Jupeth Toriano Pentang


College of Education
Western Philippines University



JUPETH TORIANO PENTANG is a faculty member at Western Philippines University. He handles graduate and undergraduate courses in mathematics education and social sciences. In addition, he provided technical services as a training coordinator and resource speaker in various extension activities, as well as a peer reviewer in international journals. Furthermore, he has several research publications indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and a lot more.


JUPETH TORIANO PENTANG completed Bachelor of Secondary Education - Mathematics from Benguet State University (2014) as a Supreme Student Government Grantee and finished Master of Science in Education - Mathematics from Central Luzon State University (2019) as a Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) Capacity Building Program in Science and Mathematics Education Scholar. Last August 2020, he enrolled Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Educational Management from Holy Trinity University. He completed online short courses on Mathematics Education, Data Analytics, Assessment in the Virtual Classroom, and Strategic Leadership. He was conferred with an honorary doctorate degree in Humanities.


Mathematics Education
Preservice Teachers
Educational Management
Social Sciences
Data Analytics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Problem-solving disposition as a predictor of preservice elementary teachers’ problem-solving performance
    Theresa G. Dangkulos, Edwin D. Ibañez, and Jupeth Toriano Pentang

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    Proficiency in solving mathematical problems is essential for preservice elementary teachers, as they will teach foundational math concepts and foster problem-solving abilities among young learners. However, many studies found low problem-solving performance among preservice teachers. In line with this, the present study examined how problem-solving disposition relates to the performance of preservice elementary teachers, conducted at a selected higher education institution in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, with 134 participants. The study utilized a mathematical problem-solving disposition and beliefs scale questionnaire and a problem-solving test scored using the identify, define, explore, act, and look (IDEAL) model. Results indicated an average problem-solving disposition and high problem-solving performance among preservice teachers. Linear regression analysis showed that overall problem-solving disposition is a predictor of performance. Further, stepwise regression analysis revealed that two disposition parameters, mathematical mindset (β = 2.413, p 0.01) and community of practice (β = 1.866, p 0.01), significantly predicted problem-solving performance. These findings show the significance of developing a problem-solving disposition, mindset, and learning communities to improve future teachers’ problem-solving ability by providing more learning opportunities, interdisciplinary problems, and social engagements.

    Jupeth T. Pentang, Ronalyn M. Bautista, and Mary Jane D. Gamozo

    Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Jambi
    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of a PhD in Educational Administration program at a State University in Western Philippines through a tracer study, offering insights into the graduates’ demographic and academic profiles, career alignment, and recommendations for improvement. The study employed a descriptive research design, collecting data from 19 non-randomly selected graduates based on availability. Data were gathered using an instrument based on guidelines from the Philippine Commission on Higher Education, with additional elements drawn from previous tracer studies. Analytical tools such as frequency counts, percentages, and arithmetic means were used to describe the findings. Results highlight that the PhD in Educational Administration program effectively serves mid-career professionals, attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds and helping them meet evolving leadership demands in educational administration. Graduates reported that the program equipped them with the necessary skills to excel in their current roles. However, they suggested several areas for improvement, including enhancing the program's accessibility and inclusivity. These recommendations are crucial to ensuring the program remains relevant, especially in preparing leaders capable of addressing modern challenges in education. This research provides new insights into the strategic role of tracer studies in shaping the future of educational leadership programs. It aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education) by proposing a continuous curriculum review, which ensures the program evolves alongside educational leadership trends. The study also underscores the importance of equipping faculty with current insights to strengthen the program's ability to prepare leaders for a dynamic educational landscape.

