Olesya M Tolstykh





Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Expanding the notion of culture in digital course design: Key stakeholders and new perspectives
    Ekaterina N. Shchaveleva, Olesya M. Tolstykh, and Guldana S. Saulembekova

    IGI Global
    The chapter explores the concept of culture in the context of course design in digital environments. With contemporary learning theories prioritizing individual learners' needs, digital environments have become an effective solution. As learners have long become major stakeholders in education, course designers strive to cater to their diverse needs, with culture being a key indicator. While culture is conventionally associated with national cultural settings, and people's learning is largely influenced by the contexts within which they live and learn, the authors suggest it should be expanded to include, and not be limited to, other aspects that shape the learning process, such as age, gender, personality features, social status, mental facilities, previous learning experience, and professional background. The authors' hypothesis is that learners' motivation and performance levels are largely determined by the above-mentioned culture factors. Therefore, course designers should practice a cultural approach to ensure optimal learning outcomes.

  • Overcoming challenges: Strategies for effectively using ICT in teaching
    Olesya Tolstykh, Natalya Petrova, Viktoria Pankova, and Evgenia Krasnova

    EDP Sciences
    The pandemic spurred the rapid development of e-learning, making the hybrid learning model a highly relevant approach. However, this model still faces various technical, psychological, and methodological issues. This article explores these challenges and suggests potential solutions for organizing hybrid learning to enhance the ICT competence of future foreign language teachers. Through careful planning and a judicious integration of e-learning technologies in both online and offline classes, students can become active participants in their own education, effectively organizing hybrid learning and preparing themselves for a range of communicative and methodological tasks that require the use of ICT in a digital educational environment. Moreover, this approach fosters collaborative learning, facilitates the resolution of tasks, and promotes positive interactions among all participants in the educational process.

  • Microlearning in teaching English to students of engineering specialities
    Olesya Tolstikh, Victoria Pankova, and Evgenia Krasnova

    EDP Sciences
    The article aims to synthesise researches on technology-based microlearning in teaching. The key themes emerged: microlearning methods of information delivery and principles; the impact of microlearning on students outcomes. The platform MS Teams described as the basis for the introduction of the technology into the process of teaching English to engineering specialities. The results of the technology application were described.

  • Application of the Digital Footprint in Teaching English to Engineering Students
    Olesya M. Tolstykh, Natalia V. Petrova, Yana Y. Shturba, and Svetlana G. Parastaeva

    Using the empirical method of investigation the authors developed a professionally oriented course of English based on the didactic potential of digital technologies. The approach includes the stages of teaching the language in integration with various forms of interaction between subjects of the educational process through persistent chat-based collaboration platform and online services. The authors determined the structural and informative characteristics of the educational footprint as a way to organise individual educational paths in the developed course. Practical use of the research results contributes to the improvement of teaching English to students of technical specialities.

  • Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Hybrid Learning of Engineering Students
    Tatyana I. Lalova and Olesya M. Tolstykh

    The article considers the application of a hybrid learning strategy in higher education as a didactic tool for transition from the traditional educational model to an integrated one. The authors analyse possibilities to implement the model in teaching a foreign language to engineering students following the results of the survey conducted among them. The didactic principles of organising the the educational process based on hybrid learning are formulated in the article. The results of the experimental research on implementing the hybrid learning strategy are provided.