Magdalena Gyurkovich

Faculty of Architecture
Poznan University of Technology


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Hybrid Housing as the Answer to the Changing Needs of Contemporary Society
    Mateusz Gyurkovich

    Iniciativa Digital Politecnica
    Les arrels de l’arquitectura híbrida estan connectades amb la negació postmoderna del modernisme i la divisió funcionalista de les ciutats. Com a producte de la cultura contemporània, l’híbrid arquitectònic i urbà es basa en la barreja d’estructures, programes espacials i funcions a diferents escales. Allò que els defineix i els fa especials en el teixit urbà és la superposició d’espais interiors i exteriors de manera inigualable. La metodologia de la recerca es basa en estudis bibliogràfics i en l’anàlisi d’exemples construïts a Europa. Aquesta base va ajudar a desenvolupar el “laboratori de disseny” on, juntament amb els estudiants, es van comprovar les possibilitats d’implementar estructures urbanes híbrides amb habitatge en diferents condicions arreu del món. L’estudi destaca els exemples positius d'estructures urbanes híbrides amb la nova tipologia d’habitatge dins del teixit urbà dens. Els exemples difereixen. Partint de les obres mestres del moviment modern, passant per estructures de les darreres dècades i acabant amb alguns projectes d’estudiants elaborats sota la supervisió de l’autor utilitzant el mètode de “comprovació per disseny”. Els resultats de la investigació proven que els híbrids semblen ser la resposta perfecta als problemes espacials contemporanis de les ciutats. Els híbrids podrien ajudar a minimitzar l’expansió urbana i proposar alternatives atractives de models d’habitatge. Alhora, responen a les necessitats de la societat contemporània mitjançant innovacions i millors estàndards. També poden ajudar a construir apartaments assequibles en ubicacions privilegiades i centrals de ciutats i pobles, cosa que podria ser crucial en temps posteriors a la pandèmia. The roots of hybrid in architecture are connected to the post-modern negation of modernism and functionalist division of the cities. As a product of the contemporary culture, architectural and urban hybrid is based on the mixing of structures, spatial programs, and functions in different scales. What defines and make them special in the urban fabric is that the overlapping of inner and outer spaces in unparalleled way. The methodology of the research is based on literature studies and the analysis of built examples in Europe. This base helped to develop the “design laboratory” in which, together with students, the possibilities of implementing hybrid urban structures with housing were checked in different conditions around the globe. The study brings out the positive examples of hybrid urban structures with the new typology of housing within the dense urban fabric. The examples differ. Starting from the masterpieces of modern movement, through structures from last decades and finishing with the few of student’s projects elaborated under the supervision of the author using “checking by design” method. The results of the research prove that the hybrids seem to be the perfect answer to the contemporary spatial problems of cities. Hybrids could help to minimalize the urban sprawl, proposing attractive alternatives of housing models. At the same time, they respond to the needs of contemporary society by innovations and better standards. They can also help to build the affordable apartments in the privilege, central locations of cities and towns, which could be crucial in post-pandemic times. Las raíces de la arquitectura híbrida están conectadas con la negación posmoderna del modernismo y la división funcionalista de las ciudades. Como producto de la cultura contemporánea, el híbrido arquitectónico y urbano se basa en la mezcla de estructuras, programas espaciales y funciones en diferentes escalas. Lo que los define y los hace especiales en el tejido urbano es la superposición de espacios interiores y exteriores de forma inigualable. La metodología de la investigación se basa en estudios bibliográficos y el análisis de ejemplos construidos en Europa. Esta base ayudó a desarrollar el “laboratorio de diseño” en el que, junto con los estudiantes, se comprobaron las posibilidades de implementar estructuras urbanas híbridas con vivienda en diferentes condiciones alrededor del mundo. El estudio destaca los ejemplos positivos de estructuras urbanas híbridas con la nueva tipología de vivienda dentro del tejido urbano denso. Los ejemplos difieren. Partiendo de las obras maestras del movimiento moderno, pasando por estructuras de las últimas décadas y terminando con algunos proyectos de estudiantes elaborados bajo la supervisión del autor utilizando el método de "comprobación por diseño". Los resultados de la investigación prueban que los híbridos parecen ser la respuesta perfecta a los problemas espaciales contemporáneos de las ciudades. Los híbridos podrían ayudar a minimizar la expansión urbana, proponiendo alternativas atractivas de modelos de vivienda. Al mismo tiempo, responden a las necesidades de la sociedad contemporánea mediante innovaciones y mejores estándares. También pueden ayudar a construir apartamentos asequibles en ubicaciones privilegiadas y centrales de ciudades y pueblos, lo que podría ser crucial en tiempos posteriores a la pandemia.

