Dep. Sociology
University of Huelva
MS Environmental sciences, DEA landuse planning, Phd Sociology- RRI in Africa
RRI, Sustainable Development ( and Goals), STI policies, public engagement, Ethics of STI, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Sustainability science, inclusion and diversity, ILK , Sociology
- UNESCO, 2019: Co-designing Science in Africa: first steps to assess the sustainability science approach on the ground. C. Aguirre-Bastos, J. Chaves-Chaparro and S. Aricò (eds) Paris, UNESCO ISBN: 978-92-3-100319-6
- Inclusion and gender in Social Impact Assessment in development programs and projects-
International Seminar on Social Impact Assessment- Alicante, 25-28 November 2020
- Responsible Research and Innovation in UNESCO: initiatives and lessons learnt, eprints European Robotics Forum, 05/03/2020 Malaga (Spain)
- Jacobs Set al. (2020). Use your power for good: plural valuation of nature–the Oaxaca 3,e 8,1–7.
- UNESCO, 2019: Co-designing Science in Africa: first steps to assess the sustainability science approach on the ground. C. Aguirre-Bastos, J. Chaves-Chaparro and S. Aricò (eds) Paris, UNESCO ISBN: 978-92-3-100319-6
- RRI for global sustainability, eprints 26/11/2019 International Social Robotics Conference, UC3 Madrid (Spain)
Senior consultant UN
UNESCO, UNEP, Lifewatch ERIC, ASAJA, SOST; University of Panama, University of Viena
ANdalusian institute of technology, APROCA, GTA
President of NGO, Mixtura to advance sustainable development through arts, sciences and local knowledge