Lina A. Salih

College of Science / Department of Biology
University of Baghdad



embryology and histology


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Analytical Study of the Royal-Jelly Effect on Sperms Morphological Characteristics and some Liver Function Parameters and their Correlation with some Antioxidants in Male Albino Rats Treated with Pregabalin Drug
    L. A. Salih, M.H. Nawar, and S. M. Muuhsen

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract In recent years, the consideration of natural products as anti-inflammatory and antioxidative treatments has more interested worldwide. Moreover, natural products are easily obtained and are relatively safe the Royal jelly (RJ) is one of them. The current study was carried to evaluate the effects of pregabalin (PGB) on physiological activity of sperms, reproductive hormones assay and some biochemical analysis. Forty (40) male albino rats (10-weeks-old) were divided into four groups (10 rats each): G1 (treated with PGB drug, 150 mg/kg B.wt (Lyrica-Pfizer-Pharmaceutical Industries), G2 (treated with RJ 1g/kg), G3 (treated with PGB drug and RJ together), and G4 control treated with normal saline only. all groups were treated orally via stomach tube for 60 consecutive days.. PGB caused a significant reduction in sperm count, sperm viability, motility and sperm abnormality percent, serum FSH, LH and testosterone levels, the co-administration of RJ caused normal level of the previous tests near the control group level. Results of the lipid profile and some the present results of the liver function parameters showed increased concentrations in PGB-treated group, but after treated with RJ the levels were recovered to normal level. In the studied antioxidants markers, the results appeared high level in malondialdehyde (MDA) and low level in the antioxidants enzymes; superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) the RJ was appeared direct effect on MDA and showed decreased concentration of MDA and increased levels in the studied antioxidants enzymes of the PGB group which treated with RJ.

  • Relationship between osteopontin biochemical parameters and BMD status in Iraqi postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
    Hadeer H. Shamsulddin, Lina A. Salih, and Samia A. Eleiwe

    University of Baghdad College of Science
    Osteopontin hormone (OPN) is an extracellular matrix protein that is expressed in bone cells such as osteoblasts and osteoclasts and associated with bone turnover and bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
      The aim of the study is to investigate serum levels of circulating OPN and its relationship with biochemical parameters and BMD in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in Iraq. Serum samples from fifty postmenopausal women were selected from patients attending two educational hospitals in Baghdad, which are AL Wasity Educational Hospital and Baghdad Educational Hospital, during the period from November 2018 to March 2019. Twenty five postmenopausal healthy women were included as a control group. The studied subjects’ ages were in the range of 45-65 years. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) was the device used to measure bone mineral density and diagnose osteoporosis in both groups. Blood samples were collected from each participant for measuring the serum levels of biochemical parameters (P, Alp, Ca, and OPN)
      The results of the demographic parameters showed a significant (P≤0.05) increase in mean values of age, menopause duration, and duration of productive life in the patients as compared to the control group. Also, strong positive correlations between patients and the control were recorded in age and duration of productive age, with a weak inverse correlation in menopause duration. While a significant (P≤0.05) decrease in the mean value of body mass index (BMI), BMD, and T-score as compared to the control. The correlation in BMI was weak significant positive while in the other two parameters it was weak significant inverse.
      The results of the present study showed non-significant differences (P ≥0.05) between the patients and control group for serum biochemical parameters.
 It was also noticed that there was a significant (P≤0.05) increase in the mean value of osteopontin hormone level in the patients as compared to the control, with a weak significant inverse (p≤0.05) correlation.

  • Perspective study of the AgNPs effect on the maternal and embryonic development in Albino Rats
    Ali & et al.

    University of Baghdad - College of Agriculture
     This study was aimed to displayed effect of this nanoparticles on pregnant mother and embryos. All females administration of AgNPs suspension orally during the gestational period (for 21day) in two doses low 2mg and high dose 20 mg /Kg body weight and the control group received D.W only. The pregnant females (60 females) include the control group and the treated group  was subdivided in to two groups, pre and post implantation and all the mothers weighted along the study. The embryos and their brains after retrieved weighted and the crow-rump length (CRL) measurement also. The results showed that the active form of Ag can be transport the placental barrier and blood brain barrier (BBB). This nanoparticles showed adverse effect and produced decreased in mothers weights in low dose 2mg/Kg/ B.Wt and higher dose 20mg/Kg/ B.Wt. Weights of embryos were lower clearly after exposure to AgNPs compare to control group. On the other hand, the weights of embryo's brain were decreased compare of control group in both doses. The CRL of embryos lowered after exposure to AgNPs in treatment groups when compare to control group.

