Eloy Lopez Meneses


Department of Education and Social Psychology, Pablo de Olavide University, 41013 Seville
PhD. Eloy Jose López Meneses



Profesor Titular de Universidad en el Departamento de Educación y Psicología Social de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, España). Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación y Premio extraordinario de tesis doctoral por la Universidad de Sevilla.

Director del Grupo de Investigación EduInnovagogía (HUM-971).

Editor de la Revista Internacional: "International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI). ISSN 2386-4303.

Director de la Cátedra institucional de Educación y Tecnología Emergentes, Gamificación e Inteligencia Artificial (EduEmer).

Director Ext. y Relaciones Internacionales, ad honorem, IICSE (Univ. Atacama-Chile).

Reconocido dos tramos de investigación (sexenios) por la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes.

Coordinador del colectivo docente INNOVAGOGÍA (.

Dirección de 15 tesis doctorales.


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Graphic Model of Virtual Teaching Supervision through Fuzzy Logic in Non-University Educational Centers
    Nuria Falla-Falcón, Eloy López-Meneses, Miguel-Baldomero Ramírez-Fernández, and Esteban Vázquez-Cano

    This research analyzes the supervision of non-university virtual training due to the unexpected non-face-to-face teaching scenario caused by COVID-19 with a graphic model using the SULODITOOL® instrument. It arises as a research line of the Chair of Education and Emerging Technologies, Gamification and Artificial Intelligence of the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville) and is developed under the auspices of other assessment instruments within the framework of the functions and attributions of the Education Inspectorate of Spain. The aforementioned instrument is made up of 10 weighted supervisory indicators using fuzzy logic. The aggregation of linguistic variables of 242 expert judges was performed using the probabilistic OR function and defuzzified using the area centroid method to calculate the aforementioned weights. Based on the innovative analytical and graphic methodology used to analyze the supervision of virtual teaching, both synchronous and asynchronous, it stands out from the results obtained that there are certain supervision indicators, such as the training design and the methodology used, which should be considered as factors key in all the scenarios studied (primary education, compulsory secondary education and post-compulsory education).

  • Digital Teacher Competence Frameworks Evolution and Their Use in Ibero-America up to the Year the COVID-19 Pandemic Began: A Systematic Review
    Camilo A. Velandia Rodriguez, Andres F. Mena-Guacas, Sergio Tobón, and Eloy López-Meneses

    The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way education was conducted, not only at the time when the face-to-face model was replaced by virtuality but also in the period of return to normality because the digital skills of teachers are not the same as before. Digital competency frameworks allow for assessment and comparisons between individuals and over time, so they can be used to understand the transformation that may have occurred in teachers’ digital competencies following the pandemic. This systematic literature review analyzes the competency frameworks that have been used in Ibero-America up to the year 2022, with the purpose of defining a concept foundation as an input on which to build a tool to assess digital competencies. The review was done following the pathway proposed by the PRISMA methodology between 2018 and 2022. Results show that there is no consensus or unification of the frameworks, and that there are five purposes in the research being conducted on digital competencies with publications concentrated on two of them. Interest on digital competence frameworks increased substantially in 2020.

  • Life Satisfaction and Academic Engagement in Chileans Undergraduate Students of the University of Atacama
    Carmen Burgos-Videla, Ricardo Jorquera-Gutiérrez, Eloy López-Meneses, and Cesar Bernal

    The growing problem of mental health in the university population, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, has generated the need to consider positive variables to address this situation. Life satisfaction and academic engagement are two constructs that emerge as conceptual tools oriented in this direction. The present study sought to describe the effect of academic engagement on life satisfaction in a sample of Chilean university students. A cross-sectional co-relational design was used. A total of 370 university students participated, 72.4% female and 27.6% male, aged beitive effect of engagement on life satisfaction was demonstrated, where the dimensions vigor (β = 0.462; p < 0.01) and dedication (β = 0.465; p < 0.01) acted as significant predictors (χ2 = 87.077, gl = 32, p < 0.01; χ2/gl = 2.721; CFI = 975; TLI = 0.964; RMSEA = 0.068). The proposed model showed factorial invariance according to sex. The usefulness of employing these constructs as a way to manage the well-being and mental health of students in university institutions is discussed.

