Geological Engineering/Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Career and Experience
1. Editor of Daily Morning Radar Sorong (Jawa Pos Group) in West Papua Province
2. Lecturer at the Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Victory Sorong, West Papua Province
3. Senior Geology Exploration Coal in Sorong Regency, West Papua Province,
4. Lecturer in Geology Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Gorontalo
5. Member of the International Association of Sedimentology (IAS)
6. Prime members of the International Indonesian Scientists Association (I4)
7. Members of the Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI)
8. Members of Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Scholarship Recipient Alumni Association
9.Members of Indonesian Society of Remote Sensing (MAPI)
10. Geomine Journal Editor Team (Sinta Indexed)
11. Journal Reviewers on the Jambura Geoscience Review (SInta Indexed)
- Bachelor of Geological Engineering (ST), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, (Cumlaude Graduated)
- Master of Geological Engineering (MT), Hasanuddin University (Unhas) Makassar
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, (The Best Graduates and Cumlaude Graduates)
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Aang Panji Permana, Sunarty Suly Eraku, Ronal Hutagalung, Dewi Rahmawaty Isa, and Naafi’ Syahna Firdhaus Biya
IOP Publishing
Abstract The research site is located in the Inamo area of Sorong Regency. The research area is situated in the western part of Papua Island, administratively belonging to Southwest Papua Province. The objective of this study is to examine the type of pyrite minerals in Sorong coal based on petrographic analysis. The research methodology employed to achieve the research objective includes field geological surveys and laboratory petrographic analysis. The research results and discussion indicate that the geomorphological unit of the study area is the Alluvial Plain Unit. The lithological unit of the research area consists of alluvial deposits containing layers of coal and mudstone. Petrographic analysis of the Sorong coal reveals that the pyrite type is syn-genetic, as the pyrite crystals under the microscope exhibit euhedral and massive forms. Euhedral pyrite can be recognized as well-formed pyrite crystals. The majority of euhedral pyrite is syn-genetic and formed during peat deposition and/or early humification. On the other hand, massive pyrite is usually found as filling in fractures/cavities, cementation, or framboidal mantles, either euhedral or detrital minerals.
S. S. Eraku, A. P. Permana, and M. N. Baruadi
Technoscience Publications
Spatial data technology using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is one of the aerial imaging technologies used to produce detailed data. However, its utilization for mapping, especially disaster mapping needs an in-depth study. The research site is located within 00-”00’29°51’31°00” N and 12327’5°-123”00’3°” E that covers an area of 2,531 Ha, which consists of 1,745 Ha land and 786 Ha water areas. Administratively, the research site is in South Leato Village of Dumbo Raya sub-district of Gorontalo city with a total area of 41,9 Ha. This study is aimed at assessing the landslide by creating a landslide zonation map and finding out the landslide potential area by using the UAV. This research employs field surveys by using drones and Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis. It is found that the parameters that influence landslides are lithology, rainfall, slope inclination, lineament density, and land use. The landslide vulnerability analysis reveals three levels of vulnerability in this site; low, medium, and high vulnerability, in which, 19 Ha is classified as low vulnerability area, 9.5 Ha is classified as medium vulnerable, and 13.5 Ha is classified as highly vulnerable area.
Aang Panji Permana, Fandji Marfian, Noviar Akase, and Muhammad Kasim
EDP Sciences
The research was conducted in Bualemo Area, Kwandang District, North Gorontalo Regency. The aim of this study was to analyze the petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the Bualemo Area, North Gorontalo Regency. A mapping technique was utilized in this work to assess the geological conditions of the research site, and petrographic analysis was used to assess the mineral content and rock texture. The findings revealed the stratigraphy of the research region, including an altered andesite unit, an andesite unit, and an alluvial deposit unit, when sorted from old to new. The results of the petrographic analysis show that the rock has a cumoloporphyritic texture, with phenocryst (25%) consisting of plagioclase (60%), k-feldspar (30%), and pyroxene (7%). Pyroxene minerals are all present as phenocrysts, measuring 0.5-0.8 mm, in subhedral-anhedral shape, measuring 0.5-1.5 mm, phenocrysts are starting to turn into secondary minerals, and some are present as relict minerals. The groundmass (75%) consists of predominant plagioclase and minor K-feldspar. The rock is basaltic andesite.
