Tiago Miguel Patricio Ribeiro


Faculty of Human Kinetics
University of Lisbon




Post-doctorate in Administration at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2020). PhD in Sport Management and Sociology in Faculty of Human Kinetics at the University of Lisbon (2018). Master’s degree in Sports Management in Faculty of Human Kinetics and the Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon (2012). Graduation in Sports Sciences by the Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education in University of Coimbra (2009). Research fellow by FAPERJ (2015-2016) and Olympic Studies Centre (2017).


Olympic Games
Social impacts/legacies
Olympic education
Sport mega-events
Consumer behaviour


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • TikTok for learning through movement, dramatization, and music: Insights for higher education applications in sport sciences
    S Lpez-Carril, MH Gonzlez-Serrano, T Ribeiro, P Jimnez-Jimnez
    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 35, 100501 2024

  • Host Residents’ Perceptions of the Olympic Legacies: The Legacy Effect on Community Sport Participation.
    C Ribeiro, T., Correia, A. & Araujo
    Routledge Handbook of the Global South in Sport for Development and Peace 1 2024

  • Devem os Esports ser includos no Programa Olmpico? Uma abordagem reflexiva das razes proteladas
    T Ribeiro
    Esports, Comunidades e Eventos Digitais 1, 131-161 2024

  • Esports, Comunidades e Eventos Digitais
    T Ribeiro, A Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.34623/rbkx-nd40 1, 194 2024

  • Understanding the Role of Sport Values on Social Capital and Word-of-Mouth on the Internet: A Case Study of Esports Games
    T Ribeiro, A Calapez, V Almeida, H Matsuoka
    Simulation & Gaming 54 (6), 645-679 2023

  • Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics
    T Ribeiro, V Almeida, A Calapez, H Matsuoka, R Yamashita
    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 24 (4), 700-721 2023

  • (In)sustentabilidade dos megaeventos de desporto
    T Ribeiro
    Lies em Gesto do Desporto 1, 755-787 2023

  • Lies em Gesto do Desporto
    A Correia, R Biscaia, T Ribeiro
    https://doi.org/10.61875/9789899101968 2023

    T Ribeiro, JSC Amor, S Lpez-Carril
    Conference: WASM Conference 2023, 256 2023

  • Esports fan identity toward sponsor–sponsee relationship: an understanding of the role-based identity
    A Calapez, T Ribeiro, V Almeida, V Pedragosa
    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 2023

  • Examining the Olympic education's legacy on the teacher community: a case study of the Transforma Program
    T Ribeiro, C Figueiredo, A Correia
    Event Management 2023

  • Do the Olympic values influence the social capital and the in-game commitment? A case study of esports players
    T Ribeiro, S Lopez, A Calapez
    Leisure Studies 2023

  • Sport Governance in Portugal
    L Haas, T Ribeiro
    Sport in the Iberian Peninsula Management, Economics and Policy 1 2023

  • The Olympic Games’ impact on the development of teachers: the case of Rio 2016 Official Olympic Education Programme
    T Ribeiro, A Correia, C Figueiredo, R Biscaia
    Educational Review 74 (5), 992-1011 2022

  • Gesto de eventos de desporto: um guia para a gesto
    T Ribeiro, A Correia
    CinTurs – Centro de Investigao em Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Bem-Estar da 2022

  • Are there opportunities for women as head coaches in Brazil's national teams? The case of handball
    IB Mesquita, CAF da Silva, S Ghayebzadeh, L Mataruna-Dos-Santos, ...
    Motriz 28 (1), e10220010421 2022

  • O Valor da Educao Olmpica: um Estudo Longitudinal do Programa Transforma Rio 2016
    T Ribeiro, A Correia, J Maroco, C Figueiredo
    Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Desportivo | Comit Olmpico de Portugal 2022

  • Resident attitudes toward the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: A longitudinal study on social legacy and support behaviours
    T Ribeiro, R Yoda, D Papadimitriou, A Correia
    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 50, 188-198 2022

