Nelcy Della Santina Mohallem

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Dr. Nelcy Della Santina Mohallem, PhD in Applied Physics by USP/Brazil (1990), postdoc in the CETEC-MG, in hydrothermal synthesis of ferroelectric and magnetic materials, author of about 100 scientific publications between articles, patents and book chapters, and full professor in the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Chemistry Department, Laboratory of Nanostructured Materials, since 1992. Member of scientific technical board of the Center of Microscopy of UFMG since 2006. She supervised directly various undergraduate and graduate students. She has experience in the field of material science, with emphasis on physics and chemistry of the condensed state, acting mainly in the following themes: Nanoscience and nanotechnology, coprecipitation, hydrothermal and sol-gel processes. She works with the synthesis, characterization and application of nanoparticle materials, nanocomposites, ferrofluids and thin films. She has large experience in coordination of several academic projects, including projects in collaboration with Brazilian companies. She created a company “spin off” of her laboratory, Nanum Nanotechnology in 2003, which now is exporting magnetic nanoparticulate products.


PhD in Applied Physic


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Material Sciences
Material characterization