Tankeshwar Prasad


Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (A), Rajahmundry

B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from S.C.E, Bangalore, under V.T.U., M.Tech in Design & Manufacturing from NIT Silchar, Assam, PhD. in Mechanical Engineering Department at NIT Silchar In "Assessing latent initiator based multiple healing in epoxy matrix GFRP laminated
composites under Guidance of Dr. S. Halder. I taught many Subjects like Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Material, Machine Design, Production Process etc. at Buddha institute of Technology, Bodhgaya, Bihar. I also worked at Sobha developers Limited in Plumbing and HVAC unit for more than one years and completed many Real Estate and Contracts & Residential projects in Bangalore city including, Sobha lifestyle Legacy, Sobha dream Gardens, Sobha lake Gardens, Sobha Royal Pavilion, Sobha Arena, Sobha Forest Edge and many more. .


2020 - Till date: working as assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GIET, University, Rajahmundry, A.P
2014 – 2020, Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India
2012 – 2014, M. Tech (Design & Manufacturing), National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India
2002 – 2006, B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Sapthgiri College of Engineering, Bangalore, India


Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), Polymer matrix composites (PMC), Healing chemistry in polymer, Adhesive Science and Technology, Fracture Mechanics, Cure kinetics, Surface functionalization of nanomaterial, Micro-encapsulation, Sol-gel Chemistry, Glass and carbon fiber, CNT, Graphene.


Healing in multifunctional laminated composites for aerospace applications.

In view of the inevitable damage due to interlaminar as well as intralaminar fracture in laminated composites the concept of healing is endorsed in this research proposal. Presently, most of the industrial and academic research highlights the development of healable polymer composites with single step healing. This proposal is based on the development of innovative repeatable healing enabled fiber reinforced laminated composite (FRP) and their evaluation to recommend them as next generation smart composites.

Applications Invited
DST Project

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Healing Behaviour of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
    JAVVK Tankeshwar Prasad, K. Shashi Kumar, K. Naresh, K. Jaya Prakash
    International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 12 (3), d758-d765 2024

  • Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Polymer Reinforced With Graphene Oxide
    S Tankeshwar Prasad, Y. Lokesh Naidu, G. Dileep Kumar, S. Hemanth Sai Raj
    International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 12 (3), k346-k353 2024

  • Synthesis of SiO2 Nanoparticles using Sol-gel Method
    T Prasad, K Gowthami, BV Babu, MVRR T. Naveen, G Ganesh
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 9 (SI03 2023

  • Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Matrix Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminated Composites
    T Prasad, KA Kumar, V Nagasiva, P Abhishek, D Kiran
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 9 (SI03 2023

  • Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Matrix Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Hybrid Composites
    T Prasad, D Saikrishna, S Anudeep, KBK Reddy, MS Patnaik
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 9 (SI03 2023

  • Mechanical Properties Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Composite Material
    T Prasad, PK kumar, SVNS Subrahamanyam, SMK Teja, VSS Aditya
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 8 (S06 2022

  • Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Al8081, TiB2 and Graphite by Stir Casting
    T Prasad, K Rambabu, BS K. Avish, M Nagendra
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 8 (S06 2022

  • Design and Analysis of Precession Steering Mechanism using FEM Method
    T Prasad, N S, S B, Leela, P V., R varma, B, AN Durga
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 7, 163-170 2021

  • Design and analysis of leaf spring
    T Prasad, GR Kiran A, AA Gowd, KGP Kumar, CT Kumar
    International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology 7, 13-19 2021

  • Epoxy/imidazole functionalized silica epoxy nanocomposites: mechanical and fracture behaviour
    T Prasad, S Halder, SS Dhar, MS Goyat
    Express Polymer Letters 15 (3), 203-223 2021

  • Reinforcing effect of imidazole modified nanosilica on thermal and mechanical properties of anhydride based epoxy system
    T Prasad, S Halder, SS Dhar
    Materials Today Proceedings:ICRACM-19 21 (2020), 1038-1043 2020

  • Process parameter effects on particle size reduction of sol-gel synthesized silica nanoparticles
    Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S. S.Dhar
    Materials Today Proceeding: ICMMM-2019 22 (2020), 1669-1675 2020

  • Imidazole-Supported Silica one-pot Processed Nanoparticles to Enhance Toughness of Epoxy Based Nanocomposites
    Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, Siddhartha S.Dhar
    Materials Chemistry and Physics 2019

  • A review on Diels-Alder based self-healing polymer composites
    NI Khan, S Halder, SB Gunjan, Tankeshwar Prasad
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 377 (1), 1-9 2018

  • Morphological dissimilarities of ZnO nanoparticles and its effect on thermo‐physical behavior of epoxy composites
    T Prasad, S Halder, MS Goyat, SS Dhar
    Polymer Composites 39 (1), 135-145 2018

