Post-Doctoral Researcher
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Signal Processing in Biological Systems, Wireless Communication
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Devanand Bhonsle, K K Saxena, Ruhi Uzma Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sahu, Pushpendra Singh, and Tanu Rizvi
Image de-noising is an essential field in image processing, encompassing a wide range of applications. This is pre-processing task in which unwanted noise signals are removed using different techniques. Noise are unwanted signals which deteriorate the useful information from the image. These information may be edges, ridges, contours are other fine structures. For different applications these details are important. Noise signals may contaminate the image partially or completely. It depends upon the type of noise and its level. Noise may be categories according to its characteristics. The most frequent types of noise signals encountered in image processing include Additive White Gaussian Noise, Speckle noise, salt and pepper noise, Rician noise, random noise, and more. Noise signals introduced in the images during data acquisition, transmission or due to faulty location. Additive white Gaussian noise is one of the most common noise signal which affect almost all the images in a certain extent. In this chapter we apply de-noising technique which is based on wavelet thresholding. Wavelet transform is widely recognized as one of the most popular transforms in signal and image processing. It is used in various image processing applications. Thresholding is an essential component in wavelet transform, and it is commonly classified into two types: hard thresholding and soft thresholding. In the chapter we apply soft thresholding technique which outperforms hard thresholding technique.
Pathik Sahoo, Pushpendra Singh, Komal Saxena, Subrata Ghosh, R P Singh, Ryad Benosman, Jonathan P Hill, Tomonobu Nakayama, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
IOP Publishing
Abstract To build energy minimized superstructures, self-assembling molecules explore astronomical options, colliding ∼109 molecules s−1. Thus far, no computer has used it fully to optimize choices and execute advanced computational theories only by synthesizing supramolecules. To realize it, first, we remotely re-wrote the problem in a language that supramolecular synthesis comprehends. Then, all-chemical neural network synthesizes one helical nanowire for one periodic event. These nanowires self-assemble into gel fibers mapping intricate relations between periodic events in any-data-type, the output is read instantly from optical hologram. Problem-wise, self-assembling layers or neural network depth is optimized to chemically simulate theories discovering invariants for learning. Subsequently, synthesis alone solves classification, feature learning problems instantly with single shot training. Reusable gel begins general-purpose computing that would chemically invent suitable models for problem-specific unsupervised learning. Irrespective of complexity, keeping fixed computing time and power, gel promises a toxic-hardware-free world. One sentence summary: fractally coupled deep learning networks revisits Rosenblatt’s 1950s theorem on deep learning network.
Pushpendra Singh, Komal Saxena, Parama Dey, Pathik Sahoo, Kanad Ray, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Komal Saxena, Pushpendra Singh, Parama Dey, Marielle Aulikki Wälti, Pathik Sahoo, Subrata Ghosh, Soami Daya Krishnanda, Roland Riek, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Sudeshna Pramanik, Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Kanad Ray, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Komal Saxena, Pushpendra Singh, Satyajit Sahu, Subrata Ghosh, Pathik Sahoo, Soami Daya Krishnananda, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Pathik Sahoo, Pushpendra Singh, Jhimli Manna, Ravindra P. Singh, Jonathan P. Hill, Tomonobu Nakayama, Subrata Ghosh, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Photons that acquire orbital angular momentum move in a helical path and are observed as a light ring. During helical motion, if a force is applied perpendicular to the direction of motion, an additional radial angular momentum is introduced, and alternate dark spots appear on the light ring. Here, a third, centrifugal angular momentum has been added by twisting the helical path further according to the three-step hierarchical assembly of helical organic nanowires. Attaining a third angular momentum is the theoretical limit for a photon. The additional angular momentum converts the dimensionless photon to a hollow spherical photon condensate with interactive dark regions. A stream of these photon condensates can interfere like a wave or disintegrate like matter, similar to the behavior of electrons.
P. Singh, M. A. Jalil, P. Yupapin, J. Ali, M. A. Palomino, M. Toledo-Solano, K. Misaghian, J. Faubert, K. Ray, A. Bandyopadhyay,et al.
