Ida Hamidah

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
STAI Al Bahjah



Pendidikan Matematika
Matematika terapan


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process?
    Wahyu Hidayat, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ida Hamidah, and Ratu Ilma Indra Putri

    Frontiers Media SA
    Using ICT-based interactive learning media is a learning method that strongly supports the teaching and learning process for students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This ICT-based learning media must be easily accessible to teachers and students, and one of the interactive media that is easily accessible is android-based learning media. This development research aims to design android-based learning media on valid trigonometric material and improve students’ mathematical critical thinking skills. This development research using the ADDIE model took 121 Ipeople consisting of expert validators, user (teacher), and students. The expert validators consisted of one mathematics education material expert and one ICT expert. Meanwhile, user represented by one mathematics teacher were involved in validating the use of the media design. In addition, there were participants from among students, which included 118 class X high school students throughout the Province of West Java, Indonesia, who took part in a limited trial phase of 20 people, an extensive trial of 50 people, and a product trial of 48 people. A sample of 118 students came from high school in the medium cluster. So, the reason for taking the sample represents the condition of students both on the island of Java and in Indonesia. The results showed that the developed android-based learning media was valid and could be used without revision with a combined percentage of 87.33%, with details of material experts at 84%, media experts at 92%, and validation by mathematics teachers at 86%. The results of the practicality test on students of 81% showed that the Android-based learning media design had a strong response, so the learning media made were very practical to use. The product test results show that the achievement of mathematical critical thinking skills of students who learn to use android-based learning media is better than those who learn not to use android-based learning media.


  • Design of Mathematical Proof-Based Logarithm Teaching Materials
    I Hamidah, S Susilawati, SM Rahmasari, A Khalim
    International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2 (2024), 15-30 2024

  • Pelatihan Pembuatan Media LKS Interaktif Berbantuan Aplikasi Wizer. Me Untuk Guru-Guru SMP di Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Muqoddas
    I Hamidah, H Sadikin
    ABJIS: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service 1 (1), 22-31 2024

  • Pengaruh Motivasi dan Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa : Systematic Literature Review
    IH Intan Fayesa, Ratna Ayu garawati
    Al-Bahjah Journal of Mathematics Education 2 (2023), 86-97 2023

  • Identifikasi Kesulitan Siswa SMPIQU Al-Bahjah Pusat dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Operasi Bilangan Bulat dan Pecahan
    SI Lailah, I Hamidah
    AB-JME: Al-Bahjah Journal of Mathematics Education 1 (1), 1-10 2023

  • Perencanaan Pembelajaran Matematika
    RS Pengarang Okky Riswandha Imawan, Adi Asmara, Zuli Nuraeni, Raoda Ismail ...
    CV Edupedia Publisher 1, 213 2023

  • The SS Method to Obtain an Optimal Solution of Transportation Problem
    SM Rahmasari, I Hamidah
    International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 1-17 2023

  • Pembelajaran Matematika Berintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa
    I Hamidah, S Susilawati
    Indonesian Journal of Teaching and Learning (INTEL) 2 (1), 29-36 2023

  • Sifat- sifat Logaritma Berbasis Pembuktian Matematis
    I Hamidah, A Rozak, DC Rosita 2023

  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process?
    W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, I Hamidah, RII Putri
    Frontiers in Education 7, 1101161 2023

  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process?
    W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, I Hamidah, RII Putri
    Journal Frountries in education ( 2023

  • Pengembangan Bahan ajar Barisan dan deret Berbasis Mobile Learning Berbantuan Microsoft Kaizala Berorientasi Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa
    Susilawati, I Hamidah
    Journal of Research in Science and Mathematics Education (J-RSME) 1 (2), 64-77 2022

  • Trigonometry Application
    I Hamidah, W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti 2022

  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process? Frontiers in Education, 7, 1016
    W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, I Hamidah, RII Putri

  • Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Berbasis Ekonomi Hijau Dalam Perspektif Syariah Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia
    NR Kusuma, NF Ida Hamidah
    Konferensi Nasional Studi Islam (KONASI) 1, 142-153 2022


  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process?
    W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, I Hamidah, RII Putri
    Frontiers in Education 7, 1101161 2023
    Citations: 12

  • How can android-based trigonometry learning improve the math learning process? Frontiers in Education, 7, 1016
    W Hidayat, EE Rohaeti, I Hamidah, RII Putri
    Citations: 7

  • Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Berbasis Ekonomi Hijau Dalam Perspektif Syariah Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Di Indonesia
    NR Kusuma, NF Ida Hamidah
    Konferensi Nasional Studi Islam (KONASI) 1, 142-153 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Pembelajaran Matematika Berintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa
    I Hamidah, S Susilawati
    Indonesian Journal of Teaching and Learning (INTEL) 2 (1), 29-36 2023
    Citations: 6

  • The SS Method to Obtain an Optimal Solution of Transportation Problem
    SM Rahmasari, I Hamidah
    International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 1-17 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Identifikasi Kesulitan Siswa SMPIQU Al-Bahjah Pusat dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Operasi Bilangan Bulat dan Pecahan
    SI Lailah, I Hamidah
    AB-JME: Al-Bahjah Journal of Mathematics Education 1 (1), 1-10 2023
    Citations: 1