saad jabbar abbas

Computer Techniques Engineering
Al-Rafidain University College



ME in electronics instrumentation and control, Thapar University (India) 2012.
B.Sc. in electric engineering, Al-Mustansirya University 2003.


Control System


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) Design for Vehicle Steer-by-Wire System
    Saad Jabbar Abbas, Suha S. Husain, Saba Al-Wais, and Amjad Jaleel Humaidi

    SAE International
    <div>This article considers the application of a robust control technique for vehicle steer-by-wire (VSbW) system subjected to variations in parameters based on adaptive integral sliding mode control (AISMC). The AISMC has been designed to control the VSbW system to cope with the uncertainties in system parameters. The proposed adaptive control scheme provides the solution for perturbation boundedness, as there is no need to have a prior knowledge of perturbation bound in the uncertainty. In addition, the proposed adaptive control design can avoid overestimation of sliding gain under unknown prior knowledge of perturbations. Moreover, the inclusion of integral sliding mode control (ISMC) leads to elimination of the reaching phase in trajectory solution of controlled system. Computer simulations have been used to verify the effectiveness of proposed AISMC to show the superiority of the proposed control technique; in this regard, a comparison between AISMC and other control methods from the literature were conducted. The numerical simulation based on MATLAB programming software showed that the designed AISMC has better tracking performance and accuracy as compared to ISMC and other control schemes in terms of robustness characteristics.</div>

  • A Comprehensive Examination of Drone Technological Advances and Computational Methodologies
    Sarah Kanaan Hamzah, Bassam H. Habib, Basim Ghalib Mejbel, Saad Jabbar Abbas, Mohammed Maktof, Oleksandr Korchenko, and Haider Ali

    Through a detailed case study, this work brings out another facet at the inter-section of drone technology with computational methodologies: demonstrating code and machine learning-driven approaches toward supreme flying abilities.The article provides a systematic review of the integration between drones and computational frameworks with applications in areas like agriculture, logistics, and surveillance.The proposed approach uses a systematic process that integrates data collection, algorithm design, and real-life trials to develop novel algorithms that enhance drone capabilities, including autonomous navigation, adaptive processing, and decision-making.The results indicate that machine learning models significantly improve predictive maintenance, data analytics, and decision-making, leading to better operational efficiency, particularly in obstacle avoidance and flight path optimization. This study highlights the importance of computational algorithms in advancing drone electronics and provides insight into how they could transform various industries.These results offer a new dimension to the growing body of work in autonomous systems and their utilization, illustrating how innovation in drone capabilities can have wide-ranging impacts on advancing technology within various industries.

  • Unveiling the Power of Arduino Zero for Next-Generation Aerial Communication with 5G and Drones
    Yasir Mahmood Amin, Refat Taleb Hussain, Sarah Ghassan Abdulqader, Saad Jabbar Abbas, Doaa Mohammad Majed, Mykola Fomin, and Ali Mahdi Zalzala

    The rapid growth of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) necessitates robust, efficient, and reliable communication platforms that align with the latest technological advancements, such as 5G networks. The Arduino Zero, a 32-bit microcontroller, provides a suitable answer to address these needs in drone operations.This article explores how the Arduino Zero can enhance drone communication in 5G networks by improving data transmission speeds, reducing latency, and ensuring compatibility with 5G's latest radio frequencies.Setups were created for experimental purposes to imitate communications between drones and between drones and the ground, utilizing Arduino Zero with 5G communication modules.The results show that Arduino Zero outperforms regular communication technologies in terms of both speed and latency. Therefore, Arduino Zero is an affordable and efficient choice for improving drone connectivity in 5G networks, with possible uses in smart cities, public safety, and agricultural automation.

  • Development and Applications of a Microcontroller-Based Logic Tester for Integrated Circuits in the 74xx Series
    , Ali Ali Saber Mohammed, Pshtiwan Shakor, , Salam Khalaf Abdullah, , Marwan Aziz Mohammed, , Saad Jabbar Abbas, ,et al.

