
Head & Assistant Professor of Chemistry
A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi




M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., DCA, COA


Completed UGC funded minor research project entitled “Studies on toxicity anti- inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anaesthetic and wound healing activities of Phallusia arabica”
Thesis / Dissertations
Title: “Studies on chemical and pharmacological potential of some selected ascidians” under the guidance of Dr. R. Jothibai Margret, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pope’s College, Sawyerpuram, Thoothukudi and co-guide Dr. V. K. Meenakshi, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, A.P. C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi.
Title: “Synthesis and structure of some novel nickel II mixed ligand complexes with thiourea as primary ligand” under the guidance of Dr. R. Francis Nicholas Ashok, Reader, Department of Chemistry, V.O.C College, Thoothukudi.


Inservice training to science teachers

To Organise the programme on Inservice training to science teachers in Thoothukudi district.

Applications Invited

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • Descriptive Review on required Iodine and its percentage effects in different brands of iodized salt
    M Stellapackiam,C, KohilaSubathra Christy, H, Divya Antony, Gurulakhsmi, P ...
    Humanities and Social Sciences 82 (6), 561-570 2022

  • Basic Science
    H KohilaSubathra Christy

  • Green Synthesis and Characterisation of MgO Nanoparticles Using Phallusia nigra
    S Shanmuga Priya, D, Kohila Subathra Christy H and Sankaravadivu
    Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research 9 (1), 137– 142 2022

  • Biosynthesis and Characterisation of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Andrographis Panniculata
    SKSCH Sankaravadivu, S, Shanmuga Priya, D, Paulin Sandha
    Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology 4 (25), 13007– 13012 2021

  • In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of NaringiCrenulata(Roxb.)Nicolson(Rutaceae)
    K Yokeswari Nithya, P,Kohila Subathra Christy, H, and Sarada
    Annals of Romanian Society for Cell Biology 4 (25), 12614– 12622 2021

  • Synthesis and characterisation of silver nanoparticles using phallusia nigra
    DS Priya, S Sankaravadivu, S Sudha, HKS Christy
    Annals of RSCB 25 (4), 12948-12957 2021

  • Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Phallusia Arabica and Evaluation of Total Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity
    HKS Christy, PY Nithya, CS Packiam, DS Priya
    Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (4), 12997-13006 2021

  • Optical, structural and morphological characterization of cadmium ion doped WO3 nanoparticles
    S Kalaiarasi, HKS Christy, RR Muthuchudarkodi
    Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 11 (04), 155-160 2020

  • July–September
    S Rajendran

  • Survey of Industrial and Applied Chemistry
    HSPD Stella Packiam, C, KohilaSubathra Christy

  • Corrosion studies of carbon steel using inhibitor of CITRUS X SINENSIS and PUNICA peel extract in Phosphoric acid medium
    SSR Stellapackiam,C, Rathika, D, Dhivya, A, Kohila Subathra Christy, H ...
    International Journal of Nano corrosion science and Engineering 7 (3), 15-20 2020

  • Synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using Phallusia nigra extract
    DS Priya, S Sankaravadivu, HKS Christy

  • Biosynthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles from simple ascidian Phallusia arabica and their total antioxidant and antibacterial activity
    VK Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi
    Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 5 (10), 123-133 2018

  • Antioxidant activity of a colonial ascidian Eudistoma viride using DPPH method
    DS Priya, S Sankaravadivu, HKS Christy
    European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 3 (8), 427-429 2016

    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu

  • Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extracts of Phallusia nigra against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu
    World J. Pharm. Res 5 (1), 648-655 2015

    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu, CS Packiam

    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu

  • Evaluation of wound healing activity of Phallusia Arabica
    HKS Christy, RJ Margret, K Meenakshi
    World J. Pharm. Res 4, 13 2015

  • Antioxidant activity of the simple ascidian Phallusia nigra of Thoothukudi Coast
    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu, CS Packiam
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 12, 410-412 2015


  • Antimicrobial activity of simple ascidisn Phallusia nigra
    D Shanmugapriya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu
    World J. Pharm. Res 4 (9), 822-827 2015
    Citations: 8

  • Evaluation of wound healing activity of Phallusia Arabica
    HKS Christy, RJ Margret, K Meenakshi
    World J. Pharm. Res 4, 13 2015
    Citations: 7

  • Antioxidant activity of the simple ascidian Phallusia nigra of Thoothukudi Coast
    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu, CS Packiam
    International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 12, 410-412 2015
    Citations: 7

  • Antioxidant activity of a colonial ascidian Eudistoma viride using DPPH method
    DS Priya, S Sankaravadivu, HKS Christy
    European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research 3 (8), 427-429 2016
    Citations: 5

  • Infrared and gas chromatogram-mass spectral studies of the ethanolic extract of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816
    VK Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi
    Archives of Applied Science and Research 5 (4), 17-23 2013
    Citations: 5

  • Synthesis and characterisation of silver nanoparticles using phallusia nigra
    DS Priya, S Sankaravadivu, S Sudha, HKS Christy
    Annals of RSCB 25 (4), 12948-12957 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extracts of Phallusia nigra against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
    DS Priya, HKS Christy, S Sankaravadivu
    World J. Pharm. Res 5 (1), 648-655 2015
    Citations: 4

