
Pusat Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Gizi
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)



Food and nutrition


Scopus Publications


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Scopus Publications

  • Province clustering based on the percentage of communicable disease using the BCBimax biclustering algorithm
    Muhammad Nur Aidi, Cynthia Wulandari, Sachnaz Desta Oktarina, Taufiqur Rakhim Aditra, Fitrah Ernawati, Efriwati Efriwati, Nunung Nurjanah, Rika Rachmawati, Elisa Diana Julianti, Dian Sundari,et al.

    PAGEPress Publications
    Indonesia needs to lower its high infectious disease rate. This requires reliable data and following their temporal changes across provinces. We investigated the benefits of surveying the epidemiological situation with the imax biclustering algorithm using secondary data from a recent national scale survey of main infectious diseases from the National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) covering 34 provinces in Indonesia. Hierarchical and k-means clustering can only handle one data source, but BCBimax biclustering can cluster rows and columns in a data matrix. Several experiments determined the best row and column threshold values, which is crucial for a useful result. The percentages of Indonesia’s seven most common infectious diseases (ARI, pneumonia, diarrhoea, tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis, malaria, and filariasis) were ordered by province to form groups without considering proximity because clusters are usually far apart. ARI, pneumonia, and diarrhoea were divided into toddler and adult infections, making 10 target diseases instead of seven. The set of biclusters formed based on the presence and level of these diseases included 7 diseases with moderate to high disease levels, 5 diseases (formed by 2 clusters), 3 diseases, 2 diseases, and a final order that only included adult diarrhoea. In 6 of 8 clusters, diarrhea was the most prevalent infectious disease in Indonesia, making its eradication a priority. Direct person-to-person infections like ARI, pneumonia, TB, and diarrhoea were found in 4-6 of 8 clusters. These diseases are more common and spread faster than vector-borne diseases like malaria and filariasis, making them more important.

  • Prevalence and associated factors for prehypertension and hypertension among Indonesian adolescents: a cross-sectional community survey
    Sudikno Sudikno, Rofingatul Mubasyiroh, Rika Rachmalina, Prisca Petty Arfines, and Tities Puspita

    ObjectiveTo estimate the prevalence and determine the associated factors for developing prehypertension and hypertension among Indonesian adolescents.DesignNational cross-sectional study.SettingThis study was conducted in all the provinces in Indonesia.ParticipantsThe population in this study were all household members in Basic Health Research 2013 aged 15–19 years. The sample was all members of the 2013 Riskesdas household aged 15–19 years with the criteria of not having physical and mental disabilities, and having complete data. The number of samples analysed was 2735, comprising men (n=1319) and women (n=1416).Main outcomeDependent variables were prehypertension and hypertension in adolescents based on blood pressure measurements.ResultsThe results of the analysis showed that the prevalence of prehypertension in adolescents was 16.8% and hypertension was 2.6%. In all adolescents, the risk factors for prehypertension were boys (adjusted OR, aOR 1.48; 95% CI 1.10 to 1.97), 18 years old (aOR 14.64; 95% CI 9.39 to 22.80), and 19 years old (aOR 19.89; 95% CI 12.41 to 31.88), and obese (aOR 2.16; 95% CI 1.02 to 4.58). Risk factors for hypertension in all adolescents included the age of 18 years old (aOR 3.06; 95% CI 1.28 to 7.34) and 19 years (aOR 3.25; 95% CI 1.25 to 8.41) and obesity (aOR 5.69; 95% CI 2.20 to 14.8). In adolescent girls, the chance of developing prehypertension increased with increasing age and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. Several risk factors for hypertension in adolescent boys were age, central obesity and LDL cholesterol levels.ConclusionThis study shows that the trend of prehypertension in adolescents has appeared, besides hypertension. There are distinct patterns of factors that influence it in adolescent girls and boys, which can be useful to sharpen of planning and implementing health programmes.

