Bhupen Kumar Baruah

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)



MSc (Gauhati University), PhD (Gauhati University)


Environmental Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Indigenous Technology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Some properties on frechet-weibull distribution with application to real life data
    Deepshikha Deka, Bhanita Das, Bhupen K Baruah, and Bhupen Baruah

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.
    Research, development and extensive use of generalized form of distributions in order to analyze and modeling of applied sciences research data has been growing tremendously. Weibull and Frechet distribution are widely discussed for reliability and survival analysis using experimental data from physical, chemical, environmental and engineering sciences. Both the distributions are applicable to extreme value theory as well as small and large data sets. Recently researchers develop several probability distributions to model experimental data as these parent models are not adequate to fit in some experiments. Modified forms of the Weibull distribution and Frechet distribution are more flexible distributions for modeling experimental data. This article aims to introduce a generalize form of Weibull distribution known as Frechet-Weibull Distribution (FWD) by using the T-X family which extends a more flexible distribution for modeling experimental data. Here the pdf and cdf with survival function [S(t)], hazard rate function [h(t)] and asymptotic behaviour of pdf and survival function and the possible shapes of pdf, cdf, S(t) and h(t) of FWD have been studied and the parameters are estimated using maximum livelihood method (MLM). Some statistical properties of FWD such as mode, moments, skewness, kurtosis, variation, quantile function, moment generating function, characteristic function and entropies are investigated. Finally the FWD has been applied to two sets of observations from mechanical engineering and shows the superiority of FWD over other related distributions. This study will provide a useful tool to analyze and modeling of datasets in Mechanical Engineering sciences and other related field.

  • Transmuted exponentiated gumbel distribution (TEGD) and its application to water quality data
    Deepshikha Deka, Bhanita Das, and Bhupen K. Baruah

    Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
    The Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (TEGD) has been derived using Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (EGD) and the Quadratic Rank Transmutation Map (QRTM). The analytical expressions and shapes of the distribution function, probability density function, hazard rate function and reliability function are studied. The parameters of the TEGD are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood. Finally the TEGD is applied to real data set of water quality parameter and found to be better fit than Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (EGD) and Gumbel Distribution (GD).

  • Modification of indigenous rural water filter for arsenic mitigation using different bamboo charcoals

  • Fertility status of soil in the tea garden belts of Golaghat District, Assam, India
    Bhupen K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, Chitrani Medhi, and Abani K. Misra

    Hindawi Limited
    The increasing land use intensity without adequate and balanced use of chemical fertilizers and with little or no use of organic manure have caused severe fertility deterioration of our soils resulting in stagnating or even declining of crop productivity in Assam. The need of the hour is to achieve substantially higher crop yield than the present yield levels from our limited land resources on a sustainable basis. A study was carried out in the paddy fields of tea garden belts namely, Rungagora, Balijan, Banwaripur, Khomtai, Rungajaun, Lattakoojan, Borjan, Behora, Negheriting, and Borsapori of Golaghat district of Assam to investigate the fertility status of soil during 2008–2010. Results of the present study showed that soil solutions were acidic in nature in all seasons. Medium-to-high BD, medium SOM, medium-to-high available N and available phosphorous, and low availability of potash showed that soils were not sufficiently fertile for crop production. Depending on the SOM, available N, available P, and exchangeable K in soil, the study areas were grouped in to six fertility classes as MMML, MMHL, MMMM, MHHL, MHHM, and MMHM. Studentt-test values of all the parameters with control sample showed statistically significant results for SOM, available N, and available P in both seasons (dry and wet) and EC in wet seasons and bulk density in dry season only.

  • Sequential extraction of common metals (Na, K, Ca and Mg) from surface soil

  • Iron removal efficiency of different bamboo charcoals: A study on modified indigenous water filtration technique in rural areas of Assam


  • Liposome-Chitosan Nanoparticle Complexes as An Effective System for Ocular Drug Delivery
    BKB al
    The Bioscan 19 (2 (SI-1)), 602-606 2024

  • Formulation and Evaluation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles of Ramipril
    YM Shaikh Parvej Harunrashid, Neha Srivastava, T. Deborah Paripuranam ...
    Frontiers in Health Informatics 13 (6), 1104-1110 2024

  • Preparation and Evaluation of a Budesonide Nanosuspension for Inhalation Use
    BK Baruah, A Padiyar, P Gupta, Y Matta, KP Parmeshwar, DS Kaladhar, ...
    The Bioscan 19 (Special Issue-1), 302-306 2024

  • Automatic HbA1C Analyzer for Laboratory Use
    PM V Naik, N Venkatesh, HV Babaji, HD Chandore, RS Gowri, BK Baruah, KR ...
    IN Patent 421563-001 2024

  • FT-IR System for Detection of Adulterants in Crude Drugs
    BKB KH Pavani, S Mehra, M Divya, S Mondal, SM Pawar, KC Karri, K Rao Konuku
    IN Patent 414281-001 2024

  • Heterocyclic Compounds' Therapeutic Potential in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease by Targeting at Mitochondrial Homeostasis and Signalling
    MS Bele, AL Shaikh, KGR Rex, A Daharia, KT Kharat, A Jha, BK Baruah, ...