  • Critical thinking disposition and learning approach as predictors of mathematics performance
    Kyla Mae Agustin Salviejo, Edwin Daniega Ibañez, and Jupeth Toriano Pentang

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    In the Philippines, improving pre-service math teachers’ critical thinking is receiving increasing attention, emphasizing the importance of tailoring instructional methods to students’ learning approaches for a more equitable environment and enhanced mathematics performance. Thus, this study aimed to determine if the critical thinking disposition subscales (reflective, attentiveness, open-mindedness, organization, perseverance, and intrinsic motivation) and learning approach (deep approach and surface approach) predict the mathematics performance of pre-service math teachers. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to randomly selected 125 pre-service math teachers from Central Luzon, Philippines. The survey instruments are administered through the student-educator negotiated CTDs scale, the revised two-factor study process questionnaire, and the 40- item validated test. Using descriptive analysis, findings revealed that preservice mathematics teachers have moderate levels of CTD, most of which use a deep approach and have average mathematics performance. Regression analysis showed that CTD and the deep approach were predictors. Therefore, pre-service mathematics teachers with a higher CTD and a deep approach are likelier to perform better in mathematics. These findings provide valuable insights into enhancing mathematics teacher education.

  • Research Self-Efficacy and Productivity of Select Faculty Members: Inferences for Faculty Development Plan
    Jupeth T. Pentang and Jaynelle G. Domingo

    Eurasian Society of Educational Research
    <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:9.0pt">Faculty members’ beliefs in their ability to conduct research and publish research outputs are expected to impact research productivity directly. Thus, the study described the research self-efficacy and productivity among faculty members, their research self-efficacy influence on productivity, and their challenges in research writing and publication. The study utilized a mixed-method sequential explanatory research design, with 36 and nine faculty member-participants for the quantitative and qualitative study. For the quantitative study, the faculty members’ research self-efficacy was ascertained using a validated questionnaire, and their research productivity was determined through a researcher-made survey instrument. Meanwhile, the qualitative study focused on the faculty members’ research writing and publication challenges, which were gathered through focus group discussions. Results showed average research self-efficacy and low research productivity among faculty members. Research self-efficacy significantly predicted research productivity regarding refereed and indexed publications, paper presentations, and bibliometrics. Further, themed findings showed that the faculty members encountered challenges such as a lack of research exposure, time constraints, lack of institutional support, and publication pressure. The study may serve as an inference for higher education institutions in designing faculty development plans and in-service training programs to capacitate its members.</span></p>

  • Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention of Preservice Teachers to Use Educational Technology
    Rossman Ivan Sevidal Bitangcol, Edwin Daniega Ibañez, and Jupeth Toriano Pentang

    Society for Research and Knowledge Management
    In today’s fast-changing educational settings, technology integration offers the opportunity to enhance mathematics instruction. This study determines the significant socio-cognitive factors among preservice mathematics teachers (PMTs) affecting their behavioral intention toward the use of technology. A descriptive-correlational research design was employed with 130 participants. Revised UTAUT construct items and behavioral intention scales were utilized through survey forms. Findings revealed that the participants were more inclined to use technology in their pedagogical approach. The only socio-cognitive factors significantly affecting the participants’ positive inclination to utilize educational technology were performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. However, when controlling for the effects of the participants’ willingness to use technology, social influence became insignificant. Developing favorable impressions of technology’s effectiveness and ease of use may encourage greater technology integration in mathematics education.

  • Demystifying the Relationship Between Confidence and Critical Thinking in Mathematics among Preservice Teachers in West Philippines
    Jupeth T., Mary Glory, Aira May, Sairey B., Ronalyn M., Mark Donnel, Manuel L., and Janina C.

    Eurasian Society of Educational Research
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Mathematical confidence and critical thinking are essential in preparing preservice teachers. Thus, this study explored the perceived confidence and critical thinking levels in mathematics of elementary and secondary preservice teachers. A descriptive-correlational-comparative research design was employed, with a sample of 107 randomly selected preservice teachers enrolled in the Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education programs of a state university in West Philippines. The study used arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman’s rank-order correlation, and independent samples t-test to analyze and draw conclusions from the data. The findings revealed that the preservice teachers have high confidence and critical thinking skills. Their program significantly correlates with their perceived critical thinking and confidence level. Besides, the preservice teachers’ confidence levels and perceived critical thinking skills significantly correlate. Further analysis found significant confidence and critical thinking differences favoring the secondary over the elementary preservice teachers. These findings provide insights that would benefit mathematics educators in providing priority programs to enhance the preparation of future math teachers.</p>

  • Improving Writing Constructs and Performance Through Vlog-Assisted Language Learning (VALL)
    Jupeth T. Pentang, Sanny S. Maglente, Ma. Estela A. Sescon, Francia Formalejo Murao, Minsoware S. Bacolod, Cheryl J. Juancho, Leonilo B. Capulso, Michael Bhobet B. Baluyot, Jaypee R. Lopres, Hajdari Hazir,et al.