Aang Panji Permana, Sunarty Suly Eraku, Ronal Hutagalung, and Rini Rahmatia Suarno
EDP Sciences
The research location is in South Leato, Gorontalo City. Geologically, the study site conditions are arranged in a dominant lithology of volcanic rock and limestone. The existence of limestone is interesting to study because its position in the hills shows a strong tectonic influence. The purpose of this study was to analyze the porosity of the limestone in the South Leato Region, Gorontalo City. This goal will be achieved using two methods: geological field surveys and laboratory analysis of specific gravity and water absorption tests of coarse aggregate. The results showed that the limestone that made up the research area was coralline rudstone. Referring to the average porosity value of the limestone in the study area, the porosity is excellent.
Ronal Hutagalung, Aang Panji Permana, Sunarty Suly Eraku, Dewi Rahmawaty Isa, and Oka Arin Ghaneswara
AIP Publishing
Sunarty Suly Eraku, Mohamad Karmin Baruadi, and Aang Panji Permana
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
Preservation of nature and local culture and local community involvement in tourism site management and taking into consideration their needs and interests are the core values of ecotourism. Pohuwato, one of the regencies in Gorontalo province is endowed with many tourism potentials, and thus, should be mapped to increase appreciation toward local culture by cultivating the traditional values and local wisdom among the society. This study aims at mapping the local ecotourism potential in the Pohuwato Regency. Survey, interview, and Geographic Information System methods are employed in this study. Further, scoring and descriptive methods are utilized to analyse the data obtained from the field. The analysis reveals that several sites and local wisdom are the potential to be further cultivated to attract tourists to Pohuwato such as Pohon Cinta Beach, Torosiaje the Bajaunese Village, Lahe Island, and Libuo Beach. This mapping will benefit the public and government in providing information and making it easier for visitors to get to know the ecotourism sites in Pohuwato regency and assist the development of Geopark Gorontalo.
A.P. Permana, S.S. Eraku, R. Hutagalung, and D.R. Isa
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan
S Eraku, H Hendra, A P Permana, A Syamsurizal, and N Baruadi
IOP Publishing
The ecotourism potential of the beach area in Bone Bolango regency, if developed optimally, is very high. Ecotourism development is a tourism activity that incorporates the principles of environment-friendly attitudes. It emphasizes the aspects of nature conservation, empowerment of the local community’s economic, social, and cultural competence, as well as education. Botutonuo beach is among the coastal areas in Bone Bolango regency with high ecotourism potential. The present study aimed to analyze the ecotourism potential of Botutonuo beach based on the physical, sociocultural, economic, and institutional parameters. It employed an ecological-spatial approach by involving the Geographic Information System (GIS). The research method comprised field observation; the data were retrieved by field measurement, interview, and questionnaire. The data were analyzed in a quantitative manner with descriptive statistical analysis, scoring analysis, and qualitative descriptive analysis to result in the final evaluation score of the site’s ecotourism potentials. The analysis result on the site’s physical parameters (vegetation, environmental hygiene, materials, and water brightness) indicated that the Botutonuo beach has high potential. The same criteria were also given in other physical parameters that consisted of distance, facilities, accessibility, and site attractiveness. Moreover, high ecotourism potential was also shown by the site’s other parameters (institutional, sociocultural, economic, and environmental parameters). The site’s high ecotourism potential was due to the beach’s characteristics. The site is a sandy beach that is naturally formed. On top of that, the community’s contribution to constructing tourism facilities was influential in boosting the ecotourism potentials.
Fitryane Lihawa, Ahmad Zainuri, Indriati Martha Patuti, and Aang Panji Permana
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan
Alo watershed is the sub-watershed within the system of Limboto watershed which directly disembogues to Limboto Lake. Land degradation happened in the Alo watershed is caused by the agricultural system that does not apply land conservation techniques such as terracing and mounds and it triggers erosion and landslide. The method used in this research is geoelectric method with Wenner Alpha configuration; while the data analysis utilizes resistivity imaging method which produces two-dimensional cross-sectional images. In total, there are seven trajectories with a length of 170-180 meters each. The result of the research presents the slip surfaces of 7 locations are located in 3-17 meters depth with the inclination of 11o -79o trending dominantly northwest and one location trending southeast.