    Editorial Board of Journal Radioelectronics, Nanosystems, Information Technology RENSIT
    Background: In the electronics lab, testing equipment, especially those concentrating on integrated circuits (ICs), is critical. The ubiquitous usage of one or more integrated circuits (ICs) in electronic systems needs thorough testing of their functioning. Objective: This research aims to develop a Microcontroller-based Logic Tester specially tailored for most Integrated Circuits in the 74xx Series Logic Gates and uses the ATmega328. The primary purpose is to reproduce the attributes of a logic gate IC using the truth table, enabling the state of the IC's gates to be determined. Methods: Several design techniques were investigated. Following careful consideration, a single approach for implementation was selected. Modules were developed independently. After extensive testing and successful simulations, these components were combined to complete the project. Results: The designed IC tester is cost-effective and user-friendly; it examines ICs quickly and presents findings to assess their functioning. The tester compares the output of each gate to a truth table. The results for both working and faulty ICs are shown on an LCD. Conclusion: In today's fast-changing electronics scene, an efficient digital IC tester that is both economical and dependable is critical. The project's conclusion provides a digital IC tester that simplifies the IC verification process for students and functions as a reliable tool in industrial settings.

  • A Roadmap to Seamless Connectivity via the Integration of 5G and Radio Access Networks
    , Ali Ali Saber Mohammed, Pshtiwan Shakor, , Salam Khalaf Abdullah, , Marwan Aziz Mohammed, , Saad Jabbar Abbas, ,et al.

    Editorial Board of Journal Radioelectronics, Nanosystems, Information Technology RENSIT
    Background: Due to the rising prevalence of smart devices and the need for dependable, high-speed internet connections, it is imperative to enhance existing network infrastructures. The fundamental framework of mobile telephony, referred to as RAN (Radio Access Network), needs help fulfilling these requirements due to its restricted capacity and concerns over scalability. Objective: The purpose of this research is to investigate the capabilities of 5G technology in addressing these restrictions, with a specific focus on integration techniques, advantages, and obstacles. Methodology: The study used a mixed-method approach to assess the efficacy and feasibility of incorporating 5G-RAN. This is achieved by integrating quantitative data from pilot studies with qualitative literature analysis. Results: The findings suggest that using 5G technology results in substantial improvements in data transfer rates, reduced latency, enhanced network reliability, scalability, and lowered latency. However, several obstacles have been identified, including the significant costs linked to infrastructure, issues around interoperability, and security concerns. Conclusion: Integrating 5G and RAN provides a feasible approach to achieving uninterrupted connectivity, leading to significant advantages in many industries. However, overcoming the challenges above is essential to ensure this technology's effective implementation and general acceptance.

  • Implementation and Comparison of COFDM and OFDM using TMS320C6713

  • Progressing M2M Communications using Arduino Leonardo and 6G Technologies

  • PSO-based optimized neural network PID control approach for a four wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot
    Ammar Al-Jodah, Saad Jabbar Abbas, Alaq F. Hasan, Amjad J. Humaidi, Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi, Arif A. AL-Qassar, and Raaed F. Hassan

    Akademiai Kiado Zrt.
    AbstractThe demand for automation using mobile robots has been increased dramatically in the last decade. Nowadays, mobile robots are used for various applications that are not attainable to humans. Omnidirectional mobile robots are one particular type of these mobile robots, which has been the center of attention for their maneuverability and ability to track complex trajectories with ease, unlike their differential type counterparts. However, one of the disadvantages of these robots is their complex dynamical model, which poses several challenges to their control approach. In this work, the modeling of a four-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot is developed. Moreover, an intelligent Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) neural network control methodology is developed for trajectory tracking tasks, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is utilized to find optimized controller's weights. The simulation study is conducted using Simulink and Matlab package, and the results confirmed the accuracy of the proposed intelligent control method to perform trajectory tracking tasks.


  • Optimal augmented linear and nonlinear PD control design for parallel robot based on PSO tuner
    Amjad Jaleel Humaidi, Ahmed A. Oglah, Saad Jabbar Abbas, and Ibraheem K. Ibraheem

    Praise Worthy Prize
    This article presents the optimal control design for trajectory tracking of Delta\\Par4-like parallel manipulator controlled by two augmented control schemes: Augmented PD Controller (APD) and Augmented Nonlinear PD (ANPD) Controller. Firstly, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is employed for optimal tuning of design parameters for each control structure in order to reach better dynamic performance. Then, two comparisons are made in order to evaluate the performance of parallel robot based on optimized ANPD and APD controllers. The first comparison is established in terms of tracking error accuracy due to the involved controllers, while the other one is based on the strength of robustness granted by each controller against variation of parallel robot parameters. The verification of performance comparisons is made via simulation within the environment of MATLAB/Simulink programming platform. The circular path is used for performance evaluation of controllers for trajectory tracking control. The simulated results have showed that ANPD controller outperforms the APD controller in terms of tracking accuracy and robustness.