    Sciedu Press
    Utilizing technology to enhance students' writing skills at the higher education level is now the focus of scholars. One of the most effective nontraditional approaches to enhancing pupils' writing abilities is vlog-assisted language learning (VALL). The university professors who instruct pupils on writing skills never use this VALL. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the academic writing skills of first-year university students taught utilizing the methodology of Bog-Assisted Language Learning (VALL) with those who were not. In addition, this research analyzes how students react to using VALL in teaching and learning writing skills. Thirty university English majors in their third year participated in the research. The research took a quantitative approach to data collection by administering pre- and post-writing examinations and a series of questionnaires to both the experimental and control groups. Evaluation of the gathered data was carried out with the use of descriptive statistics. The findings indicated that pupils who were taught writing utilizing VALL improved substantially more than those that were not. In addition, most student responses on using VALL to teach writing skills were favorable. Since this is the case, the English Department at a university might benefit from implementing VALL into their teaching and learning of writing.

  • Thinking Beyond Thinking: Junior High School Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and Conceptual Understanding of Integers

  • Attack prevention in IoT through hybrid optimization mechanism and deep learning framework
    Regonda Nagaraju, Jupeth Toriano Pentang, Shokhjakhon Abdufattokhov, Ricardo Fernando CosioBorda, N. Mageswari and G. Uganya

  • Innate Mathematical Characteristics and Number Sense Competencies of Junior High School Students
    Raymundo A Santos, Leila M Collantes, Edwin D Ibañez, Florante P Ibarra, and Jupeth T Pentang

    Society for Research and Knowledge Management
    The study determined the influence of innate mathematical characteristics on the number sense competencies of junior high school students in a Philippine public school. The descriptive-correlational research design was used to accomplish the study involving a nonrandom sample of sixty 7th-grade students attending synchronous math sessions. Data obtained from the math-specific Learning Style and Self-Efficacy questionnaires and the modified Number Sense Test (NST) were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Chi-Square, and Simple Linear Regression analysis. The research instruments and statistics were all validated and tested for reliability. The analysis revealed that the students are virtual learners, had no or slight self-efficacy, and their number sense competency level is poor. They encountered difficulty in all the components and domains of the NST. Moreover, the students’ mathematical self-efficacy is significantly related and may influence their number sense competency level. Building upon the learners’ self-efficacy to further their understanding and skills in number sense is necessary.

  • Mindset and Levels of Conceptual Understanding in the Problem-Solving of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Online Learning Environment
    Ma Luisa Mariano-Dolesh, Leila M. Collantes, Edwin D. Ibañez, and Jupeth T. Pentang

    Society for Research and Knowledge Management
    Mindset plays a vital role in tackling the barriers to improving the preservice mathematics teachers’ (PMTs) conceptual understanding of problem-solving. As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to pose a challenge, online learning has been adopted. This led this study to determining the PMTs’ mindset and level of conceptual understanding in problem-solving in an online learning environment utilising Google Classroom and the Khan Academy. A quantitative research design was employed specifically utilising a descriptive, comparative, and correlational design. Forty-five PMTs were chosen through simple random sampling and willingly took part in this study. The data was gathered using validated and reliable questionnaires and problem-solving tests. The data gathered was analysed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and simple linear regression. The results revealed that the college admission test, specifically numerical proficiency, influences a strong mindset and a higher level of conceptual understanding in problem-solving. Additionally, this study shows that mindset predicts the levels of conceptual understanding in problem-solving in an online environment where PMTs with a growth mindset have the potential to solve math problems. The use of Google Classroom and the Khan Academy to aid online instruction is useful in the preparation of PMTs as future mathematics teachers and problem-solvers. Further studies may be conducted to validate these reports and to address the limitations of this study.