  • Sociodemographic and Healthcare Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 6–59 Months in the Urban Area of Bali Province, Indonesia 2018
    Anak Agung Ngurah Kusumajaya, Rofingatul Mubasyiroh, Sudikno Sudikno, Olwin Nainggolan, Hertog Nursanyoto, Ni Ketut Sutiari, Kadek Tresna Adhi, I Made Suarjana, and Pande Putu Januraga

    Stunting is a worldwide public health concern, including in Indonesia. Even when living in an urban area with urban characteristics, it is still possible for children to be at risk of stunting. The aim of this study was to determine the sociodemographic and healthcare factors associated with stunting in a province experiencing tourism growth, namely, Bali. Cross-sectional data on Bali Province from the Indonesian Basic Health Research Survey (Riskesdas, 2018) were used as the basis for the research analysis. A total of 846 respondents under five years of age were analyzed, indicating a stunting prevalence of 19.0%. Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated low maternal educational attainment (adjustedOR = 1.92; 95% Confidence Interval = 1.24–2.97), the inadequate consumption of iron tablets during pregnancy (adjustedOR = 1.56; 95% Confidence Interval = 1.08–2.24), and no extended family (adjustedOR = 1.55; 95% Confidence Interval = 1.07–2.26) as being significantly associated with stunting. According to these findings, sociodemographic and healthcare factors are associated with stunting in urban Bali. Improving women’s education, ensuring sufficient iron tablets are consumed during pregnancy, and encouraging the involvement of the extended family in childcare are recommended.

  • Risk factors for the metabolic syndrome in non-obese older Indonesians
    Ning Sulistiyowati, Sudikno Sudikno, Olwin Nainggolan, C. Titaley, Windy Pradita Adyarani and D. Hapsari

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The problem of metabolic syndrome among non-obese older people is often ignored. This study examines the risk factors for metabolic syndrome in non-obese older people in Indonesia. We analyzed information collected from 3323 non-obese older respondents interviewed in the 2018 Basic Health Research program. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN The outcome variable was the metabolic syndrome consisting of three components: high lipid profile, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. The potential predictors analyzed were socio-demographic and behavioral factors consisting of psychomotor (cigarette smoking + physical activity) and dietary behavior (consumption of fat + fruit/vegetable). Multinomial logistic regression analysis was employed to assess metabolic syndrome risk factors in non-obese older people. RESULTS We found that the proportion of non-obese older people in Indonesia with metabolic syndrome was 83.8% (95%CI: 82.4-85.2%). The odds of developing 2-3 components of metabolic syndrome increased in respondents from rural areas (aOR=1.26, p=0.033) and those with moderate psychomotor behavior problems (current smoker/ex-smoker with sufficient physical activity) (aOR=1.48, p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS Health promotion activities are vital to improve awareness and promote healthy behaviors, specifically for those living in rural areas and smoking cigarettes.

  • Impact of Fortified Infant Cereals on the Burden of Iron Deficiency Anemia in 6-to 23-Month-Old Indonesian Infants and Young Children: A Health Economic Simulation Model
    Alberto Prieto-Patron, Patrick Detzel, Rita Ramayulis, Sudikno, Irene, and Yulianti Wibowo

    Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are highly prevalent among Indonesian infants and young children (IYC). Severe IDA hampers mental development in young children and is linked to lower quality of life and lower productivity as adults. The consumption of fortified infant cereals (FIC) increases iron intake during the weaning period, thus reducing the social burden of IDA. In this manuscript, we aimed to assess the impact of FIC on the burden of IDA on IYC in Indonesia. We analyzed data for IYC aged 6–23 months from the fifth wave (2014–2015) of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) and the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017 (IDHS-17). We adapted a health economic simulation model to estimate the impact of FIC that accounted for lifetime health and cost consequences in terms of reduced future income and DALYs. The mean Hb level was 10.5 ± 1.4 g/dL. Consumers of FIC had a reduced burden of disease (43,000 DALYs; USD 171 million) compared with non-consumers. The consumption of fortified infant cereals plays an important role in reducing the burden of IDA, and it might complement the available strategy of nutritional interventions to address this problem in Indonesian IYC.

