Pranav Shriram

Assistant Professor and Computer Department
MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi Pune


I am working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Engineering And Technology at MIT Academy of Engineering.
My research interests are Cyber Security, IoT, and Networking. He is a professional in Network Security,Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Python Programming in Security
He has hold the post graduate in Computer Science & Engineering, from JNTU Hyderabad, and graduate in Computer Science & Engineering, from Shivaji University, Kolhapur
He is an Accomplished educator with demonstrated ability to teach, Motivate, and direct students while maintaining high interest and achievement


PhD (Pursing ) in Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering


IoT, Cyber Security, Network Security


Analysis of Air Quality Index and Related Health Impact on Public Health and Suggest the safest route for traveling

In 21st Century monitoring environmental value is a challenging and complex task but technology has changed now we can easily find the air quality index of any area. In the existing scenario, we will easily get air quality and environmental parameters on the internet. On the internet generalize statistical data is available which shows the quality of air. In a current scenario, the environmental parameter is impacting human health. In day today, the air quality index going worse and it impacts people's health. The people are facing different health issues like hair loss, asthma, lunges, and heart problems. It is important to know the environmental condition in our day-to-day traveling route. Recently air pollution is increased, and the increase of harmful air particles is majorly affected by the air quality index. Exposure to air pollutants affects human health and causes many hazardous diseases like asthma and many more having a major impact on the lungs. The air pollution is im

Applications Invited

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • File Encryption Using AES and XOR Algorithm for Data Security
    Pranav Shriram, Nilesh Navghare, and Aavush Yogesh Bhalerao

    The issue of Cybersecurity is paramount in today's world of the internet and data. Many organizations face the problem of the theft of confidential data and are continuously making efforts in the field of cyber security. This research work also intends to do the same and aid in the security of data in the digital world. We have seen a lot of development in the cyber security world in recent years, with attackers also getting more and more innovative with their approach to their attack on any information on the internet. The exchange of data on the internet is quite risky, as there can be unauthorized intrusion during the exchange of the data. Even if the cybercriminals hack into servers or personal devices, it can easily read the files on the system, which may be sensitive in nature. So, to maintain privacy and avoid the possible loss of privacy, techniques like encryption and decryption were introduced to encrypt confidential or sensitive files, or simply data. We intend to apply the technique of symmetric cryptography to encrypt/decrypt files that a user considers confidential. A novel approach of file encryption uses a combination of XOR and AES ciphers, which helps in creating an encrypted version of the file. This application can also decrypt the encrypted files. This concept can be used by users who want assurance that their data/files are safe and secure while on the device or while being sent to someone.

  • NFT Enhanced Fake Product Detection System
    Soham Parate, Krishna Biradar, Shruti Magdum, Atharv Lamkhade, and Pranav Shriram

    The fake product identification system is a solution to the problem of counterfeit products that are prevalent in many markets. Counterfeiting is a significant issue that can cause harm to consumers, damage brand reputation, and result in lost revenue for legitimate manufacturers. The proposed solution for the fake product identification system is to use blockchain technology and NFTs to create a secure and transparent system for product identification. The proposed system will utilize uniquely generated codes to provide a visual indication of authenticity and scanning the code will allow the customer to redeem an NFT. The proposed system can be used in a variety of markets, including pharmaceuticals, electronics, luxury goods, and more. By implementing a fake product identification system, manufacturers can provide consumers with a way to verify the authenticity of products, increase brand trust, and reduce the negative impact of counterfeiting on their businesses.

  • AR-Based Mobile Application for Object Detection for Interactive Learning
    Sainath Ingle, Kedar Dhavale, Yuvraj Wadavale, Prateek Bhat, and Pranav Shriram

    The paper describes the creation and assessment of an augmented reality (AR) application for Android that aims to improve young learners' first-grade educational experiences. The program uses augmented reality technology to build an engaging and dynamic learning environment that promotes better learning results. This research emphasizes how augmented reality (AR) applications have the potential to transform basic education. People frequently use augmented reality technology in their daily lives and at work, particularly for visual help. The Indian educational system uses traditional teaching and learning techniques with no technology integration, especially for younger students. But one crucial element in improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning is the adoption of new technology. In contrast to the conventional reading process, this paper primarily focuses on learning through real-world artificial visualization. In order to improve classroom learning through greater engagement and interactivity using elements of augmented reality, this study suggests a mobile application for augmented reality-based interactive learning for elementary students in the Indian educational system. A computer-generated image is superimposed on a user's vision of the real world using augmented reality technology to create a composite view. The primary intent of the application was to provide speech output to animal and bird illustrations from the NCERT English book. Additionally, it has the ability to recognize various household items. We enhance the use of AR technology in education rather than entertainment by targeting the particular book being used in most of the schools in India.

  • Cyber Attack Detection and Implementation of Prevention Methods For Web Application
    Aishwarya Bhalme, Akash Pawar, Aditi Borkar, and Pranav Shriram

    The internet and web applications are the only things that run the modern world. Today, the biggest concern facing businesses is web security. It is seen as serving as the fundamental framework for the global data society. Security breaches can happen to web applications. Web security is merely protecting a layer of a web application from attacks by attackers or unauthorized users. A large number of problems with web based applications are mostly the result of incorrect client input. The various facets of web security are covered in this paper, along with its flaws. This paper also discusses the key components of web security strategies, including encryption, authentication, passwords, and integrity. Additionally described in detail are the attack methods and the anatomy of a web based application attack. This paper explores a number of methods for detection and prevention of vulnerabilities in the web application. This research suggests a more effective method for reducing this category of web vulnerabilities. Additionally, it offers the finest defence against the a for mentioned threats.