  • Using composition to assess and enhance visual values in landscapes
    Magdalena Gyurkovich and Marta Pieczara

    (1) The research presented in this paper aims to study the value attributed to a landscape composition’s visual elements and their overall influence on how they are perceived. The historical and contemporary visual approaches to a landscape constitute its background, for example, geographical, aesthetic, iconographic, phenomenological. (2) The visual assessment method elaborated by the Polish school of landscape architecture is used in the first part of this study. It is built of three steps with corresponding tools: landscape inventory, composition analysis, and evaluation. Moreover, an expert survey is used to complete the study. The work’s novelty is completing the visual approach with an expert inquiry, which aims to solve the subjectivity issue, an inherent visual evaluation controversy. The study area comprises urban and suburban locations from the agglomeration of Poznań, Poland. (3) The research results indicate the significant contribution of three visual elements to the positive assessment of landscape values: greenery, built heritage, and water. The importance of the composition is also demonstrated. (4) The main research findings show that visual evaluation tools should be implemented as part of sustainable spatial planning. Their implementation permits identifying the essential positive value in the existing landscape and creating guidelines for its preservation or enhancement. The article’s significance is the effect of proposing real and possible guidelines to improve the spatial planning policy, making landscape management more sustainable.

  • New housing complexes in post-industrial areas in city centres in poland versus cultural and natural heritage protection—with a particular focus on Cracow
    Mateusz Gyurkovich and Jacek Gyurkovich

    The cityscape changes constantly, reflecting the socio-economic conditions of a given urbanised area—both globally and in any given country. Post-industrial buildings and complexes have been its important elements since the nineteenth century. At present, many of them are undergoing adaptive reuse. The oldest, which are parts of post-industrial heritage and define the local identity, are now located in city centres. Some are revitalised and often adapted into multi-family housing. This paper fills a gap in the research on revitalised areas in Polish city centres, especially the ones converted into housing. It notes the links between these projects with elements of urban green-blue infrastructure, as well as the methods of protection of the reused postindustrial heritage. Studies from 2000–2020 on Polish multi-family housing architecture prove that the quality of buildings and semi-public green spaces is becoming increasingly important to developers and buyers. Properly used and exposed post-industrial heritage can contribute to raising the attractiveness of such spaces. In combination with city greenery systems, they can form attractive townscape sequences, as proven by Cracow cases. The paper’s conclusions indicate that the preservation and exposition of post-industrial heritage in newly built housing complexes is affected by numerous factors. The most important of these are legal determinants based on both state-level and local law. Economic factors also play a major role, as they directly affect projects. The skills and talent of designers who can create unique proposals that expose surviving relicts and a given place’s genius loci even in the most restrictive of economic and legal conditions, are also not without significance.

  • Vistula river valley in cracow: From an urban barrier to a new axis of culture in the scale of the city
    Mateusz Gyurkovich, Karolina Dudzic-Gyurkovich, Agnieszka Matusik, and Kinga Racoń-Leja