  • Influence of Computer Knowledge and Level of Education on Spanish Citizens’ Propensity to Use E-Commerce
    Enrique Jiménez-Rodríguez, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Ángeles Cebrián-Hernández, and Eloy López-Meneses

    SAGE Publications
    This article analyzes the influence of Spanish citizens’ computer knowledge and level of education on their tolerance of, or aversion to, risk in the online purchase of goods and services. To this end, annual survey data from Spain’s National Statistics Institute were used to know the incidence in e-commerce of the following variables: “computer knowledge,” “electronic commerce,” and “socioeconomic characteristics.” A method based on the design of a computer knowledge indicator was used, followed by a bivariate logistic regression to determine computer knowledge and level of education. The results show that the higher the level of computer knowledge, the greater the impulse to buy online and the higher the tolerance of risk. There was also a positive relation between level of education and propensity to buy; the higher the level of education, the greater the propensity.

  • Citizenship, heritage and inclusive education: construction of a category system for the analysis of didactic experiences
    Emilio José Delgado-Algarra, José Antonio Vela-Romero, Eloy López-Meneses, and César Bernal-Bravo

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide
    From a flexible approach, it is presented an article with the objective of building a category system for the analysis of didactic experiences in relation to citizenship education, heritage education and inclusive education. According to defined objective and after the references were reviewed, a system of categories was designed in relation to the three aforementioned categories, including models of citizenship and civic participation, types of heritage, purposes of heritage education, perspectives of attention to diversity and principles for an inclusive heritage. As a conclusion, regarding the development of citizenship, there are main trends in experiences and researches such as the autonomy of the individual, social inclusion and rights; including citizens' rights, ability to decide, knowledge and implementation of these rights, and social inclusion in the environment where they are developed as fundamental topics. In this process, the use of heritage as a source of social identity respectful of other cultures, individuals and societies faces a double challenge: become aware of the little value that students can attribute to heritage if they do not establish some connection with their lives and counteract the use of heritage as a resource as differentiated and disintegrating elements. This article was elaborated within the framework of EPITEC 2 research project, “Controversial heritages for the ecosocial formation of citizenship. An investigation of heritage education in formal education” (PID2020-116662GB-I00), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain.

  • The Negative Effects of Technology on Education: A Bibliometric and Topic Modeling Mapping Analysis (2008-2019)
    Esteban Vázquez-Cano, , M.ª Elena Parra-González, Adrián Segura-Robles, Eloy López-Meneses, , , and

    Modestum Publishing Ltd
    This study aims to analyze the scientific research that has addressed the negative impact of technology in the educational field. The research is implemented from a methodological approach based on the bibliometric mapping of the scientific production registered in the Web of Science in the period 2008-2019. To do this, indicators of growth, production, impact, topics, keywords, journal references, and analysis of co-citations of authors and co-authors are analyzed. This bibliometric approach is complemented by the analysis of the density, frequency and degree of centrality of the main terms associated with the difficulties and problems of technology in education located in the abstracts and discussion of results in the period 2016-2019. For this purpose, graph theory is developed, using the sigma, cytoscape and graphology libraries. The results show that, among the most common disadvantages linked to the use of technology in education, are: privacy problems, discerning reliable and relevant information, the time required for the preparation of educational materials, the negative impact on academic performance of the students, the lack of resources for its implementation in the classrooms and the infoxication. Finally, it should be noted that in the last three years, the negative impact of technology in the psychosocial field and its impact on teaching-learning processes are beginning to be analyzed in greater depth.

  • Implication of previous training and personal and academic habits of use of the Internet in the development of different blocks of basic digital 2.0 competencies in university students
    Juan David Concepción, Eloy López Meneses, Esteban Vázquez Cano, and Samuel Crespo-Ramos

