Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Sulawesi Barat



S1 Sistem Informasi
S2 Magister Manajemen


Sistem Informasi


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Long-term deposits prediction: A comparative framework of classification model for predict the success of bank telemarketing
    Ahmad Ilham, Laelatul Khikmah, Indra, Ulumuddin, and Ida Bagus Ary Indra Iswara

    IOP Publishing
    The long-term deposits product is often offered to prospective customers by the bank through telemarketing strategy. How to maximize customer value through telemarketing strategy is a major focus in this research. Therefore, required a model that can classify potential customers with the potential to increase corporate earnings. The Decision Tree (DT), Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Neural Network (NN), and Logistic Regression (LR) model have been proposed to compare. The comparison of these algorithms evaluated using the Protestal Bank dataset of the UCI Machine Learning repository, for performance algorithms using Area Under Curve (AUC) and Accuracy. From the experiment, the results show that SVM yield promising results with the Accuracy and AUC 97.07% and 0.925 respectively. It can be concluded that SVM is the best choice for classifying prospective customers who have the potential to be interested in time deposit products that are offered by telephone or cellular as distinguished from other classification algorithms.


  • Komputer dan Masyarakat
    LH Indra, Chairul Anwar, Asparizal, Ridwan Agustian Nur, Nova Hayati, Cipta ...

  • Konsep Dasar Pengenalan Ilmu Komputer
    MM ZenMunawar,M.Kom AdiNugrohoSusantoPutro,S.Kom.,M.T. RikaAstuti ...

    AAP Muhammad Fairuz abadi,Allans Prima Aulia, Iwan Adhicandra, Decky ...

    N Nur, I Indra, I Ilham
    ScientiCO: Computer Science and Informatics Journal 6 (1), 1-12 2023

  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Bibit Padi Unggul Menggunakan Metode AHP
    CN Insani, N Arifin, I Indriani
    Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12 (1), 205-210 2023

  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Jurusan menggunakan Metode Topsis dan SAW
    N Arifin, CN Insani
    Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12 (1), 200-204 2023

  • Decision Support System for Determining COVID-19 Aid Recipients using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method
    LI Kesuma, I Indra, I Irmawati
    Journal Of Engineering And Technology Innovation (JETI) 2 (01), 18-25 2023

  • Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Penggunaan Listrik Pada Layanan Indekos Berbasis Internet of Things
    MS Agussalim, F Wajidi, MF Mansyur, AAA Cirua
    Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (SNTEI) 8 (1), 244-248 2023

  • Sistem Operasi
    MM Nono Heryana, M. Kom Ali Mabruri, S.Pd.I, S.Kom Lucky Indra Kesuma, S.SI ...
    CV. Rey Media Grafika 2023

  • Sistem Deteksi Penggunaan Masker secara Real Time menggunakan Metode Eigenface dan Support Vector Machine
    N Nur, I Indra, F Wajidi, IA Khofifah
    Jurnal Komputer Terapan 8 (2), 225-235 2022

  • Rancangan Alat Monitoring Air Layak Konsumsi Berbasis Mikrokontroler
    N Rasjid, I Indra, M Alfikri
    PHYDAGOGIC: Jurnal Fisika dan Pembelajarannya 4 (2), 74-82 2022

  • Predeksi Jumlah Kasus Penyakit Diare Menggunakan Metode Triple Exponential Smooting (TES)
    NR indra
    Inspiration Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 11 (2), 99-108 2021

  • Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization dengan Operasi Elitism
    I Cokrowibowo Sugiarto, Ismail
    Journal of Computer and Information System (J-CIS) 3 (1), 23-28 2020

  • Long-term deposits prediction: a comparative framework of classification model for predict the success of bank telemarketing
    IBAII Ahmad Ilham, Laelatul Khikmah, Indra, Ulumuddin
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012035 2019

  • Penerapan Logika Fuzzy untuk Menentukan Jumlah Produksi Beras Berdasarkan Data Persediaan dan Jumlah Permintaan (Studi Kasus UD Siregar Wonomulyo)
    I Indra
    STMIK KHARISMA Makassar 3 (2), 87-98 2017

  • Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Majene
    Kharisma Tech 5, 832-839 2010

  • Sistem Informasi Inventaris Obat Aptoik Ilham Polewali
    Multitek 5 2010

  • Sistem Informasi Surat Tanda Kendaraan (STNK) pada Kantor SAMSAT Polewali Mandar
    Kharisma Tech 4, 556-563 2009


  • Long-term deposits prediction: a comparative framework of classification model for predict the success of bank telemarketing
    IBAII Ahmad Ilham, Laelatul Khikmah, Indra, Ulumuddin
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1175 (1), 012035 2019
    Citations: 14

  • Rancangan Alat Monitoring Air Layak Konsumsi Berbasis Mikrokontroler
    N Rasjid, I Indra, M Alfikri
    PHYDAGOGIC: Jurnal Fisika dan Pembelajarannya 4 (2), 74-82 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization dengan Operasi Elitism
    I Cokrowibowo Sugiarto, Ismail
    Journal of Computer and Information System (J-CIS) 3 (1), 23-28 2020
    Citations: 2

  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Bibit Padi Unggul Menggunakan Metode AHP
    CN Insani, N Arifin, I Indriani
    Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12 (1), 205-210 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Jurusan menggunakan Metode Topsis dan SAW
    N Arifin, CN Insani
    Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12 (1), 200-204 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Sistem Deteksi Penggunaan Masker secara Real Time menggunakan Metode Eigenface dan Support Vector Machine
    N Nur, I Indra, F Wajidi, IA Khofifah
    Jurnal Komputer Terapan 8 (2), 225-235 2022
    Citations: 1