- Programmed Cell Death Ligand - 1 (PDL-1) Expression in Classical Hodgins Lymphoma: Clinicopathological Significance and Relation with CD68+ Tumor-Associated Macrophages (TAM
BAA Abdulhamid TT, Ali SA
Kuwait Medical Journal 23 2023
- Clinicopathological Value of Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Adult Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma in Hawler City
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- Prevalence of HCV genotypes in correlation with viral load in Northern region of Iraq
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- Human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus infections in patients with mucocutaneous lesions can be linked to host TBX-21 gene polymorphism
AA Bakir
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- DNA detection of Helicobacter pylori in saliva of patients with low salivary pH
LQ Rahman, AQ Rahman, AA Bakir, RA Muhamadamin, PK Khudhur
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- Anethumgraveolens and Apiumgraveolens leaf-extract and their antifungal effects on pathogenic Candida species: In vitro study
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- Glutamic acid decarboxylase-IgG among T2DM patients with HCMV infection and HbA1c levels
LQ Rahman, SK Hussain, PK Khudhur, AA Bakir
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- Identification of Oligella ureolytica from Formalin-Embalmed Cadavers
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- TB airborne transmission: first gene expression signatures of captured, uncultured M. tuberculosis from human source aerosol
EA Nardell, CM Williams, AJ Bell, L Malinga, MY Ramsheh, A Bakir, ...
- Transcriptional Response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on Encounter with Neutrophil In Vitro
AA Bakir
University of Leicester 2016
- Detection of anti-CMV IgM and anti-toxoplasma gondii IgG in pregnant women with history of abortion
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- Detection of Anti-CMV IgM and Anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG in Pregnant Women with History of Abortion
RK Ahmad, AA Bakir, ZK Al-Barzanjy, SK Husain
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences 15 (3) 2011
- Prevalence of Anti-Hepatitis C-Virus Antibodies in Erbil Community
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