- Some results on Kenmotsu space forms
SAO Abdallah, NSA El-Gawaad
Journal of Applied Analysis 2025
- Dynamical analysis of hearing loss due to mumps virus with Caputo fractional derivative
B Shanmukha
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 15 2024
- Bochner formula in generalized (k, μ)-space forms
B Shanmukha
Journal of Applied Analysis 29 (2), 323-328 2023
- M-projective curvature tensor on an (LCS)2n+1-manifold
B Shanmukha, V Venkatesha
Journal of Applied Analysis 27 (2), 283-288 2021
- Some Ricci solitons on Kenmotsu manifold
B Shanmukha, V Venkatesha
The Journal of Analysis 28 (4), 1155-1164 2020
- Some results on generalized Sasakian space forms
SB Venkatesha
Appl. Math. Nonlinear Sci 5 (1), 85-92 2020
- Invariant submanifolds of LP-Sasakian manifolds
V Venkatesha, S Basavarajappa
Khayyam Journal of Mathematics 6 (1), 16-26 2020
- LP-Sasakian Manifold Admitting C-Bochner Curvature Tensor
SB Venkatesha
Palestine Journal of Mathematics 9 (1), 396–401 2020
- Certain Curvature Conditions on N (k)-Paracontact Metric Manifolds
BP Murthy, B Shanmukha
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.07895 2019
- Projective curvature tensor on generalized (k, )-space forms
B Shammukha, V Venkatesha
Italian J. Pure Appl. Math 12, 810-850 2019
- W2-Curvature Tensor on Generalized Sasakian Space Forms
S B, Venkatesha
CUBO, A Mathematical Journal 20 (1), 17–29-17–29 2018
- Some results on generalized (k, μ)-space forms
B Shanmukha, Venkatesha and SV Vishunuvardhana
New Trends in Mathematical Sciences 6 (3), 48-56 2018
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research 25 (3), 183-191 2018
- Venkatesha and SV Vishunuvardhana
B Shanmukha
Some results on generalized (k, )-space forms, 48-56 2018
- 𝑴-Projective Curvature Tensor on Lorentzian 𝜶-Sasakian Manifolds
venkatesha and shanmukha B.
global journal of pure and applied mathematics 13 (7), 2849-2858 2017
- Certain Curvature Tensor On Lorentzian α-Sasakian Manifolds
venkatesha and shanmukha B
Procedings of International Conference On ICDGAFM, 226-232 2016
- Certain results on Para-Sasakian manifold admitting a quarter-symmetric metric connection
VSVSB Venkatesha
Proceedings of NCPAM, 82-89 2015