M. Roem Syibly


Department of Islamic Studies
Universitas Islam Indonesia




Research Interest in Islamic family law
The scope of Islamic family law are Islamic marriage, divorce in Islam, reconciliation, living, Islamic inheritance, grants, wills, waqf (endowment), zakat, infaq, and shadaqah.


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • A Comparative Analysis of Legal Products on the Development of Productive Waqf in Indonesia and Malaysia
    M. Roem Syibly, Nurul Hidayawatie Mustaffa, Muhammad Rabbani Bin Zulkifle, and Cahya Wulan Ndini

    Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia)
    Indonesia and Malaysia generally have the same Islamic character and history, so the development of Islamic law also has the same roots. Then there were differences in the development of Islamic law, including the law on waqf, which was caused by differences in colonial history. The Dutch colonized Indonesia, and Malaysia was colonized by the British. Therefore, they have different systems and state administrations. This study aims to explain how much support for positive legal products that regulate waqf impacts the development of productive waqf instruments in Indonesia and Malaysia, although with different legal systems. This research is literature research with a juridical-normative approach with a qualitative model. Analysis of the data used is the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The study results in show that in Indonesia and Malaysia, waqf legal products have existed since the sultanate era, colonial era, and independence era. Waqf legal products in Indonesia regulate more about waqf of immovable objects, which are regulated in different legal products. However, since the birth of the Waqf Law in 2004, waqf has not only focused on immovable objects but also movable and productive objects following the development of the financial world. And business. Likewise, in Malaysia, the legal product of waqf is included in family law which is regulated in the law in each different country, including the territory of the alliance. Productive waqf has also penetrated productive economic efforts by the purpose of waqf.

  • An Overview of Islamic Law on Accommodation Leasing in Nglanjaran Hamlet, Sardonoharjo Village, Ngaglik Sub District, Sleman Regency.
    M. Roem Syibly and Dani Arisman

    Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia)
    This study focuses on the contract implementation to lease an accommodation according to Islamic law. This study aims to explain the practices in accommodation leasing in Nglanjaran, Sardonoharjo Village, Ngaglik District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta and to examine the accommodation leasing practices based on Islamic law. This research used a field research method, with a descriptive analytical approach. The data were collected through observation and interviews. This research shows that the agreement made between the tenant and the accommodation owner was done orally and in writing. This was done in accordance with Islamic law as it fulfills the essential principles and requirements of ijarah. The prices and the period of lease has been determined based on various facilities provided such as physical and non-physical facilities. Meanwhile, disputes that may occur in leasing practices are settled through a negotiation for consensus. To avoid agreement violation, the requirements or any issue related to the lease agreement shall be clearly written to avoid any ambiguity and misunderstanding in the future. In addition, it is suggested that the village apparatus be involved in the arrangement of the lease practice, by way of making general regulations for accommodation leasing in Nglanjaran for community comfort.

  • The harmonious relationship between minangkabau custom and Islam in the distribution of inheritance

  • Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of Islamic law matters: A study in Yogyakarta City
    Ahmad Darmadji, Syarief Zubaidah, M. Roem Sibly, and Yuli Andriansyah

    Richtmann Publishing
    This paper was aimed to analyze Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of matters related to Islamic law. A cross-section survey research was conducted on twenty Islamic education teachers in several schools in Yogyakarta City pursuing master study in Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia. Respondents can be characterized as teachers with civil servants status, having minimum of five years teaching experience, mostly active in social mass organizations. The result shows that respondents have relatively low familiarity with sources of Islamic law, especially the classical ones. Other result also indicate low content knowledge in teachers about matters related to Islamic law, especially in economics and heredity. From the results, the research suggests a more active role in both government and higher education institutions to contribute in improving teachers’ knowledge. Contributions proposed can mainly be formed in training of teachers and creating useful website with Islamic education contents for their teaching sources. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p441