Silviu Vornicu

Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași



Electromagnetic field


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • 3-Axis Virtual Gaussmeter for Measurement and Advanced Characterization of the Magnetic Fields from Overhead Power Lines
    Eduard Lunca, Silviu Vornicu, and Alexandru Salceanu

    In its first part, the paper describes a 3-axis virtual gaussmeter for measuring and characterizing low level magnetic fields in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 2 kHz, mainly generated by overhead power lines and underground power cables. It consists of a 3-axis detachable probe, a data acquisition unit and LabVIEW software running on a portable computer, which features a graphical user interface with multiple functionality and advanced data visualization. In addition to RMS value, waveform and frequency-spectra measurements, the MAG-3D gaussmeter allows for magnetic field monitoring including Max and Min Hold functions, as well as automatically plotting lateral and longitudinal profiles of the resultant magnetic field (total magnetic flux density) according to the standard procedures used in human exposure studies. In the second part of the paper, lateral profiles measured for a 220-kV double circuit overhead power line are compared to similar results obtained by analytical calculation with a previously developed software tool, PowerMAG. Overall, a very good agreement between results can be observed.

  • Numerical and Analytical Analysis of the Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Generated by Three-Phase Underground Power Cables with Solid Bonding
    Eduard Lunca, Silviu Vornicu, and Alexandru Sălceanu

    There is a special concern for measuring and simulating low-frequency magnetic fields generated by underground power cables, particularly in human exposure studies. In the present study, an accurate 2D finite element model for computing magnetic fields generated by three-phase underground power cables with solid bonding is proposed. The model is developed in ANSYS Maxwell 2D low-frequency electromagnetic field simulation software for a typical 12/20 kV (medium-voltage) three-phase underground power cable in both trefoil and flat formations, but it can be adapted to any cable system. Model validation is achieved by analytical computations conducted with a software tool based on the Biot–Savart law and the superposition principle. RMS magnetic flux density profiles calculated at various heights above the ground with these two methods correlate very well. This is also true for induced shield currents. The application of the finite element model to multiple three-phase power cables laid together is also considered.

  • Sensory System Based on Intelligent Sensors for Implementation of a Modern Weather Station
    Marius Branzila, Stefan-Andrei CîŞlariu, Silviu Vornicu, and Carmen Brinzila

    When we discuss the quick development of technology, the weather station has become an asset for those who want to enjoy a tool that can provide accurate data about temperature, pressure, and various weather data, but also an essential element in the successful operation and development of various economic branches. In this work, we have presented how to take information from the environment and use it to create predictions. Using a modular concept, we can easily connect several controllers without making significant changes to the original system, which is a great advantage over other products on the market.

  • Assessment of Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field from Multiple High-Voltage Overhead Power Lines in Parallel Configuration
    Silviu Vornicu, Eduard Lunca, Bogdan Constantin Neagu, and Florin Constantin Baiceanu

    The study investigates the distribution of the extremely low-frequency magnetic field around multiple highvoltage overhead power lines in parallel configuration. It is conducted using a computation approach based on the finite element method for an arrangement of five 110-kV doublecircuit lines located in a suburban area of the Iasi city, Romania. Results obtained by numerical simulation are then compared to appropriate regulations regarding human exposure to magnetic fields. The cumulative effect of the magnetic fields from multiple overhead power lines is also discussed.

  • Finite Element Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines
    Eduard Lunca, Bogdan Constantin Neagu, and Silviu Vornicu

    Springer International Publishing

  • Influence of High Voltage Bundle Configurations on Human Exposure
    Alexandru Salceanu, Silviu Vornicu, Eduard Lunca, and Marcel Istrate

    The paper is mainly dedicated to determining the influence of bundle conductors configurations on the electric and magnetic field levels determined at the standard height of 1 m above the ground. The technical-economic advantages are concisely presented, but also the inherent disadvantages of implementing such solutions. One of the main advantages is theoretically analyzed: the reduction of the risk of initiating corona discharges, as a result of the decrease of the potential gradient from the conductor surface, implicitly meaning the increase of the electric field strength near the ground. The theoretical approaches were reinforced by simulations performed with the help of ANSYS and EMFACDC software. It was considered the real case of a 400 kV network through which phase currents of 1050 A are transported, in three distinct variants: single conductor, double bundle and triple bundle. Electric field increases were found by 37% in the case of triple bundles, taking as reference a single conductor per phase. If the same total current is considered, the chosen bundle configurations have no influence on the generated magnetic field.

