Ma'ruf Kasim

Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences
halu oleo university



Marine Resources, Seaweed cultivation technology.


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Study of underwater sound effects relation to current velocity and Siganus sp. population in seaweed cultivation area
    M Kasim, M Musaruddin, LK Mansur, RD Palupi, W Jalil, and A Takwir

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Underwater sound is one of the interesting phenomena in the ocean. Underwater sounds can impact marine organisms, especially fish and mammals. One of the organisms that can be influenced by underwater sound is the Siganus fish. This study aims to determine sound propagation with a certain level of fish pest repellents about the surface currents velocity and Siganus canaliculatus. population in seaweed cultivation areas. This research was conducted in a seaweed cultivation area in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, in May-July 2022. The tool used is a seaweed pest repellent Ver.04 (Usirikan Ver 03). Underwater sound, at a strength level of 76.19-83.09 dB, can propagate quickly at 60 m in diameter of the sea area. The farthest distance multiplied at a strength of 62.41-69.30 dB can reach 150 m in diameter of the sea area. The fish population (S. canaliculatus) was not found in the seaweed cultivation area, with a sound level of 62.41 dB. The population of Siganus fish is around 2-4 ind/m2 at a sound level of 48.62 dB. Underwater sound with a sound level above 50 dB can impact the population of S. canaliculatus. Seaweed fish repellent can significantly affect behavior. of S. canaliculatus

  • The ecological potential of mangroves in the development of coastal eco-tourism areas: A case study of mangroves in North Buton District, Indonesia

  • A Successful Study of the Government's Poverty Alleviation Approach to the Coastal Poor for Education Aspect in Bau-Bau City, Southeast Sulawesi
    Erma Fitriah Zikir, Ma’ruf Kasim, Muh. Yani Baka, and La Ode Dirman

    Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
    Poverty is more common in rural areas than in urban areas. Even though there has been a decrease in poverty, this has not been followed by a decrease in disparities or gaps between cities and rural areas.  So,the government's poverty alleviation approach tends to be the same (G2P) between urban and rural areas. This should have an even impact on reducing poverty and regional disparities especially fo education aspect. bymixed research (mixed method) between qualitative and quantitative research, the reseach tried to answer How successful is the distribution of assistance to the poor in coastal cities in the education sector in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province?.  The data showed that the distribution of social assistance for the G2P scheme to urban coastal poor households in Baubau City for the education sector was categorized as "successful or on target", but had not reached the "very successful or very targeted" category as expected by TNP2K. This result also answers the first hypothesis that the distribution of assistance to poor households in urban coastal areas is "successful".  In accordance with the results of the analysis (strengths and weaknesses) and referring to the benefits to be achieved, there are several suggestions put forward practically and conceptually/theoretically. distribution of aid by taking into account the results of this study (advantages and disadvantages of the distribution process) so that in the future the distribution process will be even better.  

  • Effect of Growth of Filamentous Algae on the Thallus Surface of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) L.M.Liao (Rhodophyta)
    N. Birana, Ma'ruf Kasim, Salwiyah, A.M. Balubi, Z.R. Yala, W.S. Cahyani, W. Jalil, T. Mustari, and M. Paena

    Begell House
    Filamentous algae usually form dense or sparse masses that float freely or attach to other plants, rocks, or other hard substrates. Many filamentous algae attach to <i>Kappaphycus alvarezii</i> which is cultivated by farmers in the tropics. This study explained the effect of filamentous algae attachment on the morphology and growth of <i>K. alvarezii</i>. This research was conducted in one of the cultivation locations on the coast of Tanjung Tiram, southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This study used a vertical net to cultivate <i>K. alvarezii</i> thallus samples. Vertical nets are used to protect <i>K. alvarezii</i> from fish pests and attached algae. We analyze the attachment rate of filamentous algae about the morphology and growth of <i>K. alvarezii</i> thallus within 40 days. The results showed two dominant filamentous algae species, Elachista flaccida and Chaetomorpha crassa. The density of E. flaccida occurred on day 10, with a density level reaching 12 individuals/m<sup>2</sup> and increasing on day 20 to 45 individuals/m<sup>2</sup>. Chaetomorpha crassa species also appeared at 2.24 g/m<sup>2</sup> on day 20, decreased to 0.63 g/m<sup>2</sup> on day 30, and disappeared on day 40. The torn surface thallus was seen to occur on day 2.324 mm<sup>2</sup> on day ten and decreased by 104 mm<sup>2</sup> on day 20. Attachment of filamentous algae slightly impacted the growth of <i>K. alvarezii</i> thallus, although the correlation analysis did not show a significant effect. Another correlation analysis explained no significant correlation between multiple attachments of filamentous algae and torn surface thallus of <i>K. alvarezii</i>.