  • Morphometric assessment of the cerebellum of the pre-implanted albino rats embryos after maternal exposure to AgNPs

  • Study the correlation between human chorionic gonadotropin hormone and some biochemical parameters in Iraqi women with pregnancy-induced hypertension
    S. Bayram, Lina A. Salih and Samia. A. Eleiwe

    University of Baghdad College of Science
    Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is a major pregnancy complication that causes pregnant women mortality. Here, we had scrutinized the correlation between serum levels of ?-hCG and biochemical parameters in PIH. Serum samples were collected from eighty Iraqi women (forty women with pregnancy-induced hypertension as patients group, twenty normotensive pregnant women as a positive control, and twenty normotensive non-pregnant women as a negative control) all groups were diagnosed clinically. All ?-hCG hormone level was measured for all studied groups, also serum uric acid, albumin, and total protein levels were measured as biochemical parameters. Data analysis showed that serum level of ?-hCG hormone was significant increase (p?0.05) in PIH in compared to control groups. Also Uric acid level was increased significantly in PIH group in compared with control groups. While Albumin show there was no significant difference in PIH group. Total serum protein level was measured by Bradford total Protein assay all results was in normal value and showed a significant difference in PIH group in comparison to control groups. Our study shows that there is correlation between ?-hCG with uric acid and albumin levels in PIH. Serial estimation of serum ?-hCG, uric acid, and albumin can be important to use as a marker of disease and also can be used in better early management of established cases that lead to preeclampsia and eclampsia.

  • Effect of maternal exposure of silver nanoparticles on the histogenesis of cerebellum in post-implantation of albino rats embryos
    Esraa H. Ali and Lina A. Salih

    University of Baghdad College of Science
    The central nervous system is the most important system and is very sensitive to any accidental infection during ontogenesis; it includes brain and spinal cord. The cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain after cerebrum and it�s very sensitive to the abnormal changes during the embryological development. This study was designed to investigate the effect of the maternal exposure of selected concentrations of suspension of nanoparticles on the ontogenesis of the rat cerebellum after embryos implanted in uterus. A total of 60 female pregnant rats were divided in to three groups, each contains 20 females. Group1 (G1) was treated orally with 2mg/kg /body weight (b. wt) of suspension of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). While group 2 (G2) was treated with 20mg/kg/b. wt of AgNPs after implantation from 7 th day of pregnancy until delivery at day 21 st, for 15 day. And group3 (G3) was considered as control whose received Distal water (D.W) only. We had selected the following embryonic day for treatment (ED12, 15, 18 and 21). The histological results showed a defect in the ontogenesis of the cerebellum cortex layers of embryos, through lack of density of external granular layer, as well as degeneration and dispersion of the glial cells in the internal granular layer of cerebellar cortex, in addition to less distribution of cells in the molecular layer due to the ability of AgNPs to pas the placenta and blood brain barrier (BBB) to the embryo�s brain after female exposure to the AgNPs during pregnancy. AgNPs at low concentration 2mg/kg/day and higher concentration 20mg/kg/day can produce many histological toxicity to the embryo�s hindbrain and cerebellum when administrated to the dams during pregnancy period.

