Department of Biotechnology, Faculty Technology of Winemaking and Industrial viticulture
Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute
Professor of the Department of "Biotechnology" Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. Head of the laboratory "Microwinemaking" of the Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Author of more than 260 scientific and methodological works, including 5 textbooks, 24 educational and methodical works. He is the author of 6 invention patents and was awarded the 2nd place for 2 textbooks in co-authorship and the 3rd honorary place for 1 study guide at the republican competition "Author of the best textbook and study guide – 2015-2017". More than 10 regulatory documents regulating specific types of activities of higher educational institutions have been developed and improved. Under his leadership, more than 20 master's (MSc), 8 candidate (PhD) 2 doctoral (DSc) dissertations have been defended.
1993-1998 – Termiz State University, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
1998-2001 - PhD student, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciencesof the Republic of Uzbekistan.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Aquatic Science, Insect Science, Soil Science
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Shakirov Zair Saatovich,
Open Science Publishers LLP
This article investigates the induction of lipid synthesis in unicellular green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda UT4, Scenedesmus armatus UT39, Ankistrodesmus falcatus UT20, and Chlorococcum macrostigmatum UT4 under the influence of various stress factors, such as nitrogen starvation, salt, and pH. In this study, the accumulation of neutral lipids of microalgae lasted up to 40 hours under incubation without a nitrogen medium, and they accounted for 39.8%–54.2% of the total dry mass of microalgae. In the presence of 400 and 600 mM NaCl, the highest lipid accumulation of C. macrostigmatum UT4 was 55.5%–65.3%, and using pH 4.0 caused the highest accumulation of microalgae lipids (30.6%–63.7%) that was observed at 18 hours of incubation. From the data obtained, we can conclude that C. macrostigmatum UT4 under study is a potential producer of lipids.
N. A. Khuzhamshukurov, T. Yu. Yusupov, I. M. Khalilov, A. G. Guzalova, M. M. Muradov, and K. D. Davranov
Springer Science and Business Media LLC