  • Cardiovascular disease prediction model for Indonesian adult population with prediabetes and diabetes mellitus: The Bogor Cohort study of Noncommunicable Diseases Risk Factors
    Marcel H.R. Sibarani, Ika P. Wijaya, Aulia Rizka, Pradana Soewondo, Woro Riyadina, Ekowati Rahajeng, Sudikno, Dante S. Harbuwono, and Dicky L. Tahapary

    Elsevier BV

  • Dietary Quality in Indonesian Adults with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus using Healthy Eating Index

  • Incidence and risk factors of subjective memory complaints in women in central Bogor City, Indonesia
    Julianty Pradono, , Sudikno Sudikno, Ika Suswanti, Yuda Turana, , , and

    Full Universe Integrated Marketing Ltd

  • Limitations in vitamin A supplementation to optimise serum retinol in preschool children from two central Java districts
    Erry Y Mulyani, Mury Kuswari, Sudikno, Sandjaja and Fitrah Ernawati

    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Vitamin A deficiency is particularly common among children younger than 5 years. In 2011, a study conducted in West Java revealed that the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in children aged 6-11 months, 12-23 months, and 24-59 months was 18.2%, 15.2%, and 9.9%, respectively. The present study analysed the differences in vitamin A intake and serum retinol in all the preschool children from Grobogan and Kudus, Central Java. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN The baseline data of vitamin A efficacy were analysed. A total of 143 children aged 1-3 years participants (n=71 from Kudus and n=71 from Grobogan) were recruited and we used independent t-tests to analyse the data. RESULTS Among the study population, 50.7% and 48.6% were boys and 49.3% and 51.4% were girls from Kudus and Grobogan, respectively. The average intake of energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamin A was 698±440 (Kcal), 89±60 (g), 25.9±18.5 (g), 26.1±18.5 (g), and 435.3±554.0 (μg) in Kudus and 868±493 (Kcal), 109±67 (g), 30.9±20.1 (g), 35.1±23.1 (g), and 538.1±622.9 (μg) in Grobogan, respectively. The average serum retinol in Kudus and Grobogan were 26.7±6.4 (μg/dL) and 29.6±5.9 (μg/dL), respectively. Significant differences in energy and fat intake (p<0.05) were also observed between the Kudus and Grobogan districts; however, no differences in protein, carbohydrates, and vitamin A intake (p>=0.05) were noted. A significant difference in serum retinol was observed between these two districts (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS An increase in vitamin A intake through various foods should improve the serum retinol in preschool children.


  • The risk factors of dyslipidaemia and obesity incidence: Result from 2019 cohort study of NCDs in Bogor City
    AD Cantika, I Ekayanti, S Sudikno
    BIO Web of Conferences 153, 02028 2025

  • Pendampingan Ibu Hamil Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Perilaku Kesehatan dan Persalinan di Fasilitas Kesehatan
    W Isnaeni, IBP Wijaya, I Rasyid, S Suprapti, NK Aryastami, S Sudikno
    JURNAL SAINS TEKNOLOGI & LINGKUNGAN 10 (2), 406-417 2024

  • Suboptimal child healthcare practices and the development of multiple infectious diseases in children aged 24–59 months
    N Sulistiyowati, DH Tjandrarini, CR Titaley, BJ Que, PS Hidayangsih, ...
    Frontiers in Public Health 12, 1340559 2024

    WS Panjaitan, K Kusnandar, NH Hikmayani, S Sudikno
    Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 33 (3), 34-46 2023

  • The changes of dietary fiber intake in obese adults: NCDs cohort study in Bogor City
    FD Rokhmah, D Briawan, I Ekayanti, S Sudikno
    AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal 8 (3), 438-446 2023

  • Province clustering based on the percentage of communicable disease using the bcbimax biclustering algorithm
    MN Aidi, C Wulandari, SD Oktarina, TR Aditra, F Ernawati, E Efriwati, ...
    Geospatial Health 18 (2) 2023