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide
    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar la relación de diferentes variables como la posible formación previa en web 2.0 y software social, o  el número de horas de exposición y navegación en internet y uso académico de plataformas virtuales universitarias por estudiantes de los cursos 18-19 y 19-20 procedentes de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide y la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de Graduado en Educación Social y Pedagogía respectivamente,  en cuanto al grado de formación mostrado en competencias digitales de estudiantes en estos contextos universitarios. Se ha empleado para ello un instrumento didáctico denominado COBADI_2_0 (competencias básicas digitales 2.0 de los estudiantes universitarios) con marca registrada 29.706.648 en la OEMP (España), y formando parte el presente estudio del Proyecto de Innovación “Innovación docente 2.0 con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (Tic) en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior”, situado en el marco de la Acción 2 de Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente subvencionados por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia y Convergencia Europea de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Se efectuaron análisis multivariados de la varianza, pruebas t, pruebas chi-cuadrado, así como descriptivos de prueba de cajas y bigotes con las distintas variables referidas.  En primer lugar y con respecto a la formación previa en web 2.0 y software social, los resultados mostraron tanto en la Universidad Pablo Olavide como la UNED durante los cursos 18-19 y 19-20, una correlación significativa, entre esta formación y las competencias básicas digitales demostradas en el uso de las TIC para la búsqueda y tratamiento de la información (bloque II). No obstante, posteriores pruebas t student, mostraron igualmente que, con respecto al alumnado sin esta formación anterior en web 2.0, no se evidencia una diferencia significativa en ningún bloque de competencias digitales adquiridas. En segundo lugar se constató en la muestra de estudiantes de ambas universidades, que una mayor exposición y navegación internet, estaba relacionada con una ligera mayor demostración de todos los bloques de competencias básicas digitales, aunque solo se evidenció una relación significativa de esta exposición a internet con la adquisición de competencias básicas digitales del bloque IV (herramientas virtuales y de comunicación social de la Universidad), en los estudiantes de la UNED, de ambos cursos. Por último, las pruebas realizadas de cajas y bigotes evidenciaron poca relevancia o impacto del citado tiempo de exposición del estudiante en internet para la adquisición o demostración de competencias básicas digitales del bloque I y bloque III (conocimiento y uso de las TIC en la comunicación social y competencias interpersonales en el uso de las TIC en el contexto universitario, respectivamente). En cambio, dicha exposición sí se mostró significativa para las competencias de los bloques II y IV (competencias de uso de las TIC para la búsqueda y tratamiento de la información y herramientas virtuales y de comunicación social de la Universidad, respectivamente), especialmente para los niveles de exposición bajo y medio. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones prácticas.

  • Gamification and gaming proposals, teachers’ perceptions and practices in Primary Education
    José Manuel Sáez-López, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Javier Fombona Cadavieco, and Eloy López-Meneses

    Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
    This research has analyzed the application of gamification and game-based learning to primary education based on the evaluation of gamification by 308 primary education teachers in Spain. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was made of teachers’ competences, the tools and devices most widely used, didactic functionality, emotional competence and social skills. The results showed that teachers had a positive attitude towards gamification, and good knowledge and management of tools such as Genially, Kahoot and Google Classroom. With the appropriate resources, class planning and teacher training, game-based learning and gamification can boost student motivation and commitment, and foster enthusiasm for beneficial, pedagogical interactive processes.

  • Impact of Family Communication on Spanish Adolescents’ Dysfunctional Behaviour on Social Networks
    Samuel Crespo Ramos, Esteban Vázquez Cano, and Eloy López Meneses

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to analyze the aspects of the communication processes between fathers, mothers and their adolescent children that have a positive or negative effect on the dysfunctional behavior that teenagers display on social networks. The sample consisted of 2399 Spanish adolescents aged 11 to 18 from 6th grade primary to final year at high school. The study used a quantitative methodology based on correlation, discriminant and multivariate analyses. The results show how strong social network dependency, violence and rejection suffered or inflicted online, and social network use to make new friends are all linked to conflict communication styles, in particular offensive over avoidant communication, involving both parents, but mothers slightly more. On the other hand, adolescents who enjoy more open communication with both parents are less dependent on social networks and, generally, display less dysfunctional behavior online.

  • Autonomy, Motivation, and Digital Pedagogy Are Key Factors in the Perceptions of Spanish Higher-Education Students toward Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    María Dolores Díaz-Noguera, Carlos Hervás-Gómez, Ana María De la Calle-Cabrera, and Eloy López-Meneses

    This paper proposes a development model of the adaptation capacity of students to digital transformation in university teaching through three constructs: motivations, digital pedagogy, and student autonomy. For this study, an ad hoc scale was created to record the adaptation capacity of students to digital transformation. The sample was 483 students from the University of Seville (Spain), to whom an online survey was administered during the development of online teaching in the period of November 2020 using the Google Forms platform. The findings of this study showed that university student motivation acquired a greater threshold than autonomy, whose threshold in turn, was greater than that of digital pedagogy in the ability to adapt to online teaching and that the capacity of adaptation to the online modality is explained by the perception that university students have of the usefulness, products, and learning outcomes, among others. In conclusion, the lack of adequate and enabled study spaces is key to developing the online model. We consider all these aspects as prospective research objectives.