    Iniciativa Digital Politecnica
    El centro de la ciudad de Cracovia ha sido testigo del desarrollo insostenible de las últimas décadas. Las orillas del río Vístula, que lo atraviesan, permanecen sin urbanizar, incluso a lo largo de su sección del centro. El río fue y sigue siendo en muchos puntos una importante barrera urbana que divide la ciudad. La investigación, que se ha realizado durante muchos años, consta de tres elementos. Uno está dedicado al papel hidrológico, compositivo y semántico del río en la ciudad. El segundo se centra en definir las barreras urbanas. El tercero se dedicó al papel de los edificios y complejos culturales, que se erigieron a lo largo del Vístula durante tres décadas. El objetivo de la investigación fue verificar, mediante análisis comparativo, si es posible establecer un nuevo eje de actividad, asociado a esas inversiones y su entorno. Los resultados de la investigación han demostrado la alta calidad de la mayoría de las formas arquitectónicas de los nuevos edificios y los espacios públicos que los acompañan. Los bulevares ribereños también están siendo sometidos a transformación, pero hasta ahora, en tramos muy reducidos. La forma de vincular estos proyectos con el tejido urbano circundante sigue siendo un problema, además de percibir el río como una barrera urbana. Sorprende especialmente el reducido número de conexiones entre ambas orillas del río. En conclusión, cabe señalar que la situación está cambiando lentamente, incluidos los esfuerzos de abajo hacia arriba. Sin embargo, se necesitan intervenciones de diseño y planificación urbana en la escala de toda la ciudad, implementadas con una visión más amplia hacia la revitalización de las áreas ribereñas de Cracovia. El centre de la ciutat de Cracòvia ha estat testimoni de el desenvolupament insostenible de les últimes dècades. Les ribes del riu Vístula, que el travessen, romanen sense urbanitzar, fins i tot al llarg de la seva secció de centre. El riu va ser i segueix sent en molts punts una important barrera urbana que divideix la ciutat. La investigació, que s'ha realitzat durant molts anys, consta de tres elements. Un està dedicat a el paper hidrològic, compositiu i semàntic del riu a la ciutat. El segon se centra en definir les barreres urbanes. El tercer es va dedicar a el paper dels edificis i complexos culturals, que es van erigir al llarg del Vístula durant tres dècades. L'objectiu de la investigació va ser verificar, mitjançant anàlisi comparativa, si és possible establir un nou eix d'activitat, associat a aquestes inversions i el seu entorn. Els resultats de la investigació han demostrat l'alta qualitat de la majoria de les formes arquitectòniques dels nous edificis i els espais públics que els acompanyen. Els bulevards riberencs també estan sent sotmesos a transformació, però fins ara, en trams molt reduïts. La forma de vincular aquests projectes amb el teixit urbà circumdant segueix sent un problema, a més de percebre el riu com una barrera urbana. Sorprèn especialment el reduït nombre de connexions entre les dues ribes del riu. En conclusió, cal assenyalar que la situació està canviant lentament, inclosos els esforços de baix a dalt. No obstant això, es necessiten intervencions de disseny i planificació urbana a l'escala de tota la ciutat, implementades amb una visió més àmplia cap a la revitalització de les àrees riberenques de Cracòvia. Cracow’s city centre has witnessed the unsustainable development in recent decades. The shores of the Vistula River, which flows through it remains undeveloped, even along its downtown section. The river was and remains in many points a major urban barrier, which divides the city. The research, which has been conducted for many years, consist of three elements. One is devoted to the hydrological, compositional and semantical role of the river in the city. Second focuses on defining the urban barriers. The third was devoted to the role of the buildings and complexes of culture, which were erected along Vistula for three decades. The objective of the research was to verify, using comparative analysis, whether it is possible to establish a new axis of activity, associated with those investments and its surroundings. Research results have demonstrated the high quality of most of the architectural forms of new buildings, and the accompanying public spaces. The riverside boulevards are also being subjected to transformation, but so far, in exceedingly small sections. The manner of linking these projects with the surrounding urban tissue remains a problem, in addition to perceiving the river as an urban barrier. The small number of connections between both banks of the river is particularly surprising. In conclusion, it should be stated that the situation is slowly changing, including the bottom-up efforts. However, urban design and planning interventions are needed in the scale of the entire city, implemented with the broader view towards the revitalization of Cracow's riverside areas.

