Associate Professor, School of Management
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
MIM., Ph.D., FMVA.,
Capital Markets, Derivatives, Futures, Options, Cryptocurrency, Fintech
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Padmanava Das, Harihara Sudhan Ramakrishnan, and Mridula M. Menon
AIP Publishing
Mridula M. Menon, Harihara Sudhan Ramakrishnan, and Padmanava Das
AIP Publishing
Mridula M Menon, , Dr. Harihara Sudhan Ramakrishnan, , , , and
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
India is already pacing ahead on the trajectory of a major digital revolution. Digitalization in the mechanism of sending and receiving payments is definitely considered as the milestone in the age of cashless economy. While the usage of smartphones along with the easily and readily available Internet access is already at its peak and continuing to increase among the Indian population, both urban and rural, the acceptance of the electronic payment method or E Wallets is the focus of this paper. This paper intends to empirically examine the adoption patterns of e wallets by the respondents. A survey of customer perception Vis a Vis usage pattern levels regarding e wallets will be made based on a study on the Indian millennial population. It also helps identify the hurdles and challenges to the adoption of e wallets. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the adoption of the e wallet among Indian millennial with focus on (1) the adoption levels of e-wallets, (2) the usage patterns of e wallets, (3) the preference for e-wallets, and (4) the challenges in using e-wallets. In order to accomplish the aforesaid purpose a well-structured questionnaire will be circulated to the millennial population based out of the Chennai City, wherein they were asked questions with regards to adoption of e wallets. The study would be a valuable input to the research areas of finance, by divulging into E wallet payment systems in India, an emerging concept.