  • Psychic income benefits of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: comparison of host community pre- and post-Games perceptions
    T Mouro, T Ribeiro, V Almeida
    Journal of Sport & Tourism 2022

    SS Veerle De Bosscher
    ISBN 9789072325112 2022


  • Sport policy and sports development: Study of demographic, organizational, financial and political dimensions to the local level in Portugal
    MRC Teixeira, TMP Ribeiro
    The Open Sports Sciences Journal 9 (1) 2016
    Citations: 52

  • Examining service quality and social impact perceptions of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games
    TM Ribeiro, A Correia, R Biscaia, C Figueiredo
    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 19 (2), 160-177 2018
    Citations: 41

  • The social impact of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games: comparison of residents' pre- and post-event perceptions
    T Ribeiro, A Correia, R Biscaia
    Sport, Business and Management 2020
    Citations: 37

  • The Olympic Games’ impact on the development of teachers: the case of Rio 2016 Official Olympic Education Programme
    T Ribeiro, A Correia, C Figueiredo, R Biscaia
    Educational Review 74 (5), 992-1011 2022
    Citations: 32

  • Resident attitudes toward the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: A longitudinal study on social legacy and support behaviours
    T Ribeiro, R Yoda, D Papadimitriou, A Correia
    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 50, 188-198 2022
    Citations: 21

  • Mega events footprints: past, present and future
    LJ Mataruna-Dos-Santos, BG Pena
    Rio de Janeiro: Engenho 2017
    Citations: 19

  • Organisational issues in Olympic Games: A systematic review
    TB Tiago Ribeiro, Abel Correia, Rui Biscaia
    Event Management 25 (2), 135–154 2021
    Citations: 18

  • The relationship between organisational issues and social impacts of Rio Olympic Games: a volunteer’s perspective
    T Ribeiro, A Correia
    Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 13 (1), 124–145 2021
    Citations: 16

  • The Rio's transport legacy: pre- and post-Games resident perceptions
    T Ribeiro, V Almeida
    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, (In-press) 2020
    Citations: 15

  • Does the Olympic legacy and sport participation influence resident support for future events?
    T Ribeiro, A Calapez, V Almeida
    Leisure Studies 2021
    Citations: 12

  • Does the Olympic legacy perceived in the host city influence the resident support after the Games?
    T Ribeiro, V Almeida
    International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 2021
    Citations: 11

  • O processo de desenvolvimento desportivo: Fatores de incidncia em Portugal.
    M Teixeira, T Ribeiro
    Revista Portuguesa de Cincias do Desporto 2014
    Citations: 11

  • Perspetiva Social e Organizacional dos Jogos Olmpicos: Estado da Arte.
    T Ribeiro, A Correia, R Biscaia, C Figueiredo
    Qual Legado. Leituras e reflexes sobre os Jogos Olmpicos Rio-2016 2018
    Citations: 10

  • Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics
    T Ribeiro, V Almeida, A Calapez, H Matsuoka, R Yamashita
    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 24 (4), 700-721 2023
    Citations: 9

  • Psychic income benefits of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: comparison of host community pre- and post-Games perceptions
    T Mouro, T Ribeiro, V Almeida
    Journal of Sport & Tourism 2022
    Citations: 8

  • The multidimensionality of service quality at 2016 Rio Olimpic Games. Book Mega sport events footprints
    TM Ribeiro, A Correia, R Biscaia, C Figueiredo
    Past, present and future 1 (1), 829-848 2017
    Citations: 8

  • Demographic and economic factors study in the regional sports development
    M Teixeira, T Ribeiro, A Correia
    International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 4 (4), 77-82 2014
    Citations: 6

  • Gesto de eventos de desporto: um guia para a gesto
    T Ribeiro, A Correia
    CinTurs – Centro de Investigao em Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Bem-Estar da 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Host city transportation issues: conceptualization, scale development, and validation
    T Ribeiro, V Almeida
    Sport, Business, Management: An International Journal 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Desporto Profissional: das politicas governance e ao lucro
    M Carvalho, T Ribeiro
    Gesto do Desporto, Compreender para gerir 5, 141-160 2019
    Citations: 3