This manuscript explores the topological and optical properties of a Passeriformes bird feather. Inside the feather, the layers of keratin and melanin are responsible for light reflection, transmission, and absorption; notably, the miniature composition of melanosome barbules plays a crucial role in its reflective properties. We adopted a multilayer interference model to investigate light propagation throughout the Passeriformes plume. As a result, we obtained all necessary simulated results, such as resonance band, efficiency, and electromagnetic radiation patterns of the Passeriformes plume, and they were verified with the experimental results reported in the literature study regarding light reflectivity through its internal geometry. Interestingly, we discovered that the interior structure of the Passeriformes plume functions similarly to a UV reflector antenna.
Komal Saxena, Pushpendra Singh, Jhimli Sarkar, Pathik Sahoo, Subrata Ghosh, Soami Daya Krishnananda, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
AIP Publishing
When a perturbed periodic oscillation dephases, the system edits it to retrieve the original clock. The inherent clock born during retrieval is the time crystal. Time crystals have been explored for five decades, and only one inherent clock was detected in biological and artificial systems. Only one type of atom is used in those time crystals, but two or more atom types would lead to multi-functional and programmable time crystals. No such concept was ever conceived. Here, we demonstrate a multi-clock time crystal or a polyatomic time crystal in the brain neuron-extracted microtubule nanowire using dielectric resonance and quantum optics experiments. Earlier, one used to artificially reset the phase of an inherent clock to find a time crystal. Instead, we map how a biomaterial spontaneously generates distinct new clocks at many time domains at a time. We observe multiple time-symmetry-breaking events at a time. Moreover, unlike conventional time crystal research, we searched for polyatomic time crystals at least 103 orders lower than the excitation frequency region. Conventional time crystals could be rejected, arguing that inherent clocks born after the breaking of time symmetry are harmonics of the external input, and such an argument will not hold for us. Moreover, quantum experiments revealed a method to synthesize and fuse distinct clocks in one hologram as a polyatomic time crystal and project it like an antenna meters away. The discovery of material-like holographic engineering of polyatomic time crystals would make them useful.
Subrata Ghosh, Pushpendra Singh, Jhimli Manna, Komal Saxena, Pathik Sahoo, Soami Daya Krishnanda, Kanad Ray, Jonathan P. Hill, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Informa UK Limited
ABSTRACT In 1907, Lapicque proposed that an electric field passes through the neuronal membrane and transmits a signal. Subsequently, a “snake curve” or spike was used to depict the means by which a linear flat current undergoes a sudden Gaussian or Laplacian peak. This concept has been the accepted scenario for more than 115 years even appearing in textbooks on the subject. It was not noted that the membrane spike should have a cylindrical shape. A nerve spike having a dot shape on membrane surface cannot propagate through a cylindrical surface since it would dissipate instantaneously. A nerve spike should have the appearance of a ring, encompassing the diameter of a cylindrical axon or dendron. However, this subtle change has remarkable implications. Maintaining a circular form of an electric field is not easy, especially at the surface of an organic object. Here, we suggest that neuroscience could redefine itself if we accept that a nerve spike is not a localized 3D Gaussian or Laplacian wave packet, rather it is a 3D ring encompassing the diameter of a neural branch.
Komal Saxena, Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Subrata Ghosh, Daya Krishnanda, Kanad Ray, Daisuke Fujita, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Anindya Pattanayak, Tanusree Dutta, Piyush Pranjal, Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Soumya Sarkar, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Komal Saxena, Pathik Sahoo, Jhimli Sarkar, Subrata Ghosh, Kanad Ray, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Anindya Pattanayak, Tanusree Dutta, Piyush Pranjal, Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Soumya Sarkar, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Nature Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Subrata Ghosh, Komal Saxena, Jhimli Sarkar Manna, Kanad Ray, Soami Daya Krishnananda, Roman R Poznanski, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
IMR Press
The current action potential paradigm considers that all components beneath the neuron membrane are inconsequential. Filamentary communication is less known to the ionic signal transmission; recently, we have proposed that the two are intimately linked through time domains. We modified the atom probe-connected dielectric resonance scanner to operate in two-time domains, milliseconds and microseconds simultaneously for the first time. We resonate the ions for imaging rather than neutralizing them as patch clamps do; resonant transmission images the ion flow 103 times faster than the existing methods. We revisited action potential-related events by scanning in and around the axon initial segment (AIS). Four ordered structures in the cytoskeletal filaments exchange energy ~250 μs before a neuron fires, editing spike-time-gap-key to the brain's cognition. We could stop firing above a threshold or initiate a fire by wirelessly pumping electromagnetic signals. We theoretically built AIS, whose simulated electromagnetic energy exchange matched the experiment. Thus far, the scanner could detect & link uncorrelated biological events unfolding over 106 orders in the time scale simultaneously. Our experimental findings support a new dielectric resonator model of neuron functioning in various time domains, thus suggesting the dynamic anatomy of electrical activity as information-rich.
