
University of Brasilia - UnB
Collaborator Researcher

Fermin F. H. Aragon received his PhD degree from the University of Brasılia (2013), Brazil. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Development of Nuclear Technology (CDTN) and Visiting Professor at the Physics Institute of the University of Brasilia, Brazil (2016–2019), Research fellow at the Center for Biomedical Research (CBR) of the Population Council located at Rockefeller University, New York (2020).Associate Researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), Associate Researcher at the National University of San Agustin of Arequipa (UNSA), Peru(2022). His research work mainly focuses on the production and studying of the structural, optical, electrical, hyperfine, and magnetic properties of nanomaterials, with technological applications such as gas sensors, photocatalysis, wastewater treatment process, and biomaterials for health applications.


Nanomaterials syntheses and characterization, thin film, nanoparticles.


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications