Prof.Dr.Suaad Hadi Hassan AL-Taai

قسم التاريخ
جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية قسم التاريخ


أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي أعمل في جامعةِ بغداد - كلية التربية ٱبن رشد للعلوم الإنسانية - قسم التأريخ منذ عام 1994 ، مُتخصصة بتأريخ المغول والمشرق الإسلامي في العصر العباسي ، درَّسَت في جامعةِ بغداد كُلية التربية ٱبن رشد للعلوم الإنسانية ، والجامعة المستنصرية -كلية التربية قسم الرياضيات ، والجامعة العراقية - كلية الآداب قسم التأريخ ، عدد البحوث المنشورة والمقبولة للنشر داخل العراق وخارجه (59)، وعدد الكُتب المنشورة (9). أشرفتُ على عدد من طلبةِ الماجستير والدكتوراه ، وناقشت عدد من الرسائلِ والأطاريح الأكاديمية في عمومِ جامعات العراق ، وشاركت في عدد من الندواتِ والمؤتمرات وورشات العمل والدورات العلمية المتخصصة داخل العراق وخارجه ، حصلت على عدد من الشهاداتِ التقديرية فضلًا عن كتبِ الشكر والتقدير ،عضو هيئة تحرير في عدد من المجلاتِ العربية ، عضو في الهيئة العلمية والإستشارية في عدد من المجلاتِ العراقية والعربية ، خبيرة علمية في مجلات عربية وعراقية عدة ، عضو في عدد من الجمعيات والاتحادات داخل العراق وخارجه.


1-بكالوريوس : جامعة بغداد كلية التربية / ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية 1994 ،
الاولى على الدفعة،المعدل 89.169% ( التقدير جيد جدا عال)
2-الماجستير: جامعة بغداد كلية التربية /ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية 1999،
الاولى على الدفعة،المعدل 94.694% (التقدير امتياز)
3- الدكتوراه: جامعة بغداد كلية التربية /ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية 2002، الاولى على الدفعة،المعدل 91.086% (التقدير امتياز)،عنوان الاطروحة ( الفكر السياسي لدى الماوردي من خلال كتابه الاحكام السلطانية والولايات الدينية"دراسة وتحليل"(بتقدير امتياز).


تاريخ المغول ،تاريخ العصر العباسي،تاريخ المشرق الاسلامي،تاريخ الهند والصين ،الحضارة ،تاريخ الترك


كتاب عن تاريخ المشرق الاسلامي

يتناول تاريخ البويهيين

Applications Invited
التاريخ السياسي والعلمي للبويهيين

بحث عن تاريخ المغول

يتناول المظاهر العمرانية للمغول

Applications Invited
اثر الحضارة الإسلامية على المغول

بحث عن المدن المغولية

يتناول اهم المدن التي بناها المغول

Applications Invited
التطور والازدهار العمراني للمغول

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Academic Problems Among Iraqi University Professors: An Analytical Study
    Khalid Jamal Jassim, Huda Abbas Kanbar, Manal Mohammad Ibrahim, and Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    Creative Publishing House
    The research aims to detect the problems of educational reality faced by university professors and identify statistically significant differences in the academic problems of university instructors. It has adopted an analytical descriptive research approach to achieve research objectives and identifies the study community with professors of public and private universities. A random sample of 250 instructors was selected for the purpose of applying the questionnaire to them, knowing the academic problems encountered in the course of their work at universities, and adopting appropriate statistical means to process and analyze the data. The research concluded with a set of results, including that all fields (infrastructure, admission of students, financial benefits, scientific research, university teaching, curriculum, equipment, and laboratories) are considered important academic problems, as the computational circles ranged from 2,775 to 2,562 degrees and the standard deviation ranged from 0.600 to 0.419 degrees.