  • Interplay of personal attitudinal constructs towards online fashion products, consumer decision-making and image branding: The case of online fashion products in Thailand in COVID 19 pandemic
    Worakamol Wisetsri, Chi Hau Tan, Bayar Gardi, Kannapat Kankaew, Harsandaldeep Kaur, and Jupeth Pentang

    Editorial Universidad de Almeria
    When it comes to online fashion, this research focused on the interaction between three factors: preferences for online fashion goods, consumer buying choices for online fashion products, and brand image. A descriptive correlational approach was used. A total of 184 sampled active online purchasers of fashion items from a population of 350 online buyers in Thailand participated in the research. The study was carried out with the use of tools that had been adopted. Descriptive data showed that respondents had a high preference for online marketing, a positive attitude towards online fashion goods, a high degree of consumer buying choices towards online fashion products, and a high preference for favorable brand image in the research. There were significant variations in respondents' preferences for online shopping as well as attitudes toward fashion items and consumer purchase decisions based on age, civil status, education, monthly income, and profession, according to the results of a test of difference. A further connection test revealed that respondents' liking for online marketing tends to improve their attitude toward online fashion items and consumer buying choices. In the end, the results of multiple regression analysis revealed that age, civil status and education level, online marketing approach, attitude towards online fashion goods, and brand image and attitude are all predictors of buying choices. The study's practical consequences for an internet business are addressed. The study's practical consequences for an internet business are addressed.

  • How organizational climate mediates employee innovative work behavior among food manufacturing industries in covid-19 pandemic: Implications to business economics and management
    Chi Hau Tan, Harsandaldeep Kaur, A. Apsara Saleth Mary, Michael Bhobet Baluyot, MA. Dina D. Jimenez, Randy Joy M. Ventayen, and Jupeth Toriano Pentang

    Editorial Universidad de Almeria
    In this context, the study explored the relationship between organizational climate and employee innovative work behaviour among food manufacturing industries in Malaysia. The study is a descriptive correlational survey research design where data is sourced out from a total of randomly sampled 260 employees. Results revealed that a favourable organizational climate on innovation, proactivity, and risk-taking is prevailing among the companies. A very high level of innovative work behaviour is emanating among the employees on idea exploration, generation, championing, and implementation. Test of differences showed that employee gender, position, unit, and years of service spelt significant differences in the perception of the employees on organizational climate and innovative work behaviour. A meaningful relationship surfaced between organizational climate and employee innovative work behaviour, suggesting that for food manufacturing industries to sustain innovative and competitive advantages, there is a need to promote a nurturing and encouraging entrepreneurial organizational climate. Finally, a congruency among the domains of organizational climate and employee innovative work behaviour emerged. It suggests that when higher positive organizational climate surfaces, the more likely the employee's manifest innovation work behaviour. This study addressed the gap by providing organizational climate and employee innovative work behaviour among food manufacturing industries in Malaysia.  


  • Problem-solving Disposition as a Predictor of Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Problem-Solving Performance
    TG Dangkulos, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 19 (1), 54-62 2025

  • Effectiveness of Multimedia Tools in Enhancing Consonant-vowel-consonant Reading Performance and Phonics Interest and Enthusiasm among Kindergarten ESL Students
    RDP Pesebre, RF Quicho, LM Collantes, CN Lamson Jr., JT Pentang
    International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies 5 (4 2024

  • Critical Thinking Disposition and Learning Approach as Predictors of Mathematics Performance
    KMA Salviejo, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 18 (4), 1107-1116 2024

  • A Tracer Study of PhD in Educational Administration Graduates: Recommendations to Strengthen the Program
    JT Pentang, RM Bautista, MJD Gamozo
    Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi 8 (2), 746-759 2024

  • Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention of Preservice Teachers to Use Educational Technology
    RIS Bitangcol, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 23 (8 2024

  • Problem-Solving Difficulties, Performance, and Differences among Preservice Teachers in Western Philippines University
    JT Pentang, LJT Andrade, JC Golben, JP Talua, RM Bautista, ...
    The Palawan Scientist 16 (1), 58-68 2024

  • Research Beyond Borders: Internationalization Strategies for Faculty Researchers
    JT Pentang, B Langle
    Education Digest 19 (2), 52-58 2024

  • The Rebirth of the CLSU-CED Education Digest and the Future Directions for Educational Research
    JT Pentang
    Education Digest 19 (1), 4-5 2024

  • Self-Efficacy, Productivity, and Challenges in Conducting Action Research among Public School Teachers
    DGT Caabas, FD Diaz, ALD Luna, JJ Borris, JJ Borris, JAGF Dadule, ...
    Education Digest 19 (1), 16-24 2024

  • Research Self-Efficacy and Productivity of Select Faculty Members: Inferences for Faculty Development Plan
    JT Pentang, JG Domingo
    European Journal of Educational Research 13 (4), 1693-1709 2024

  • Metacognitive Awareness as a Predictor of Mathematical Modeling Competency among Preservice Elementary Teachers
    JRG Oficiar, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Educational Methodology 10 (2), 279-292 2024

  • Development of an Offline Computer-Based Assessment Tool in Statistics and Probability Utilizing MS PowerPoint and MS Excel
    CMB Cabrera, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 3 2023

  • Distance Learning Design: A Problem-Based Learning with Flipped Classroom Model through Improving Student Learning Outcomes and Learning Motivation
    L Laswadi, ME Setiawan, Y Efyanti, JT Pentang, SM Taresh
    Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA 9 (2) 2023

  • Demystifying the Relationship Between Confidence and Critical Thinking in Mathematics among Preservice Teachers in West Philippines
    JT Pentang, MGM Caubang, AML Tidalgo, SB Morizo, RM Bautista, ...
    European Journal of Educational Research 12 (4), 1743-1754 2023

  • Problem-Solving Performance and Subject Preference: Math Avoidance among Filipino Elementary Preservice Teachers
    JT Pentang, RM Bautista, JT Pentang, ED Ibaez, MJD Gamozo
    Journal of Research, Policy and Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education 2023

  • Filipino Students’ Reading Abilities: A Note on the Challenges and Potential Areas for Improvement
    MV Idulog, R Gadiano, E Toledo, M Hermosada, H Casaldon, M Mariposa, ...
    International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone 2 (2), 233-242 2023

  • Quantitative Research Instrumentation for Educators
    JT Pentang
    Lecture Series on Research Process and Publication 2023

  • Thinking Beyond Thinking: Junior High School Students’ Metacognitive Awareness and Conceptual Understanding of Integers
    JC Sercenia, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal 15 (1), 4-24 2023

  • Investigating Concept Mastery of Physics Students during Online Lectures Through Rasch Models on Force and Motion Materials
    FF Sulman, LL Yuliati, SS Kusairi, AA Hidayat, JT Pentang, BB Mensah
    Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA 9 (1) 2023

  • ICT and Data-based Management in Education: Issues and Trends in Data Management in Education
    JT Pentang
    Wesleyan University - Philippines 2023


  • Teachers in The New Normal: Challenges and Coping Mechanisms in Secondary Schools
    AJD Agayon, AKR Agayon, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Humanities and Education Development 4 (1), 67-75 2022
    Citations: 136

  • Impact Assessment and Clients’ Feedback towards MATHEMATICS Project Implementation
    JT Pentang
    International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies 2 (2 2021
    Citations: 44

  • Modular Learning Efficiency: Learner’s Attitude and Performance Towards Self-Learning Modules
    ACC Bacomo, LP Daculap, MGO Ocampo, CD Paguia, JT Pentang, ...
    IOER International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 4 (2), 60-72 2022
    Citations: 43