  • Hydrourban spatial development model for a resilient inner-city. The example of gdańsk
    Agnieszka Matusik, Kinga Racoń-Leja, Mateusz Gyurkovich, and Karolina Dudzic-Gyurkovich

    Iniciativa Digital Politecnica
    Las ciudades que muestran signos tanto de crecimiento como de contracción y que, sin embargo, sobreviven, muestran tendencias a ser resistentes. Su proceso de desarrollo puede ser visto como pulsativo. El objetivo del trabajo era demostrar los vínculos entre el desarrollo espacial y el diseño hidrológico de Gdańsk, señalando cómo el diseño espacial de la ciudad estaba determinado por el contexto del agua. Los resultados de los análisis de los distritos centrales permitieron identificar tres etapas de la evolución hidrourbana: 1) Fase de reconstrucción (después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial), que condujo al refuerzo del desarrollo este-oeste del eje del espacio público, 2) Fase de transformación (después de 1989), que enfatizó la nueva dirección norte-sur del desarrollo urbano después de la liberación del sistema de agua del río, y 3) Fase de metamorfosis (iniciada en el siglo XXI), que supone la expansión de la estructura de la ribera, teniendo en cuenta La integración multicapa de los aspectos espaciales y funcionales de la aglomeración con la prevención de inundaciones y la política ecológica. El estudio permite rastrear la relación entre la estructura física y el sistema hidrológico que han llevado al desarrollo de una configuración rica en sistemas hidrourbanos. La destrucción del centro histórico de la ciudad (durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial) y la pérdida posterior de áreas de astilleros, que constituían una parte de la identidad de la ciudad, proporcionaron espacio para un experimento urbano. La investigación demuestra cambios en la percepción del papel del sistema de agua en la estructura urbana, lo que puede considerarse una herramienta valiosa para los planificadores y diseñadores urbanos, que se utilizará para satisfacer las demandas de las ciudades resilientes. Les ciutats que mostren signes tant de creixement com de contracció i que, no obstant això, sobreviuen, mostren tendències a ser resistents. El seu procés de desenvolupament pot ser vist com pulsatiu. L'objectiu de la recerca era demostrar els vincles entre el desenvolupament espacial i el disseny hidrològic de Gdańsk, assenyalant com el disseny espacial de la ciutat estava determinat pel context de l'aigua. Els resultats de les anàlisis dels districtes centrals van permetre identificar tres etapes de l'evolució hidrourbana: 1) Fase de reconstrucció (després de la Segona Guerra Mundial), que va conduir a el reforç de el desenvolupament est-oest de l'eix de l'espai públic, 2) Fase de transformació (després de 1989), que va emfatitzar la nova direcció nord-sud de el desenvolupament urbà després de l'alliberament de el sistema d'aigua de riu, i 3) Fase de metamorfosi (iniciada al segle XXI), que suposa l'expansió de la estructura de la ribera, tenint en compte la integració multicapa dels aspectes espacials i funcionals de l'aglomeració amb la prevenció d'inundacions i la política ecològica. L'estudi permet rastrejar la relació entre l'estructura física i el sistema hidrològic que han portat a el desenvolupament d'una configuració rica en sistemes hidrourbans. La destrucció de el centre històric de la ciutat (durant la Segona Guerra Mundial) i la pèrdua posterior d'àrees de drassanes, que constituïen una part de la identitat de la ciutat, van proporcionar espai per a un experiment urbà. La investigació demostra canvis en la percepció de el paper de el sistema d'aigua en l'estructura urbana, el que pot considerar-se una eina valuosa per als planificadors i dissenyadors urbans, que s'utilitzarà per a satisfer les demandes de les ciutats resilients. Cities that show signs of both growth and shrinkage and that nevertheless do survive, show tendencies to be resilient. Their development process can be seen as pulsative. The objective of the paper was to demonstrate the links between spatial development and Gdańsk’s hydrological layout—pointing out how the city spatial layout of was determined by the context of water. The results of analyses central districts made it possible to identify three stages of hydrourban evolution: 1) Reconstruction phase (after WW2)—which led to the reinforcement of the east-west development of axis of public space, 2) Transformation phase (after 1989)—which emphasised the new north-south direction of urban development following the freeing up of the river-water system, and 3) Metamorphosis phase (initiated in 21st century)—which assumes the expansion of the hydrourban structure, while taking into account the multi-layered integration of the spatial and functional aspects of the agglomeration with flood prevention and ecological policy. The study allows tracing the relationship between the physical structure and the hydrological system which have led to the development of a rich hydrourban system configuration. The destruction of historical city centre (during WW2) and the later loss of shipyard areas, which constituted a part of the city's identity, provided space for an urban experiment. The research demonstrates changes in the perception of the role of water system in the urban structure—which can be considered a valuable tool for planners and urban designers, to be used in, meeting demands of resilient cities.