  • Role of Tea Drinking and Calcium Rich Food on Dental Fluorotic Patients: A Case Study
    BK Baruah
    Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Science and Nano Technology 2 (13 2023

  • An Apparatus Based on Deep Learning Based Method for Real Time Object Detection and Tracking in Video Survellance and Method Thereof
    MB K Kalita, MMM Hassan, B Das, A Bora, D Roy, MFK Barbhuyan, BK Baruah, B Das
    IN Patent 2,002,331,046,434 A 2023

  • Importance of Environmental Education: A Study on Environmental Awareness in Tea Garden Areas of Assam
    BK Baruah, AK Misra
    Spectra: Journal of School of Applied Sciences 1 (1), 49-51 2022

  • Bivariate transmuted exponentiated Gumbel distribution (BTEGD) and concomitants of its order statistics
    D Deka, B Das, U Deka, BK Baruah
    J. Math. Comput. Sci. 11 (3), 3563-3593 2021

  • Basic Statistics in Water Quality Assessment: A Review on Water Quality Index Models
    BD Bhupen K Baruah, M Kakati
    Assam Statistical Review 3 (1), 24-37 2021

  • Some properties on Frchet-Weibull distribution with application to real life data
    D Deka, B Das, BK Baruah, B Baruah
    Math Stat 9 (1), 8-15 2021

  • Assessment of Soil Fertility Status for Sustainable Productivity: A Study in Some Tea Garden Belts of Assam, India
    BK Baruah, B Das
    Current Perspectives on Chemical Sciences 6, 128-139 2020

  • Transmuted exponentiated Gumbel distribution (TEGD) and its application to water quality data
    D Deka, B Das, BK Baruah
    Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 115-126 2017

  • Modification of indigenous rural water filter for arsenic mitigation using different bamboo charcoals
    BK Baruah, B Das, AK Misra
    Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 6 (6), 1060-1065 2014

  • Fertility status of soil in the tea garden belts of golaghat district, Assam, India
    BK Baruah, B Das, C Medhi, AK Misra
    Journal of Chemistry 2013 (1), 983297 2013

  • A Comparative Study on Concomitants of order statistics and Record Statistics for Weighted Inverse Gaussian Distribution
    KK Das, B Das, BK Baruah
    International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2 (6), 1-7 2012

  • Identification of factors affecting wastage of manpower in educational institutions of Dhubri District, Assam, India
    B Das, KK Das, BK Baruah
    Advances in Applied Science Research 3 (6), 3800-3803 2012

  • A study on wastage of manpower in educational institutions of Darrang District, Assam, India
    B Das, KK Das, BK Baruah
    Advances in Applied Science Research 3 (6), 3788-3791 2012

  • Environmental Awareness among Tea Labors towards Local Issues
    BK Baruah, B Das, C Medhi, AK Misra
    Advances in Applied Science Research 2 (2), 190-196 2011


  • Fertility status of soil in the tea garden belts of golaghat district, Assam, India
    BK Baruah, B Das, C Medhi, AK Misra
    Journal of Chemistry 2013 (1), 983297 2013
    Citations: 42

  • Boron in soil and water samples in some tea garden belt of Golaghat district, Assam
    BK Baruah, A Haque, B Das, C Medhi, AK Misra
    Advances in Applied Science Research 2 (4), 298-305 2011
    Citations: 17

  • Transmuted exponentiated Gumbel distribution (TEGD) and its application to water quality data
    D Deka, B Das, BK Baruah
    Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 115-126 2017
    Citations: 16

  • Iron removal efficiency of different bamboo charcoals: a study on modified indigenous water filtration technique in rural areas of Assam
    BK Baruah, B Das, A Haque, K Misra, AK Misra
    J Chem Pharm Res 3 (2), 454-459 2011
    Citations: 16

  • Sequential extraction of common metals (Na, K, Ca and Mg) from surface soil
    BK Baruah, B Das, A Haque, C Medhi, AK Misra
    J. Chem. Pharm. Res 3 (5), 565-573 2011
    Citations: 13

  • Environmental Awareness among Tea Labors towards Local Issues
    BK Baruah, B Das, C Medhi, AK Misra
    Advances in Applied Science Research 2 (2), 190-196 2011
    Citations: 6

  • Some properties on Frchet-Weibull distribution with application to real life data
    D Deka, B Das, BK Baruah, B Baruah
    Math Stat 9 (1), 8-15 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Indigenous Water Filtration Technique in Rural Areas of Assam: A Study on Iron Removal by Bamboo Charcoals.
    BK Baruah, C Medhi, AK Misra
    IUP Journal of Chemical Engineering 2011
    Citations: 4

  • A Comparative Study on Concomitants of order statistics and Record Statistics for Weighted Inverse Gaussian Distribution
    KK Das, B Das, BK Baruah
    International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2 (6), 1-7 2012
    Citations: 3

  • Effect of effluent water down stream to the Nagaon Paper Mill, Assam on ovarian follicular population of immature female C3H mice
    A Haque, JC Kalita, DD Deka, BK Baruah
    The Bioscan 2, 529-535 2010
    Citations: 3

  • Modification of indigenous rural water filter for arsenic mitigation using different bamboo charcoals
    BK Baruah, B Das, AK Misra
    Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 6 (6), 1060-1065 2014
    Citations: 2

  • Bivariate transmuted exponentiated Gumbel distribution (BTEGD) and concomitants of its order statistics
    D Deka, B Das, U Deka, BK Baruah
    J. Math. Comput. Sci. 11 (3), 3563-3593 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Fluoride ion in drinking water and prevalence of dental fluorosis among the population in some tea garden belt villages in Golaghat district of Assam, India.
    BK Baruah, AH Ansarul Haque, BD Bhanita Das, KM Kaushik Misra, ...
    Archives of Applied Science Research 3 (1), 175-179 2011
    Citations: 1