Assistant Professor
SRM Institute of science and Technology
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Crystal growth and characterizations of UV-Nonlinear optical materials, Functional Nanomaterials, and Energy storage materials.
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Abhishek A, Naveenkumar N, and Ramesh V
Elsevier BV
P. Umadevi, D.V. Sridevi, N. Naveenkumar, M. Abith, T.C. Sabari Grisun, and V. Ramesh
Elsevier BV
Abhishek A, Ravi K. R, Tushar H. Rana, Rajasekar Parasuraman, Suresh Perumal, and Ramesh V
Elsevier BV
Abhishek A, Ramesh V, Suresh Perumal, and Prasant Kumar Nayak
Elsevier BV
N. Naveenkumar, A. Abhishek, D. V. Sridevi, Murali Balu, B. Neppolian, and V. Ramesh
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
V. Ravisankar, V. Ramesh, B. Gunasekaran, Suresh Perumal, P. Karuppasasmy, and T. Kamalesh
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
G. Premanand, D.V. Sridevi, Suresh Perumal, T. Maiyalagan, John D. Rodney, and V. Ramesh
Elsevier BV
P. Umadevi, K.T. Ramya Devi, D.V. Sridevi, Suresh Perumal, and V. Ramesh
Elsevier BV
P. Ilayaraja, V Ramesh, Suresh Perumal, D.V. Sridevi, Junaid Masud Laskar, K. Rajarajan, and G Anbalagan
Elsevier BV
V. Ravisankar, V. Ramesh, B. Gunasekaran, and T. C. Sabari Girisun
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
V. Ravisankar, V. Ramesh, T. C. Sabari Girisun, D. V. Sridevi, and B. Gunasekaran
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
J. Devakumar, V. Ramesh, P. Suresh, P. Anto Mariya Jeraldine, P. Amaladass, and R. Jaya Santhi
The Electrochemical Society
V. Ravisankar, V. Ramesh, B. Gunasekaran, M. Krishnamohan, T. C. Sabari Girisun, and A. Dhanusha
The Electrochemical Society
V Ramesh, B Gunasekaran, P Suresh, E Sundaravadivel, K Showrilu, and K Rajarajan
IOP Publishing
Abstract Single crystal of mercury cadmium chloride thiocyanate (MCCTC) was grown by slow evaporation solvent method at ambient temperature (SEST) with a dimension of 10×5×5 mm3. The grown single-crystal’s structure and lattice constant, density and volume were estimated by using single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Additionally, the chemical etching and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis were used to investigate reverse growth and surface morphology. Moreover, the mechanical properties such as, hardness number, yield strength, Mayer index number, and stiffness constant were calculated by Vickers’s micro-hardness measurement. The thermal stability of grown single is stable up to 171 °C observed from TG-DSC, which reveals that the sample posses low thermal stability compared to other organometallic thiocyanate families of single crystals like MMTC(381°C), MFCTC (241°C) and ACCTC (247 °C). The non-linear optical study of second harmonic generation efficiency for MCCTC single crystal is 17 times superior to Urea.
K Showrilu, V Ramesh, K Rajarajan, and S A Martin Britto Dhas
IOP Publishing
Abstract We reported the bulk size with a dimension of 18×5×5 mm3 single-crystals of 18C6(Ba)(SCN)2.H2O [18-crown-6-ether barium(II) bisthiocyanate monohydrate]; abbreviated as BCBT, have been grown from an aqueous solution via slow evaporation solvent technique(SEST). The grown pristine single-crystals have characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR, micro-Raman, and UV-Vis-NIR spectral studies. BCBT crystallizes in a monoclinic with a non-centrosymeetric space group of P21 crystal system. Additionally, the chemical etching studies showed that the reverse crystal growth rates of BCBT. The FT-IR studies confirmed the present of functional groups in the grown single-crystal of BCBT. Interestingly, the CN stretching observed at 2012 cm−1 is clearly shown the N-bonded nature of SCN with Ba2+. Moreover, the micro-Raman spectrum is used to further additional confirmation of BCBT single-crystal. In the entire visible region, the BCBT crystal has found to be wide (UV-Vis-IR) optically absorption from 231 to 800 nm, which is suitable for optoelectronic applications. The laser damage threshold measurements on the BCBT crystal with Q-switched Nd: YAG laser of fundamental wavelength 1064 nm (QUANTA RAY Model LAB – 170 - 10, pulse width 10 ns and repetition rate 6 Hz used as the source of light for laser damage threshold experiment. Moreover, the thermal stability of grown BCBT is stable up to 289 °C. From the results reveal that the sample possess admirable thermal stability compared to other IOPS series such as CLTC (171°C), and ACCTC (241°C).
D.V. Sridevi, V. Ramesh, and E. Sundaravadivel
Elsevier BV
J. Devakumar, R. Jaya Santhi, P. Amaladass, and V. Ramesh
Elsevier BV
V Ramesh, B Gunasekaran, M Krishnamohan, and K Rajarajan
IOP Publishing
The hybrid non-linear optical (NLO) material of mercury cadmium chloride thiocyanate [Hg3CdCl2(SCN)6] (MCCTC) single crystal with a dimension of 10 × 5 × 5 mm3 was grown by the slow evaporation method. Further, the crystal structure and lattice constants were calculated and confirmed by a single crystal x-ray diffraction measurement. The powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) study was used to calculate the periodic intersection of lattice planes (h k l). Further, high-resolution x-ray diffraction (HXRD) study indicated the presence of two-dimensional (2D) defects in MCCTC single crystal. The surface morphology and present of the various chemical compositions of MCCTC single crystal were analyzed by FESEM and EDAX analyzer. The reverse growth rate of the grown crystal was estimated by etching studies. The existence of well-designed various functional groups and the coordination of C-N stretching vibrations in a grown MCCTC were identified through FT-IR and further confirmed by FT-Raman spectroscopy. The single crystal of MCCTC has the optical band gap of ∼4.33 eV and ∼58% of optical transmittance, which was calculated from UV–vis-NIR spectroscopy by Tauc’s relation. The third and second harmonic generation was calculated by the Z- scan and Kurtz powder technique. The measured value of higher (third harmonic) harmonic generation of real and imaginary parts of non-linear susceptibility χ(3) is found to be 2.44 × 10–9 esu. The NLO efficiency of MCCTC was 17 times superior to potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP), 3 times superior to urea and other organometallic thiocyanate families. Additionally, electrical and dielectric properties (dielectric constant and loss) of MCCTC were measured using impedance spectrometer.
K. Sendil Kumar, A. Baskaran, V. Ramesh, S. Murugavel, P. Sagayaraj, and K. Rajarajan
Elsevier BV
K. Jagannathan, P. Umarani, V. Ratchagar, V. Ramesh, and S. Kalainathan
Elsevier BV
V. Ramesh and K. Rajarajan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
A. Subashini, K. Sendil Kumar, V. Ramesh, and K. Rajarajan
Elsevier BV