  • Preferences in master's in architecture diploma project subject selection-Experience in the education of Engineer architect degree holders

  • Kamien Pomorski - Health Resort on the Waterfront - Transformations of the Public Space of the Town after 1945'
    Mateusz Gyurkovich

    IOP Publishing
    Diversity of urban structures in Europe has its sources in cultural distinctness of different regions, in different pace of their development over millennia. Methods of designing towns in subsequent urbanisation periods differed. Nevertheless, frequently older structures were adapted to new needs. The question concerning the ideal of the European city remains open - is impossible to define one dominating spatial model encountered everywhere, despite attempts of ancient powers (Imperium Romanum), and by 20th -century totalitarian systems. The latter largely contributed to interruption of continuity of cities’ historical development, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Warfare and scale of destruction of the spatial/social structure in many cities in 1939-1945 were unprecedented in the European history. Examples of metropolises practically wiped off from the face of the earth, like Warsaw or Dresden, are common knowledge. This fate was shared by many other towns, especially in the Polish-German borderland. Their reconstruction after the war caused complete transformation of their urban/social structure. The study focuses on Kamień Pomorski, situated on a headland at Kamieński Lake, separated from the Baltic Sea by Wolin island. Before the war it was one of the nicest port towns in Pomerania, with history reaching back to the early Polish state and the clash of Slavic, Scandinavian, and German influences. The town, an episcopal see, bloomed in the medieval and modern times under the Pomeranian, Brandenburgian, and German rule. At the end of the WWII the centre was ruined over several days. Some religious and secular buildings survived. Traditional economic foundations of the local population, moulded for centuries, and the corresponding port structure, were nearly completely destroyed. Almost complete replacement of the local community, not fully grasping the local spatial, natural and landscape conditions, was connected with introduction of centrally planned socialist economy. The town changed its character, despite maintaining and developing some of its previous functions (e.g. health resort). Kamień Pomorski was reconstructed in forms not corresponding to traditional ones (prefabricated blocks of flats), although respecting previous transport/urban layout, which is an advantage. There were attempts to restore the most important preserved monuments –cathedral, town hall, several sections of city walls. In time these efforts brought the expected effect. In recent years several investments were implemented, referring to historical spatial layouts, following the rules of retroversion and revealing some relics. The port function was restored – predominantly as a recreational yacht and water sports marina, popular in high season. Some waterfront boulevards were renovated. Promenades are being built, the spa park is to be revitalised. To conclude, it should be stated that improvement of public spaces is observable in Kamień Pomorski, just like in its green areas and waterfront edge. Renovations of pre-war tenements and villas and growing abundance of services activating the public domain cannot be disregarded. It seems that despite enormous war destructions, which changed the appearance of the town forever, after many decades Kamień Pomorski has become vivid again.

  • Quality of Social Space in Selected Contemporary Multifamily Housing Complexes in Poland's Three Biggest Cities
    Mateusz Gyurkovich and Adolfo Sotoca

