- A Tale of Railways, Stations and Trains: The First Bulgarian Railway Ruse-Varna (1866)R SavovaLa rotaia e il treno. Due secoli di sviluppo 16, 512 2024
- Climate Changes as Dystopia. Ways to turn Environmental Challenges into Opportunities and to Think GreenR SavovaPathways of Greening Labour Markets, 211-226 2023
- ТРУДОВАЯ МИГРАЦИЯ БОЛГАР В ЕС: ПРЕДПОСЫЛКИ, ПРИЧИНЫ, МОТИВЫ, ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯР СавоваУровень жизни населения регионов России 19 (2), 260-271 2023
- Technology and Society: Innovation and the Digital Transformation as Drivers of DevelopmentR SavovaThe Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital and Green 2022
- The 14th Annual Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, and the 5th International Conference “Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: History, ReligionR SavovaFolklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 245-253 2022
- Economic and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in BulgariaR SavovaTransformations of Regional and Local Labour Markets Across Europe in 2021
- A szocilis szolgltatsokhoz val hozzfrs vidken. Trsadalmi krdsek gazdasgi prizmbanR SavovaMagyar tudomny 182 (11), 1543-1545 2021
- Btorsg a politikbanF Bdi, R SavovaGondolat Kiad; MTA Trsadalomtudomnyi Kutatkzpont, Budapest 2021
- "Migration: Condition of Frontier" as it isR SavovaJournal of Frontier Studies 6 (2), 10-15 2021
- Sociocultural Change in Hungary: A Politico-Anthropological ApproachF Bdi, R SavovaThe International Journal of Social Quality 10 (2), 39-51 2020
- Courage in PoliticsF Bdi, A Ragusa, R SavovaPacini Editore, Italy 4, 197 2020
- Risks of Migration – Gains and Losses in Historical Approach of the Game theoryF Bdi, R SavovaГлобальные и региональные аспекты миграционных процессов: [сб. статей 2019
- Родной язык, сохраненный, несмотря на границы, как язык идентичности: пример болгарской школы в Будапеште (1918–2011)Р СавоваМНОГОЯЗЫЧИЕ КАК ФАКТОР СОХРАНЕНИЯ ЭТНОКУЛЬТУРНОГО РАЗНООБРАЗИЯ 2019
- Costs of Bulgarian Labour Migration and Labour Mobility: Challenges and OpportunitiesR SavovaJournal of Frontier Studies 4 (2), 410-430 2019
- A bolgrkertszek Magyarorszgon a 19. szzad vgn s a 20. szzad első felben – krnyezeti s gazdasgantropolgiai aspektusblF Bdi, R SavovaMagyar Tudomny 179 (3), 373-382 2018
- Bulgarian Educational Institutions Preserving the native Language of the Bulgarian Community and Minority in HungaryR SavovaCultural Heritage in Migration, 129-138 2017
- Bulgarian School in HungaryF Bdi, R SavovaModern dimensions in european education and research area, 43-49 2016
- A bolgrkertszek megtelepedse MagyarorszgonF Bdi, R SavovaA FALU 31 (3), 21-30 2016
- Access to services in rural areas–social issues through an economic prismR SavovaActa Medicina et Sociologica 7, 147-154 2016
- Integrated Migrant in HungaryF Bdi, R Savova3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences 2016