  • The Family of Minister Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall: A Study of Its Political, Administrative, and Urban Role (7th-8th Century AH/13th-14th AD)
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    The University of Jordan
    Objectives: The study aimed to clarify the role of Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall and his family in the service of the Mongol Empire. They worked to develop its administrative and military institutions, benefiting from their extensive experience in administration, politics, economics, and urban affairs. Due to their capabilities, they received the patronage of Genghis Khan and subsequent generations, earning the confidence of the ruling Mongol authority. As a result, they were granted significant powers within the state.       Methods: The study relied on the analytical method to analyze historical texts, compare them with others, and discuss them accurately. Results: The study yielded several results, including the minister's keen interest in implementing various reformist and urban projects throughout the country. These projects encompassed the construction of mosques, dams, bridges, markets, and more. Additionally, the minister played a significant role in organizing the state budget, showcasing his expertise and efficiency. Conclusions: The study concluded that Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall exerted every effort to achieve stability in the countries under his rule and promote justice among all. His profound impact on Mongol history and the regions they governed made him an exemplary figure. Additionally, Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall played a crucial role in the spread of Islam across various regions of China. Moreover, he undertook numerous construction projects, including the building of roads, markets, mosques, temples, dams, bridges, river excavation, and the establishment of shelters for orphans and the elderly.

  • Recruitment of Teachers for Cooperative Education in Educational Institutions
    Huda Abbas Kanber, Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai, and Waleed Abood Mohammed Al-Dulaimi

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
    The study of cooperative education is important not only for researchers but also for those interested in studying educational methods, such as university professors, teachers in schools, and all educational institutions. This is because of its effectiveness in teaching students, developing their skills, developing their ideas and employing them in the study and finding appropriate solutions to the questions posed by the teacher. It also helps in instilling a spirit of cooperation among the students by dividing them into groups to achieve the desired goals. The aim of the study is to clarify how important it is for teachers to use cooperative education in addressing the educational, social and psychological aspects when teaching students in educational institutions. The study is divided into three sections. The first section presents the general framework of the study dealing with the problem, importance and objectives. The second section deals with the concept of cooperative education, its importance and the date of its inception. This section also discusses the most important theories that I mentioned about its importance, results, foundations and objectives of cooperative education, including its benefits, characteristics, stages and strategies. It clarifies the role of the teacher and student in e-learning. The third topic dealt with the methodology of the research and presentation of the results, their interpretation and discussion. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: the teaching staff in educational institutions enjoy a high level in employing cooperative education in their teaching to students and to achieve the educational, social and economic goals, all of which were significant and used.

  • The Importance of Using the Internet of Things in Education
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai, Huda Abbas Kanber, and Waleed Abood Mohammed al-Dulaimi

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
    The subject of the Internet of Things is very important, especially at present, which is why it has attracted the attention of researchers and scientists due to its importance in human life. Through it, a person can do several things easily, accurately, and in an organized manner. The research addressed important topics, the most important of which are the concept of the Internet of Things, the history of its emergence and development, the reasons for its interest and importance, and its most prominent advantages and characteristics. The research sheds light on the structure of the Internet of Things, its structural components, and its most important components. The research dealt with the most important search engines in the Internet of Things, the steps of designing Internet of things systems. Among the important topics included in the research are the use of Internet of things technology in the educational field, the role of the Internet of things in solving education problems, and the most important applications of the Internet of things in education and its importance for students and teachers. Also indicated the contribution of the Internet of Things to ensuring sustainable development, environmental protection and the most important areas of application of the Internet of Things. The research sample amounted to (152 teaching staff) from Iraqi Universities and their academic achievement (84 Ph.D., 68 Master’s, 42 Bachelor’s) from (17) different scientific specializations; and (42 students). The number of respondents who use the Internet in education is 191 and the number of those who do not use the Internet and teach in person is (3) from (194) person. Students and professors use smartphones in study and teaching at a rate of (97.42%) and computers and their necessities at a rate of (92.27%) are higher than electronic devices and equipment including the smart board (11,86%). Use of IoT technology is of great and medium importance in providing electronic lectures effectively, with a percentage of 96.91%, the use of it has a large and medium role in solving education problems in giving lectures in light of health crises, especially in light of the Coronavirus crisis. Availability at the local and global levels, whether with the appropriate content or the selection of professors anywhere in the world, at a rate of 98.45%.

