Instructor, Institute of Human Kinetics
Visayas State University
He finished his Bachelor’s degree in Education (BSEd) major in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health, and a Master of Education (M.Ed.) major in Physical Education minor in English degree from the Visayas State University (VSU). A graduate of the degree program of Doctor of Education major in Educational Management ( EM) at the National University Philippines (NU). His research interests include Teacher Education Discipline, Basic Education Curriculum, Physical Education, Art Education, Music Education, and English Language. He has published 17 articles and 1 book widely in peer-reviewed journals and presented papers in the different conferences. His recent publication is a book that features the Philippine culture under the World Culture book publishing series certified by the Amazon publishing house. He is now currently affiliated in the Visayas State University.
Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management
National University Philippines
Master of Education Major in Physical Education minor in English
Visayas State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in MAPEH
Visayas State University
Education, Social Sciences
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Louie P. Gula
Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educacion Fisica (FEADEF)
The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively evaluate and implement health and skill-related physical fitness tests as pre-assessment tools to assess students' physical fitness levels in educational settings. This study employed a descriptive evaluation technique to identify research problems. There are eight faculties in the Visayas State University, the sampling was open to all students who wanted to participate in the study and 273 respondents were obtained. To establish a standard, people with disabilities, immunocompromised and with a history of cardiovascular diseases were exempted from participating in physical fitness tests, as they have a different way of catching up with their health status. The study findings contribute to understanding the relationships between body composition and various facets of physical fitness. The insights gained from physical fitness testing serve as crucial reference points for designing effective and personalized physical activity programs. The negative correlation between BMI, muscular endurance and balance implies that people with higher BMI may benefit from specific exercises to improve these areas. In contrast, the positive correlation with agility suggests that agility-focused activities help those with higher BMI. The findings underscore the need for specific interventions essential to improve overall fitness and well-being, emphasizing the importance of addressing specific strengths and weaknesses through nuanced fitness programs tailored to individual profiles. Keywords: health, ability, physical condition, evaluation, fitness level.