  • Determinants of coronary heart disease among adults: a case-control study
    S Sudikno, S Driyah, J Pradono
    Universa Medicina 42 (1), 41-51 2023

  • Prevalence and associated factors for prehypertension and hypertension among Indonesian adolescents: a cross sectional community survey
    SR Mubasyiroh, R Rachmalina, PP Arfines, T Puspita
    BMJ Open, 1-13 2023

  • Prevalence and associated factors for prehypertension and hypertension among Indonesian adolescents: a cross-sectional community survey
    S Sudikno, R Mubasyiroh, R Rachmalina, PP Arfines, T Puspita
    BMJ open 13 (3), e065056 2023

  • The Effect of Central Obesity, Smoking, and Fried Food Consumption on Dyslipidemia in Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study
    S Sudikno, J Pradono, S Tuminah
    1st International Conference for Health Research–BRIN (ICHR 2022), 655-667 2023

  • Rendahnya Partisipasi Penimbangan Balita sebagai Penghambat Percepatan Penurunan Stunting di Wilayah Pedesaan Provinsi Bali: Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2018
    H Nursanyoto, AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, Sudikno, O Nainggolan, ...
    Media Gizi Indonesia, 8-18 2023

  • Rendahnya Partisipasi Penimbangan Balita sebagai Penghambat Percepatan Penurunan Stunting di Wilayah Pedesaan Provinsi Bali: Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas 2018
    H Nursanyoto, AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, Sudikno, O Nainggolan, ...
    Media Gizi Indonesia, 8-18 2023

  • Sociodemographic and Healthcare Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 6–59 Months in the Urban Area of Bali Province, Indonesia 2018
    AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, S Sudikno, O Nainggolan, ...
    Nutrients 15 (2), 389 2023

  • Low Participation of Children’s Weight as a Barrier to Acceleration Stunting Decrease in the Rural Area Bali Province: Further Analysis of Riskesdas 2018
    H Nursanyoto, AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, NO Sudikno, NK Sutiari
    Media Gizi Indones 18 (1), 8-18 2023

    A Hermawan, R Anasi, AT Winarto, S Sudikno
    Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 46 2023

  • Potensi dan Kendala Program Percepatan Penurunan Stunting di Provinsi Bali
    H Nursanyoto, KT Adhi, AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, S Sudikno, ...
    Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 46 2023

  • Faktor Risiko Stunting Balita 0-23 Bulan Di Indonesia
    S Sudikno, S Eko, IR Irawan, A Aditianti, Y Widodo, N Nurhidayati, ...
    Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 45 2022

  • Hubungan Obesitas Dengan Profil Lipid Pada Remaja Di Indonesia
    N Nurhidayati, IR Irawan, S Sudikno
    Penelitian Gizi Dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 45 2022

  • Dampak pandemi COVID-19 pada rumah tangga petani/nelayan/buruh di Indonesia (analisis lanjut studi determinan status gizi tahun 2020)
    YD Sari, IR Irawan, R Rachmawati, S Sudikno, ED Julianti
    Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 45 2022

  • Faktor Risiko Underweight Pada Balita Di Perkotaan Dan Perdesaan Indonesia [Analisis Data Studi Status Gizi Balita Indonesia 2019]
    IR Irawan, S Sudikno, ED Julianti, N Nurhidayati, R Rachmawati, YD Sari, ...
    Penelitian Gizi Dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 45 2022


  • Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Anemia pada wanita usia subur di rumah tangga miskin di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat
    S Sudikno, S Sandjaja
    Indonesian Journal of Reproductive Health 7 (2), 71-82 2016
    Citations: 79

  • Asupan gula, garam, dan lemak di Indonesia: Analisis survei konsumsi makanan individu (SKMI) 2014
    A Atmarita, AB Jahari, S Sudikno, M Soekatri
    Gizi indonesia 39 (1), 1-14 2016
    Citations: 60