  • Environmental Pollution "Causes - Types - Effects"
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    AIP Publishing

  • Pesticides and their impact on environmental pollution
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Publishing

  • Waste and its impact on environmental pollution and public health
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Publishing

  • Solid waste: A study of its concept, management methods, and environmental impacts
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The study of the impact of solid waste and its management is one of the important topics that has attracted the attention of researchers and those interested in the study of the environment due to its significant effects on human health, living organisms in general, and the environment. The research has addressed the study of the concept of solid waste and its classification, focusing on domestic, industrial, agricultural, commercial, and other waste. The research also dealt with the study of municipal solid waste, the rate of waste generation, and the factors affecting it. It referred to the physical and chemical composition of solid waste, the arrangement of waste management and its objectives, and the most important stages of waste flow. It discussed the methods of waste collection, sorting, and recycling, the most important human characteristics, and the natural factors affecting them, concerning the negative effects of waste on the environment.

  • Air Pollution: A Study of Its Concept, Causes, Sources and Effects
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai and Waleed Abood Mohammed al-Dulaimi

    IOS Press
    Air pollution is very important topic for those interested in studying the environment because of its importance and the damage caused by it to human, animal and plant life. This research addresses the concept of air pollution, its causes, and its danger, and sheds light on the influence of climate elements on environmental pollution and the effect of temperature, rain, humidity, wind direction and speed, and atmospheric pressure on the increase or decrease of air pollution. This research discusses the sources of air pollution, including natural ones, including dust, smoke resulting from fires, erupting volcanoes, and others, including those resulting from human uses such as the use of fuel and others. The research addressed the damages caused by the emission of gases in its various sources. This research work discusses the types of air pollutants and methods of measuring them, as well as the sources and causes of indoor air pollution. The research sheds light on the effects of air pollution on environmental pollution due to the escalation of toxic gases that cause serious diseases to humans and other living organisms. The research deals with ways to reduce air pollution, most notably the search for an alternative source of energy, improving vehicle engines, agriculture and increasing green spaces.

  • Green economy and sustainable development
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOP Publishing
    The study of green economy and sustainable development is one of the important studies that has received the attention of researchers and scientists for its importance in the development and growth of society in all its aspects, as it is the nucleus of sustainable development and its main pillar for growth, development and prosperity. The green economy is considered a vivid and ideal model of sustainable development, especially economic development, which affects all aspects of life. Its concept emerged in the recent years due to its importance in reducing the manifestations of poverty and destitution and to raise the standard of living of the population and ensure their welfare. It is worth noting that the role of sustainable development can only be activated by implementing the green economy program and providing a healthy environment. This can only be executed by replacing the means of economy that are harmful to the lives of individuals with other healthy means such as generating thermal energy from healthy sources instead of from fuel sources as the fuel sources lead to environmental pollution therefore harm all forms of life. As for the concept of sustainable development, it is the exploitation of material and human energies, support and employment in an optimal manner, and work to develop them and increase their effectiveness in a way that guarantees the rights of everyone in the present and future, and includes people and natural resources, and affirms that the human being invested natural resources perfectly without depletion and leaves to future generations their right, and ensures the just distribution for the wealth.

  • Pollution and its Impact on Sustainable Development
    Waleed Abood Mohammed Al-Dulaimi and Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    Pollution and its direct and indirect negative effects on humans, and animals is one of the most important issues that researchers have been studying and searching for radical solutions. Therefore, the research sheds light on the definition of pollution, its causes and environmental effects, its most important types, especially radioactive, industrial and household waste, and their levels of risk. The research focuses on the issue of air pollution resulting from fumes, smoke, and gases emitted from cars, factories, volcanic eruptions, and others. It also absorbs the problem of soil and water pollution due to the failure to properly treat factory, household and other waste, and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides harmful to water, air and soil. The research addresses the topic of noise pollution, and its causes by limiting loud noises from radio, television, cars, airplanes, music, etc.

