Dr. M. Jeevitha


Assistant Professor, Department of Botany
Pope's College


V. O. Chidambaram College

St. Xavier's college

V. O. Chidambaram College

Kamaraj college


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


v Jeevitha, M., Athiperumalsami, T. and Venkataraman Kumar. 2013. Dietary fibre, mineral, vitamin, amino acid and fatty acid contents of seagrasses from Tuticorin Bay, southeast coast of India. Phytochemistry 90: 135-146.

v Jeevitha, M., Athiperumalsami, T. and Venkataraman Kumar. 2014. Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry analysis of selected seagrasses of Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu. Seaweed Res. Utiln., Vol: 36 (1&2): 156-162.

v Jeevitha, M. and Venkataraman Kumar. 2012. Analysis of nutrients in different parts of seagrasses from Tuticorin Coast at different seasons Seaweed Res. Utiln., Vol: 33: 171-175.

v Jeevitha, M. and Venkataraman Kumar. 2012. Nutritional and antinutritional assessment of various parts of seagrasses at different seasons. Seaweed Res. Utiln., Vol: 34 (1&2): 132-137.

v Jeevitha, M. and Venkataraman Kumar. 2013. Impact of seagrass based diets on production and growth of two major carps Seaweed Res. Utiln., Vol: 35 (In press).

v A. John De Britto, M. Jeevitha and T. Leon Stephan Raj. 2011. Alterations of protein and DNA profiles of Zea mays L. under UV- B radiation. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 7: 232-240.

v A. John De Britto, M. Jeevitha and T. Leon Stephan Raj. 2011. Effect of UV- B radiation on protein and DNA of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). Journal of Basic and Applied Biology, 5(1&2): 218-223.

v Chidambaram Pillai, S., Jeevitha, M. and Paramaraj, M. 2009. Study on the effect of two processing methods on anti-nutrient