  • Recovery of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) thallus of due to damage by Siganus sp. bite and physical impacts

  • A study on the reproduction aspects of windowpane oyster (Placuna placenta) within the Kulisusu Bay, Indonesia

  • Ecological Studies of Epiphytic Diatom on Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyta) thallus Cultivated in Horizontal Floating Cage
    Ma’ruf Kasim, Ade Winesti, Wa Nurgayah, Abdul Muis Balubi, and Wardha Jalil

    Bogor Agricultural University
    Epiphytic diatoms are phytoplankton groups commonly attached to substrates such as macroalgae. This study analyzes the community structure and diversity of epiphyte diatoms attached to Eucheuma denticulatum cultivated using the horizontal floating cage method. Six thalli of E. denticulatum propagules were taken randomly from each station. The samples were analyzed and identified in the laboratory. The research results clarified that epiphytic diatom composition consisted of 3 classes, two orders, 38 genera, and 79 species. The three classes that have been found include class Coscinodiscophyceae (10 genera) with percentages ranging between 8-34%, class Fragillaryophyceae (12 genera) with percentages ranging between 34-46%, and class Bacillariophyceae (16 genera) with percentages ranging between 26-46%. The uniformity index was 0.8287-0.9286, which is considered relatively high. The dominance species index was 0.0644-0.2055, categorized as low. Fluctuations in water's physical and chemical factors have no significant effect on the growth of diatom epiphytes in the thallus of E. denticulatum.

  • The Size Structure, Growth, Mortality, and Exploitation Rate of Freshwater Clam (Batissa violacea var. Celebensis) from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
    . Bahtiar, Muhammad Fajar Purnama, . Muis, Ermayanti Ishak, and Maruf Kasim

    National Shellfisheries Association
    ABSTRACT Freshwater clams, better known as pokea clams in Indonesia, are among the important economy-generating resources whose population continues to decline in line with the increase in fishing activities. The present study aims to determine the age group, growth, mortality, and exploitation rate of pokea clams. This research was conducted in the estuary segment of Laeya River, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, from March 2016 to February 2017. Pokea samples were taken using a traditional fishing tool called Tangge. Data on age groups, growth, mortality (natural, fishing, and total) and exploitation rate were processed using the Bhattacharya method, the von Bertalanffy inverse function, the width converted catch curve, and Pauly's empirical formula, respectively, accommodated in the FiSAT II program version 3.0. The results showed that the male and female pokea were spread out in 1 and 2 size groups. Male pokea was dominated by 2 size groups, whereas the female pokea was dominated by 1 size group. The growth of the male and female clams followed the equations Lt = 83.89 – (83.89–0.025)e–0.54t and Lt = 77.38 – (77.38–0.025)e–0.52t. The male natural mortality (M), fishing mortality (F), and total mortality (Z) were 2.04 y–1, 0.91 y–1, and 2.94 y–1, respectively, whereas the natural mortality, fishing mortality, and total mortality of the female clams were 1.51 y–1, 0.90 y–1, and 2.41 y–1, respectively. In general, the male and female pokea clams in the Laeya River are overexploited, with the exploitation rates of 0.69 and 0.63, respectively.

  • Seaweed cultivation technologies in Indonesia: Current trends and future prospects
    Ma’ruf Kasim, Abdul Muis Balubi, Wardha Jalil, Oce Astuti, Bahtiar, Wellem Muskita, Nurdiana, Onu La Ola, Abdul Rahman, Rahmad Sofyan Patadjai,et al.