Pushpendra Singh, Komal Saxena, Pathik Sahoo, Subrata Ghosh, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
American Physiological Society
Using dielectric resonance scanner, we show electromagnetic field connections between physically separated neurons. Electromagnetic field creates field lines that pass through gap junctions, connect Axon initial segment with the dendrites through Soma, and connect axonal or dendritic branches even if there is no synaptic junction. Consequently, many distinct loops connecting various branches form coexisting circuits. Our discovery suggests that physically appearing neural circuit is a fractional view of many simultaneously operating circuits in different time domains in a neural network.
Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Komal Saxena, Jhimli Sarkar Manna, Kanad Ray, Subrata Ghosh, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Hodgkin and Huxley showed that even if the filaments are dissolved, a neuron’s membrane alone can generate and transmit the nerve spike. Regulating the time gap between spikes is the brain’s cognitive key. However, the time modula-tion mechanism is still a mystery. By inserting a coaxial probe deep inside a neuron, we have re-peatedly shown that the filaments transmit electromagnetic signals ~200 μs before an ionic nerve spike sets in. To understand its origin, here, we mapped the electromagnetic vortex produced by a filamentary bundle deep inside a neuron, regulating the nerve spike’s electrical-ionic vortex. We used monochromatic polarized light to measure the transmitted signals beating from the internal components of a cultured neuron. A nerve spike is a 3D ring of the electric field encompassing the perimeter of a neural branch. Several such vortices flow sequentially to keep precise timing for the brain’s cognition. The filaments hold millisecond order time gaps between membrane spikes with microsecond order signaling of electromagnetic vortices. Dielectric resonance images revealed that ordered filaments inside neural branches instruct the ordered grid-like network of actin–beta-spectrin just below the membrane. That layer builds a pair of electric field vortices, which coherently activates all ion-channels in a circular area of the membrane lipid bilayer when a nerve spike propagates. When biomaterials vibrate resonantly with microwave and radio-wave, simultaneous quantum optics capture ultra-fast events in a non-demolition mode, revealing multiple correlated time-domain operations beyond the Hodgkin–Huxley paradigm. Neuron holograms pave the way to understanding the filamentary circuits of a neural network in addition to membrane circuits.
Pushpendra Singh, J. E. Lugo, J. Faubert, Kanad Ray, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Noemí Sanchez-Castro, Martha Alicia Palomino-Ovando, Pushpendra Singh, Satyajit Sahu, Miller Toledo-Solano, Jocelyn Faubert, J. Eduardo Lugo, Anirban Bandyopadhyay, and Kanad Ray
Each tubulin protein molecule on the cylindrical surface of a microtubule, a fundamental element of the cytoskeleton, acts as a unit cell of a crystal sensor. Electromagnetic sensing enables the 2D surface of microtubule to act as a crystal or a collective electromagnetic signal processing system. We propose a model in which each tubulin dimer acts as the period of a one-dimensional crystal with effective electrical impedance related to its molecular structure. Based on the mathematical crystal theory with one-dimensional translational symmetry, we simulated the electrical transport properties of the signal across the microtubule length and compared it to our single microtubule experimental results. The agreement between theory and experiment suggests that one of the most essential components of any Eukaryotic cell acts as a one-dimensional crystal.
Pushpendra Singh, Kanad Ray, Preecha Yupapin, Ong Chee Tiong, Jalili Ali, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Kanad Ray, Subrata Ghosh, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Kanad Ray, Preecha Yupapin, Ong Chee Tiong, Jalili Ali, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore
S. K. Vijay, M. R. Ahmad, B. H. Ahmad, S. Rawat, P. Singh, K. Ray, and A. Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Komal Saxena, Subrata Ghosh, Satyajit Sahu, Kanad Ray, Daisuke Fujita, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore
Pushpendra Singh, Pathik Sahoo, Komal Saxena, Subrata Ghosh, Satyajit Sahu, Kanad Ray, Daisuke Fujita, and Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Springer Singapore