Associate Professor ECE Department
Acharya Nagarjuna university
Dr. P. Surendra Kumar received his B.Tech degree from V.R. Siddhardha Engineering College, Vijayawada and M.Tech in Digital Electronics and Advanced Communications (DEAC) from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Surathkal Karnataka in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, received Ph.D. in the area of RF & Microwave antennas from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, AP. He has 18 years of teaching experience as an Associate professor at Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla.
Areas of interest: Microstrip Antenna design, MIMO antenna and antenna design for 5G and 6G wireless applications, UWB antenna, Metamaterial and metasurface-based antenna design, Dual, triple and multi-band antenna design. He has published 43+ research papers in top journals and conferences and attended 97+ workshops organized by IEEE, IETE and other institutions.
Bapatla Engineering college, Bapatla
Nagarjuna University (AP).
Ph. D.
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
NITK, Surathkal
(Deemed) M. Tech
(Digital Electronics and Advanced Communications)
V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada
Nagarjuna University (AP).
B. Tech (ECE)
S. A. William Booth Junior College, Bapatla. Board of Intermediate Education (AP).
Intermediate, MPC
S.A. High School, Bapatla. Board of Secondary Education (AP).
Engineering, Engineering
The current invention demonstrates a novel four element compact multi-band and ultra wideband MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) antenna. The suggested antenna is intended for use in the 6G mmWave band applications. It operates in four operational bands, the first of which has a frequency of 22.23 GHz for the stated band of 7-24GHz. The operational frequency of the second band is 34 GHz in the 32GHz band, while that of the third band is 43.69GHz in the upper 40GHz band. The fourth band’s operational frequency in the 50GHz range, which is 53.38 GHz. The exhibited 6G antenna measures 25 mm × 28 mm × 0.508 mm and is made of low-loss dielectric material Rogers RT/Duriod 5880 (tm) which has a dielectric loss tangent of 0.0009 and relative permittivity of 2.2.
Prospective bands for the upcoming version of wireless networks include those between 100 GHz and 3 THz. In addition, new ideas and technological advancements in circuits, signal processing, devices, and systems will open up new applications at these frequencies. Global Wi-Fi use at frequencies between 252 GHz and 325 GHz is going to create the first global communication standard for the 250–350 GHz frequency range.
The mm-wave MIMO antenna is a viable option for virtual reality services and the streaming of huge video material, however as of yet, 5G wireless technology-specific standards have not been developed or put into practice. Many scholars have begun to bring the standard's foundation, nonetheless. Few mm-wave MIMO antennas are therefore now available. There was a proposal for a MIMO antenna that used two linear arrays, each array having four cylindrical dielectric resonator antennas operating at 30 GHz. Beam tilting was achieved by means of a passive microstrip feed network.
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
No. of. Publications (43)
National Conference (07)
International conference (20)
National Journal (04)
International Journal (12)
UGC Minor research project (2.3 Lakhs)- Completed
Title: An Investigation of the role of Metamaterials in Microstrip antennas
Objectives: • To study the existing microstrip antenna structures and their limitations.
• To propose the approaches to overcome these limitations.
• To explore metamaterials for microstrip antenna designs.
• To design, develop and test the metamaterial structures for microstrip antenna designs.
• To implement some of the state-of-the-art designs and evaluate their performance.
• To compare and present a detailed report on the state-of-the-art microstrip antenna designs.
• To propose new techniques for improving the bandwidth and gain of microstrip antennas.
• To publish high-quality research papers relevant to this work.
Patent Filed
Title: A Unique Multi-Band and UWB Four Element MIMO Antenna for 6G mmWave Band Applications
Application Number-202341061465
Application Ref Number-202341061465
Filing Date-13/09/2023 -Indian Patent Office
Organization Collaboration: V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada
Received 3rd Best Research Paper Award from IISc Bangalore, INDICON2016.
Received 1st Best Research Paper Award from Indian Conference on Antennas and propagation IEEE Hyderabad section (InCAP2018).
Received Best Research Paper Award from IETE Chennai CHENCON 2021.
Received Best Teacher Award-2022 From ECE Department, Bapatla Engineering College.
Received Best Young Researcher Award from Global Education (GECL2k19).
Nominated for young scientist award-2018 from innovative research developers (IRDP)
Published IEEE journal papers in IEEE Antennas and Propagation.
Reviewer for SCI Journal (International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Periodicals, Impact factor:1.306)
Most of my research papers are available in IEEE explore
Published research papers in IISc Bangalore, IIT Roorkee and IIT Bhubaneswar.
UGC Minor research project is sanctioned and received 2.5Lakhs.
Submitted project proposal for DRDO with the title “Microstrip antenna design using metamaterial for radar
Submitted project proposal for ISRO with the title “Miniaturization of microstrip antenna using metamaterial and
Submitted major project for SERB with the title “Advanced microstrip antenna design for 5G wireless
Submitted seminar/workshop/conference proposal for ISRO.
Worked as TEQIP coordinator
Worked as NBA coordinator for both B.Tech and M.Tech
Worked as time-table in charge
Worked as