Aang Panji Permana, Subagyo Pramumijoyo, and Sunarty Suly Eraku
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan
The research area is located in northern Limboto Lake in Gorontalo Province, which has complex geological characteristics. The geological complexities include stratigraphy and tectonics which influence the formation of the Limboto Basin. Limestone research in the Late Tertiary Limboto Basin is very intriguing to be done because of the lack of research in limestone. Gorontalo limestone outcrops, which become the focus of the research, have a total thickness of 30 meters. The research objective is to analyze facies, microfacies, and depositional environment of tertiary limestone. These two research objectives are attained by using two research methods, namely measurd section and petrography analysis. The research result exhibits that there are four Gorontalo limestones facies, including coralline rudstone intercalated with thin mudstone facies, sandy micrite intercession facies, coralline rudstone intercession facies and sandy allochem limestone intercession facies. According to the limestone micro- facies standard, the depositional environment of Gorontalo limestone is platform interior restricted (facies zone 8).
Aang P. Permana, , Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Akmaluddin Akmaluddin, Didit H. Barianto, , , , and
Kuwait Journal of Science
The limestone research within the Limboto Basin of Gorontalo Province becomes a new challenge, particularly for the study of planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. This study uses the data obtained from the measured section in the north-western part of Limboto Lake. The purpose of this study is to determine the planktonic foraminiferal biozonation and the relative age of Limboto limestones. The analyzed planktonic foraminiferal fossils can be classified as well to moderately preserved of various species, in the context of abundance, categorized as frequent to abundant. There are three recognized planktonic foraminiferal biozones, i.e., two biozones for Miocene age (M13b and M14) and one biozone for Pliocene age (PL1). The Miocene biozones are named as Globorotalia plesiotumida partial range zone (M13b) and Pulleniatina primalis-Globoquadrina dehiscens concurrent range zone (M14), while the name of Pliocene biozone is Globorotalia acostaensis partial range zone (PL1). The results of this study can be a reference to propose an age of Limboto Limestone Formation. Identification and demarcation of the Limboto Limestone Formation are based on the time interval and relative age of the formation based on planktonic foraminifera.
Aang Permana, , Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Akmaluddin Akmaluddin, , and
Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum
The location of the study area is surging hills in Bongomene area, Gorontalo, Indonesia. In this study, a geological survey and sampling were taken, and then an analysis of the content of benthic foraminifera was performed in each sample. The study aims to discover the species of benthic foraminifera fossils and to determine the paleobathymetry to the studied regions. The results of the analysis contained seven fossils species, namely Ammomassilina alveoliniformis, Stelligerum astrononion, Haynesia germanica, Nonion fabum, Praeglobobulimina ovata, Rhabdammina discreata and Saccorhiza ramosa. Based on the content of benthic foraminifera fossils, paleobathymetry is determined as Middle Shelf to Outer Shelf in Bongomeme 1, while in Bongomeme 2 and 3 is Middle Shelf.
S. S. Eraku, , A. P. Permana, , , and
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan
Aang Permana, , Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Akmaluddin Akmaluddin, , and
Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum
The research location is the northern part of the Basin of Limboto Lake; the focus of the research is the limestone outcrop with 24 meter thickness in Yosonegoro area. The purpose of the study is to find out facies, standard microfacies and depositional environment on Limboto limestone. The research method carried out consisted of three methods namely the measured section, petrographic analysis and biostratigraphy analysis.
The limestone facies in the Yosonegoro area consist of two facies. Then, based on sedimentary structure, composition, color, precipitation texture, terrestrial origin components and the organism content, the two facies can divided into three different microfacies. Paleobathymetry shows a deepening from the middle shelf - upper slope to the upper slope - lower slope due to the sea level rise. Compilation of standard microfacies and paleobathymetry types shows changes in depositional environment from the slope environment to the toe of slope environment. The result of this study will be led researchers to propose the name of the new formation, which is the Limboto Limestone Formation according to specific location and characteristics from the previous formation name of the Clastic Limestone Formation.
Aang Panji Permana, , Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Akmaluddin, , , , , and
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakshtan
1.Editor of Daily Morning Radar Sorong (Jawa Pos Group) in West Papua Province
2. Senior Geology Exploration Coal in Sorong Regency, West Papua Province,