Milton Baptista Filho

@IF Fluminense

Professor EBTT / CACNMCC / IF Fluminense


bachelor's at Licenciatura Em Física from Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (2005), master's at Applied physics from Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (2007) and doctorate at Applied Physics from Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (2011). Has experience in Physics, focusing on Molecular Specters and Integration of Photons and Molecules, acting on the following subjects: photoacoustic spectroscopy, ethylene, photoacoustic, ammonia and passion fruit, more than ten years teaching physics for engineering classes and technical secondary school. In the last years, after a long time I was intensively teaching at engineering courses and technical secondary school, I solve to become to research activities. Nowadays, I am permanent member of the Master Degree course for Physics Education in the IF Fluminense. My focus on research is study about Learning Check Test, Learning process and Technologies on experimental tools.


Doctorade 2011 UENF
Master degree 2007 UENF
Licenciate in Physics 2005 UENF


Physics education; Experimental tools;


Android based smartphones as experimental tools

(03/2022 to Current) Research Project on Technological Beginner (Program PIBIT/IF Fluminense, Edital 226/2022): Android based smartphones as experimental tools – Project focused on develop a guide for didactic experiments on physics using smartphone. A undergraduation student works producing, interpreting and translating good practices about it published in papers.

Applications Invited

Developing a experimental guide for smartphone experiments on physics

(08/2022 to Current) Research Project on Technological Beginner (Program “Mais Ciência”, Prefeitura Municipal de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ): A serie of experiments using smartphone will be organized, structured, tested and a specific description directioned for pupils will be presented. A guide will be published and offered to the public base education system. <>

Applications Invited