, 21-40 2019
    Citations: 14

  • La fabrique des anctres. Complexification sociale et spultures collectives dans la pninsule d'Oman l'ge du Bronze ancien
    O Munoz
    Le funraire. Mmoire, protocoles, monuments 11, 255-265 2015
    Citations: 10

  • The burials of the middle Holocene settlement of KHB-1 (Ra’s al-Khabbah, Sultanate of Oman)
    O Munoz, S Scaruffi, F Cavulli
    Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond Multidisciplinary perspectives 2010
    Citations: 9

  • Les restes humains de SHM-1 (campagnes 2002-2007): tude archo-anthropologique
    O Munoz, F Candilio, S Roudesli-Chebbi
    Le capsien de Hergla (Tunisie). Culture, environnement et conomie 4, 299-314 2013
    Citations: 8

  • Reconstructing the Diet of Ancient Fishermen of Ra’s al-Hadd and Ra’s al-Jinz (Sultanate of Oman) using Radiocarbon Dates’
    O Munoz, A Zazzo, JF SALIGE, S Cleuziou
    Poster presented at the ‘Dsert d’Afrique et d’Arabie: Environnement, climat 2008
    Citations: 8