    Springer International Publishing

  • Epiphyte attachment preference on Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophycea) Thallus and Vertical Net
    B A J Haris, M Kasim, Salwiyah, A M Balubi, and W Jalil

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The attachment of epiphytes on culture equipment and seaweed thalli has proven to be one of the factors preventing Eucheuma denticulatum growth. This research aimed to clarify epiphyte preference for E. denticulatum thallus and culture equipment by using vertical nets. Vertical net is a cultivation technology that protects seaweeds from herbivorous pests (fish and turtles). This research was conducted at Tanjung Tiram Coast, one of seaweed cultivation areas in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This research used vertical nets and E. denticulatum thalli. The study took place at 3 stations, each using 3 tools and 3 replications. The results showed that there were 7 species of epiphyte attaching to the vertical net equipment and 6 species attaching to the thalli of E. denticulatum. The densities of epiphytes attaching to the vertical net equipment and E. denticulatum thalli were 110 ind./cm2 and 250 ind./cm2 on average, respectively. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in density between the epiphytes attached to the vertical net equipment and those attached to the E. denticulatum thalli. They also showed that the epiphyte density insignificantly influenced the overall seaweed weight. Correlation analysis showed a significant correlation between the abundance of epiphytes attached to the vertical nets and brightness.

  • Coastal Communities’ Empowerment through Seaweed (Eucheuma cottoni): Potency, Suitability, and Local Participation
    Zakirah Raihani Ya'la, Dwi Sulistiawati, Sisfahyuni Aziz, Ma'ruf Kasim, La Ode M. Aslan, - Nasmia, and Akbar Marzuki Yahya

    Insight Society

  • Growth rate of Eucheuma denticulatum cultivated in horizontal net and vertical net
    Munawan, M Kasim, and Ruslaini

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Eucheuma denticulatum is one of the most widely cultivated macroalga commodities. This commodity produces carrageenan iota as raw material for various industries. This study aims to compare the growth rate of E. denticulatum cultivated by the horizontal net (Horinet) and vertical net (Vertinet) methods. This research was conducted in September-December 2019 and located in Lakeba waters, Bau-Bau City, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results showed that the specific growth rate of E. denticulatum seaweed cultivated with Horinet and Vertinet was significantly different. The growth of the thallus at an initial weight of 20 g developed to 67 g and 112.5 g as viewed with a horinet and vertnet, respectively. The specific growth rates of these two methods were 5.01 and 6.59%/day using vertinet and horinet, respectively. Based on the results of the t-test showed that the use of the two methods were significantly different by 0.46 and 0.36 (P<0.05) on the specific growth rate of E. denticulatum seaweed. Both of these methods can be used to cultivate seaweed with good results. However, these two methods have differences in the growth results obtained.

  • The existence of epiphyte on thallus Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyceae) in varying depths cultivated with vertical net method
    N Wati, M Kasim, and Salwiyah

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The existence of macroepiphyte is one of the issues seaweed farmers often face. This research aims to explore the existence of macroepiphyte attached to seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum at varying depths using vertical net method. Research found that the highest and the lowest velocity of macroepiphyte on day -10 in the depth of 50 cm and 200 cm is 248,4 and 121,28 ind/m2/day. On day-20, in the depth of 100 cm and 200 cm is 333,54 and 270,01 ind/m2/day. The most dominating macroepiphyte in the attachment velocity is C. Crasa. Physical and chemical parameter showed around 29o-30oC. Current velocity 0,050-0,067 m/sec. Brightness 92%. Salinity 30-33‰. Nitrate 0,237-0,0416 mg/L. Phosphate 0,0015-0,0036 mg/L. Dissolved oxygen 5,7-6,2 mg/L. The obtained optimum environmental parameter and the type of the macroepiphyte attachment did not show any significant negative effect to the growth of E. denticulatum.

