- The Histomorphometric and Histological Evaluation of Renal Cortex in Response to Sleep Disturbance in Adult Male Rat
ZA Mohsin, HR Kamoona
Kufa Medical Journal 20 (1), 15-24 2024
- Immunohistochemical Expression of Malondialdehyde in The Suprarenal Cortex of Adult Male Rats Associated with Sleep Disturbance
HAMHR Kamoona
NeuroQuantology 20 (9), 3729 2022
- Evaluation of the effect of sleep disturbance on the immunohistochemical expression of beta Amyloid precursor protein in cerebral and cerebellar cortices of adult mice
MS Ahmed, HR Kamoona
- Evaluation of Intra Placental Vascular Pattern in Postdate Placenta, By Casting and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Α-Smooth Muscle Actin
HR Kamoona, HA Jarullah
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (6), 8240-8249 2021
- MRI-evaluation of suprascapular notch morphometry and its clinical applications
TM Farhan, HR Kamoona
J Med Res Surg 2 (1), 1-6 2021
- perinatal changes in leptin receptors expression in liver of rat.
HRK noor K Jwad
biochemical and cellular archives 20 (2), 3677-3684 2020
- Gestation related histomorphometric and immunohistochemical changes in acute regulatory protein of steroidogenesis and oxidative stress in rat adrenal gland cortex
HRK afrah adil hassan
biochemical and cellular archives 20 (1), 1355-1362 2020
- Changes in immunohistochemical expression of leptin receptors in the neurons of dentate gyrus of hippocampus of pregnant rat.
bakir ali huda r kamoona
indian journal of natural sciences 9 (53), 17104-17112 2019
- Histo-Morphometric Study and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA) in Preterm Human Placenta.
marwa khadim huda R kammona
indian journal of natural sciences 10 (56), 17634-17645 2019
- The effect of two diffrent formulae of fibrin sealent on mice skin wound healing .
sara haider, majid hameed,huda R kamoona
Biochem. Cell. Arch. , 18 (2) 2018
- Age related changes in topographic and immunohistochemical expression of StAR and malondialdehyde in rat suprarenal cortex during perinatal development.
HRK Bassam K Abdul ameer
Biochem. Cell. Arch. , 18 (2), pp2329-2338 2018
- The evaluation of histological changes and imunohistochemical expression of amyloid precursor protein in cerebral and cerebellar cortices in newborn mice after prenatal
TM Farhan, HR Kammona, HJ Mubarak
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 6 (14), 28-43 2017
- The Role of Estrogen and Progesterone on Vaginal Cytology during Proliferative and Secretary Phases of Menstrual Cycle in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
HR Kareem, HA Jaafer, ZH Hashim
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences 15 (1) 2017
- Age changes in skeletal muscle cells, proliferation and glycogen
huda kammona
Scholars press 2016
- Evaluation of Intraplacental Villous Microvascular Density and Vascular Surface Area in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Its Correlation to Newborn Body Weight
HRK Kamona, ZHH Al-Amily, SI Al-Marsoummi
Ijms 14 (2), 112-118 2016
- The evaluation of placental vascular generation and placental apoptosis in preterm and post-date placentae in relation to apgar score at birth.
ZH Hashim, HR Kareem, HA Jaafar
Medical Journal of Babylon 13 (1), 79-84, 2016
- Age related changes in human placental oxidative stress and its effect on syncytial apoptosis (syncytial knot formation)
HAJ Huda. R.Kareem, Alaa.G.Hussain
int.J.Pharm.Sci.Rv.Res 29 (2), 38-41 2014
- Microspectrophotometric Quantification of the Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Contents with Aging.
HR Kareem
Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (1) 2012
- Semi-automated Computational Method for Skeletal Muscle Fiber Typing with Lectins: Correlation with Morphometric Studies
MAA Al-Kaabi, AHA Al-Anbaki, HR Kareem
Ijms 10 (3), 206-212 2012
- The Proliferative Profile of the Rhombencephalicdemilune in the Developing Rat Cerebellum: A quantitative HistochemicalStudy
AHA Al-Anbaki, HR Kareem, MAA Al-Kaabi
Iraqi J MedSci 9 (4), 312-316 2011