Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Gujarat Technological University
M. Tech (Electronics and Communication System)
P.HD (Pursuing)
Antenna Theory, RF & Microwave, Mobile Communication and Network Technology, Internet of Things, Digital Communication
Scopus Publications
Milind Shah, Dweepna Garg, Rutika Ghariya, Vaishnavi Solanki, Roopal Rajput, and Mayur Chauhan
Robust machine-learning algorithms are essential for successfully operating underwater directions and intelligent object recognition systems in turbid water. The development of modern civilization has resulted in increased pollution caused by humans in marine environments, specifically oceans, rivers, and lakes, contaminating our valuable water resources. Despite environmental regulations, solid waste in the form of waste, rubbish, and garbage continues to be disposed of directly into the ocean, adversely impacting the survival and well-being of underwater creatures. Therefore, it is crucial to have an appropriate technique for accurately detecting and analyzing the features present in these particular environments. In this research paper, we have implemented underwater waste detection using the YoloV8 algorithm, and the dataset consists of 5127 images belonging to a variety of classes are included in the collection. These classes include masks, metal tins or cans, glass bottles, gloves, plastic bags, tires, etc. The images were taken in a variety of diverse underwater environments. This research also addresses the issue of growing underwater waste in oceans and seas by detecting wastes in underwater images.
Rutika Ghariya and Tosha Shukla
Fiber-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. The light forms an electromagnetic_carrier_ wave that is modulated to carry information. First developed in the 1970s, fiber-optic communication systems have revolutionized the telecommunications industry and have played a major role in the advent of the Information. Age. Because of its advantages over electrical transmission, optical fibers have largely replaced copper wire communications in core networks in the developed world. The project is used to communicate or transmit the real time data or information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber. In the project two microcontrollers were used out of which one is transmitter and other is receiver unit. Four parameters like Music, temperature. humidity and string of ASCII characters were used as four separate inputs. Two LCDs were used to observe current status of program as well as to see the temperature and string of character. 11.0592 MHz crystals were used for both Tx and Rx. Microcontroller at Tx is interfaced with LCD, two toggle switches (for channel selection 00; 01; 10; 11). According to mode of switch address is send to MUX and then is displayed on LCD. Output of MUX is driven by LASER/LED which in turn converts digital data into optical form. Music from transmitter will be audible at receiver with the help of speaker. Likewise humidity, temperature and string of ASCII can communicated in simplex way.
Tosha Shukla and Rutika Ghariya
Image sensor is the key component in Remote sensing payload, and the primary component of the image sensor is the indirect band gap semiconducting material. In an indirect band gap semiconductor, the maximum valence band energy occurs at a different value of momentum in the conduction band energy. Modeling of the indirect band gap semiconductor (silicon) involves iterative methods of numerical solutions to converge the continuity equation. Continuity equation in physics is an equation that describes the transport of a conserved quantity. Since mass, energy, momentum, electric charge and other natural quantities are conserved under their appropriate conditions; a variety of physical phenomena may be described using continuity equation. To analyze the physical quantities involved in the continuity equation of electric charges, various numerical analysis methods were studied and analyzed. Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation for the problems of mathematical analysis.