Institute of Economics/University of Campinas
Bachelor's Degree: Economic Sciences
Master's Degree: Economic Development
PhD: Economic Development
Postdoctoral: Economic Development
Bioeconomy; Socio-environmental Development; Rural and Sustainable Development; Low Carbon Economy; 7) Ecological Economics; 8) Payments for Environmental Services; Environmental Public Policies.
Agriculture is replacing native vegetation worldwide, at a faster rate in the last decades. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have severely been affected, thus compromising essential services for human survival, such as food production, water availability, climate regulation, fiber production, and aesthetic values. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) - which included the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) initiatives - are alternatives to reverse the negative effects of habitat destruction. Thus, establishing efficient monitoring metrics to assess the effectiveness of PES programs and other public policy initiatives is essential to ensure beneficial results and the engagement of farmers in these programs for a long time. In this proposal we will quantify new metrics and use previous results of the PES programs already implemented at PSRB in the portion of São Paulo state to define a set of metrics to assess the benefits of these programs in the environmental, and socioeconomic context.
Deforestation and degradation of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Amazon has advanced at high rates due to the implementation of inadequate land use models. Thus, several initiatives have been developed with the aim of preserving and conserving the Amazon Forest, valuing and promoting the livelihood of Amazonian populations in order to keep the forest standing and, more recently, forest recovery initiatives have also been implemented. Although many of these initiatives have been successful, they lack systematic programs to evaluate and monitor their results over time. Our main motivation is to provide, in a participatory way, the evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of alternative initiatives to deforestation in the southwest of the Brazilian Amazon through the use of environmental and socioeconomic indicators.
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Journal articles:
1. ABREU, L. S.; WATANABE, M.A.; LIMA, L. F.; ROMEIRO, A. R. (2019). Localized agrifood systems: bringing production closer to consumption through social networks. ECODEBATE, v. 1, p. 1-22.
2. ROMEIRO, A. R.; SINISGALLI, P. A. A.; JERICO-DAMINELLO, C.; SESSIN-DILASCIO, K.; LIMA, L. F.; PAIVA SOBRINHO, R.; SCHROETER, B. (2014).The Marujá community and the Cardoso's Island State Park: co-management, ecosystem services and socio-technical process. REDESMA Virtual Magazine, v. 7, p. 75-85.
Book chapters:
1. CANTE, F.; LIMA, L. F. (2019). Nonviolent Political Economy: A Research and Teaching Agenda. In: Freddy Cante; Wanda Tatiana Torres. (Org.). Nonviolent Political Economy: Theory and Applications. 1st Routledge, v. , p. 1-264.
2. SILVA, M. A.; LIMA, L. F. (2018). The impacts of drought on the northeastern family economy. Rural Administration. 1st Horizonte: Editora Poisson, v. 1, p. 122-135.
3. LIMA, L. F.; SATTAMIN, S. R.; TOSTO, S. G. (2015). Methodological integration between the M-MACBETH Sociotechnical Process of multicriteria decision support and environmental perception in the pursuit of traditional values. In: Sérgio Gomes Tôsto; Luiz Clóvis Belarmino; Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro; Cristina A. Gonçalves Rodrigues. (Org.). Valuation of ecosystem services: methodologies and case studies. 1st edition. Brasília: Embrapa, v. 1, p. 133-152.
Journal reviewer:
2019 to current: Iberoamerican Journal of Ecological Economics
2022 to current: Economic Magazine of the Brazilian Northeast