Robert Andres Martins Junqueira

Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
Institute for Philosophical Studies


Junqueira is a research fellow at the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where he graduated in Philosophy. He holds a post-graduate qualification in Science and Technology Management and Policies, obtained at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, in Lisbon. At the present time, Robert is developing doctoral research on the history of semiotics.


Charles S. Peirce; Coimbra school; John Deely; Semiotics.


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • As fontes latinas de Deely: o caso do Curso Conimbricense
    R Junqueira
    John Deely. O que distingue o entendimento humano? (Trad. William Tavares 2024

  • Studia Poinsotiana
    DC Silva, E Nogueira, LF Cruz C.R., LDT Aquino, I Mitsutake, R Junqueira, ... 2024

  • [Recenso a] Mrio Santiago de Carvalho, A Sntese Frgil. Edio digital publicada pelo Instituto de Estudos Filosficos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
    R Junqueira
    Revista Filosfica de Coimbra 33 (65), 188-189 2024

  • Peirce and the Coimbra Jesuit Course: A Bond Far More Pervasive Than Commonly Believed
    R Junqueira
    Charles S. Peirce Society's 10-Minute Thesis Initiative: His Glassy Essence 2023

  • Medieval Philosophy Redefined in a Nutshell
    R Junqueira
    Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 34 (3), 367-376 2023

  • Cuidando de quem est morrendo: ensinamentos poinsotianos, instrues tomistas
    R Junqueira
    Congresso Internacional do Jubileu da Canonizao de Santo Toms de Aquino 2023

  • Humanizing the last breath: A Roman Catholic way of caring for the end of our days
    R Junqueira
    Beiras Brewing Philosophy in the pub 2023

  • [Recenso a] Paniel Reyes Crdenas, Scholastic Realism: A Key to Understanding Peirce’s Philosophy. (Peter Lang Verlag, 2018). ISBN: 978‑1‑78707‑546‑7. 238 pp.
    R Junqueira
    Revista Filosfica de Coimbra 32 (64), 498-499 2023

  • What can anyone say so far on the Peirce-CJC relation?
    R Junqueira
    Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 34, 191-222 2023

  • Experincia Institucional de Uso da Plataforma CINCIAVITAE no Instituto de Estudos Filosficos (IEF)
    R Junqueira
    Jornadas FCCN 2023

  • Logic for Kids: Lou and the Box of Discourse
    R Junqueira 2023

  • [Recenso a] Mrio Santiago de Carvalho, Dicionrio do Curso Filosfico Conimbricense, Skiagraphia’s. Coimbra: Palimage, 2020, 567 pp. ISBN: 978-989-703-253-0
    R Junqueira
    Revista Filosfica de Coimbra 32 (63), 161-162 2023

  • [Recenso a] VIOLA, Tullio: Peirce on the Uses of History, Peirceana 4, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020. 250 pp. ISBN: 978-3-11-064949-9
    RM Junqueira
    Atlants-review 47, 435-438 2022

  • tica da morte atravs de drones e armas de destruio massiva
    R Junqueira
    Ciclo de Seminrios do Mestrado em Inteligncia Artificial Aplicada do 2022

  • 2nd IEF International Colloquium ROADS TO CARE: Book of Abstracts
    R Junqueira

  • Contents at a Glance and Rationale for My Doctoral Inquiry Titled “The Coimbra Jesuit Aristotelian Course as a Source of the Semiotic Logic of Charles S. Peirce”
    R Junqueira
    OSF Preprints (, DOI: 10.31219/ 2022

  • [Recenso a] CARVALHO, Mrio Santiago de: Falsafa. Breve introduo filosofia arbico‑islmica, Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Filosficos, 2020. 172 pp. ISBN: 978‑989‑54‑3285‑1
    RM Junqueira
    Atlants-review 46, 429-434 2022

  • Medieval Philosophy Redefined: plea for a fourth and revised edition
    R Junqueira
    Academia Letters, Article 5559 2022

  • E-lex: science, technology, or a kind of in-between? Language as a framework for further research
    R Junqueira
    Authorea 2022

  • IEF – Instituto de Estudios Filosficos de Coimbra
    RM Junqueira
    DEDiCA Revista de Educao e Humanidades (dreh) 19 ( 2021


  • Charles Sanders Peirce and Coimbra
    RM Junqueira Encyclopedia 2020
    Citations: 2

  • Leonardo Coimbra e Vladimir Solovyov: relaes inesperadas entre as filosofias em Portugal e na Rssia
    R Junqueira
    Texto Aberto IEF 5 ( 2019
    Citations: 1