  • Hydrogen peroxide levels correlate with superoxide dismutase in iraqi women with pregnancy-induced hypertension
    Saja Muhand Bayram, Lina A Salih, and Samia A Eleiwe

    Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd
    Objective: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is a major pregnancy complication that leads to maternal mortality. Here, we have scrutinized the correlation between serum levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in PIH.Methods: Serum samples were collected from 80 Iraqi women (40 women with PIH as patients group, 20 normotensive pregnant women as a positive control, and 20 normotensive non-pregnant women as a negative control) all groups were diagnosed clinically.Results: Serum of H2O2 and SOD levels was measured for all studied groups. Results showed that there were no significant variances in age and gestational age distribution between all studied groups. Furthermore, result showed that the serum level of SOD was a highly significant decrease in PIH in compared to control groups while H2O2 was a highly significant increase in PIH in compared with control groups. The obtained results also indicated that there was a negative correlation between SOD and H2O2 PIH women while no correlation in other control groups.Conclusion: Our study showed that there was a correlation between H2O2 levels and SOD in PIH. These imbalance lead to generate oxidative stress that could be responsible for starting and progression of pathological processes related to PIH and may be a critical determinant of diseases. Testing for SOD and H2O2 level can be a monitoring instrument for oxidative stress in early pregnancy, and they could help in the detection and consequently prevent future hypertension in pregnancy.

  • Effect of asphalt oxidation on the stability of asphalt-sulfur blends
    I. A. Al-Dobouni, L. A. Salih, and N. M. Al-Layla

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract Oxidation by air blowing for different periods of time was used to modify the physical properties of asphalt. The effect of this treatment on the compatibility of asphalt with sulfur was studied using microscopic examination of more than one-year aged samples. Improved compatibility of asphalt–sulfur blends was noticed with sulfur percentages of up to 15% by weight.


  • Role of Y chromosome in Sex-differentiation through human development
    LA Salih
    World Talented and Innovation Journal for physics and Engineering (WTIJPE) 1 (1) 2024

  • A comparative study of preimplantation embryos development of young and aged mice treated with L-carnitine
    AT Al-Rudaini, SS Al-Dujaily, LA Salih
    Baghdad Science Journal 21 (6), 1918-1918 2024

    LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 55 (2), 868-874 2024

  • Under-standing of the Immunological Tolerance Mechanisms Underlying the Maternal-Fetal
    LA Salih, TR Al-Azzawi, MN Al-Darraji
    Central Asian Journal of Medical and Natural Sci-ence 5 (4), 53-63 2024

  • Effects of Oral Zinc Supplementation on Early Embryonic Development and Neonates of Aged Female Albino Mice
    AT Al-Rudaini, LA Salih, SS Al-Dujaily
    Iraqi Journal of Science 2024

  • Investigate the Correlation of Growth Hormone with the Level of Some Reproductive Hormones and Certain Parameters in a Number of Iraqi-Aging and Younger Women During IVF/ICSI
    LA Salih
    Kirkuk Journal of Science 18 (4) 2023

    HE Bakaa, MR Rashied, LA Salih
    The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science 54 (4), 1068-1073 2023

    MR Rashied, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 54 (4), 1068-1073 2023

  • The Relationship between the Level of the Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) and Some Reproductive Hormones in Serum of Iraqi Women Undergoing ICSI Protocol
    ZO Yousif, LA Salih
    The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 90 (1), 1674-1679 2023

  • Study the Level of the Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) Isolated from Mature Retrieved Oocyte during ICSI Protocol in Iraqi Infertile women
    ZO Yousif, LA Salih
    The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 90 (1), 1467-1471 2023

  • A Comparative Histological Study of The Female Reproductive System in Two Types of Amniotic Animals
    LA Salih, BH Esmail, R Mohammed

  • Analytical Study of the Royal-Jelly Effect on Sperms Morphological Characteristics and some Liver Function Parameters and their Correlation with some Antioxidants in Male
    LA Salih, MH Nawar, SM Muuhsen
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2114 (1), 012056 2021

  • The correlation between maternal vitamin D and interleukin-17 levels and fetal biophysical profile
    RJ Mohammed, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 1836-1842 2021

  • Investigation of pomegranate seed oil effects on the renal function in alloxan-induced diabetic male rabbits
    BR Ibrahim, LW Khalil, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 1843-1849 2021

  • Relationship between osteopontin biochemical parameters and BMD status in Iraqi postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
    HH Shamsulddin, LA Salih, SA Eleiwe
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 2494-2503 2020

  • Perspective study of the AgNPs effect on the maternal and embryonic development in albino rats.
    IH Ali, LA Salih, HA Al-Jezani
    Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 50 (6) 2019