  • Tracer Study of Teacher Education Graduates of Western Philippines University - Puerto Princesa Campus: Basis for Curriculum Review and Revision
    JT Pentang, DR Perez, KH Cuanan, MB Recla, RT Dacanay, RM Bober, ...
    International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education 2022
    Citations: 41

  • Language Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations in Integrating Technology in the Online Classroom: Its Effect on Students’ Motivation and Engagement
    R de Souza, R Parveen, S Chupradit, LG Velasco, JT Pentang, ...
    Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (10), 5001-5014 2021
    Citations: 40

  • Filipino Students’ Reading Abilities: A Note on the Challenges and Potential Areas for Improvement
    MV Idulog, R Gadiano, E Toledo, M Hermosada, H Casaldon, M Mariposa, ...
    International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone 2 (2), 233-242 2023
    Citations: 38

  • Addressing Students Learning Gaps in Mathematics through Differentiated Instruction
    HG Aguhayon, RD Tingson, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies 4 (1 2023
    Citations: 37

  • Socio-Constructivist Learning and Teacher Education Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Attitude toward Fractions
    ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    Indonesian Research Journal in Education 5 (1), 23-44 2021
    Citations: 35

  • Problem-Solving Performance and Skills of Prospective Elementary Teachers in Northern Philippines
    JT Pentang, ED Ibaez, G Subia, JG Domingo, AM Gamit, LE Pascual
    Hunan Daxue Xuebao 48 (1), 122-132 2021
    Citations: 31

  • Ctrl C + Ctrl V: Plagiarism and Knowledge on Referencing and Citation among Pre-service Teachers
    RM Bautista, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education 2022
    Citations: 28

  • Mindset and Levels of Conceptual Understanding in the Problem-Solving of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Online Learning Environment
    ML Mariano-Dolesh, LM Collantes, ED Ibaez, JT Pentang
    International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (6 2022
    Citations: 28

  • Technological Dimensions of Globalization across Organizations: Inferences for Instruction and Research
    JT Pentang
    International Educational Scientific Research Journal 7 (7), 28-32 2021
    Citations: 28

  • Immediate Program Learning Outcomes of Information Technology Candidates and their Introspections Towards IT Education Relevance and Global Competence Initiatives
    K Kankaew, J Alanya-Beltran, Z Khamidullina, GC Magulod Jr., ...
    Psychology and Education 58 (2), 5417-5427 2021
    Citations: 25

  • Quantitative Research Instrumentation for Educators
    JT Pentang
    Lecture Series on Research Process and Publication 2023
    Citations: 23

  • Students’ Evaluation of Faculty-Prepared Instructional Modules: Inferences for Instructional Materials Review and Revision
    LA Hamora, MB Rabaya, JT Pentang, AD Pizaa, MJD Gamozo
    Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies 2 (2), 20-29 2022
    Citations: 23

  • Cognitive Skills Achievement in Mathematics of the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers Using Piaget’s Seven Logical Operations
    JG Domingo, ED Ibaez, G Subia, JT Pentang
    Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (4), 435-440 2021
    Citations: 23

  • The Concept of Curriculum and its Foundation
    JT Pentang
    The Educator's Link 1 (6), 9 2021
    Citations: 21

  • Mathematical Needs of Laura Vicua Learners
    JT Pentang, RM Bautista, AD Pizaa, SP Egger
    WPU Graduate Journal 5 (1), 78-81 2020
    Citations: 21

  • How to Write and Publish your Thesis
    GC Magulod Jr, LB Capulso, RJV Delos Reyes, JT Pentang, ARF Luna, ...
    Beyond Books Publication 1, 1-335 2021
    Citations: 20

  • Attack Prevention in IoT through Hybrid Optimization Mechanism and Deep Learning Framework
    R Nagaraju, JT Pentang, S Abdufattokhov, RF CosioBorda, N Mageswari, ...
    Measurement: Sensors 24, 100431 2022
    Citations: 19