  • Economic analysis of kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) cultivation using the horizontal net

  • The role of local communities in developing potential areas for marine tourism
    M Kasim, D Oetama, A Bahar, M Alelo, K K Wardani, and H Susandari

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Indonesia has many small islands. The potential of the small island as a regional tourist destination is excellent. Necessary resources such as coral reefs, seagrass and beautiful beaches are one of the tourist destinations. This study aims to determine the role of local communities in developing regional tourism potential. This research was conducted on one of the small islands in the Spermonde island cluster, South Sulawesi named Barrang Caddi Island. The methods used are site surveys, interviews and focus group discussions. The results obtained are that the excellent environment and coastal resources’ strength are beautiful for tourist destinations. Infrastructure is the main supporting facility for tourist visits. The community plays an important role in advancing its area as a tourist destination. Strengthening institutions in the village and maintaining a good culture are good drivers in marine tourism development.

  • Abundance of filamentous algae on Kappahycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum cultivated by vertical net
    Devi, M Kasim, N Irawati, A M Balubi, and W Jalil

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Filament algae that attach to the Kapapphycus alvarezii thallus are mainly Chaetomorpha crassa, Cladophora sp. and Elachista flaccida. Algae fillament attached to the thallus K. alvarezii affect several factors including nutrient absorption and competition for sunlight. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of the number of algal filament attached to the thallus Kapapphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum. The results showed that the most dominant filament attached to the thallus E. denticulatum was C. crassa with the highest number of filaments was 155.6 filaments/cm 2 with a wet weight of 2.98 g. the number of filaments of Cladophora sp is 13.8 filaments/cm 2.E. flaccida was found to be widely attached to the talus K. alvarezii. The number of filaments attached to the K. alvarezii thallus is 17.8 filaments/cm2 and was found on the 20th day. The average specific growth rate of K. alvarezii and E. denticulatum is 2% / day. this growth rate is not affected by the presence of algal filaments attached to the thallus. Physical-chemical parameters of the waters during the study showed that the temperature of the waters ranged from 29-30 °C, the brightness at study site was 9.1-9.35 m, the current speed ranged from 0.092 to 0.49 m / s. Salinity ranges from 30-33 ppt, nitrate ranges from 0.0237 to 0.0416 mg/L, Phosphate ranges from 0.0015 to 0.0036 mg/L and DO ranges from 5.7 to 6.4 mg/L. Pearson correlation analysis results confirm that seaweed growth has a positive correlation with current velocity and nitrate.

  • Comparison between the growth of Kappahycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) seed from tissue culture and clone selection cultivated using horizontal net
    Ma'ruf Kasim, Abdul Muis Balubi, Oce Astuti, Abdul Rahman, Rahmat Sofyan Patadjai, Wellem Muskita, Amadhan Takwir, Ruslaini, Bahtiar, and Wardha Jalil

    Elsevier BV

  • Bacteria population on eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyta) thallus infected by ice-ice disease cultivated on horizontal net cage

  • The diversity and species composition of epiphytes on eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyceae) cultivated on horizontal net

  • Screening of Marine Microalgae Collected from Wakatobi as Anti-Tyrosinase
    S Raharjo, V N Fatanah, D Susilaningsih, M Kasim, P E Susilawati, Muzuni, D Y Rahman, and Tien

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Three microalgae isolates from Wakatobi waters collected by LIPI have been cultivated, ie LIPI 13-2-AL018, LIPI 13-3-AL066, and LIPI 13-2-AL072. Furthermore, the isolates were grown to create a growth curve, this is to determine the harvest time of biomass. Each isolate had different biomass harvest times: LIPI 13-2-AL018 and LIPI 13-2-AL072 isolates were harvested on the 14th day, while LIPI 13-2-AL066 on day 12. After harvesting, the biomass was dried, destroyed the cell wall with sonicator. Extraction of secondary metabolite compounds was performed using three types of solvents, namely: ethanol, ethanol + n-hexane (1: 1), and diethyl ether. Based on the results of inhibition testing of tyrosinase it was found that the biggest inhibition was derived from extract of LIPI-13-2-AL066 isolate, using ethanol-hexane solvent.