Fco. Javier Cantos Aldaz


Department of Pedagogy and Social Sciences, Language and Literature Didactics
Jaume I University of Castellón



Currently he combines the work of Associate Professor in the area of Theory and History of Education of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of Social Sciences, Language and Literature of the Jaume I University of Castellón with the teaching of Geography and History in Secondary Education. Professionally, he has developed his career in different fields, all of them within the field of humanities. He has worked, among others, for the Heritage Service of the Culture Department of the Generalitat Valenciana (1991-1993); for the Municipal Library Service of the Vall d'Uixó (1995-1997), and has served as director of the Municipal Arts Center (1999-2012) of the Burriana City Council, and of the Spanish Cultural Center in Bata, Guinea Equatorial (2013-2014), from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.


Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Valencia (1990). He holds a Master's degree in Documentation Sciences (1995), and a Postgraduate degree in Documentation systems and archives of private companies and public administration (1996), from the University of Valencia. D. in Peace, Conflicts and Democracy (2004), and Diploma in International Humanitarian Aid (2005), from the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, and in EU Cooperation Policies (2000), from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also holds a Postgraduate Degree in Cultural Management and Policies (2007) from the University of Barcelona and a Specialist in Public Management -training for managers- (2012) from the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of Spain in Madrid.


He has carried out stays at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia with Dr. Gerard Coll-Planas (2021) and at the Research Group on Education and Diversity LGTBIQ+ (EDi), at the University of Valencia, with Dr. Rosa Pardo-Coy (2021).


Life stories of non-cis heteronormative teachers

Applications Invited

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • Making sexual diversity visible through LGTBIQ+ teachers’ life stories: A descriptive study
    FJ Cantos, L Moliner, A Sanahuja
    Teaching and Teacher Education 132, 104214 2023

  • Trabajamos en equipos cooperativos? Percepciones de estudiantes de bachillerato
    A Sanahuja Ribs, FJ Cantos Aldaz, L Moliner Miravet
    Octaedro 2023

  • Cmo valorar las percepciones del futuro personal docente acerca de los relatos de vida de docentes LGTBIQ+?
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, L Moliner Miravet, A Sanahuja Ribs
    Octaedro 2023

  • Diversidad sexo-genrica y relatos de vida: percepciones y testimonios de estudiantes del mster de Secundaria
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, A Sanahuja Ribs, L Moliner Miravet
    Universitat de Barcelona 2023

  • Relatos de vida de profesorado LGTBIQ+ en la formacin docente
    L Moliner Miravet, A Sanahuja Ribs, FJ Cantos Aldaz

  • Prevenir el bullying en centros escolares europeos. Anlisis de la encuesta del proyecto Erasmus+ “M (e) Y (ou) Society”
    FJ Cantos Aldaz
    Dykinson 2022

  • Relatos de vida de docentes LGTBIQ+: una propuesta educativa para la formacin del futuro profesorado
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, L Moliner Miravet, R MATEU PREZ
    Dykinson 2021

  • Implantacin del Prcticum dual en la Universitat Jaume I: hacia la mejora de la formacin de los futuros docentes de educacin infantil y primaria.
    M Llopis Nebot, A Sanahuja Ribs, FJ Cantos Aldaz, R MATEU PREZ

  • La inclusin educativa y social desde la msica y la palabra
    AMV Carrasco, FJC Aldaz
    DEDiCA Revista de Educao e Humanidades (dreh), 11-19 2018

  • Envejecimiento activo: calidad de vida y formacin artstica
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, V Fernndez Galindo

  • Aproximacin a la formacin artstica de personas mayores en el mbito de la educacin no formal y su relacin con la calidad de vida
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, V Fernndez Galindo
    Centre d Estudis Vall de Seg 2012

  • La fotografa de mi vida y su historia: una experiencia de empoderamiento de personas mayores.
    M Alemany Pons, FJ Cantos Aldaz, A Corts Martn, M Iserte Mor
    Quaderns Digitals 2012

  • L'educaci artstica no formal en edats primerenques a Guatemala
    FJ Cantos Aldaz
    Centro Municipal de las Artes Rafael Mart de Viciana 2011

  • Organitzaci d'un centre educatiu d'ensenyaments artstics
    FJ Cantos Aldaz
    Centro Municipal de las Artes Rafael Mart de Viciana 2011

  • En qu el respecte a la diversitat cultural contribueix a protegir els drets culturals?
    FJ Cantos Aldaz
    Centro Municipal de las Artes Rafael Mart de Viciana 2010

  • Origen i evoluci d'un organisme autnom local. El Centre Municipal d'Estudis Rafel Mart de Viciana
    FJ Cantos Aldaz
    Centro Municipal de las Artes Rafael Mart de Viciana 2009

  • Anlisis de citas de las revistas morfolgicas espaolas (1997)
    R Aleixandre, M Navarrete, C Santamara, Y Benlloch, J Cantos, ...
    Arch Esp Morfol 3, 119-32 1998

  • Inventari d'ermites, ermitatges i santuaris de l'Alt i Baix Maestrat (Castell)
    FXC i Aldaz, GA i Arzo
    Servei de Publicacions. Diputaci de Castell 1996


  • Inventari d'ermites, ermitatges i santuaris de l'Alt i Baix Maestrat (Castell)
    FXC i Aldaz, GA i Arzo
    Servei de Publicacions. Diputaci de Castell 1996
    Citations: 7

  • Diversidad sexo-genrica y relatos de vida: percepciones y testimonios de estudiantes del mster de Secundaria
    FJ Cantos Aldaz, A Sanahuja Ribs, L Moliner Miravet
    Universitat de Barcelona 2023
    Citations: 5

  • Anlisis de citas de las revistas morfolgicas espaolas (1997)
    R Aleixandre, M Navarrete, C Santamara, Y Benlloch, J Cantos, ...
    Arch Esp Morfol 3, 119-32 1998
    Citations: 5