  • Design of a Methodological Intervention for Developing Respect, Inclusion and Equality in Physical Education
    Antonio Muñoz-Llerena, María Núñez Pedrero, Gonzalo Flores-Aguilar, and Eloy López-Meneses

    The following educational intervention proposal arises from the importance of implementing an education based on fostering values through physical education (PE) lessons. PE has certain characteristics that contribute to enhancing learning at a social, affective and psychological level, in addition to promoting adequate physical development. The proposed design is based on Donald Hellison’s personal and social responsibility model (TPSR), whose main objective is to achieve a teaching methodology that can convey values and skills in the lives of youth at risk of exclusion. Different sports modalities are used in the initiation phase, which make up a ten-week teaching unit and in which the game takes the leading role. The application of this program focuses specifically on students in compulsory secondary education, a stage in which significant changes are experienced in many aspects and levels. However, it is completely adaptable to other developmental stages. In this way, the main objective of this work is to create an intervention proposal that aims to promote, following a set of intervention units of sessions, the development of the three main values in which this work is based: respect, equality and inclusion.

  • Innovation in the university classroom through augmented reality. Analysis from the perspective of the Spanish and Latin American students
    Julio Cabero-Almenara, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Wellington Remigio Villota-Oyarvide, and Eloy López-Meneses

    Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
    Objetivo. Este artículo analiza las experiencias de innovación universitaria con tecnologías inmersivas (realidad aumentada, RA) de diversas titulaciones de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España) y de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (Ecuador) correspondiente al curso académico 2018-2019. Metodología. A través de una metodología mixta de análisis de datos (cuantitativa y cualitativa) y el diseño de un cuestionario ad hoc de elaboración propia se analizaron las percepciones de 202 estudiantes en relación con las ventajas y desventajas de la RA y las apps de realidad aumentada utilizadas en los seminarios de Tecnologías Emergentes en contextos educativos, impartidos en ambas universidades. Resultados. Los resultados muestran que las aplicaciones móviles más valoradas fueron: QuiverVisión y Hp Revail por su interactividad, entorno usable y su proyección didáctica en contextos formativos, especialmente en edades tempranas. Conclusiones. El estudiantado percibe, como principales ventajas de la RA, el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y competenciales y, como principales desventajas, la necesidad de formación del profesorado universitario para la implementación en las aulas y los posibles efectos adversos de la brecha digital.

  • Chatbot to improve learning punctuation in Spanish and to enhance open and flexible learning environments
    Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Santiago Mengual-Andrés, and Eloy López-Meneses

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe objective of this article is to analyze the didactic functionality of a chatbot to improve the results of the students of the National University of Distance Education (UNED / Spain) in accessing the university in the subject of Spanish Language. For this, a quasi-experimental experiment was designed, and a quantitative methodology was used through pretest and posttest in a control and experimental group in which the effectiveness of two teaching models was compared, one more traditional based on exercises written on paper and another based on interaction with a chatbot. Subsequently, the perception of the experimental group in an academic forum about the educational use of the chatbot was analyzed through text mining with tests of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), pairwise distance matrix and bigrams. The quantitative results showed that the students in the experimental group substantially improved the results compared to the students with a more traditional methodology (experimental group / mean: 32.1346 / control group / mean: 28.4706). Punctuation correctness has been improved mainly in the usage of comma, colon and periods in different syntactic patterns. Furthermore, the perception of the students in the experimental group showed that they positively value chatbots in their teaching–learning process in three dimensions: greater “support” and companionship in the learning process, as they perceive greater interactivity due to their conversational nature; greater “feedback” and interaction compared to the more traditional methodology and, lastly, they especially value the ease of use and the possibility of interacting and learning anywhere and anytime.

  • Digital teaching competence in higher education: A systematic review
    José María Fernández-Batanero, Pedro Román-Graván, Marta Montenegro-Rueda, Eloy López-Meneses, and José Fernández-Cerero

    Higher education is one of the educational stages most affected by digital technologies, whose constant development has produced a favourable atmosphere for new approaches regarding the teaching–learning processes. The aim of the study was to identify the most relevant findings that specialists have analysed in terms of the digital competences of university teachers, through the analysis of the scientific production of the specialised literature in the last decade (2009–2019). A search was carried out on the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases following the guidelines of the PRISMA statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sample was made up of 20 articles. The main findings show the low level of digital competence among teachers and the need for training in both technological and pedagogical areas.