  • Superior mechanical properties of poly vinyl alcohol-assisted ZnO nanoparticle reinforced epoxy composites
    S Halder, T Prasad, NI Khan, MS Goyat, SR Chauhan
    Materials Chemistry and Physics 192, 198-209 2017

  • Optimization of parameters and its effect on size of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel method
    T Prasad, S Halder
    Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem 2015

  • Effect of process zone on tensile behavior of DGBA/SiO2 nanocomposites
    Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, R.K. Gupta
    5th National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars, MR-13, 2013, IIT Bombay. 2013


  • A review on Diels-Alder based self-healing polymer composites
    NI Khan, S Halder, SB Gunjan, Tankeshwar Prasad
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 377 (1), 1-9 2018
    Citations: 56

  • Superior mechanical properties of poly vinyl alcohol-assisted ZnO nanoparticle reinforced epoxy composites
    S Halder, T Prasad, NI Khan, MS Goyat, SR Chauhan
    Materials Chemistry and Physics 192, 198-209 2017
    Citations: 30

  • Imidazole-Supported Silica one-pot Processed Nanoparticles to Enhance Toughness of Epoxy Based Nanocomposites
    Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, Siddhartha S.Dhar
    Materials Chemistry and Physics 2019
    Citations: 25

  • Morphological dissimilarities of ZnO nanoparticles and its effect on thermo‐physical behavior of epoxy composites
    T Prasad, S Halder, MS Goyat, SS Dhar
    Polymer Composites 39 (1), 135-145 2018
    Citations: 17

  • Epoxy/imidazole functionalized silica epoxy nanocomposites: mechanical and fracture behaviour
    T Prasad, S Halder, SS Dhar, MS Goyat
    Express Polymer Letters 15 (3), 203-223 2021
    Citations: 12

  • Process parameter effects on particle size reduction of sol-gel synthesized silica nanoparticles
    Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S. S.Dhar
    Materials Today Proceeding: ICMMM-2019 22 (2020), 1669-1675 2020
    Citations: 12

  • Optimization of parameters and its effect on size of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel method
    T Prasad, S Halder
    Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem 2015
    Citations: 3

  • Reinforcing effect of imidazole modified nanosilica on thermal and mechanical properties of anhydride based epoxy system
    T Prasad, S Halder, SS Dhar
    Materials Today Proceedings:ICRACM-19 21 (2020), 1038-1043 2020
    Citations: 1


1. Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S. S. Dhar, Reinforcing effects of imidazole-modified nanosilica on thermal and mechanical properties of anhydride based epoxy system, Materials Today Proceedings, 21 (2020), 1038-1043. (Published in ICRACM-19, IIT BHU Varanasi).
2. Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S. S. Dhar, Process parameter effects on particle size reduction of sol-gel synthesized silica nanoparticles, Material Today: Proceeding, 22 (2020), 1669-1675, (Published in ICMMM-19 VIT, Vellore, India).
3. Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, Optimization of Parameters and its Effect on Size of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized by Sol-gel Method, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 336, 399-407, 2015 (Published in 4th International conference on Soc Pros’14 at NIT Silchar, India).
4. NI Khan, S Halder, SB Gunjan, Tankeshwar Prasad, A review on Diels-Alder based self-healing polymer composites, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 377. 012007.10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012007. (Published in ICMRE-2017, SMIT, Sikkim, India)


1. Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S. S. Dhar, A method of functionalizing SiO2 nanoparticles with imidazole curing agent for latent initiator based multiple healing of GFRP laminated composites with improved mechanical and healing performance (Patent in Credit from Ph.D Work under preparation:)


1. Tankeshwar Prasad, S Halder, S.S. Dhar, M.S. Goyat, Epoxy/imidazole functionalized silica epoxy nanocomposites: mechanical and fracture behaviour, eXPRESS Polymer Letters. 15, 203-223, 2021. Impact factor: 3.08.
2. Tankeshwar Prasad, S. Halder, S.S. Dhar, Imidazole-Supported Silica one-pot Processed Nanoparticles to Enhance Toughness of Epoxy Based Nanocomposites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 231, 75-86, 2019. Impact factor: 3.40.
3. Tankeshwar Prasad, Sudipta Halder, S.S. Dhar, Morphological dissimilarities of ZnO nanoparticles and its effect on thermo-physical behavior of epoxy composites, Polymer Composites 39 (1), 135-145, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/, 2016. Impact factor: 2.26.
4. S. Halder, Tankeshwar Prasad, NI Khan, M.S Goyat, S.R Chauhan, Superior mechanical properties of poly vinyl alcohol-assisted ZnO nanoparticles reinforced epoxy composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics 192, 198-209, 2017. Impact factor: 3.40.


1. Worked as Quality Controller, from 3rd July 2006 to 30th September 2007 for Indian Rubbers, Bangalore.
2. Worked as HVAC Design Engineer, from 3rd October 2007 to 31st December 2008 for Sobha Developers Ltd., Bangalore.