  • Water pollution Its causes and effects
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    The topic of water contamination is one of the significant studies that, because of its great effect on the lives of humans, animals and plants alike, has attracted the attention of researchers and those interested in the environment. It is not less harmful than contamination of the air and soil, but more closely linked to them. The research centered on the study of the notion of pollution in general, then the notion of water pollution and its sources. In addition to groundwater contamination, there have been many pollution processes, the most important of which are biological, physical, and by dumping solid and liquid waste into waters of rivers, lakes and seas.

  • Soil Pollution - Causes and Effects
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    The study of soil pollution has occupied the attention of a large number of researchers because of its continuity and effect on humans, animals and plants alike. Soil pollution occurs as a result of the entry of elements that change the composition and organism of the soil, and reduce its fertility, making it more vulnerable to drought, and unsuitable for agriculture. The research addresses the most important soil pollutants before radioactive uranium pollution, pollution by industrial and household waste, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and others. Most of the agricultural lands are irrigated by rivers polluted with factory wastewater. Also, the research discusses the most important sources of pollution represented by pesticides and chemical fertilizers that contain toxic substances and seep into the soil to remain for a long time, and contribute to eliminate soil fertility. The research deals with the impact of logging the desertification of agricultural areas and their transformation into a vast desert that is unsuitable for agriculture, and pollutes the soil with hydrocarbons. The research refers to the method of soil protection and agricultural lands from pollution by using organic agriculture, fertilizers, organic and bio-pesticides, and forest planting..

  • Sustainable development - A study of its goals, dimensions and methods of achieving-
    S. Al-Taai

    IOP Publishing
    A large number of researchers have been interested in studying sustainable development, its concept, importance, dimensions and objectives due to its great impact in bringing about radical changes in the human society in its various aspects, and the great importance it constitutes in various human and scientific sciences. The research addressed the study of the stages of development of the concept of sustainable development, the most important characteristics, advantages, goals, and dimensions of which it was characterized by the human being one of its most important goals and focus of attention in order to achieve prosperity, justice and equality and make him able to face life and the changes that occur around him positively and effectively with concern for the environment and keeping pace with technological development and rejecting poverty and unemployment. The research pointed to the most important indicators of sustainable development in various aspects, and the most important areas of sustainable development such as food, health, poverty and others, as it deals with natural resources as limited resources, and the research discussed the most prominent factors that affect the achievement of its goals and constitute a major obstacle to it, as well as the most prominent methods of achieving sustainable development. The reality of local and international sustainable development is one of the most important topics discussed in the research, as well as the need to achieve integration, incorporation and cohesion between sustainable and human development.

  • The Importance of E-learning During the Corona Pandemic
    Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

    E-learning has attracted the attention of researchers and specialists, especially at the present time, after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. It has received unparalleled attention from all university professors and those who work in educational institutions. E-learning shortened the time, brought the teacher and the student closer, shortened the distances between them, and provided opportunities for a number of learners to continue studying and learning from a distance. E-learning has witnessed several developments through different historical stages, and it was not the birth of the hour, but its importance and effectiveness became evident during the spread of the Corona epidemic. The research discussed the concept of e-learning, the stages of its inception, its objectives and benefits, the most important factors for its success, its most prominent types, its most important technologies, its quality factors and its obstacles.

