Department of economic theory, accounting and taxation
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv National University
Economy of intellectual and innovative capital; accounting and taxation of construction enterprises; development, reproduction and effective use of human potential
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L Zgalat-Lozynska, H Kryshtal, Z Drinke, V Lych, O Kulikov, and Y Panin
Dnipro University of Technology
Purpose. To study the impact of digital transformation on business structures and to substantiate prospective directions of development. Methodology. During the research, the authors used a systematic and comparative analysis to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the current state of digital transformation of Ukrainian business structures. Besides, such scientific methods as the method of deduction, logical research and the graphical way of presenting information were used to demonstrate the significant results of the research topic. Findings. In the process of the research, the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises was considered. It has been proven that the digital transformation of Ukrainian enterprises must be carried out in various sectors of the economy. Leaders of the mining, processing and transport industries are recommended to determine the most promising areas of using “Industry 4.0” technologies from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of their business. On the basis of this they should develop long-term strategies for the digitalization of their enterprises, taking into account the specifics of their industries. In addition, enterprises can contribute to the development of corporate venture funds, business incubators and digital factories, which will help support innovative startups and accelerate their development. It is also possible to organize technological competitions at the national and international levels to draw attention to domestic technological developments and promote them to the world market. Originality. The impact of digital transformation of business structures in Ukraine is substantiated. A study on the vision of the concept of digital transformation, effective ways of involving innovation in development and transformation in Ukraine and in the countries of the European Union was conducted, and conclusions were drawn that the concentration of resources and the development of common standards will help to overcome the lag. Business structures are invited to enter into strategic partnerships or to create consortia in order to jointly develop innovations in terms of standards and solutions. In addition, it is recommended to establish infrastructure sharing and implement training programs. It is also important that market participants interact with government agencies, educational and research institutions in the field of development and implementation of new digital technologies. Practical value. The results of the conducted research have the potential to be used by economists, scientists and practitioners in order to develop further perspectives. This data can be used to analyze and understand current trends in the field of digital technologies, which will create a knowledge base for the development of new strategies and solutions. In general, the interaction between enterprises, educational and research organizations and government authorities in the field of digital technologies has great potential to promote the development of innovation, increase the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.
P Kulikov, P Zakharchenko, V Lych, and R Dymenko
Dnipro University of Technology
Purpose. Coverage and systematization of the main approaches to the development of strategies for financing infrastructure projects in the field of public-private partnership, in particular, in the construction sector of Ukraines economy. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article are scientific publications, regulations of Ukraine, analytical reports of world financial institutions, Internet resources. The research used a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and logical generalization. Findings. The most acceptable models of financing infrastructure projects and creating conditions for attracting private capital on the basis of public-private partnership in Ukraine are identified. Originality. The work analyzes the classification of projects according to the type of source of cost financing, summarizes the experience in building contract models for their financing, explores the most common tools for financing infrastructure projects, identifies the provisions on which project financing is based, and finds out what underlies it. Practical value. The results of the study can be useful for public authorities, which should encourage private partners to participate in long-term projects. The research may be of interest to businesses that are potential investors in public-private partnership projects.
Štimac, M., Lych, V., & Yurchenko, Y.O. (2021). Процес розроблення фінансової стратегії. Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики, 3 (34), Р. 126-132.
Kulikov P., Zakharchenko P., Lych V., Dymenko R. Strategies for fi nancing infrastructure projects in the sphere of public-private partnership. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022. №3. Р. 156-162 DOI:10.33271/nvngu/2022-3/156
professor, head of the department