- Fractal model for blood flow in cardiovascular system
G Jayalalitha, VS Deviha, R Uthayakumar
Computers in Biology and Medicine 38 (6), 684-693 2008
Citations: 46
- Geometric brownian motion in stock prices
K Suganthi, G Jayalalitha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1377 (1), 012016 2019
Citations: 29
- Recognition of Cervical cancer based on Fractal Dimension
G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
2009 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in 2009
Citations: 14
- Border detection of skin cancer cells with fractal dimension
R Uthayakumar, G Jayalalitha
Fractals 17 (02), 171-180 2009
Citations: 14
- Estimating the skin Cancer using fractals
G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia 2007
Citations: 14
- Fractal approach to identify the grade of cervical cancer
G Jayalalitha, R Uthayakumar
Fractals 19 (01), 125-139 2011
Citations: 11
- Degree based in Molecular Graph of Organic compounds on Domination
S Vijayalakshmi, M Raji, G Jayalalitha
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10 (6), 962-66 2018
Citations: 10
- Fuzzy triangular numbers in-Sierpinski triangle and right angle triangle
T Sudha, G Jayalalitha
Journal of physics: Conference series 1597 (1), 012022 2020
Citations: 9
- Schultz polynomial, modified Schultz polynomial and indices of molecular graph of anthracene based on domination
G Jayalalitha, M Raji
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology 7 (1), 136-140 2019
Citations: 8
- Complex patterns in financial time series through Higuchi’s fractal dimension
TG Grace Elizabeth Rani, G Jayalalitha
Fractals 24 (04), 1650048 2016
Citations: 8
- Fractal model of the blood vessel in cardiovascular system
G Jayalalitha, VS Deviha, R Uthayakumar
15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications 2007
Citations: 7
- Hyper Wiener Index of Molecular Graph of Naphthalene Using Domination
G Jayalalitha, M Raji, S Senthil
Int. J. Analyt. Exper. Modal Anal.(IJAEMA). XI 10, 126-129 2019
Citations: 5
- Single Server FiniteCapacity Markovian Queuing Model withEncouragement Arrival
M Ahmad, G Jayalalitha
Nat. Volatiles &Esent. Oils 8 (5), 9417-9424 2021
Citations: 4
- Applying Queuing Theory to Enhance the Service Provided by A Restaurant
LK Bhavani, G Jayalalitha
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (6), 4479-4484 2021
Citations: 4
- Analyzation of Maximum Matching and Maximal Matching in Various Graphs
A Anitha, P Tharaniya, S Senthil, G Jayalalitha
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12 (3), 778-782 2020
Citations: 4
- Equitable Domination in Chemical Structural Graph
EA Gnanasoundari, M Raji, G Jayalalitha
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 7 (2), 5246-5249 2020
Citations: 4
- Fractal approach and evaluation of mathematical model of Covid-19 in Tamil Nadu
GJ KUMAR, G Jayalalitha
Elementary Education Online 20 (4), 1413-1413 2021
Citations: 3
- Analysis of diabetes based on fuzzy fractals
G Jayalalitha, T Sudha
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 7, 653-658 2019
Citations: 3
- Ramsey numbers in Sierpinski triangle
R Nithya, R Kamali, G Jayalalitha
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 116 (4), 967-975 2017
Citations: 3
- A comparison of fractal dimension algorithms by Hurst exponent using gold price time series
P Uthayakumar, G Jayalalitha
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering 2014
Citations: 3