  • Digital competence analysis of university students using latent classes
    Carmen Gloria Burgos-Videla, Wilson Andrés Castillo Rojas, Eloy López Meneses, and Javiera Martínez

    The objective of this study is to characterize Latent Classes emerging from the analysis of the level of digital competences, use and consumption of applications and/or services through the Internet. For this purpose, the results of the survey Basic Digital Competences (Competencias Básicas Digitales-COBADI®) applied to university students, with more than 60 categorical variables, were considered. A total of 4762 undergraduate and graduate students from five Spanish universities participated in this survey: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), Almeria University (UAL), National University of Distance Education (UNED) and Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). The application of the questionnaire was done through the Internet, from the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Education of University of Atacama—Chile. The methodology used is mixed, because the questions of the questionnaire provide qualitative information that can be interpreted and elaborated from the results. It is also quantitative because basic statistical techniques are used for the exploratory analysis of the data, and later Latent Class Analysis (LCA), to complement the description of the data set and the variables considered in the study, thus allowing us to group the classes of variables that do not appear explicitly in the set of observed variables, but which nevertheless affect them. The results of the study show that regardless of the gender and age range of the participants, there are four clearly differentiated groups or classes in the use and consumption of ICTs in different ways for their activities, both personal and academic, which allows for identifying different developments of digital competences. This study allows establishing a baseline in order to be able to elaborate later, in the development of the digital competences currently needed, which should be developed by university students.

  • Blockchain technology for secure accounting management: Research trends analysis
    Emilio Abad-Segura, Alfonso Infante-Moro, Mariana-Daniela González-Zamar, and Eloy López-Meneses

    The scope of blockchain technology, initially associated with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, is greater due to the multiple applications in various disciplines. Its use in accounting lies mainly in the fact that it reduces risks and the eventuality of fraud, eliminates human error, promotes efficiency, and increases transparency and reliability. This means that different economic sectors assume it as a recording and management instrument. The aim is to examine current and emerging research lines at a global level on blockchain technology for secure accounting management. The evolution of the publication of the number of articles between 2016 and 2020 was analyzed. Statistical and mathematical techniques were applied to a sample of 1130 records from the Scopus database. The data uncovered a polynomial trend in this period. The seven main lines of work were identified: blockchain, network security, information management, digital storage, edge computing, commerce, and the Internet of Things. The ten most outstanding emerging research lines are detected. This study provides the past and future thematic axes on this incipient field of knowledge, which is a tool for decision-making by academics, researchers, and directors of research investment programs.

  • Impact of educational context on the mismatch of adolescent use in virtual social networks

  • Analysis of the implementation of Augmented Reality as an interactive tool in American print media
    Wellington Remigio Villota Oyarvide, Miguel Ernesto Gómez Masjuán, and Eloy López Meneses

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
    El presente estudio analiza la manera en que dos medios impresos del continente americano emplean la Realidad Aumentada como herramienta interactiva. El empleo de la Realidad Aumentada en el periodismo impreso podría incrementar la interactividad de los usuarios con los periódicos, a la vez que atraería nuevos públicos, para despertarles el interés por la prensa impresa y así ampliar su audiencia y cuota de mercado. Se analizan cinco ejemplares de los diarios Burnaby NOW (Canadá) y Kids News (Argentina). Se concluye que los ejemplares analizados se suman al proceso de renovación y reinvención del ecosistema mediático, motivados por las transformaciones tecnológicas -desde el punto de vista infraestructural- y culturales y sociales -desde la óptica superestructural-, lo cual no solo trastoca los pilares de la profesión, sino también la estabilidad y supervivencia de las empresas periodísticas a las que pertenecen esos medios.