  • Studies on the oral acute and subchronic toxicity of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816
    M KohilaSubathraChristy, Jothibai Margret
    International Journal of Biopharmaceutics 5 (5), 353-357 2014
    Citations: 4

  • Chemical screening and Anaesthetic Activity of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816
    M KohilaSubathraChristy, Jothibai Margret
    International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences 4 (2 2014
    Citations: 4

  • Optical, structural and morphological characterization of cadmium ion doped WO3 nanoparticles
    S Kalaiarasi, HKS Christy, RR Muthuchudarkodi
    Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 11 (04), 155-160 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Anti-inflammatory activity of the simple ascidian, Phallusia arabica Savigny
    M KohilaSubathraChristy, Jothibai Margret
    International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research 5 (7), 553-558 2014
    Citations: 3


Paper Publications
1. Kohila Subathra Christy, H 2011, ‘Agro wastes as adsorbents for Chromium (VI) removal’, Enrich, 2(2): 42-50.
2. Kohila Subathra Christy, H 2012, ‘Contents Responsible for Colour, Taste and Flavour in Different Brands of Coffee’, Enrich, 3(1): 11-16.
3. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2013, ‘Infrared and gas chromatogram-mass spectral studies of the ethanolic extract of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816’, Archives of Applied Science and Research, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 17-23.
4. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2014, ‘Antipyretic and Analgesic activity of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816’, International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Analysis, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 162-165. Impact Factor: 1.34
5. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2014, ‘Chemical screening and Anaesthetic Activity of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816’, International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 24-28.
6. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2014, ‘Anti-inflammatory activity of the simple ascidian, Phallusia arabica Savigny’, International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 553-558. Impact Factor: 0.34
7. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2014, ‘Studies on the oral acute and subchronic toxicity of Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816’, International Journal of Biopharmaceutics, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 353-357.
8. Kohila Subathra Christy, H 2014, ‘Determination of Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipid in various Milk Samples’, Enrich, V(II): 77-82.
9. Kohila Subathra Christy, H 2014, ‘Spectrophotometric Analysis of a simple ascidian Phallusia arabica Savigny, 1816’, Enrich, VI(I): 70-75.
10. Kohila Subathra Christy, H 2014, ‘A Review of research on the simple ascidian Phallusia arabica’, Enrich, VI(II): 72-76.
11. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2015, ‘Evaluation of Wound healing activity of Phallusia arabica Savigny’, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 1202-1213. SJIF Impact Factor: 5.990
12. Shanmugapriya D, Kohila Subathra Christy H, and Sankaravadivu, S 2015, Antimicrobial activity of simple ascidian Phallusia nigra, World Journal of Pharmaceutical research, 4(9): 822-827. ISSN: 2277-7103, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.990
13. Shanmugapriya D, Kohila Subathra Christy H, Sankaravadivu, S and Stella Packiam C 2015, Antidiabetic activity of the ethanolic extract of a simple ascidisn Phallusia nigra, World Journal of Pharmaceutical research, 4(11):1557-1563. ISSN: 2277-7103, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.990
14. Shanmugapriya D, Kohila Subathra Christy H, Sankaravadivu, S and Stella Packiam.C. Antioxidant activity of the simple ascidian Phallusia nigra of Thoothukudi coast. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemisrry, 2015:410-412. ISSN: 2249-734X.
15. Shanmugapriya D, Kohila Subathra Christy H, and Sankaravadivu, S. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extracts of Phallusia nigra against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats. World Journal of Pharmaceutical research, 2015: 5(1):648-655. ISSN: 2277-7103, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.990.
16. Shanmugapriya D, Sankaravadivu, S and Kohila Subathra Christy H. Qualitative and Quantitative estimations of chemical constituents in a simple ascidian Phallusia nigra World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016: 6(2):1492-1497. ISSN: 2277-7106, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.990
17. Shanmugapriya D, Sankaravadivu, S and Kohila Subathra Christy H. Antioxidant activity of a colonial ascidian Eudistoma viride using DPPH method. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2016: 3(8):427 -429.
18. Shanmugapriya D, Sankaravadivu, S and Kohila Subathra Christy H. Determination of Heavy metal in a simple ascidian Phallusia nigra by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2016: 3(4):189-190. ISSN: 2294-3211, SJIF Impact Factor: 3.628.
19. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Jothibai Margret, R and Meenakshi, VK 2018, ‘Biosynthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles from simple ascidian Phallusia arabica and their total antioxidant and antibacterial activity, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 123-133. Impact Factor: 5.87; UGC Approval No. 63975.
20. Shanmuga Priya D, Sankaravadivu S, and Kohila Subathra Christy H 2019, Synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using Phallusia nigra extract, Journal of emerging technology and innovative research, 6(3):5-15
21. Kohila Subathra Christy, H, Gurulakhsmi, P, Shanmugapriya D and Stellapackiam , C 2020, Electrochemical and thermal behaviour of cadmium oxide nanoparticle, Studies of Indian place Names, 40(70): 3008-3015, ISSN: 2394-3114, Impact Factor: 5.3