  • The manifestations of urbanism during the mongols the Ilkhanites (683-703/1284-1304)


  • المغول في كتاب " طبقات سلاطين الاسلام " للمستشرق ستانلي لين بول (ت 1350هـ/1931م)
    أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي

  • The Mongols in the Book of ''Layers of the Sultans of Islam'', by the orientalist Stanley Lane Poole (D. 1350 AH / 1931 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai

  • الاصول التاريخية للمغول وحملاتهم العسكرية على المشرق الاسلامي في كتاب "العسجد المسبوك والجوهر المحكوك في طبقات الخلفاء والملوك" للملك الاشرف الغساني (ت 803هـ/ 1401م )
    أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي

  • Academic Problems Among Iraqi University Professors: An Analytical Study
    SHHAT , Khalid Jamal Jassim ,Huda Abbas Kanbar , Manal Mohammad Ibrahim
    Journal of Ecohumanism 3 (6), 109-134 2024

  • The historical origins of the Mongols and their military campaigns against the Islamic East in the book"Aleasjad Amasbuk Waljawhar Almahkuk fi Tabaqat Alkhulafa' Walmuluki
    SHH Al-Taai

  • الامامة والامارة في بلاد ما وراء النهر
    أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي -أ.د. وليدد عبود محمد الدليمي - د.هيصام موسى-د ...

  • اصول البحث العلمي في العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
    أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي -د. محمد صالح محمد العجمي ،د. سعدة بن عبد الله ...

  • Historical narrations about the Mongols in the book " Mukhtasar Akhbar Alkhulafa' Aleabaasiiyn" by Ibn Al-Sa'i " (D. 674 AH / 1276 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Torical & Cultural studies 15 (62/2), 61-84 2024

  • Baghdad Khatun (D. 736 AH / 1336 AD) and Dilshad Khatun (D. 752 AH / 1351 AD) - A study of their political and administrative role -
    SHH Al-Taai

  • بغداد خاتون(ت 736 هـ/ 1336م) و دلشاد خاتون (ت 752 هـ / 1351م) - دراسة في دورهن السياسي والاداري -
    سعاد هادي حسن الطائي

  • The importance of using metaverse technology in education from the point of view of University Teachers
    H Kanber, S Al-Taai, W Al-Dulaimi
    International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 18 (22 2023

  • المغول في كتاب" التاريخ الغياثي" لعبد الله بن فتح الله البغدادي الغياثي (ت بعد سنة ٩٠١ هـ/١٤٩٥م)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies 13 (2), 549-588 2023

  • دراسات في تاريخ الهند(القرن 1-10هـ/7-16م)،
    أ.د. سعاد هادي حسن الطائي -د. اسيا ثامر ،د. حنان شهاب

  • The Family of Minister Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall: A Study of Its Political, Administrative, and Urban Role (7th-8th Century AH / 13th-14th AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 50 (3), 2023

  • The Mongols in the book" Al-Tarikh Al-Ghayathi" by Abdullah bin Fathallah Al-Baghdadi Al-Ghayathi (D. after the year 901 AH/1495 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies 13 (2) 2023

  • The Mongols in the book" Akhbar Al-Duwal Wa-Athar Al-Uwal fi Al-Tarikh''by Al-Qarmani (D. 1019 AH/1610 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 13 (1) 2023

  • Historical narrations about the Mongols in the book “Athar Al-Bilad wa Akhbar Al-‘Ibad” by Al-Qazwini (D. 682 AH / 1283 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Journal of The Iraqi University 59 (2), 513-534 2023

  • الروايات التاريخية عن المغول في كتاب " أثار البلاد واخبار العباد " للقزويني (ت 682هـ/ 1283م)
    سعاد هادي حسن الطائي

  • The role of digital content systems used in managing Arab academic scientific journals: An analytical study
    WAMD Suaad Hadi Hassan al-Taai,Huda Abbas Kanber
    Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 11 (2), 232-247 2023

  • The Mongols in the book "Al-Tarikh Al-Ghayathi" by Abdullah bin Fathallah Al- Baghdadi Al-Ghayathi (D. after the year 901 AH / 1495 AD)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies 13 (2), https://www.iasj 2023


  • The Importance of Using the Internet of Things in Education
    WAMD Suaad Hadi Hassan al-Taai ,Huda Abbas Kanber
    International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 18 (1), 19-39 2023
    Citations: 61