  • Study upon the Influence of Bundle Configurations on Corona Losses
    Alexandru Salceanu, Silviu Vornicu, Dragos Florin Bordeianu, and Constantin Dan Neagu

    In the first part of our paper is presented in some details the issue of corona discharges produced in the immediate vicinity of the overhead high voltage power lines. The deterministic connection between the potential gradient at the surface of the active conductors and the initiation of corona discharges is theoretically approached. The decrease of electric field strength in the very surrounding area of the active conductors reduces the risk of corona discharges, but at the cost of increasing the electric field strength at the standard height (from the perspective of human exposure) of 1 m from the ground. We have considered a perfectly balanced 400 kV double-circuit three-phase overhead line, using suspension towers SN 400231, transmitting 1580 A (rms value) per phase in 4 distinct variants: a single conductor, respectively bundles of 2, 3 or 4 (parallel) subconductors. For each bundle, we have considered two representative types of spacer-dampers:side of 3 and 5 dm, respectively. For each case and sub-case, simulations have been performed using ANSYS and EMFACDC software, drawing the lateral profile of the electric field strength at three representative heights: 1 m from the ground, the height of the conductors (9 m) and the symmetrical height (above the conductors, 17 m from the soil). Useful conclusions have been drawn, both to reduce the risk of initiating corona discharges and to protect residential areas from electric field strength generated by the bundle-type configurations of over 220 kV overhead power lines.

  • PC-Based Temperature and Humidity Recorder with USB Connectivity
    Eduard Lunca, Silviu Vornicu, and Catalin Damian

    In this paper, a PC-based temperature and humidity recorder with USB connectivity is presented. It is developed around a well-known 8-bit PIC18F4550 microcontroller from Microchip Technologies and features intuitive application software developed in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment. The recorder has a temperature range of 0°C to 60°C, a humidity range of 10% RH to 95% RH and a maximum display rate of 1 s. The instrument is compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP and connects to the PC via a simple USB cable. The device is mainly intended for indoor environmental monitoring.

  • DC Digital Gaussmeter Based on Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC
    Silviu Ursache, Eduard Lunca, and Silviu Vornicu

    In this paper, a DC digital gaussmeter for measuring magnetic fields up to $\\pm 1000 G( \\pm 100$ mT) is presented. It consists of two interchangeable transverse magnetic field probes based on Hall-effect sensor integrated circuits (ICs), a data acquisition module developed around a 8-bit PIC18F4550 microcontroller, a standard 2x16 character LCD display and a 5 V power supply module operating from 6 AA batteries. The instrument features USB connectivity and LabVIEW software for PC remote control. The gaussmeter is suitable for a full range of DC magnetic field measurements, and can be used for both research and teaching activities.

  • ANSYS Maxwell Finite Element Model for 2D Computation of the Magnetic Field Generated by Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines
    Silviu Vornicu, Eduard Lunca, and Alexandru Salceanu

    In this study, a simple 2D finite element model is proposed for computing the RMS magnetic flux density generated by overhead high-voltage power lines. The model is implemented in ANSYS Maxwell 2D electromagnetic simulation software, for the particular case of a 110 kV double-circuit overhead power line. The results obtained with this model are then compared to those obtained by analytical computation software, revealing a very good agreement. The proposed 2D ANSYS Maxwell model is mainly intended to check the compliance with the magnetic field exposure limits established by safety regulations, but other applications are also possible.

  • Specific Absorption Rate Evaluation in Case of Exposure of the Human Body to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Generated by Mobile Communications
    Ovidiu Bejenaru, Catalin Lazarescu, Silviu Vornicu, and Valeriu David

    EMC is a permanent challenge for many items associated with radio communications. Inside this large frame work, human exposure issue should be always considered. For that, it is worth of knowing the impact on the short and on the long term of electromagnetic field irradiation over biological tissues of human body. The present paper is a study over the estimation of specific absorption rate (SAR) on a developed 3D model of the human body in case of exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by mobile communications in some areas (indoor and outdoor) with specific instrumentation (Spectran HF-60105 V4 spectrum analyzer with HyperLOG 60100 antenna). The SAR values was determined by simulation using the CST MW Studio® software and the values were compared with limits values for SAR imposed by ICNIRP (1998) restriction limits and European Directive 2004/40/CE standards, adopted also in Romania by HG number 1136 from 30 august 2006. Additionally, the RSAR, while dealing with simultaneous exposure to different frequency fields should be considered.

  • Computation of the Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Generated by a 12/20 kV Underground Power Line
    Silviu Vornicu, Eduard Lunca, and Alexru Salceanu

    Exposure to low frequency magnetic fields has been a subject of health concern and scientific debate over the past decades. This issue stimulated the interest towards the development of methods and software tools for computing magnetic fields generated by various power-frequency systems. Underground power cables are widely used in urban areas, but they have not been investigated as much as other sources. In this study, the low frequency magnetic fields generated by a typical 12/20 kV underground power line will be assessed by both analytical computation, using a software tool developed in LabVIEW, and numerical simulation, with a 2D electromagnetic modelling software. The obtained results will be comparatively analyzed and checked against relevant exposure limits.

  • 2D Finite Element Model for computing the electric field strength-rms generated by overhead power lines
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, A Salceanu, and O Bejenaru

    IOP Publishing
    In this article, a simple 2D finite element model is proposed for computing the RMS electric field strength generated by overhead power lines. The model it is implemented in FEMM 4.2, a high quality, open source finite element software for solving low frequency electromagnetic problems, for the particular case of a 110 kV single-circuit overhead power line. The results obtained with this model there are analyzed and then compared to those obtained by analytical calculations, revealing a very good agreement. The proposed FEMM 4.2 model it is primarily intended to assess the compliance with the electric field exposure limits established by health regulations, but other applications are also possible.