  • Android App to Connect Farmers to Retailers and Food Processing Industry
    Pranav Shriram and Sunil Mhamane

    Mobile internet will help the farmers to sell their products directly to consumers and food processing industries. This paper provides market information to a farmer using its easy interface on the mobile application. The mobile application is intended to be used for fast and updated information delivering system for farmers. Also, it has native language support to make the transaction easy for farmers. The mobile application treats farmers as a seller and a buyer. The intention behind this paper is to help farmers so they buy or sell their agriculture goods and products. Market prices provided by lets the system to keep the selling and buying prices in control. As the products are to be browsed and there may be plenty of products for the user. To make browsing easy many filters can provide. Farmers face many problems while selling their goods and products, this system promises to provide an easy and recreational way to sell the products. The system lets the farmers to sell goods at a reasonable price and makes business even fair and transparent. Consumers are the opposite side of the same coin. This system lets consumer to choose from a wide variety of products, select the product as per their requirement and also to apply price filters. Location is a one of parameter for consumer and producer while selling or buying their product it will helps the user to get the product nearby their location. The basic objective of the system is to considers every one need and full fills their requirement with fair and transparent agriculture business

  • Railway Ticket Verification and Dynamic seat Allocation using Aadhar Card
    Sunil Mhamane and Pranav Shriram

    Indian Railway is spending more money on managing instead of development. Today Ticket checkers are checking the tickets manually. We can make the ticket checking with the help of technology instead of a manual process. In this paper, ticket checking is done without human intervention. For the same, we are going to use the AADHAR number and fingerprint recognition system. It also does the dynamic seat allocation for the waitlisted passengers so we can reduce the budget of management in terms of reducing the work of TC so that we can use them in other work.

  • Digirail-The digital railway system and dynamic seat allocation
    Sunil Mhamane and Pranav Shriram

    one of the major challenges in present ticketing provision is QUEUE in buying and railway ticket checking. In this fast world people want all work is to be done within minutes with help of digitalization and usage of smartphone it is all possible. Users ticket information is stored in a database for security, which is absent in present system. Ticket checker is having admin login in application to look for user ticket with the ticket number in the database which scans in the form of QR code. Dynamic seat allocation also gives 100% utilization of seats as well proper allocation for waiting list passenger during Journey.


  • File Encryption Using AES and XOR Algorithm for Data Security
    P Shriram, N Navghare, AY Bhalerao
    2024 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication 2024

  • NFT Enhanced Fake Product Detection System
    S Parate, K Biradar, S Magdum, A Lamkhade, P Shriram
    2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry 2023

  • AR-Based Mobile Application for Object Detection for Interactive Learning
    S Ingle, K Dhavale, Y Wadavale, P Bhat, P Shriram
    2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC 2023

  • Cyber Attack Detection and Implementation of Prevention Methods For Web Application
    A Bhalme, A Pawar, A Borkar, P Shriram
    2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 1-6 2022

  • Unavailability of Python Tool Which Can Perform Various Hacking Activities
    A Gadge, A Temkar, MPR Shriram, AR Qadri, S Choudhary
    International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering 2022

  • Smart Bottle with Water Quality Analysis and Method of Operating the Same
    DD Pranav Shriram
    IN Patent App. 202,021,044,542 2021

  • A study and analysis of air quality index and related health impact on public health
    P Shriram, S Malladi
    ICICNIS 2020

  • WIFI Based Remotely Environment Monitoring System
    A Mishra, S Muramkar, SAP Walunj, P Shriram
    International Journal of Research in Advent Technology 2019

  • Android app to connect farmers to retailers and food processing industry
    P Shriram, S Mhamane
    2018 3rd international conference on inventive computation technologies 2018

  • Railway Ticket Verification and Dynamic seat Allocation using Aadhar Card
    S Mhamane, P Shriram
    2018 3rd International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 2018

  • Digirail-The digital railway system and dynamic seat allocation
    S Mhamane, P Shriram
    2018 2nd International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile 2018

    SG Mr. Pranav Shriram, Ifreen Raveen 2017

  • Cloud based online Blood Bank System using Android Mobile Application
    VC Pranav Shriram, Kishoree Borse
    International Engineering Research Journal 2 (Issue 3091-3093), 8 2017

  • Flood alert system by using weather forecasting data and wireless sensor network
    S Shiravale, P Sriram, SM Bhagat
    International Journal of Computer Applications 124 (10), 14-16 2015

  • Study of Carbon Emission in Computing Scenario
    MNB Dhake, MPM Poul, PR Shriram, KV Wankhade
    IJECCE 2 (2), 105-107 2011


  • Android app to connect farmers to retailers and food processing industry
    P Shriram, S Mhamane
    2018 3rd international conference on inventive computation technologies 2018
    Citations: 21

  • Flood alert system by using weather forecasting data and wireless sensor network
    S Shiravale, P Sriram, SM Bhagat
    International Journal of Computer Applications 124 (10), 14-16 2015
    Citations: 20

  • A study and analysis of air quality index and related health impact on public health
    P Shriram, S Malladi
    ICICNIS 2020
    Citations: 8

  • Digirail-The digital railway system and dynamic seat allocation
    S Mhamane, P Shriram
    2018 2nd International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Cyber Attack Detection and Implementation of Prevention Methods For Web Application
    A Bhalme, A Pawar, A Borkar, P Shriram
    2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 1-6 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Railway Ticket Verification and Dynamic seat Allocation using Aadhar Card
    S Mhamane, P Shriram
    2018 3rd International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 2018
    Citations: 3