- Prevalence of Emotional Distress and Use of Maladaptive Emotional Regulation Strategies among UniversityE Moreno, J Corpas, R Albalat, F Cuadrado, M Glvez-Lara, JA Moriana, ...Ansiedad y Estrs 30 (3), 184-189 2024
- Cost-effectiveness of transdiagnostic group cognitive behavioural therapy versus group relaxation therapy for emotional disorders in primary care (PsicAP-Costs2): Protocol forC Gonzlez-Blanch, S Barrio-Martnez, A Priede, S Martnez-Gmez, ...Plos one 18 (3), e0283104 2023
- Cognitive processes associated with emotional disorders: Implications for efficient psychological treatmentsJ Corpas, JA Moriana, JF Vencesl, M Glvez-LaraJournal of Mental Health 32 (1), 54-62 2023
- Cognitive, behavioural or cognitive-behavioural self-help interventions for subclinical depression in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysisJ Corpas, S Gilbody, D McMillanJournal of affective disorders 308, 384-390 2022
- Effectiveness of brief group transdiagnostic therapy for emotional disorders in primary care: A randomized controlled trial identifying predictors of outcomeJ Corpas, JA Moriana, JF Vencesla, M Galvez-LaraPsychotherapy research 32 (4), 456-469 2022
- Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility evaluation of individual vs. group transdiagnostic psychological treatment for emotional disorders in primary care (PsicAP-Costs): a Aguilera-Martn, M Glvez-Lara, F Cuadrado, E Moreno, ...BMC psychiatry 22 (1), 99 2022
- Towards a consensus in the evaluation of the evidence of psychological treatmentsJA Moriana, J Corpas, M Glvez-LaraClnica y Salud 33 (2), 91-92 2022
- Brief psychological therapies for emotional disorders in primary care: A systematic review and meta-analysis.J Corpas, JA Moriana, JF Vencesl, M Glvez-LaraClinical Psychology: Science and Practice 28 (4), 363 2021
- La efectividad de los tratamientos psicolgicos breves y de enfoque transdiagnstico para los trastornos emocionales en los sistemas sanitariosJ Corpas LpezUniversidad de Crdoba, UCOPress 2021
- Brief psychological treatments for emotional disorders in primary and specialized care: a randomized controlled trialJ Corpas, JA Moriana, JF Vencesl, M Glvez-LaraInternational Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 21 (1), 100203 2021
- Knowledge and use of evidence-based psychological treatments in clinical practiceM Galvez-Lara, J Corpas, J Velasco, JA MorianaColegio oficial psicologos madrid 2019
- Evidence-based brief psychological treatment for emotional disorders in primary and specialized care: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trialM Glvez-Lara, J Corpas, JF Vencesl, JA MorianaFrontiers in psychology 9, 2674 2019
- El conocimiento y el uso en la prctica clnica de los tratamientos psicolgicos basados en la evidenciaM Glvez-Lara, J Corpas, J Velasco, JA MorianaClnica y Salud 30 (3), 115-122 2019
- Psychological treatments for mental disorders in children and adolescents: A review of the evidence of leading international organizationsM Galvez-Lara, J Corpas, E Moreno, JF Vencesla, A Sanchez-Raya, ...Clinical child and family psychology review 21, 366-387 2018
- Aproximacin a un modelo de intervencin psicolgica en atencin primaria basado en la terapia breveM Glvez-Lara, J Corpas, E Moreno, JF Vencesl, F Garca-Torres, ...Informaci Psicolgica, 25-38 2018
- Psychological treatments for mental disorders in adults: A review of the evidence of leading international organizationsJA Moriana, M Galvez-Lara, J CorpasClinical Psychology Review 54, 29-43 2017
- Introduccin a la terapia psicolgica breve basada en la evidenciaMG Lara, JC Lpez, EMM Osella, JFV Martnez, JAM ElviraPsicologa general sanitaria: textos aplicados para la prctica teraputica 2017
- Estrategias para la implementacin de tratamientos psicolgicos eficaces en sistemas pblicos de saludEMM Osella, JC Lpez, MG Lara, JAM ElviraPsicologa general sanitaria: textos aplicados para la prctica teraputica 2017
- La intervencin psicolgica en Atencin PrimariaJC Lpez, MG Lara, EMM Osella, JFV Martnez, JAM ElviraPsicologa general sanitaria: textos aplicados para la prctica teraputica 2017
- Introduccin a la terapia psicolgica breve basada en la evidencia cientficaJFVJAM Mario Glvez, Jorge Corpas, Eliana MorenoPsicologa General Sanitaria: Textos aplicados a la prctica teraputica, 80-101 2017