    IOP Publishing
    The investment boom in multi-family residential buildings observable in Polish metropolises at the turn of the 20th century seems to have slowed down. Due to the growing difficulty in obtaining and repaying mortgages, potential customers have become more demanding. Users’ needs come first once again, including the need to dwell in beautiful surroundings. Developers implementing projects of multi-family housing estates in different scales more and more often pay attention not only to the floor area, but also to the aesthetics of new buildings. Many housing estates put into use in Poland in recent years are as good in this respect as their contemporary western counterparts. Quality of workmanship and finishing standards of buildings and their immediate surroundings increase, too. This study covers examples of new housing investments, regarded as prestigious, from Poland’s three biggest cities (Warsaw, Cracow, Lodz), implemented in 10 recent years. The goal was to verify by means of a comparative analysis whether their architectural quality has changed compared to previous years. Does it mean that beautiful residential architecture comes into being? Is it a common phenomenon? Is life comfortable in beautiful, prestigious housing estates? Do they form real, efficient habitats, or only bedroom communities, or are they another type of investment? What are the relations of contemporary multi-family estates with the urban tissue in light of the growing spatial chaos in Poland’s biggest cities? According to the study results, in recent years Poland saw more and more multi-family housing estates, attractive in their contemporary form, furnished with well-tended and carefully arranged social – predominantly green – spaces. Alas, due to a limited number of services they are usually closed enclaves, often fenced. Frequently they lack sufficient services necessary for proper functioning of the housing environment: trade, education (nursery and primary schools), healthcare, basing on the existing overloaded city infrastructure. Therefore, their contribution to building of sustainable spatial structures is limited, not to mention such obvious drawbacks as lack of continuity of the public domain in the form of public greenery systems, pedestrian routes, or squares. Responsibility for this situation goes not only to designers and investors of such complexes, but mostly to local authorities, whose goal should be to maintain spatial order in cities. These are still, however, single islands on the sea of mediocre dense residential architecture. Growing transport-related problems result from scarcity of appropriate road infrastructure and limited municipal investments in public transport and education / sports services, which do not balance the increase of developers’ residential investments. One of the basic causes of this situation is the aforementioned crisis of spatial planning, observable in the three cities included in the study.

  • Supermanzana in Practice. Ability to Create People Friendly Spaces upon the Example of Selected Barcelona-Based Projects
    Mateusz Gyurkovich, Damian Poklewski-Koziell, and Carlos Marmolejo Duarte

    IOP Publishing
    This paper is a result of an in situ study carried out in September 2017 in Barcelona. Its objective was to assess the effectiveness of the spatial policy of the city in terms of promoting sustainable mobility, traffic restrictions, increasing the share of public spaces, and improving basic ecological indicators, such as biodiversity, the area of green spaces, or air pollution. The analysis focuses on measures implemented within the scheme of the concept of ‘a superblock’ (original ‘supermanzana’) on the example of two selected neighborhoodsof Barcelona: Gracia, and a part of El Poblenou, demarcated by the streets: Carrer de Badajoz, Carrer de Llacuna, Carrer de Tanger, Carrer de Pallars. Special attention was paid to the ability of the changes implemented to create people friendly spaces, where people wish to stay, and subsequently to their ability to create positive functional and spatial changes, especially on ground floors of buildings. The paper shall give the reader a sense of the exact scope of implemented measures, presented on the example of selected analytical layers, such as transport, public spaces, visual information, street furniture, etc. The study results demonstrate an improvement in terms of the majority of the urban and ecological indicators referred to above; nevertheless, the assessment in terms of the actual increase of the attractiveness of the place and its ability to create people friendly spaces, is not explicit. In El Poblenou in particular one can observe certain weaknesses in this respect, which could be particularly disturbing considering subsequent plans of the authorities of Barcelona to implement the concept of ‘a superblock’ in other parts of the city within the scheme of the urban grid of Eixample. Doubts are additionally raised by the legibility of the new traffic network in this location, which constitutes an impediment in uninhibited and intuitive moving around for city inhabitants themselves. A similar spectrum of measures does not always bring about the same results. The assessment of the quality of public space cannot be limited to some selected figures, which confirm – as they must – effective implementation of the assumed goals, much to the satisfaction of the authorities who are behind them. Such an assessment carried out independently from other placemaking factors, such as the plot ratio, the diversity of the functional programme, spatial relations in the existing development structure, which should be adjusted to man’s scale, or – finally - the quality and character of greenery projects implemented, will never be credible.

  • Energy efficiency in the residential market and implications for architecture education in Spain

  • In search of the urban composition of sub-centres in polycentric European metropolises