  • A science mapping analysis of ‘marginality, stigmatization and social cohesion’ in WoS (1963–2019)
    Isotta Mac Fadden, Monica Santana, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, and Eloy López-Meneses

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality

  • VLE Environments and MOOC Courses

  • DIFPRORET PROJET: Analysis of educational difficulties, proposals and challenges facing the COVID-19
    Carmen Burgos Videla, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Eloy López-Meneses, and Romina Adaos Orrego

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide
    El contexto sanitario relacionado con el virus COVID-19 ha implicado desafíos para diversas áreas, en donde se destaca el ámbito educativo. El proyecto de investigación denominado como DIFPRORET abarcó diversos desafíos en educación, pero específicamente en este artículo el objetivo es analizar la percepción de 112 personas sobre el uso de plataformas digitales a través de tress preguntas: las dificultades educativas encontradas en el periodo de confinamiento, los principales retos que debemos superar para abordar la educación en periodos de confinamiento y cuáles son las propuestas realizadas más relevantes en este periodo. Para el análisis de las preguntas se utilizaron análisis multivariados: escalamiento multidimensional y conglomerados jerárquicos. Se observó que dos de las principales dificultades educativas son la organización del tiempo y la preparación de actividades en contextos de confinamiento. No obstante, lo anterior, las propuestas apuntan a distintos niveles que van desde competencias individuales del estudiante-profesor, hasta de la sociedad con la discusión sobre el acceso a recursos que corresponde a una dimensión más amplia como es la desigualdad social.

  • Innovative university practices on the educational advantages and disadvantages of MOOC environments
    Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Eloy López-Meneses, José Gómez-Galán, and María Elena Parra-González

    Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia
    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han revolucionado el mundo tal como lo conocíamos antes de su uso y aplicabilidad a la vida diaria. Este uso también se ha trasladado al campo educativo y ha transformado la forma en que se aprende y se enseña hoy. En medio de este panorama, los cursos abiertos masivos en línea emergen como una oportunidad disponible para que todos puedan aprender, lo que ha causado muchos cambios en el campo educativo. Este estudio se presenta como una investigación sobre prácticas universitarias innovadoras para analizar las ventajas y desventajas de estos MOOC en el entorno de la educación superior. Entre las principales ventajas analizadas, destacamos su gratuidad, el establecimiento de redes de colaboración y la flexibilidad horaria, mientras que entre las desventajas podemos destacar el abandono, que algunos cursos no están adaptados o disponibles para dispositivos fáciles o falta de seguimiento. La idea principal es que una vez que se conocen las ventajas y desventajas de los MOOC, se debe alentar a los primeros, dados los grandes beneficios que conllevan para la educación; y, a su vez, tratar de resolver las desventajas que se han visto que conducen al uso de MOOC, a fin de promover la efectividad de su uso. Information and communication technologies have revolutionized the world as we knew it before its use and applicability to daily life. This use has also moved to the educational field and has transformed the way it is learned and taught today. In the midst of this panorama, Massive Online Open Courses emerge as an opportunity available for everyone to learn, which has caused many changes in the educational field. This study is presented as an investigation into innovative university practices to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these MOOCs in the Higher Education environment. Among the main advantages analyzed, we highlight its gratuity, the establishment of collaboration networks and time flexibility, while among the disadvantages we can highlight the abandonment, that some courses are not adapted or available for easy devices or lack of follow-up. The main idea is that once the advantages and disadvantages of MOOCs are known, the former should be encouraged, given the great benefits they entail for education; and in turn try to solve the disadvantages that have been seen that lead to the use of MOOCs, in order to promote the effectiveness of their use.

  • Competences in the use of information technologies and communication in university students
    Eva Ordóñez-Olmedo, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Samuel Arias-Sánchez, and Eloy López-Meneses

    Editorial Universidad de Sevilla
    En el presente estudio se analizan las competencias básicas digitales de 759 estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de siete cursos académicos (2012/13 a 2018/19). Los datos fueron recogidos mediante el cuestionario denominado “Competencias básicas digitales 2.0 de estudiantes universitarios” COBADI® (Marca registrada: 2970648). El análisis estadístico utilizando el SPSS describió cómo los estudiantes usan las tecnologías. Se analizaron género y diferencias de los cursos a través de un análisis múltiple de variación (MANOVA) como las variables independientes, y contestaciones a la encuesta como dependiente. Entre los resultados obtenidos se infieren que más de la mitad de los estudiantes encuestados dijeron que se conectaban más de 9 horas a la semana. A su vez, se constata un relevante y gradual cambio en los últimos años en cuanto al lugar de conexión a internet, desde el hogar como el principal lugar de conexión al teléfono móvil como medio más frecuente. Por último, como otro hallazgo significativo, es que en los hombres se refleja una disminución en el tiempo dedicado a realizar tareas académicas y un aumento en el tiempo dedicado a jugar