  • A Comprehensive Examination of Drone Technological Advances and Computational Methodologies
    SK Hamzah, BH Habib, BG Mejbel, SJ Abbas, M Maktof, O Korchenko, ...
    2024 36th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 283-294 2024

  • Unveiling the Power of Arduino Zero for Next-Generation Aerial Communication with 5G and Drones
    YM Amin, RT Hussain, SG Abdulqader, SJ Abbas, DM Majed, M Fomin, ...
    2024 36th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 381-389 2024

  • Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) Design for Vehicle Steer-by-Wire System
    SJ Abbas, SS Husain, S Al-Wais, AJ Humaidi
    SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH 8 (10-08 2024

  • Implementation and Comparison of COFDM and OFDM using TMS320C6713
    MM Salih, SJ Abbas, AI Ahmed, O Nedashkivskiy
    2024 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 633-641 2024

  • Progressing M2M Communications using Arduino Leonardo and 6G Technologies
    AAS Mohammed, P Shakor, SK Abdullah, MA Mohammed, SJ Abbas, ...
    2024 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 441-451 2024

  • PSO-based optimized neural network PID control approach for a four wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot
    A Al-Jodah, SJ Abbas, AF Hasan, AJ Humaidi, AS Mahdi Al-Obaidi, ...
    International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 14 (1), 58-67 2023

  • Control of elbow rehabilitation system based on optimal-tuned backstepping sliding mode controller
    ZA Waheed, AJ Humaidi, ME Sadiq, AA Al-Qassar, AF Hasan, ...
    J. Eng. Sci. Technol 18 (1), 584-603 2023

  • Design of optimal sliding mode control of PAM-actuated hanging mass
    AJ Humaidi, SK Kadhim, ME Sadiq, SJ Abbas, AQ Al-Dujaili, AR Ajel
    ICIC Express Letters 16 (11), 1193-1204 2022

  • FPGA based HIL co-simulation of 2DOF-PID controller tuned by PSO optimization algorithm
    RF Hassan, AR Ajel, SJ Abbas, AJ Humaidi
    ICIC Express Letters 16 (12), 1269-1278 2022

  • Optimal augmented linear and nonlinear PD control design for parallel robot based on PSO tuner
    AJ Humaidi, AA Oglah, SJ Abbas, IK Ibraheem
    International Review on Modelling and Simulations 12 (5), 281-291 2019

  • Development and Applications of a Microcontroller-Based Logic Tester for Integrated Circuits in the 74xx Series
    AAS Mohammed, P Shakor, SK Abdullah, MA Mohammed, SJ Abbas, ...

  • A Roadmap to Seamless Connectivity via the Integration of 5G and Radio Access Networks
    AAS Mohammed, P Shakor, SK Abdullah, MA Mohammed, SJ Abbas, ...

  • State Space Parameters Estimation Using Online Genetic Algorithms
    AH Hasan, AN Grachev, SJ Abbas


  • Optimal augmented linear and nonlinear PD control design for parallel robot based on PSO tuner
    AJ Humaidi, AA Oglah, SJ Abbas, IK Ibraheem
    International Review on Modelling and Simulations 12 (5), 281-291 2019
    Citations: 26

  • FPGA based HIL co-simulation of 2DOF-PID controller tuned by PSO optimization algorithm
    RF Hassan, AR Ajel, SJ Abbas, AJ Humaidi
    ICIC Express Letters 16 (12), 1269-1278 2022
    Citations: 24

  • PSO-based optimized neural network PID control approach for a four wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot
    A Al-Jodah, SJ Abbas, AF Hasan, AJ Humaidi, AS Mahdi Al-Obaidi, ...
    International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 14 (1), 58-67 2023
    Citations: 20

  • Control of elbow rehabilitation system based on optimal-tuned backstepping sliding mode controller
    ZA Waheed, AJ Humaidi, ME Sadiq, AA Al-Qassar, AF Hasan, ...
    J. Eng. Sci. Technol 18 (1), 584-603 2023
    Citations: 15

  • Design of optimal sliding mode control of PAM-actuated hanging mass
    AJ Humaidi, SK Kadhim, ME Sadiq, SJ Abbas, AQ Al-Dujaili, AR Ajel
    ICIC Express Letters 16 (11), 1193-1204 2022
    Citations: 11

  • Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) Design for Vehicle Steer-by-Wire System
    SJ Abbas, SS Husain, S Al-Wais, AJ Humaidi
    SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH 8 (10-08 2024
    Citations: 9