  • The effect of royal jelly on some biochemical parameters on male albino rats treated Nitrofurantoin
    Salah M. Mohssin, Majeed H. Nawar, Lina A. Salih
    Bioscience Research 16 (2), 1148-1152 2019

  • Morphometric Assessment of the Cerebellum of the Pre-implanted albino Rats Embryos after Maternal Exposure to AgNPs
    LAS Israa Hassan Ali
    Journal of Global Pharma Technology 11 (7), 730-741 2019

    Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. 21 (2), 276-283 2019

  • Study the Correlation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Level in Iraqi Women with Pregnancy - Induced Hypertension
    Saja Muhanad Bayram, Lina A. Salih , Samia. A. Eleiwe
    Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 13 (4), 31-35 2018


  • Teratological effect of pregabalin drug on the prenatal development of the cerebellum in the albino rats
    L Salih, F Al-Mahdawi, A Al-Salihi
    J. of Recent Scientific Research 5 (7), 1381-85 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Relationship between osteopontin biochemical parameters and BMD status in Iraqi postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
    HH Shamsulddin, LA Salih, SA Eleiwe
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 2494-2503 2020
    Citations: 7

  • Perspective study of the AgNPs effect on the maternal and embryonic development in albino rats.
    IH Ali, LA Salih, HA Al-Jezani
    Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 50 (6) 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Investigation of pomegranate seed oil effects on the renal function in alloxan-induced diabetic male rabbits
    BR Ibrahim, LW Khalil, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 1843-1849 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Effect of Beta-Thalassemia Major on Reproductive Hormones Levels and Ovarian Status in Sample of Iraqi Female
    JH Yenzeel, LA Salih
    IJSN 8 (3), 2017 2017
    Citations: 4

  • Effect of maternal exposure of silver nanoparticles on the histogenesis of cerebellum in post - implantation of albino rats embryos
    Esraa H. Ali & Lina A. Salih
    raqi Journal of Science 59 (1B), 2 71 - 27 7 2018
    Citations: 3

  • Histological study of the Isotretinoin drug effect on the intrauterine prenatal development in the pregnant mice
    Lina A.Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 58 (3C) 2017
    Citations: 3

  • The correlation between maternal vitamin D and interleukin-17 levels and fetal biophysical profile
    RJ Mohammed, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science, 1836-1842 2021
    Citations: 2

    Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. 21 (2), 276-283 2019
    Citations: 2

  • Study the correlation between Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Women with Pregnancy - Induced Hypertension
    SAE Saja Muhanad Bayram , Lina A. Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Science 59 (4A), 17 86 - 17 91 2018
    Citations: 2

  • Quantitative study of some trace elements and blood parameters in the third trimester of Iraqi pregnant women with Pre-eclampsia
    Lina A. Salih , Mahmood, M. B.
    Iraqi Journal of Science 57 (3C), 2197-2202 2016
    Citations: 2

  • A comparative study of preimplantation embryos development of young and aged mice treated with L-carnitine
    AT Al-Rudaini, SS Al-Dujaily, LA Salih
    Baghdad Science Journal 21 (6), 1918-1918 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Effects of Oral Zinc Supplementation on Early Embryonic Development and Neonates of Aged Female Albino Mice
    AT Al-Rudaini, LA Salih, SS Al-Dujaily
    Iraqi Journal of Science 2024
    Citations: 1

    MR Rashied, LA Salih
    Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 54 (4), 1068-1073 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Study the Level of the Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) Isolated from Mature Retrieved Oocyte during ICSI Protocol in Iraqi Infertile women
    ZO Yousif, LA Salih
    The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 90 (1), 1467-1471 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Analytical Study of the Royal-Jelly Effect on Sperms Morphological Characteristics and some Liver Function Parameters and their Correlation with some Antioxidants in Male
    LA Salih, MH Nawar, SM Muuhsen
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2114 (1), 012056 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Study the Correlation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Level in Iraqi Women with Pregnancy - Induced Hypertension
    Saja Muhanad Bayram, Lina A. Salih , Samia. A. Eleiwe
    Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 13 (4), 31-35 2018
    Citations: 1