Ramaguru Radhakrishnan


Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham




Multidisciplinary, Computer Engineering


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • SSH-DAuth: secret sharing based decentralized OAuth using decentralized identifier
    Danda Prudhvi Krishna, R. Ramaguru, K. Praveen, M. Sethumadhavan, Kattur Soundarapandian Ravichandran, Raghunathan Krishankumar, and Amir H. Gandomi

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractOAuth2.0 is a Single Sign-On approach that helps to authorize users to log into multiple applications without re-entering the credentials. Here, the OAuth service provider controls the central repository where data is stored, which may lead to third-party fraud and identity theft. To circumvent this problem, we need a distributed framework to authenticate and authorize the user without third-party involvement. This paper proposes a distributed authentication and authorization framework using a secret-sharing mechanism that comprises a blockchain-based decentralized identifier and a private distributed storage via an interplanetary file system. We implemented our proposed framework in Hyperledger Fabric (permissioned blockchain) and Ethereum TestNet (permissionless blockchain). Our performance analysis indicates that secret sharing-based authentication takes negligible time for generation and a combination of shares for verification. Moreover, security analysis shows that our model is robust, end-to-end secure, and compliant with the Universal Composability Framework.

  • A Novel Approach to Build Privacy and Trust in Vehicle Sales Using DID
    Aju Mathew Thomas, K. V. Lakshmy, R. Ramaguru, and P. P. Amritha

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System
    Yaswanth Lingam Sivadanam, R. Ramaguru, and M. Sethumadhavan

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Distributed Identity and Verifiable Claims Using Ethereum Standards
    Aju Mathew Thomas, R Ramaguru, and M Sethumadhavan

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Evaluation of Wireless Access Point Security and Best Practices for Mitigation
    Aju Mathew Thomas, Gowtham Akshaya Kumaran, R Ramaguru, R Harish, and K Praveen

    The necessity for safeguarding wireless networks has increased due to an increase in the number of associated cyber-attacks on unsecured and weak wireless networks. It is critical for individuals, homeowners, and businesses to protect their wireless networks from external hackers. Wardriving is the act of an attacker foraging for wireless networks while driving a vehicle or while using a laptop or a smartphone. It is an efficient method for gathering information about nearby Wireless Access Points (WAPs), which aids in the analysis of a particular WAPs weakness. Hackers use wardriving techniques to identify open and poorly secured WAPs from which they can conduct illegal activities such as stealing personal data containing sensitive information and later using it to commit identity theft. This paper proposes and develops a Python-based standalone tool for analyzing the vulnerability of a specific Access Points captured during wardriving activity. The proposed tool generates a Report with the information about the WAP captured and also outlines best practices and recommendations for securing the WAP against wardriving.

  • Medical Records Management Using Distributed Ledger and Storage
    Samia Anjum, R. Ramaguru, and M. Sethumadhavan

    Springer International Publishing

  • Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing
    M. Kripa, A. Nidhin Mahesh, R. Ramaguru, and P. P. Amritha

    Springer Singapore

  • Blockchain based waste management

  • Blockchain for the internet of vehicles
    R. Ramaguru, M. Sindhu, and M. Sethumadhavan

    Springer Singapore


  • SSH-DAuth: Secret sharing based decentralized OAuth using decentralized identifier
    DP Krishna, R Ramaguru, K Praveen, M Sethumadhavan, ...
    Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18335 2023

  • A Novel Approach to Build Privacy and Trust in Vehicle Sales Using DID
    AM Thomas, KV Lakshmy, R Ramaguru, PP Amritha
    International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing 2023

  • Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System
    YL Sivadanam, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and 2022

  • Open-Source Cryptocurreny Forensic Framework
    G Anuhya, R Ramaguru
    Digital 4N6 4 (1), 20-26 2022

  • Distributed identity and verifiable claims using Ethereum standards
    AM Thomas, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies: Proceedings of 2022

  • Evaluation of Wireless Access Point Security and Best Practices for Mitigation
    AM Thomas, GA Kumaran, R Ramaguru, R Harish, K Praveen
    2021 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication 2021

  • Medical records management using distributed ledger and storage
    S Anjum, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    International conference on advances in computing and data sciences, 52-62 2021

  • Birthday Anonymizer and Zero Knowledge Verifier based on Ramanujan's Magic Square
    R Ramaguru
    NamChain Open Initiative Research Lab 2021

  • Blockchain Terminologies. NamChain Open Initiative Research Lab
    R Ramaguru, M Minu
    NamChain Open Initiative Research Lab 2021

  • Blockchain framework for social media DRM based on secret sharing
    M Kripa, A Nidhin Mahesh, R Ramaguru, PP Amritha
    Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2021

  • Blockchain based Waste Management
    P Gopalakrishnan, R Ramaguru
    International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (5), 2632-2635 2019

  • [M.Tech] Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles
    R Ramaguru
    TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore 2019

  • Blockchain for the internet of vehicles
    R Ramaguru, M Sindhu, M Sethumadhavan
    Advances in Computing and Data Sciences: Third International Conference 2019

  • [B.Tech] An Efficient Key Management in Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANET) using Mobile Agents
    R Ramaguru, GM Vignesh
    Department of Information Technology, Kumaraguru College of Technology 2011


  • Blockchain based Waste Management
    P Gopalakrishnan, R Ramaguru
    International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (5), 2632-2635 2019
    Citations: 40

  • Blockchain for the internet of vehicles
    R Ramaguru, M Sindhu, M Sethumadhavan
    Advances in Computing and Data Sciences: Third International Conference 2019
    Citations: 35

  • Blockchain framework for social media DRM based on secret sharing
    M Kripa, A Nidhin Mahesh, R Ramaguru, PP Amritha
    Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2021
    Citations: 23

  • Medical records management using distributed ledger and storage
    S Anjum, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    International conference on advances in computing and data sciences, 52-62 2021
    Citations: 17

  • Distributed identity and verifiable claims using Ethereum standards
    AM Thomas, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies: Proceedings of 2022
    Citations: 15

  • Evaluation of Wireless Access Point Security and Best Practices for Mitigation
    AM Thomas, GA Kumaran, R Ramaguru, R Harish, K Praveen
    2021 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System
    YL Sivadanam, R Ramaguru, M Sethumadhavan
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Blockchain Terminologies. NamChain Open Initiative Research Lab
    R Ramaguru, M Minu
    NamChain Open Initiative Research Lab 2021
    Citations: 2

  • SSH-DAuth: Secret sharing based decentralized OAuth using decentralized identifier
    DP Krishna, R Ramaguru, K Praveen, M Sethumadhavan, ...
    Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18335 2023
    Citations: 1