Professor, GTU- School of Engineering and Technology
Gujarat Technological University
Ph.D. in Structural Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering, Building and Construction
Scopus Publications
Kaushik M. Gondaliya, Sandip A. Vasanwala, Atul K. Desai, Jignesh A. Amin, and Vishisht Bhaiya
Elsevier BV
Chirag Mehta, Kaushik Gondaliya, and Jignesh Amin
Springer Nature Switzerland
Kaushik Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin, Sandip Vasanwala, and Atul Desai
Springer Nature Singapore
Kaushik Gondaliya, Ronak Motiani, Jignesh Amin, Sandip Vasanwala, and Atul Desai
Springer Nature Singapore
Jignesh Amin
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Kaushik Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin, Vishisht Bhaiya, Sandip Vasanwala, and Atul Desai
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Kaushik Gondaliya, Vishisht Bhaiya, Sandip Vasanwala, Atul Desai, and Jignesh Amin
Springer Nature Singapore
Kaushik M. Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin, Vishisht bhaiya, Sandip Vasanwala, and Atul K. Desai
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Jignesh Amin, Kaushik Gondaliya, and Chirag Mulchandani
Elsevier BV
Kunjan Gamit and Jignesh A. Amin
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Chirag Mulchandani and Jignesh Amin
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Samir K. Prajapati and Jignesh A. Amin
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Kashyap N. Patel and Jignesh A. Amin
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
J. A. Amin and A. K. Ahuja
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Jignesh Arvindbhai Amin and Ashokkumar Ahuja
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
J. A. Amin and A. K. Ahuja
This paper presents the mean interference effects between a pair of buildings located in close proximity in a geometrical configuration of L‐ and T‐plan shapes. Experiments are carried out in a closed‐circuit wind tunnel on models of a 1:300 scale to measure the mean pressure distributions on two building models located in close proximity and on models in isolated position over an extended range of wind directions. The mean responses of buildings, namely block 1 and block 2 of L‐ and T‐shaped arrangements subjected to interference effects, are evaluated using the experimentally obtained wind loads and compared it with the responses of a similar building in isolation. Significant changes are observed in the responses of block 1 and block 2 of L‐ and T‐shaped arrangements as compared to a similar building in an isolated position. The interference levels are found to be dependent strongly on the angle of attack and the arrangement of the buildings with respect to each other. At wind incidence angle 0°, the presence of block 1 reduces the mean along the wind displacement of block 2 of the L‐ and T‐shaped arrangements up to 21% and 37%, respectively, as compared to a similar block in an isolated position. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1.Jignesh Amin, Kaushik Gondaliya, Chirag Mulchandani (2021) Assessment of seismic collapse probability of RC shaft supported tank, Structures, Elsevier, 33 (2), pp-2639-2658, DOI: 10.1016/j., ISSN: 2352-0124.
2. Harshad Gajera and Jignesh Amin (2021) Seismic evaluation of RC frame designed with effective and gross section using FBD and DDBD approach, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 95 (9) , ISSN: 00194565
3. Kaushik M. Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin, Vishisht bhaiya, Sandip Vasanwala, Atul K. Desai (2023) Seismic vulnerability evaluation of code compliant RC frame buildings using fragility analysis, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies (under review), ISSN- 2523-3939,
4. Kaushik Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin et al. (2023) Generating Seismic Fragility Curves of RC Frame Building using NSPA and IDA, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering,
5. Jignesh Amin (2023) Wind-Induced Interference Effects Due to Partial Shielding of Building, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, DOI: 10.1007/s40030-023-00756-3
6. Kaushik Gondaliya, Jignesh Amin et al. (2023) Machine Learning-based Approach for Assessing the Seismic Vulnerability of RC Frame Buildings , Prac Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,ASCE (Accepted for publication)
• Received Grant (INR 105000) under Minor Research Project scheme from GUJCOST, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat.
• Received Grant (INR 915000) under MODROB scheme from AICTE, New Delhi for the modernization of Strength of Material Lab. ( co-coordinator)
Proof checking vettting of structural design and drawing of Civil Engineering Structures