  • Recruitment of Teachers for Cooperative Education in Educational Institutions
    WAMAD Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai, Huda Abbas Kanbe
    International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 18 (3), 110-127 2023
    Citations: 30

  • Information Sources and their Role in E-learning from Iraqi College Students’ Viewpoint
    HAKAS Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai,Dr. Abdulrahman Mahmoud Mohammed
    Webology, 19 (1) 2022
    Citations: 23

  • Soil Pollution - Causes and Effects
    SHH Al-Taai
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2021
    Citations: 23

  • Water pollution Its causes and effects
    SHH Al-Taai
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, https://iopscience.iop 2021
    Citations: 23

  • Green economy and sustainable development
    SHH Al-Taai
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 779 2021
    Citations: 16

  • Water pollution its causes and effects
    S Hadi Hassan Al-Taai
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 790 (1), 012026 2021
    Citations: 11

  • Pollution and its Impact on Sustainable Development
    SHHAT WAM Al-Dulaimi
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 790 (https 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Solid waste: A study of its concept, management methods, and environmental impacts
    SHH al-Taai
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2022
    Citations: 6

    SHH Al-Taai
    Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues 24 (6) 2021
    Citations: 6

  • Green economy and sustainable development. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 779 (1)
    SHH Al-Taai
    Citations: 5

  • The role of digital content systems used in managing Arab academic scientific journals: An analytical study
    WAMD Suaad Hadi Hassan al-Taai,Huda Abbas Kanber
    Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 11 (2), 232-247 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Environmental pollution causes-types-effects
    SHH Al-Taai
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2398 (1) 2022
    Citations: 3

  • The impact of the internet of things on information institutions from the perspective of library employees
    HAK Abdul Rahman M. Mohamed , Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai
    Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 10 (3), 397-408 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Information Technology: A Study of its Concept and Importance in Educational Institutions
    SHH Al-Taai
    Webology 19 (1) 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Air Pollution: A Study of Its Concept, Causes, Sources and Effects
    SHH Al-Taai, WA Mohammed al-Dulaimi
    Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 19 (1), 17-22 2022
    Citations: 3

  • The importance of using metaverse technology in education from the point of view of University Teachers
    H Kanber, S Al-Taai, W Al-Dulaimi
    International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 18 (22 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Solid waste: Investigation of its definition, conduction processes and environmental impression
    SHH Al-Taai
    IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Water Pollution: Its Causes and Effects. IOP Conferences Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 790, Article ID: 012026
    SHH Al-Taai
    Citations: 2

  • Green economy and sustainable development. 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ
    SHH Al-Taai

    Citations: 2


1-1-العلاقات السياسية بين الامارة الغزنوية (351 - 582 هـ )/ ( 962- 1186م ) والامارة القراخانية (315- 609 هـ ) / ( 927- 1212م) في العصر العباسي من سنة (387 -431هـ) / ( 997 – 1039 م) .منشور
في مجلة الاستاذ ، كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية/ ابن رشد ، الجزء الاول في العدد 50و والجزء الثاني في العدد 52، 2004-
2-العلاقات السياسية بين السلاجقة ( 447 – 590 هـ) / (1055 – 1115 م) و الامارة القراخانية (315 – 609 هـ) / ( 927 – 1212م) في العصر العباسي(389 – 525 هـ) / (998 – 1130 م) .منشور في مجلة
كلية التربية / الجامعة المستنصرية،
3-الحركة العلمية في بلاد ما وراء النهر في عهد الامارة القراخانية ( 315- 609هـ) / ( 927 – 1212م) خلال العصر العباسي من سنة (350 – 609 هـ) / (961- 1212م) . منشور في مجلة كلية التربية / الجامعة
المستنصرية ، العدد السادس .

4-العلاقات السياسية بين الامارة السامانية (261 – 389 هـ) / ( 874- 999م) و الامارة القراخانية ( 315- 609 هـ) / (893- 1012م) ، منشور في مجلة كلية الاداب / جامعة بغداد / العدد (67)،2004.
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