  • 3-Axis Virtual Gaussmeter for Measurement and Advanced Characterization of the Magnetic Fields from Overhead Power Lines
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, A Salceanu
    2024 IEEE International Conference And Exposition On Electric And Power 2024

  • Sensory System Based on Intelligent Sensors for Implementation of a Modern Weather Station
    M Branzila, SA CŞlariu, S Vornicu, C Brinzila
    2023 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2023

  • Numerical and Analytical Analysis of the Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Generated by Three-Phase Underground Power Cables with Solid Bonding
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, A Sălceanu
    Applied Sciences 13 (10), 6328 2023

  • Measurement and Numerical Simulation of the Low-Frequency Electric Field Generated by an Overhead Power Line
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, I Pavel, M Andrusca
    2022 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2022

  • Assessment of extremely low-frequency magnetic field from multiple high-voltage overhead power lines in parallel configuration
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, BC Neagu, FC Baiceanu
    2022 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2022

  • Numerical Modelling of the Magnetic Fields Generated by Underground Power Cables with Two-point Bonded Shields
    AS Eduard Lunca, Silviu Vornicu
    25th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium - IMEKO TC-4 2022, 221-226 2022

  • Computerized Device for Monitoring ECG and PPG Signals-Design and Redesign Based on Value Engineering Method
    A Vlcu, E Luncă, S Vornicu, IV Herghiligiu, C Toporăscu
    Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași. Electrical Engineering, Power 2022

  • Finite Element Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines
    E Lunca, BC Neagu, S Vornicu
    Numerical Methods for Energy Applications, 795-821 2021

  • Influence of High Voltage Bundle Configurations on Human Exposure
    A Salceanu, S Vornicu, E Lunca, M Istrate
    2020 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2020

  • Study upon the influence of bundle configurations on corona losses
    A Salceanu, S Vornicu, DF Bordeianu, CD Neagu
    2020 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2020

  • DC Digital Gaussmeter Based on Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC
    S Ursache, E Lunca, S Vornicu
    2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2019

  • ANSYS Maxwell finite element model for 2D computation of the magnetic field generated by overhead high-voltage power lines
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, A Salceanu
    2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2019

  • PC-Based Temperature and Humidity Recorder with USB Connectivity
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, C Damian
    2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2019

  • Computation of the low frequency magnetic fields generated by a 12/20 kV underground power line
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, A Salceanu
    2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2018

  • Specific Absorption Rate Evaluation in Case of Exposure of the Human Body to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Generated by Mobile Communications
    O Bejenaru, C Lazarescu, S Vornicu, V David
    2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2018

  • 2D Finite Element Model for computing the electric field strength-rms generated by overhead power lines
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, A Salceanu, O Bejenaru
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1065 (5), 052024 2018

    SC Vornicu


  • 2D Finite Element Model for computing the electric field strength-rms generated by overhead power lines
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, A Salceanu, O Bejenaru
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1065 (5), 052024 2018
    Citations: 16

  • Finite Element Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines
    E Lunca, BC Neagu, S Vornicu
    Numerical Methods for Energy Applications, 795-821 2021
    Citations: 15

  • ANSYS Maxwell finite element model for 2D computation of the magnetic field generated by overhead high-voltage power lines
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, A Salceanu
    2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2019
    Citations: 14

  • Computation of the low frequency magnetic fields generated by a 12/20 kV underground power line
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, A Salceanu
    2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2018
    Citations: 9

  • Specific Absorption Rate Evaluation in Case of Exposure of the Human Body to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Generated by Mobile Communications
    O Bejenaru, C Lazarescu, S Vornicu, V David
    2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2018
    Citations: 6

  • Assessment of extremely low-frequency magnetic field from multiple high-voltage overhead power lines in parallel configuration
    S Vornicu, E Lunca, BC Neagu, FC Baiceanu
    2022 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2022
    Citations: 5

  • DC Digital Gaussmeter Based on Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC
    S Ursache, E Lunca, S Vornicu
    2019 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Measurement and Numerical Simulation of the Low-Frequency Electric Field Generated by an Overhead Power Line
    E Lunca, S Vornicu, I Pavel, M Andrusca
    2022 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Numerical Modelling of the Magnetic Fields Generated by Underground Power Cables with Two-point Bonded Shields
    AS Eduard Lunca, Silviu Vornicu
    25th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium - IMEKO TC-4 2022, 221-226 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Study upon the influence of bundle configurations on corona losses
    A Salceanu, S Vornicu, DF Bordeianu, CD Neagu
    2020 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2020
    Citations: 2

  • Sensory System Based on Intelligent Sensors for Implementation of a Modern Weather Station
    M Branzila, SA CŞlariu, S Vornicu, C Brinzila
    2023 International Conference on Electromechanical and Energy Systems 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Influence of High Voltage Bundle Configurations on Human Exposure
    A Salceanu, S Vornicu, E Lunca, M Istrate
    2020 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power 2020
    Citations: 1