Razzaq Abd Al-Zahra Ibrahim Alamery


Faculty of Science/Department of chemistry
University of Kufa



Act in University of Kufa/Faculty of Science/Department of chemistry


Ph.D in physical chemistry


- Kinetics and thermodynamic of chemical reactions.
- Electro Chemistry and polarographic analysis.
- Theoritical Methods.
- Biophysical Chemistry.
- Spectroscopy techniques.


V10i2 = Vol 10, No 2(2018) DOI: 10.5101/nbe.v10i2.p117-128 Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution by Differential Pulse Polarography: An Assessment of Optimum Conditions

The potassium phosphate buffer as a supporting electrolyte of anticancer drug (5-fluorouracil (5 FU)) was the best among solutions of sodium phosphate buffer and Britton Robinson buffer in differential pulse polarography (DPP) at pH = 7.0 and T = 37 °C. The changes of temperature did not effect on inactivity of the supporting electrolyte (potassium phosphate buffer at T = 10-50 °C), and pH of the solution did not exceed 2% of each 5 °C (at pH = 7.0, by modified thermostat cell). However, the frequency measurements showed clear effect of temperature on diffusion current (IP /μA) of the chemotherapy compound in the range of 20-50 °C and under primary conditions. Then, the polarography measurements of 5-FU drug (at 10 μM, pH = 7 and T = 37 °C) gradually led to the optimum conditions: deposition potential =–0.9 V; drop size = 9.0 mm3; deposition time = 15.0 s; equilibration time = 5.0 s; pulse amplitude = 100 mV; pulse time = 7.0 ms; voltage step = 6 mV; voltage step time = 0.3 s; and sweep rate = 20.0 mV/s. The thermal assessment of 5-FU drug (after achievement of the optimum conditions) in a new thermostat vessel at HMDE by DPP showed that the reaction of 5-FU molecules represented pseudo first order reaction, instead of first order); the secondary waves of 5-FU drug may be due to formation of molecular complexes in aqueous solution and the reduction of 5-FU molecules at mercury surface electrode appeared as physisorption, instead of chemisorption.

Applications Invited

V10i3 = Vol 10, No 3(2018) DOI: 10.5101/nbe.v10i3.p224-234 Stability of Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution: An Assessment of Kinetic Behavior

Spectroscopic measurements of pharmaceutical compound 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) drug was achieved in solvents with different polarity. The drug gave clear absorption peak at 259, 269, 270 and 266 nm in hexane, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and ethanol, as well as phosphate buffer respectively, which was consistent with the standard values in literatures. The results of extension coefficient (ε) and wave length (λmax) showed reduction in polar medium as compared to non-polar medium. The calibration curve of 5-FU drug was achieved by using serials solutions dissolved in phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4 and T = 37 °C) within the range of 1×10–6 ~ 1×10–4 M. The stability of 5-FU drug was studied in phosphate buffer at pH = 5, 6, 7, 7.4 and 8 with 1×10–5 M and T = 37 °C, according to the equation of first-order reaction. The hydrolysis of 5-FU disappeared at alkaline solution, but had noticeable hydrolysis in acidic solutions with the rate constant 25, 14 and 20 at pH of 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The calculation of molar extension coefficient and half-life (t1/2) showed same sequence of 5-FU hydrolysis. Then, rearrangement of obtained results offered complicated reversible equilibrium state by the combination between thermodynamic and kinetic behaviors of 5-FU hydrolysis; with Keq = 8.46, 6.11 and 142.8 at pH of 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The acidic hydrolysis of 5-FU occurred spontaneously within free energy (ΔG) did not exceed 10 kJ/mol, which meant the electro motive forces of interactions were weak, notable to release energy such as Van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding.

Applications Invited

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Synthesis, coordination study, and anti-microbial ability of new mixed-ligand complexes derivatized from azo imidazole, and 1, 10-phenanthroline
    MMAR Israa N. Witwit, Husham M. Mubarak, Razzaq A. Ibrahim
    Microbial Biosystems 9 (2), 19-29 2024

  • Investigation of anticancer drug activity 5-fluorouracil and some analog derivatives by QSAR: theoretical study
    RAAZI Alamery, FSA Suhail, HK Al-Hakeim
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (1), 012032 2020

  • Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution by Differential Pulse Polarography: An Assessment of Optimum Conditions
    RAAZ Ibrahim, HK Al-Hakeim, FSA Suhail
    Nano Biomed. Eng 10 (2), 117-128 2018

  • Stability of anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil in aqueous solution: An assessment of kinetic behavior
    RA Ibrahim, FSA Suhail, HK Al-Hakeim
    Nano Biomed. Eng 10 (3), 224-234 2018

  • دراسة بولاروغرافية في حساب إستقرارية المعقدات الجزيئية لمرافق الانزيم NADH مع بعض المستقبلات الالكترونية في المحاليل المائية
    رزاق عبد الزهـرة إبراهـيم, فـلاح شريف عـبد سهـيل

  • دراسة بولاروغرافية في حساب إستقرارية مرافق الانزيم مع بعض المستقبلات الالكترونية في المحاليل المائية
    رزاق عبد الزهـرة إبراهـيم, فـلاح شريف عـبد سهـيل


  • Stability of anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil in aqueous solution: An assessment of kinetic behavior
    RA Ibrahim, FSA Suhail, HK Al-Hakeim
    Nano Biomed. Eng 10 (3), 224-234 2018
    Citations: 15

  • Investigation of anticancer drug activity 5-fluorouracil and some analog derivatives by QSAR: theoretical study
    RAAZI Alamery, FSA Suhail, HK Al-Hakeim
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (1), 012032 2020
    Citations: 2

  • Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil in Aqueous Solution by Differential Pulse Polarography: An Assessment of Optimum Conditions
    RAAZ Ibrahim, HK Al-Hakeim, FSA Suhail
    Nano Biomed. Eng 10 (2), 117-128 2018
    Citations: 2