  • Prevalensi Dan Faktor Risiko Stunting Pada Balita 24-59 Bulan Di Indonesia: Analisis Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018 [Prevalence and Stunting Risk Factors in Children 24-59
    A Aditianti, I Raswanti, S Sudikno, D Izwardy, SE Irianto
    Penelitian Gizi Dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 43 2020
    Citations: 52

  • Pengetahuan HIV dan AIDS pada Remaja di Indonesia (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2010)
    S Sudikno, B Simanungkalit, S Siswanto
    Indonesian Journal of Reproductive Health 1 (3), 145-154 2010
    Citations: 49

    S Sudikno, S Sandjaja
    Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi 10 (2), 163-171 2019
    Citations: 42

  • Faktor risiko obesitas sentral pada orang dewasa umur 25-65 tahun di Indonesia (analisis data riset kesehatan dasar 2013)
    S Sudikno, H Syarief, CM Dwiriani, H Riyadi
    Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 38 2015
    Citations: 35

  • Sociodemographic and Healthcare Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 6–59 Months in the Urban Area of Bali Province, Indonesia 2018
    AAN Kusumajaya, R Mubasyiroh, S Sudikno, O Nainggolan, ...
    Nutrients 15 (2), 389 2023
    Citations: 27

  • Determinan Kejadian Komplikasi Persalinan Di Indonesia: Analisis Data Sekunder Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010
    OS Simarmata, S Sudikno, K Kristina, D Bisara
    Indonesian Journal of Reproductive Health 5 (3), 165-174 2014
    Citations: 27

  • Kamus gizi
    A Sandjaja, R Herartri
    Kompas: Jakarta 2010
    Citations: 24

  • Faktor risiko overweight dan obese pada orang dewasa di Indonesia (analisis data riset kesehatan dasar 2013)
    S Sudikno, H Syarief, CM Dwiriani, H Riyadi
    Gizi Indonesia 38 (2), 91-104 2015
    Citations: 20

    F Amaliah, S Sudikno
    Gizi Indon 37 (2), 145-151 2014
    Citations: 19

  • Prevalensi gizi lebih dan obesitas penduduk dewasa di Indonesia
    S Sandjaja, S Sudikno
    Gizi Indon 28 (2) 2005
    Citations: 18

    S Sudikno, M Herdayati, B Besral
    Gizi Indon 33 (1) 2010
    Citations: 17

  • Obesity risk factors among 25-65 years old adults in Bogor city, Indonesia: a prospective cohort study
    S Sudikno, H Syarief, CM Dwiriani, H Riyadi, J Pradono
    Jurnal Gizi Dan Pangan 13 (2), 55-62 2018
    Citations: 15

  • Hubungan obesitas sentral dengan profil lipid pada orang dewasa umur 25-65 tahun di Kota Bogor (Baseline studi penyakit tidak menular di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat)
    S Sudikno, H Syarief, CM Dwiriani, H Riyadi, J Pradono
    Gizi Indonesia 39 (2), 81-92 2016
    Citations: 15

  • Determinan pemilihan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan (analisis data riset kesehatan dasar tahun 2010)
    M Arief, S Sudikno
    Indonesian Journal of Reproductive Health 5 (3), 145-154 2010
    Citations: 15

  • Prevalence and associated factors for prehypertension and hypertension among Indonesian adolescents: a cross-sectional community survey
    S Sudikno, R Mubasyiroh, R Rachmalina, PP Arfines, T Puspita
    BMJ open 13 (3), e065056 2023
    Citations: 13

  • Siswanto.(2011)
    SB Sudikno
    Pengetahuan HIV dan AIDS pada remaja di Indonesia (analisis data Riskesdas 2010) 2019
    Citations: 12

  • Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Status Gizi Obesitas Orang Dewasa di Kota Depok, Tahun 2007
    R Rahmawati, S Sudikno
    Gizi Indon 31 (1), 35-48 2008
    Citations: 10

  • Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol HDL
    M Mamat, S Sudikno
    Gizi Indon 33 (2), 143-149 2010
    Citations: 9